Ds&amp Aa (Ii Mid)

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1.Explain the merging concept in External sorting

2. Explain the soritng process in External sorting
I) Natural merge ii) Balanced merge iii) Polyphase merge iv) Multiway merge
3. Explain Priority Queue definition,ADT,its operations
4. Explain heap implementation algorithms
i) Reheap up ii) Reheap Down iii) Build a heap iv) Insert a node v) Delete a node from a
5.Explain heap Appliations
6.Write program for heap implementation of priority queues
7.Write a C++/java function for removal of max element from a max heap
8. write a C++/java function for insert an element into min heap
1. Explain Binary search Trees definition ,ADT,its operations

2. Write an algorithm for Deletion of an element from BST & Time complexity

3. Write an algorithm for insertion of an element into BST & time complexity

4. Write an algorthim for search of an element in BST

5. Explain an algorithms for Binary search tree traversals

6. Explain how to represent BST with duplicates

7. Explain any three applications of BST

8. What is an Indexed Binary Search Tree


Explain AVL Trees

Write a routine for inserting an element into an AVL Tree with Balancing algorthim

Write a AVL tree Rotate algorithms

Write a AVL tree Deletion algorithm with balanced algorithm


1.Explain Red-Black Trees

2. Explain Splay trees

3. Explain B-trees

4.Explain RB tree rotations

5.Explain splay tree rotations and its operations

6. Explain algorithms of B-trees for insertion ,deletion and search of an element

7.Compare Different search tree operations and its time complexity\

(BST Trees,AVLTrees ,RB trees,Splay trees and B-trees)

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