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Learning Curve

Submitted by: Group 2; Section B

Asim Kumar Verma 2010056

Gautam Bansal 2010075
Hitesh Babbar 2010079
Jhanavi Thakkar 2010086
Karishma Dattani 2010092
• Introduction
• Learning Curve Effects
• Factors affecting LC
• Applications
• Developing of learning curves
• Learning curve strategy
• Limitations of LC
• Learning : Relatively permanent change in
behavior due to repetition & rewards

• Two Types of learning

• Individual
• Organizational
Types of learning
• Individual Learning
Improvement when individuals gain a
skill or efficiency by repetition of a job
• Organizational Learning
Improvement from the groups of
individuals from repetition and changes
in administration, equipment, and
product design
Learning Curve Effect
• Time needed to produce a unit decreases
with each additional unit
• Time needed decreases at a decreasing rate
as cumulative production increases
• Decrease in time follows an exponential
curve called learning or experience curve
• Results in ‘learning curve effect’
– First observed in 1936 in airplane industry by T
P Wright
Learning Curves Vary by Product
and Industry
Aircraft Assembly 80%
Calculator 74%

Heart Transplants 79%

© 2001 by Prentice Hall, Inc.,

Upper Saddle River, N.J. 07458
Factors Affecting Learning Curves
Material Work Methods

Product Curve Tools

Improvement Process Design
Applications of Learning Curves

Internal: labor forecasting,

scheduling, establishing
costs and budgets
External: supply chain negotiations
Strategic: evaluation of company and
industry performance,
including costs and pricing
Developing Learning Curves
• Arithmetic approach
– Uses relationship: T2N = L * TN
– Useful only if values doubled

• Logarithmic analysis
– Uses relationship: TN = T1 N log L / log 2
• N = Unit of interest; T1 = Time for unit 1
– Can find time for any value of N

• Learning curve coefficients approach

– Uses relationship: TN = T1C (from Table)
Learning Curve
Coefficients Table
Unit … 80% 85%
(N) … Unit Total Unit Total
Time Time Time Time
1 … 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
2 … .800 1.800 .850 1.850
3 … .702 2.502 .773 2.623
4 … .640 3.142 .723 3.345
: : : : : :
Determining Time Example
You’re a planner for Viking
Ships. The first boat took
125,000 labor-hours to
make. Boats 2 & 3 were
produced with a learning
factor of 85%. How long
will the 4th boat take so that
raiding can begin?
© 1995 Corel Corp.
Arithmetic Approach
• Formula: T2N = L * TN

• 1st unit: T1 = 125,000 hr.

• 2nd unit: T2 = L * T1
= .85 * 125,000
= 106,250 hr.
• 4th unit: T4 = L * T2
= .85 * 106,250
= 90,312 hr.
Logarithmic Approach
• Formula: TN = T1 (N log L / log 2)
– N = Unit of interest
– T1 = Time for unit 1
– L = Learning rate

• T1 = 125,000 hr.

• 4th unit: T4 = T1 (N log L / log 2)

= 125,000 • (4 log .85 / log 2)
= 90,312 hr.
Coefficient Approach
• Formula: TN = T1 C
– N = Unit of interest
– T1 = Time for unit 1
– C = Learning curve coefficient from table

• T1 = 125,000 hr.; C = .723 from Table

• 4th unit: T4 = T1 C
= 125,000 * (.723)
= 90,375 hr. (rounding C)
Learning Curves
Determining Rate Example
• If you Know the First Ship took 125,000
hours to construct,
• And the 4th ship took 100,000 hours to
• What will your Learning Curve Be?

PowerPoint presentation © 2001 by Prentice Hall, Inc., E-15

to accompany Upper Saddle River, N.J. 07458
Ship No
60000 Time in Hours to
40000 Construct

1 2 4

Learning Curve Rate 89%

Exhibit : Units and Labour hour
Units 80% LC 90% 70%
1 100000 100000 100000
2 80000 90000 70000
4 64000 81000 49000
8 51200 72900 34300
16 40960 65610 24010
32 32768 59049 16807
64 26214 53144 11764.9
128 20972 47830 8235.43
256 16777 43047 5764.801
A r i t h me t i c P l o t o f Le a r n i n g C u r v e s







Uni t s 8 0 % LC

90% 70%
Learning Curves and Strategy
Hours per unit For a low price, high volume
120 strategy, a firm must lower unit
100 hours & costs to maintain profit
margins (i.e., steeper curve).
60 Industry average
Steeper curve
0 100 200 300 400
Cumulative units
Learning Curves and Strategy

To pursue a learning curve steeper than

that of the industry, a firm must:
– follow an aggressive pricing policy
– focus on continuing cost reduction and
productivity improvement
– build on shared experience
– keep capacity growing ahead of demand

© 2001 by Prentice Hall, Inc., E-20

Upper Saddle River, N.J. 07458
Limitations of Learning Curve
• Estimates should be developed for each
• Learning curves are based on time
estimates which must be accurate and
should be reevaluated when appropriate.
• Any changes in personnel, design or
procedure can be expected to alter the LC.
• The culture of the workplace, resource
availability and changes in the process
may alter the LC.
• Operations and Supply Management By
Chase, Shankar, Jacobs and Aquilano
• Under the Guidance of :Mr. J Sharma
Thank you

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