H.R. Worksheet

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Section 1: Historical Background

1) What is the Harlem Renaissance? (In 2-3 sentences)


2) When was the Harlem Renaissance?


3) Why was Harlem chosen as the epicenter of African American culture at the time?
(Give 3 Reasons)


4) W.E.B. Dubois, Marcus Garvey and numerous civil rights groups were advocating...?


5) Why was the period called “The Roaring Twenties”?


6) What was the importance of The Cotton Club?


7) What ended the Harlem Renaissance? Explain in 2-3 sentences.


Section 2: Famous Authors

1) My author is _________________________. (Write the name of your author.)

2) When was your author born/when did he/she die? (Date and Year)


3) Where did your author grow up? Were they always from Harlem?


4) What were your author’s major works during the Harlem Renaissance? (1920-1930’s)

5) What other H.R. writers did he or she collaborate with throughout their career?


6) What important topics or causes were important to your author?


Section 3: Essay Question

Based on the information you gained from the Webquest and the notes we have taken in
class; critically analyze one poem from your author in 2-3 pages double-spaced. Please
make sure to discuss important themes found in the work and their relation to issues
prevalent in the era. i.e. Industrialization, Migration of African Americans, World War I,
Equality, etc.

The rubric is attached below:


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