Hoel Introduction To Probability Theory

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Hoel Port Stone Introduction to Probability Theory Introduction to Probability Theory Paul G. Hoel Sidney C. Port Charles J. Stone University of California, Los Angeles HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY BOSTON Atlanta Dallas Geneva, Illinois Hopewell, New Jersey Palo Alto London General Preface This three-volume series grew out of a three-quarter course in probability, statistics, and stochastic processes taught for a number of years at UCLA. We felt a need for a series of books that would treat these subjects in a way that is well coordinated, but which would also give adequate emphasis to each subject as being interesting and useful on its own merits. The first volume, Introduction to Probability Theory, presents the fundamental ideas of probability theory and also prepares the student both for courses in statistics and for further study in probability theory, including stochastic processes. The second volume, Introduction to Statistical Theory, develops the basic theory of mathematical statistics in a systematic, unified manner. Together, the first two volumes contain the material that is often covered in a two-semester course in mathematical statistics. The third volume, Introduction to Stochastic Processes, treats Markov chains, Poisson processes, birth and death processes, Gaussian processes, Brownian motion, and processes defined in terms of Brownian motion by means of ele- mentary stochastic differential equations. Preface This volume is intended to serve as a text for a one-quarter or one-semester course in probability theory at the junior-senior level. The material has been designed to give the reader adequate preparation for either a course in statistics or further study in probability theory and stochastic processes. The prerequisite for this volume is a course in elementary calculus that includes multiple integration. We have endeavored to present only the more important concepts of probability theory. We have attempted to explain these concepts and indicate their usefulness through discussion, examples, and exercises. Sufficient detail has been included in the examples so that the student can be expected to read these on his own, thereby leaving the instructor more time to cover the essential ideas and work a number of exercises in class. At the conclusion of each chapter there are a large number of exercises, arranged according to the order in which the relevant material was introduced in the text. Some of these exercises are of a routine nature, while others develop ideas intro- duced in the text a little further or in a slightly different direction. The more difficult problems are supplied with hints. Answers, when not indicated in the problems themselves, are given at the end of the book. Although most of the subject matter in this volume is essential for further study in probability and statistics, some optional material has been included to provide for greater flexibility. These optional sections are indicated by an asterisk. The material in Section 6.2.2 is needed only for Section 6.6; neither section is required for this volume, but both are needed in Introduction to Statistical Theory. The material of Section 6.7 is used only in proving Theorem | of Chapter 9 in this volume and Theorem | of Chapter 5 in Jntroduction to Statistical Theory. The contents of Chapters 8 and 9 are optional; Chapter 9 does not depend on Chapter 8. We wish to thank our several colleagues who read over the original manuscript and made suggestions that resulted in significant improvements. We also would like to thank Neil Weiss and Luis Gorostiza for obtaining answers to all the exercises and Mrs. Ruth Goldstein for her excellent job of typing. vii Table of Contents Probability Spaces 11 Examples of random phenomena 1.2 Probability spaces 13 Properties of probabilities 1.4 Conditional probability 15 Independence Combinatorial Analysis 21 Ordered samples 2.2 Permutations 2.3 Combinations (unordered samples) 24 Partitions 42.5 Union of events *2.6 Matching problems *2,7 Occupancy problems *2.8 Number of empty boxes Discrete Random Variables 3.1 Definitions 3.2 Computations with densities 3.3 Discrete random vectors 3.4 Independent random variables 3.4.1. The multinomial distribution 3.4.2 Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution 3.5 Infinite sequences of Bernoulli trials 3.6 Sums of independent random variables Expectation of Discrete Random Variables 41 Definition of expectation 4.2 Properties of expectation ix 10 14 18 27 27 30 31 34 38 43 44 49 50 57 60 63 66 69 70 72 82 84 85 *8 4.3 Moments 4.4 Variance of a sum 45 Correlation coefficient 4.6 Chebyshev’s Inequality Continuous Random Variables 5.1 Random variables and their distribution functions 5.1.1. Properties of distribution functions 5.2 Densities of continuous random variables 5.2.1. Change of variable formulas 5.2.2 Symmetric densities 5.3 Normal, exponential, and gamma densities 5.3.1 Normal densities 5.3.2 Exponential densities 5.3.3. Gamma densities 45.4 Inverse distribution functions Jointly Distributed Random Variables 6.1 Properties of bivariate distributions 6.2 Distribution of sums and quotients 6.2.1 Distribution of sums *6.2.2. Distribution of quotients 6.3 Conditional densities 6.3.1 Bayes’ rule 6.4 Properties of multivariate distributions *6.5 Order statistics *6.6 Sampling distributions *6.7 Multidimensional changes of variables Expectations and the Central Limit Theorem 71 Expectations of continuous random variables 7.2 A general definition of expectation 73 Moments of continuous random variables 7A Conditional expectation 15 The Central Limit Theorem 7.5.1. Normal approximations 7.5.2 Applications to sampling Moment Generating Functions and Characteristic Functions 8.1 Moment generating functions 8.2 Characteristic functions Contents 92 96 99 100 109 110 112 115 117 123 124 124 126 128 131 139 139 145 145 150 153 155 157 160 163 166 173 173 174 177 181 183 186 190 197 197 200 Contents xi 8.3 Inversion formulas and the Continuity Theorem 205 8.4 The Weak Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem 209 *9 Random Walks and Poisson Processes 216 9.1 Random walks 216 9.2 Simple random walks 219 9.3 Construction of a Poisson process 225 9.4 Distance to particles 228 9.5 Waiting times 230 Answers to Exercises 239 Table I 252 Index 255 1 Probability Spaces Probability theory is the branch of mathematics that is concerned with random (or chance) phenomena. It has attracted people to its study both because of its intrinsic interest and its successful applications to many areas within the physical, biological, and social sciences, in engineering, and in the business world. Many phenomena have the property that their repeated observation under a specified set of conditions invariably leads to the same outcome. For example, if a ball initially at rest is dropped from a height of d feet through an evacuated cylinder, it will invariably fall to the ground in ¢ = vi. 2d/g seconds, where g = 32 ft/sec? is the constant acceleration due to gravity. There are other phenomena whose repeated observation under a specified set of conditions does not always lead to the same outcome. A familiar example of this type is the tossing of a coin. If a coin is tossed 1000 times the occurrences of heads and tails alternate in a seemingly erratic and unpredictable manner. It is such phenomena that we think of as being random and which are the object of our investigation. At first glance it might seem impossible to make any worthwhile statements about such random phenomena, but this is not so. Experience has shown that many nondeterministic phenomena exhibit a statistical regularity that makes them subject to study. This may be illustrated by considering coin tossing again. For any given toss of the coin we can make no nontrivial prediction, but observations show that for a large number of tosses the proportion of heads seems to fluctuate around some fixed number p between 0 and 1 (p being very near 1/2 unless the coin is severely unbalanced). It appears as if the proportion of heads in # tosses would. converge to p if we let m approach infinity. We think of this limiting proportion p as the ‘‘probability” that the coin will land heads up in a single toss. More generally the statement that a certain experimental outcome has probability pcan be interpreted as meaning that if the experiment is repeated a large number of times, that outcome would be observed “about” 100p percent of the time. This interpretation of probabilities is called the relative frequency interpretation. It is very natural in many applications of probability theory to real world problems, especially to those involving the physical sciences, but it often seems quite artificial. How, for example, could we give a relative frequency interpretation to 1

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