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Record of Correspondence
Please print out the following record of your recent correspondence with the ABC:

Correspondence Date: 1/09/2010 18:54 AEST

Firstname: Carol
Surname: Calderwood
Location: NSW
Response Required: true
Program: ABC North Coast NSW
Program Date: 01 September 2010
ABC Service / Network: ABC Online
ABC Recipient: Audience & Consumer Affairs
Subject: Online Article - Lobby group under seige
Your Comments: Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to question the validity of this online article:

I do not believe it is in the interests of the ABC to publish such an article when Ms Dorey and
the AVN have been subject to NSW Government investigations, both by the HCCC and also
the OLG&R. The HCCC have issued a public warning and the OLG&R will be announcing
shortly what actions (if any) they will be taking. The OLG&R have referred the AVN to the
Department of Justice and also the Attorney General's Department.

Today (01SEP10), the SMH published a story which put further questions forward regarding
Ms Dorey and the AVN regarding breaches of copyright.

The author of this ABC article has not signed his/her name. The way the article reads it also
raises questions as to the validity of the information regarding the alleged "seige" with the
allegations of "angry and violent calls". Did the journalist contact the local constabulary to
verify that these alleged "death threats (are) being made against members of a Bangalow-
based lobby group."

I believe that the information provided in this article has not been researched thoroughly and
is largely unsubstantiated.
Kind regards,

Carol Calderwood.

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