Notes 1

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Holoptelea integrifolia.

Synonym: Ulmus integrifolia.

Common name: Indian Elm.
Common Hindi names: Kanju, Papri, Banchilla, Chilbil, Dhamna, Begana.
Plant: 18m tall. Spreading, deciduous tree, with grey, pustular bark that is smooth when young,
exfoliating in corky scales on older trees.
Leaves: 8-13cm long and 3.2-6.3cm wide. Alternate, elliptic-ovate, glabrous, margins entire, apex acute
or acuminate, base rounded or cordate, main nerves 5 to 7 pairs; stipules lanceolate.
Flowers: Usually male and hermaphrodite mixed, small, greenish-yellow to brownish, pubescent, borne
in short racemes or fascicles at the scars of fallen leaves; sepals often 4, pubescent.
Fruit: An orbicular samara, 2.5 cm in diameter, with membranous, reticulately veined wings; seed flat.
The crushed bark and leaves emit an unpleasant odour.
In India, decoction of the bark of this plant is externally used in rheumatism. Oral application of the bark
is used to treat intestinal tumors. Dried bark is useful as an oxytocic in pregnant ladies. Decoction of the
leaves is orally given to regulate fat metabolism. Leaves along with garlic are externally used to treat
ringworm eczema and cutaneous diseases. Leaves of the plant, Garlic (Allium sativum) and Black Pepper
(Piper nigrum) are mixed and crushed to make tablet. One tablet per day can be given to the patient
suffering from jaundice. Paste of the stem bark is externally applied to treat the inflammation of lymph
glands. Holoptelea integrefolia stem bark powder is externally applied on the forehead of the patient
suffering from common fever. Moreover, paste of the stem bark is externally applied in cases of
ringworm and scabies. Stem bark acts as an anti-inflammatory agent specifically for eyes. In Nepal, bark
is externally used to relieve rheumatic swellings. Bark and leaf paste of Holoptelea integrifolia plant are
applied externally on the white patches or leucoderma.

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