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The Exercise Compass

Players: 1-4 children, 1 parent
Equipment: 4 Hoops (if hoops are not available the child can just perform the exercise next to the
instruction cards), 4 instruction cards detailing the exercise to complete, a Stereo and Music
Preparation: Create instructions cards with one of the following words written on them “Hopping”, “Star
Jumps/Jumping Jacks”, “Bum Kicks” and “High Knees”

Introduction and story

This is fun game your child and his/her friends will want to play for hours.
Story – You are walking through an enchanted forest and you hear magical music that makes you run
around really quickly. When the music stops you miss it so much that you really want to make it start
again. The only way to do that is to follow your compass to a location where completing a task will start
the music.

Step 1: Set up the hoops in the position of compass points. Place the cards inside the hoops.
(Alternatively, cards can be set up without hoops.)

Step 2: Play music of your own choosing in a musical chairs fashion. Your child will run around until the
music stops.

Step 3: When the music stops, your kid will run to the nearest hoop or
card. They have to maintain the action written on the card until you start
the music again.

 Hopping: Balance on one leg, bending the knee slightly. Push off
the leg as if to jump, landing back on the starting leg. Repeat.

 Star Jumps/Jumping Jacks: Begin standing with your feet slightly

apart, and your arms by your sides. When you jump, release your
arms and legs out to the side to make the shape of a star, landing
with your feet apart and hands up in the air. Jump again to return
to your starting position and repeat

 Bum Kicks: Start standing with your feet hip width apart. Kick
your right leg up so that your foot touches your bottom, then jump
off your left leg so that you land on your right leg and your left
leg kicks up so that your foot touches your bottom. Continue to

 High Knees: Hold your hands out so they are in line with your
hips and your palms are flat facing the ground. Lift your right leg
so that your knee is bent at a right angle, and your thigh is parallel
to the ground, touching the palm of your right hand. Jump off
your left leg and land on your right leg, with your left thigh
touching the palm of your left hand. Continue to alternate.

Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3, but make sure your child runs to a different
hoop or card each time.

Muscles exercised
• Legs
• Muscles involved in cardio exercise
• Shoulders
• Glutes

• Fitness
• Coordination

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