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‘TAMLE OF CONTENT Bscapesirleastn Patera Developmentencannn Break pointe enfin vnc Movements after breakin earcing foméamentas cenntennenenen ld Ruowisg wilh the fatale elt ‘Soramole Ks. Blocking nn ne sed Release nnn ninemsn LT Coverage Hit ea Rennie atebing Drills Concenteati on Separation Teehniguetinwsssnnarssgnnnn rANCE ALIGNMENT, All Wide Receivers will wok from a te-point stance; your split wil be specifct the play Sill Asa general rue you will want to erowe” he tne of sximmage (LOS). You var ‘soafinn yor abgntment by aking the Linesman or the Live Jug. WRN -THE 105) Your heud is breaking she plane of an imaginary in sav throug, the waistine ofthe Coote. SROFETUELOS; Your loud doesiane bre she plane ofan onsginay tine dian ‘hough th reas-mos pas (other than legs end feet of the nearest fav on 42 LOS, ‘ake vous inde fn sad ple ton the back foot ofthe deepest nea, “Tae since shouldbe just tacomortable enough For you to want to get out ofl vou should be “eoled” and ready t2 explode aff oF the LOS. No ive reoeivers wl st exactly the sane way ‘The one constaat wil be the elimination of any wasted motion You wil be cautioned agains saising up, rotking backwatis, “bobbing” the head, or se stopping BODY POSITION “The hips ind shoulders should be patel to che L$ apd che Head Isom a sive to; 1) recognize he technigue nf the oe se tbe ball mapped nds over vou, 2}rsad the contour of toe ceerages and 5) logk a nd ALIGN WITHTHE INSIDE EOOT FORWARD ‘The tgth of oe tagger Dersese feat and back foas will varytom cecsiver to receiver. The finns is Monet predacing thice power angles (hiplieeiankle), The hnee Should extend shgily Forward of he foot The hip ould Ne fexal ecough to ben ime with the Heol of te ret Ib backlge shouldbe extended far enouch ro distribute some ofthe wea. but nos 30 fi tat tgere ena Deion in che knee about 45 depres). The lel cased andthe Wal of te Zoos “serewed" imo the argund. Toe base a oss thaa hip width gaart At no tims onthe football Seid should von hips be fockoa. PpER oDy, ‘he upper body is naming forward The chest should le aver te fram foot and the bead and shoulders fonwid oF the Toot (forekead i the most forward poi), ‘The arms bang down Fon the shouiders om forwate ofthe rant for, The elbows are slightly eed, the aro ate “Tense”, sand :be hands ara closed. You may cousiéer “coccing” your arms mt tke stde postion, Tet! legis forward the nae arm vooks foward at 4 99 degree angle and th lft a cocks back > te hip sea 99 dearee ancl, NOTE: verous press coverage, tho WR shoul place both hands out ia ot, about yas Love, swththe ebows at 0 dearees This carion ised 10 quibkly combat the detends's jas DWOXEY POINTS OF Tue STANCE: 1) Narain ord vo creste matanum dive fom a slaominy postion and get tap" ae detec guleliy, iis eos chat vou Twi rhe amoine of lari ide 1 sie ation ate ‘sar. This aston shortens your srg Feet, lis your aby to usin grows, aad prevents flies use ofthe cishs and turcacks tauze muscle masses which provide power) The aston bese slows you gueater uae of thove mwas groups ding tha Waasiion from static to wart. The spnntor i he zartng blocks servesas a gram example, the stsggor may vary depending onthe Jeagth ofthe limb but thee ile ur to enae inthe wiih berween the Feet. 2 booat Yoo: Restcaship: A socom key element erating “pusk” torn 4 stati postion is {he losstna ofthe laeae mele ons relat wo the "push poi” (the ball and race ofthe Frome foot). Healy, sbese mmsle groups choule be aver or slightly bind he gs poim. Tiss wiy ‘cinerea thar the hip ben ne ih the heel oF the owt foot. When you are spriting, yout Jead foot sing the sround direct beaeath the hip. not focwrd ofthe hip (and certains hind it) Regardless of wick sa tesnique you wil use Bere should be 9 sense of pushin the eonand oat ome uedemests vou STANCE ALMALS. Ven facing och, presscwye coverage, we Wit need 10 conporats crore Intra ms ement to sessipe ite LOS. As rena, we oll aust our stance sly lesen the tagger bese font ‘and back lous gad widen tho base to sbout shoulder wide Place bord Hands ip Gout, abgur mais, level, wih te elbows a 90 degrees Taisis daae to more quickly combat the defenders ant START TECHNTONES )) PUSH START, “The samt iat: by diving forvaud ofFot de Hack lag and, almost simitaneoos, posite tug tbe side withthe rt leg. The Sis several ies should be driving yes up and out of the ‘Yow mit have enouh wight dissmadto the back for and saough knee eon to drive Fameard: 80°4 - 0% disbosion ‘ing Common Esulss [Pulling taok eg through «too anich sight on oat thot 2 roy st with frort fon = too atic weit 0a bach foot “Your base Soul be narcow a you cone ofthe LOS, Caution against ove striding om the Sr sep. This wil Tock the opposite hip and lie the push oF ofthe sont