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Fourier Transform Pairs

The Fourier transform transforms a function of

time, f (t), into a function of frequency, F(s):
Z ∞
F { f (t)}(s) = F(s) = f (t)e− j2πst dt.
The inverse Fourier transform transforms a func-
tion of frequency, F(s), into a function of time,
f (t):
Z ∞
F {F(s)}(t) = f (t) = F(s)e j2πst ds.
The inverse Fourier transform of the Fourier trans-
form is the identity transform:
Z ∞ Z ∞ 
f (t) = f (τ)e− j2πsτdτ e j2πst ds.
−∞ −∞
Fourier Transform Pairs (contd).
Because the Fourier transform and the inverse
Fourier transform differ only in the sign of the
exponential’s argument, the following recipro-
cal relation holds between f (t) and F(s):
f (t) −→ F(s)
is equivalent to
F(t) −→ f (−s).
This relationship is often written more econom-
ically as follows:
f (t) ←→ F(s)
where f (t) and F(s) are said to be a Fourier
transform pair.
Fourier Transform of Gaussian
Let f (t) be a Gaussian:
−π t 2
f (t) = e .
By the definition of Fourier transform we see
Z ∞
−πt 2 − j2πst
F(s) = e e dt

−π(t 2+ j2st)
= e dt.
Now we can multiply the right hand side by
−πs2 πs2
e e = 1:
Z ∞
−πs2 −π(t 2+ j2st)+πs2
F(s) = e e dt

−πs2 −π(t 2+ j2st−s2)
= e e dt

= e e−π(t+ js)(t+ js)dt

−πs2 −π(t+ js)2
= e e dt
Fourier Transform of Gaussian (contd.)

Z ∞
−πs2 −π(t+ js)2
F(s) = e e dt
After substituting u for t + js and du for dt we
see that:
Z ∞
−πs2 −πu2
F(s) = e e du .
| −∞ {z }
It follows that the Gaussian is its own Fourier
−πt 2 F −πs2
e ←→ e .
Fourier Transform of Dirac Delta Function
To compute the Fourier transform of an impulse
we apply the definition of Fourier transform:
Z ∞
F {δ(t − t0)}(s) = F(s) = δ(t − t0)e− j2πst dt
which, by the sifting property of the impulse, is
e− j2π s t0 .
It follows that:
δ(t − t0) −→ e− j2π s t0 .
Fourier Transform of Harmonic Signal
What is the inverse Fourier transform of an im-
pulse located at s0? Applying the definition of
inverse Fourier transform yields:
Z ∞
F −1
{δ(s−s0)}(t) = f (t) = δ(s−s0)e j2πst ds
which, by the sifting property of the impulse, is
e j2π s0 t .
It follows that:
e j2π s0 t −→ δ(s − s0).
Fourier Transform of Sine and Cosine
We can compute the Fourier transforms of the
sine and cosine by exploiting the sifting prop-
erty of the impulse:
Z ∞
f (x)δ(x − x0)dx = f (x0).
• Question What is the inverse Fourier trans-
form of a pair of impulses spaced symmetri-
cally about the origin?
F −1
{δ(s + s0) + δ(s − s0)}
• Answer By definition of inverse Fourier trans-
Z ∞
f (t) = [δ(s + s0) + δ(s − s0)] e j2πst ds.
Fourier Transform of Sine and Cosine (contd.)
Expanding the above yields the following ex-
pression for f (t):
Z ∞ Z ∞
δ(s + s0)e j2πst
ds + δ(s − s0)e j2πst ds
−∞ −∞
Which by the sifting property is just:
f (t) = e j2π s0 t + e− j2π s0 t
= 2 cos(2π s0 t).
Fourier Transform of Sine and Cosine (contd.)
It follows that
cos(2π s0 t) ←→ [δ(s + s0) + δ(s − s0)] .
A similar argument can be used to show:
sin(2π s0 t) ←→ [δ(s + s0) − δ(s − s0)] .
Fourier Transform of the Pulse
To compute the Fourier transform of a pulse we
apply the definition of Fourier transform:
Z ∞
F(s) = Π(t)e− j2πst dt
Z 1
= e− j2πst dt
− 21
1 2
− j2πst
= e
− j2πs 1
1 − jπs jπs

= e −e
− j2πs 
jπs − jπs
1 e −e
πs 2j
(e jx−e− jx)
Using the fact that sin(x) = 2j we see
F(s) =
Fourier Transform of the Shah Function
Recall the Fourier series for the Shah function:
1 ∞ jω t
1 t


= ∑
2π ω=−∞
e .

By the sifting property,

  ∞ Z ∞
III = ∑ δ(s − ω)e jst ds.
2π ω=−∞ −∞
Changing the order of the summation and the
integral yields
  Z ∞ ∞

= ∑
−∞ ω=−∞
δ(s − ω)e jst

Factoring out e jst from the summation

  Z ∞ ∞
III = e jst ∑ δ(s − ω)ds
2π −∞ ω=−∞
Z ∞
= e jst III(s)ds.
Fourier Transform of the Shah Function
Substituting 2πτ for t yields
Z ∞
III(τ) = III(s)e j2πsτds
= F {III(s)}(τ).
Consequently we see that
F {III} = III.

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