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Final Report Project JIG and FIXTURE


Praise the presence of God Almighty who has health to the author, both physically and mental
health. And thanks to His grace and guidance of the author can complete a final project report Jig and
Fixture. This report was prepared to meet the curriculum at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of
Technology Surabaya (ITS).

Writing the final report Jig and Fixture project is based on the various literature and books
relating to college jigs and fixtures. Because in this report we get the disk job to make the tool jigs and
fixtures. The author realizes that this report is far from perfect, for suggestions and criticisms that are
highly expected to build for the sake of perfection authors of this report.

In writing this report, the author of much help either moral, spiritual and material from various
parties. Therefore, in this occasion with a sincere heart authors thank:

1. Both our people and our whole family that has provided moral support in the execution of this
practicum report.
2. Bpk. Dr. Ir.Suhariyanto, MSc. As chairman of D3 majoring in Mechanical Engineering
3. Bpk. Hendro Nurhadi, Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D. As Lecturer Jig and Fixture which has provided
knowledge of Jig and Fixture, as well as motivating and patiently guided us to resolve the
final report of this project Jig and Fixture.
4. All Lecturers D3 Production Engineering FTI - ITS - DISNAKER which has provided support
and knowledge to us.
5. All people are laughing, especially M3NER - ITS 08 which has provided support and advice
in completing work on the final report of this project Jig and Fixture.

Surabaya, December 26, 2010


D3. Teknik Mesin produksi ITS – DISNAKER

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