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Member of any of the nomadic, Arabic-speaking peoples occupying the desert

regions of Arabia and North Africa. Originating in Arabia, they spread to Syria
and Mesopotamia, and later to Egypt and Tunisia.

Bedouins are organized into tribes, each led by a council of elders and a
sheikh chosen for his qualities, whether of wealth, birth, or courage.
Traditionally, they migrated to the desert in the rainy season with their herds
(cattle in Sudan and Saudi Arabia; goats and sheep in Syria, Jordan, and Iraq;
camels in the Sahara Desert, Syria, and Arabia) and in the dry season settled
near water sources and oases, where they sowed crops of millet and wheat.
They have now become increasingly settled.
The Bedouins of Sahara live in black tents. 2 sections divide the tent: the husbands’
part and the wife’s part. The children share the wife’s area. The Wife’s section is
bigger as lots of the family’s belongings are kept there.
They also live in caves

The Bedouin men normally wear long 'djellabaya' and

a 'smagg'which are red and white draped head covers
or an 'aymemma' a white head cover or they wear a
white small headdress which sometimes is held in
position by an 'agall' a black rope.
The Bedouin women usually wear brightly coloured
long dresses but when they go outside they dress in
an 'abaya' (a thin, long black coat sometimes covered
with shiny embroidery) and they will always cover
their head and hair when they leave their house with
a 'tarha' (a black, thin shawl). Traditionally a woman's
face was hidden behind a highly decorated 'burqa'ah'
but this is now only seen with the older generations.
The younger generations cover their face simply with
their 'tarha' (shawl). 

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