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To the Students of Dual Credit Classes:

In working with the respective colleges, the Capital High instructors have developed an attendance policy
that will allow five (5) absences from class each semester, excused or unexcused. All work missed must
be made up in a timely manner, that is, work must be made up in one day for one absence, in two days for
two consecutive absences, etc. Failure to do this may result in no credit for the assignment and a
subsequent drop in the college grade only.

After the fifth absence, the student MUST spend the length of one class period with the science teacher
after school or in the morning. Check with other individual teachers for their make up time or policy.
Science is Tuesday afternoon until 4:00 p.m. or Wed morning from 6:35 a.m. until 7:20 a.m. You must
inform your teacher when you plan to do your make up so that he or she may be prepared for you
and write a hall permit if necessary.

Upon reaching ten absences per semester, the college grade will be dropped by one letter. Further
absences beyond ten unless there are *serious extenuating circumstances will result in further reduction in
the college grade. The high school grade will not be affected. Keep in mind that some college classes
allow no absences unless there is a doctor’s excuse. Also remember that missing for any reason – school
activity, etc. is considered an absence even though it is excused.

Failure to follow this policy will also result in any bonus points possible being deleted from the college

This is not meant to be punitive but to emphasize the importance of your presence in class in order to
maximize your learning. “It is not uncommon for grades to be adversely affected by absences.” (WVSU

*Hospitalization, family illness, accident(s), etc. or any other circumstance allowed by your individual teacher.

Please sign at the bottom to indicate your agreement to this policy and return just the bottom to your teacher.

Susan Walker VP
Claudia Kol
Bill Dorsey

As a student enrolled in a Dual Credit College course at Capital high School I, ________________ agree to
abide by this attendance policy.

Student Signature _________________________________ Date _________________

Parent Signature ___________________________________ Date ________________

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