Bloodlust PVP and Economical System

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Bloodlust PVP and economical system ‘Suggestion’

I would like to show you some suggestions I have for the server and I would gladly appreciate if you
would consider using them, with the current leaders this is possible without any plugins except Towny.

1. How will it work?

Well the basic idea behind it is to enhance the pvp and rp in the city, it will give a certain amount
of reason to be raiding another faction. Let me start from the beginning, the server has just
started, factions are just set up and the first towns of each faction begin to grow. Now as they
begin to grow the town begins to increase in a certain economical value that gives the faction a
certain amount of money every week, month .. (if that faction is in control of that town) that they
can use to invest in new towns, resources, … Now they are only able to receive the money if they
are in control of the town, this gives a reason for the factions to start attacking eachother to try
and expand their empire and increase the amount of money they get each week, month.. Wich
brings me to the ability to ‘conquer the enemy towns’. If a faction decides to attack and tries to
conquer a certain town then the 2 leaders of the 2 factions will come together to discuss
1. The rules of the battle.
2. The time of when the battle occurs.
3. The place the attack will occur. (usually in the town of the defender)
When the attack occurs, towny will be shut off. If the defender loses then they will lose the
town /town delete (as simple as that) if the attacker loses then they will have to pay a certain sum
of money to the defender. Also, with the money they gain from the town each week, month they
can buy the right to create a fortress (costs a lot of money), this will make it harder for a certain
town to be conquered and gives the defenders an extra defence bonus as the attackers will have
to assault the fortress first, then after -if they succeed- they will have to assault the town itself.
This gives the defenders a bonus because:
1. The attackers lost a lot of their armour (they are only allowed to bring a number of chests -set
by the rules- that they can use to refuel themselves).
2. If the 2 leaders decided it (hardcore mode), killed players in the first assault wont be able to
join the second assault (attacker only).

If the leaders chose to use the (hardcore mode) then in the assault on the town itself the attackers
that die wont be able to rejoin the assault aswell as the defenders, they will both spawn
somewhere else upon death and will have to wait until the fight is over.

You might be wondering, how are we going to control the faction money and their investments
without any plugins? Well, you can choose a moderator on the server that will control this (it is
more then do-able for one person as the gain is in regular basis (once every week, month) and the
investments should be minimum, as the things you can invest in require you to safe up some
money. If I’m right this should only require 15 minuts of the moderator every week. (and I’m
serious about the 15 min.) This will all be controlled using the forums, where leader can look up
what they can buy on certain topics and the moderator should just update the amount of money
they have.

Now to have some more pvp, factions can also decide to attack eachother to try to win a basic
amount of money from the other faction. These fights should be quick and easy and maybe
sometimes creative (like capure the flag, …) Also, with the money they have, they might also be
able to buy boats (with movecraft), certain resources (certaintly not to many), ...
I would like to ask you to take a good look at this suggestion and consider about using it. I’m sure
the server will be the first to do this, so it would make the server unique and it’s a great help that
you already have a big community to start off with. If you are to test this idea I would like to offer
my help to show you how simple it would be to keep control of the economical system.


Also, I have been playing on this server since day 1 and now that I have a lot of time on my hands
I would like to help the server. I would like to request to become a moderator,


Well I know the server very well, I would take my job as moderator very serious, I have the
appropriate age and I could fill in the time that you are not online (as I live in a different
timezone). I will try to send you reports in a PM (on the forums) every day and try to be able to
contact you as much as possible.

Greetings, Jeroen V.

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