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We sought to find the effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic waves on the body. We

choose this project based on the findings of Carl Blackman and the lack of research in this field. Carl Blackman

has theorized that ELF waves may block calcium release in the body. Two different experiments were used to

help support this hypothesis. The first one studied human response times in an ELF environment similar to

those expected on a planned space capsule. After some consideration, the subjects were switched with cats.

The experiment was expanded to include data on behavior and brain tissue. One cause for neglect is that in past

research, brain temperatures were measured by 10-g tissue pieces. As the research on cats' brains progressed, it

became evident that “hot spots” existed; these hot spots were not previously known and thus not tested for.

These “hot spots” can have serious effects on the brain, and have invalidated past assumptions. We

hypothesized that ELF waves would stunt planarian regeneration. To test this, we have subjected planarian

Dugesia Dorcotophea (Black Planarian) ELF waves. Our research has shown that these waves have stopped

planarian regeneration and may not have affected the rest of the planarian’s body functions. In conclusion,

extremely weak electromagnetic waves have shown promise to stop regeneration in planarians and therefore the

growth of human tissue. There is potential to use these waves to stop cancer growth and an infinite number of

possibilities to help people’s heath in the future. Our conclusion was correct. Although more testing in needed

as well as background research.

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