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One word answer

Question 1.

1.What kind of food do you need to eat inorder to stay healthy? Nutritious

2.Give an example of food which contain proteins. Eggs

3.Fruit and vegetables are examples of what kinds of food group? Vitamins and minerals4.Give an
example of fats and oils. Butter

5.Takeaways food are examples of what kind of food group? Junk food

Question 2

Give the correct food group to complete the following sentences.

1._________________are very high in energy, bad for health if used too much. Fats and oils

2._________________build your body and help you to resist diseases. Proteins

3.Maize meal, bread, pasta and cereals are examples of_____________Carbohydrates.

4.These are essential for health and protect us against diseases. Vitamins and minerals
5.____________ help our bones to grow strong. Calcium


Write a paragraph of at least 5 lines to suggest how you could have made your diet more

Instead of chips I can bring popcorn to school. Instead of chocolate bar I can bring some fruit in my
lunchbox. I can also bring a sandwich or whole-wheat bread roll with tuna. There are whole grains in
whole-wheat bread that contain vitamins. I can also change my sandwich with jam to a sandwich
with marmite this can also help me to change my lunchbox. Marmite contains proteins and
vitamins .Mashed banana contains vitamins and lasting energy. Jam is very sugary and bad for teeth.

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