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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dear Friends,
In perhaps one of the most important mayoral elections of our lifetime,
Dallas finally has the opportunity to elect the right leader at the right time.
We believe former Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle is that leader.

Dallas has serious problems. We are over-taxed and under-served. As the

recent census showed, Dallas’ growth rate since 2000 is practically zero. While
other Texas cities experienced double-digit growth, our growth rate was last
among Texas’ top 20 cities. This stagnant growth translates directly to a greater
burden on us as citizens of Dallas. David Kunkle has a plan that will lead to
Dallas’ growth and prosperity.

David has a vision for Dallas. He will not vote to raise taxes. He knows
budget cuts across the board don’t work and even in these lean economic times
David believes the City must continue to invest in services and programs that
improve our neighborhoods and protect property values. We know he is a fiscal
conservative just as we are. He will protect our tax base while making the city
more efficient. David is committed to examining every aspect of City govern-
ment services and spending to root out inefficiencies and waste.

David is a proven leader, not a politician. As Dallas Police Chief, he restored

public trust in the Dallas Police Department. Under his leadership, crime
dropped to the lowest levels in the last four decades. The Dallas Morning News
noted David, “inherited a department in disarray and left things in significantly
better shape than he found them.” That is just what we need in a Dallas mayor.

David knows Dallas. He knows community issues first hand and has
personal relationships in every neighborhood. He listens. After nearly
40 years of hands-on experience, he has a gift for bringing divergent ideas
together. He has all the essential skills for leading the Dallas City Council and
our city through tough challenges.

We ask that you stand with us in supporting David Kunkle. He is the right
leader for Dallas at the right time. Please complete the enclosed card and mail
it today!


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