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Grade 5 PYP

Exhibition Handbook

Exhibition Dates:
12 - 13 May 2011

Name: ________________________

Page 1 Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011

Welcome to the HKA Grade 5 Exhibition...
What is it, you ask?

Adapted from the IB Exhibition Guidelines:

The PYP exhibition represents a significant event in your

life as a PYP student, combining the essential elements of
the PYP and sharing them with the whole school
community. As a culminating experience, this is an
opportunity for you to exhibit the attributes of the
International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile that you
have been developing throughout your career as a PYP
student, no matter if youʼve been here one year or eight

You will be required to engage in a collaborative,

transdisciplinary inquiry process that involves identifying,
investigating and offering solutions to real-life issues or

The PYP exhibition has a number of key purposes:

• to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate

independence and responsibility for your own learning
• to provide you with an opportunity to explore multiple
• for you to synthesize and apply your learning of previous
years and to reflect upon your journey through the PYP
• to demonstrate how you can take action as a result of
your learning
• to unite the students, teachers, parents and other
members of the school community in a collaborative
experience that incorporates the essential elements of the
• to celebrate your transition from primary to middle/
secondary education.

Page 2 Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011

Inquiry cycles
How do the different inquiry cycles relate to one another?

Big 6 Inquiry Cycle Kath Murdochʼs What does it really

Inquiry Cycle mean?

1. Task Definition 1. Tuning In 1. What are we going to

be studying?

2. Information Seeking 2. Finding Out 2. How do we find out?


3. Location and Access 3. Finding Out 3. Where do we find out?

4. Use of Information 4. Sorting Out 4. What does all of this

information mean? How
am I going to make sense
of it all.

5. Analysis and Synthesis 5. Sorting Out, Going 5. What am I going to do

Further, Making with this information now
Connections, Drawing that I have sorted it? How
Conclusions... will I present what I have
learned? How will I take
action on what I have

6. Evaluating and 6. Reflection 6. What more can I do?

Reflection This project should never
really be finished. What
are the next steps for me
individually? What can I
do differently next time?

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Central idea












Group members


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Mission statement





Guidelines / essential agreements








Roles and responsibilities

Name Role Responsibility

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Why this problem?
You have chosen this problem for a reason. Why do you feel it is your responsibility

to solve this problem. You may wish to write how you are connected to this problem,

how it affects you and add in your perspective.


















Page 6 Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011
Write down key questions under each concept that will help with
your inquiry.

Form (What is it like?)




Function (How does it work?)




Causation (Why is it like it is?)




Connection (How is it connected to other things?)




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Change (How is it changing?)




Perspective (What are the points of view?)




Responsibility (What is our responsibility?)




Reflection ( How do we know?)




You now need to choose the three or four concepts that you

want to focus on. One of these must be responsibility. Highlight

those that you have chosen.

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Lines of inquiry
You need to choose what your lines of inquiry will be. They need to focus your
inquiry and define what you will be researching.


Individual lines of inquiry:








Group lines of inquiry:









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Resources / location and access
Now that you have an idea of what you need to find out about you must think
about your sources.
Make a list of various sources from which you may be able to answer some of
your questions.




















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Research organization
At this point in your research it is important to decide on how you are going to

organise all of your research and who will be in charge. This page is to help you

keep track of all your resources and to make sure that all group members know their


Who Role / Responsibility Tool / Resource Location

Tool / Resource


Tool / Resource


Tool / Resource


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Restate the problem
It is important to revisit your original ideas and decide if they are still relevant and

actionable. Restate your problem, changing it if necessary based upon your research

and inquiry so far.

Original problem:









Restated problem:








Page 12 Hong Kong Academy Grade 5 Exhibition 2011
Restate the inquiry intos
It is important to revisit your original ideas and decide if they are still relevant and

actionable. Restate your inquiry intos, changing them if necessary based upon your


Original inquiry intos:









Restated inquiry intos: Put the concept at the end of the LOIs in brackets.








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Research questions
Thinking about your LOIʼs state your research questions:





















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Brainstorm solutions
Here is your chance to be creative. Write down all of the ideas you have for solving

this problem. Even if an idea seems a bit silly or impractical, add it to your list

because it might start you thinking about other solutions.

Highlight your top four S.M.A.R.T. solutions. (Use the S.M.A.R.T. sheet in the

appendix to help you).

















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Choose your main solution
Examine all of your solutions. Which of your solutions is the S.M.A.R.T.-est?

Choose your final solution, and write in the ways that it is S.M.A.R.T..




















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Your solution
How will your solution(s)
affect your problem?

Who needs to be “sold”

on the idea?

What might be their


How can you overcome


What resources will you


Who can help you?

How can you best present

your solution?

Where should you begin?

What should your next

step be?

What needs to be done?

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