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Final "s"/"es" & "ed", RULES, Pronunciation

Technicum Si-Tarek of Relizane
Second / Third Year Pupils - Scientific Streams
Reference sheet – 00E

The sounds /s/, /z/ or /iz/?
Consonant clusters with “s”

A. What sounds /s/, /z/ or /iz/?

1) Three of the nouns below are always uncountable. All the oth
plural. Write an “s” on the end of the nouns that can be pl
1-governments 6-minute 11-game
2-computer 7-homework 12-traffic
3-change 8-machine 13-language
4-mistake 9-prize 13-tourist
5-information 10-weapon 15- suggar
—Notice the different ways that “s” is pronounced at the end of these noun
Governments computers changes
/s/ /z/ /iz/
2) Listen again to the plural nouns and write them in the correc
below. Follow the order .
/s/ /z/ /iz/
government computers changes

3) Now complete the rules

a) If a noun ends with the sounds

/s/ , /z/ , /iz/

b) If a noun ends with any other voiceless consonant sound

the final “s” is pronounced: /s/ , /z/ , /iz/

c) If a noun ends with any other voiced consonant sound

a vowel sound, the final “s” is pronounced: /s/ , /z/ , /iz/

4) The rules above are the same for the THIRD PERSON SING
of VERBS in the Present Simple. Can you work out how thes
Hopes Fixes Kisses
Rises Expects Tries
Drives Wishes Works
Reaches /iz/ Watches Remembers

B. Consonant clusters with “s”

1) All these words have “s” + consonant at the beginning. How i
then make your choice: /s/ , /z/ , /iz/

space statue swimming state

smile smoke spelling spor
small slow Sweden snow
Complete the sentences below using the cues given.
d) but / speak / speak / Spanish / Swedish / I / don't / unfortunately / I
Spanish but, unfortunately, .
e) Steve / doesn't / slowly / very / speaks / he / ?
f) and / snowing / Scandinavia / it / Switzerland / was / Sunday / Spain / on
It .
g) sports / started / he / playing / smoking / has / stopped / and
He .
h) spare / Stephanie / squash / plays / and / time / in / swimming / her / goes

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