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The LS50 Wiki


1) When you open the website

You will see the FrontPage which acts as the Home-Page of the wiki.

Currently it contains a welcome message for new users. After the community grows, I'll
update it with “Latest News” or something.

2) The Navigation Bar on the right hand side

Acts as the navigator for the wiki

You will find links to “Create a new page” or “Upload files”

Underneath these options, you will find a list of all the pages currently on the wiki under
their corresponding folder. Remember, every unit has its own folder.

Then there's the sidebar which can contain pretty much anything. I can't think of anything to
put in there, so it's got non-sense messages on it atm.

After that, there's the Recent Activity list

3) Editing a page

Open the page that you want to edit

Then up the top you will find two tabs labeled “View” and “Edit”. The default option will be

Click on “Edit” which will lead you to an editable view of the same page.

Make your changes in the same way as you would in a Word document

Click “Save”

Don't forget to describe the changes that you make in the "Describe your changes" box at the
bottom of the "Edit" page. This will help me keep track of stuff :P

4) Creating a new page

Click on “Create a page” from the navigation bar on the right

You will be directed to a form where you will be required to add the title of the page and specify
the folder in which it goes

There are some pre-made templates that I got off the Internet. I don't really use them, but you

5) Tracking all changes to a page

Click on “Page History” on the top right corner of the page which will list out all the changes
made to a page

If you can't find it, Ctrl + F it

6) Advanced Navigation

Click on “Pages & Files” up the top left corner to see a list of all the pages and files that
have been uploaded to the wiki. From here you can even add new Folders.

Click on “Users” to see a list of all registered users

Please note that they only gave us 2GB of space on the server for free. So, please don't upload
excessive amounts of high-res pictures or videos if you can avoid it :-)

That's about it. Lemme know if you need more stuff explained in the manual.



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