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Knitted babies #1 pattern page 6

Left foot toes

Row 71 P1, k5, [p1, k1] four times, p1.
Row 72 [K1, p1] four times, k1, p5, k1.
Repeat last 2 rows three times and 1st of last 2 rows once more again.
Work st st for 15 rows
Row 95 (dec) K2tog, k4, skpo, k5, k2tog. 12sts
Row 96 (dec) [P2tog, p2] three times.
Cut yarn, thread end through rem 9 sts, pull up to gather sts
to match the 4 heel sts at the heel bind off (Row 54).
Working mattress st, join the gathered up sts to bind off sts
at the heel. Join along each side of the foot.

Right foot toes

Row 71 [P1, k1] four times, p1 k5, p1.
Row 72 K1, p5, k1, [p1, k1] four times.

.....Row 95 (dec) K2tog, k4, skpo, k5, k2tog. 12sts

Row 96 (dec) [P2tog, p2] three times. 9sts
Finish as Left Foot.

To make up
Snap eyes into position. Stuff the head and the body. Work the stuffing in well,
especially into the head and the cheek and chin shaping. Join the ears to the
head in a slight curve setting them between markers.
Stuff the arms and legs very lightly. Join un-sewn edges together. Working hori-
zontal mattress st, sew arms to the sides of body at shoulder shaping.
seam at cast on (this gives the bottom some shape). Join top of
leg to bottom of body, make sure the big toes are facing
inward, heels at the back.

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