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For the koftas:

 2 cups peeled and diced boiled potatoes
 1 cup mixed vegetables (carrots, beans, peas, sweet corn) boiled
 1 cup paneer cubes
 2 tbsps of thickened/ heavy/ double cream
 1 tsp cumin powder
 1 tsp coriander powder
 1/2 tsp red chilli powder
 1/2 cup chopped nuts (almonds, walnuts and cashewnuts)
 1/4 raisins chopped fine
 Salt to taste
 Vegetable/ canola/ sunflower cooking oil to fry the koftas
For the sauce:
 3 tbsps vegetable/ canola/ sunflower cooking oil
 2 large onions quartered
 2 tomatoes quartered
 2 tbsps garlic paste
 1 tbsp ginger paste
 2 tsps coriander powder
 1 tbsp cumin powder
 1/2 tsp red chilli powder
 1 tsp poppy seeds lightly roasted and ground into a powder
 3 tbsps nuts (cashews and almonds) ground into a thick paste
 Salt to taste
 2 tsps garam masala


1. Mash the potatoes, mixed vegetables, paneer and cream together. Add the kofta spices to this
mash and mix well. The resulting dough should be firm. If not add some more boiled potato.
Season with salt.
2. Make this dough into balls and put 1/2 a tsp of the nut and raisin mix in the center of each ball.
Roll into perfect rounds.
3. Heat the oil kept aside to fry the koftas, on a medium flame. Deep fry these rounds till pale
golden in colour.
4. Drain on paper towels and keep aside.
5. For the gravy, first heat the 3 tbsps of oil in a deep pan and fry the onions till light brown.
6. Grind into a paste along with the tomatoes, onions, ginger, garlic, coriander, cumin and red chilli
7. Put this paste back into the pan and fry till the oil begins to separate from the masala.
8. Add the poppy seeds powder and nut paste and fry for another 2-3 minutes.
9. Add 1 cup of warm water (the sauce for this dish is meant to be thick so do not add too much
water) to this masala to form a sauce/gravy. Mix well. Season with salt.
10. Bring the sauce/gravy to a boil and then reduce the fire to a simmer.
11. Gently add the kofas to this sauce/gravy and cook uncovered for 2-3 minutes.
12. Turn off the fire and sprinkle the garam masala all over the top of the dish. Cover immediately
and allow to sit for 5 minutes.

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