leg, Siace the upper body basa condancy to bolaay atthe start, you mst sceleane sour arm action SSrap eu gem arm opposite (oat fog) down tnd bseeoardsviougk the ip, aud deve de exer fan (ens oppose back lp) forward aog-up. Arp acron i het “pull” vou into che side, START ALERTS, ‘The som MUST be explosys offof the LOS. Anticipate ball moverne and get otf 0a Keay sour vad and stoutders up ate tse aad eabi eye contac withthe dafendee Teal sethooen vow ir pusine (ne wound out fiom unaarteath ‘Wotk ip lose dhe Bs 5 yards ofthe stems quick as possible ESCAPE TECHNIOUES “Tue techniques wna follow appiyto LOS eseapes, We will assis that you ar lensing syoush + defindee within 5 yards ofthe LOS, These maueuers ars also applicable in avoiding colliious dawndild, ESCAPE ALERTS 1, Noting threatens a defeudor more than quickness, The quicker you van close vate a Aafender. the eater yous escape wll bo 2 Younus cress sunt inderitoa nthe defender's mind Use movement and miiestion to set tho defender ‘on his els” 3. You wanrte svaouta the escape us close tothe defender os possble. while mininizng is abil to re-drecthe pation, You mas ao say tight to te defender 35 you pass, Your ecipe ‘doce uot ake you argund the defender. ces you through tian 4, although Some recelvecs willbe beter serve using sarers and jab sey depending on ski level all vst be able ose de bands ad arms co combat che jam plan of tack. neve something in mind eice the balls mapped, TEyou ae fzuesing flr te sbup ~i'200 late! TRCEMIQUES Spend «wie 9 gree sire ofToF he LOS und beat she Uaioe over she sop. May reqstre moving siesta dander for several steps, ben Skeet Suter gush ep etna used t0 foro dafender (ost bis feat. Shorten your side lech im the leg oppose the direston yon are reeasirg. Thisis followed Dy ovo isk balance ‘saps were your fee re about parla sd dzsetly under the bis. Pop the-t2r si foot snd Tossiver, plas the epposts lee fuush,aseJeace (ger wp e8 your toes Jabs A change of direction misasever very snlae the Stam, But with a moore deliberate ds ‘ep tthe shoulder opposte the sds of escape (also a "Men.y" hoa and shouide lean» pet jour ‘Shest over the font log) Since this sa Say ower escape vou most work had 10 pl the ‘oppose Jeg Lough op the essover ‘Suden- (Cm be used with g Sauter or Jeb) Lamuer atthe Foren ofthe deteader tothe side of ‘hectape Strike with closed ft und «finn lowes arm. Tura your chest o dhe defender and ‘ellp the farsde ats over is shouldae. The free arm shold also be fr wih a closed tis, Sorting the defender nthe bask. You me crossing Over with 136 farsie eg AS YOU SWIM, sad iP ential co got de leg Husk even Hh che dafzeder's ip Cape tars at 0 push ‘yoursefisto the stem. wigan thirevote! verding ofthe Sin, vag ¢dotemler woo is sim wyng to gechis lands on you sot uesessat soliton You seinase. Swat wh the atm t7he side of escape snd ‘onip the Fars am over the wstendod arms a Tae Slender. Pui srough veh rhe Feige oem fond ye the defies aad ow Avesteate, NOTE: This probably te qulehest und rast comannly wsed eseaps recto Rig - owing elease-ite rm ans hammcr-t urper arm af the deters Qutekly deg th fassids sip ang shoulder and ip fat 2am up and avo the defender vo the side ote escape Say low, “zotskians” ans tm ye hic to the dedendler. Ot jour crossover le eaush and esencthe sip up, pullicg yoo ino the ster NOTE: Onary seapeit Sailr koep your feeracive, [yew at action is exeeuled bpeopedy dot your [aut sre soctored tothe groan, vols mus vst adie ceeaping wn tht a fo bere han eeing evistomed OTE 2 Tonk ws use 2 cuerbination of tess techniques, Be creative bs using your 2p, pour eas ans shoulders, ene 1 mazeeeotot. NOUS You ast be passant om suursetense RELEASE DRILLS alee soi Bae a ko bos 8 2 , FE g e a rap a sTurTeR tr cn. JAB 4G STUTTER SE Gat backs agin eer PATTERN DEVELOPMENT “There are five ey points in developing te Stem ofthe patera 1, SPERD: (ss Defender with deep responsibilty) The ably ro vlose the separation that = efzodzr ws unicg to rantain, We'alk about “slosng” gure a defendes and reducing is coshien ‘Tho fer you ean tae bim tura hi hips asd shoulders and run biz out ois back pedal. dae sseuer separation you cm cree when you break. ‘The defender wants w sayin his peal as Tone as possible cease is esi to break up on the reveiver from this postion, 12, LEVERAGE: (vs. Defender wih dexptesponsbills) Pasion your steaio the side wt che efender die te route wil evearully [weak This wil place yo between him ond th ball, and teil force the defender to cover ipore around once he Breaks on the pater. Glad up fosiim on {hs dafendr is accep beceuss now he does nat kuow wether the cote wil Deak inside or fouside Ths position stay requts a ight lean or bead 30d appnsite the direcnon ofthe break. ‘You should avoid stemaing 1 the ste opposte the eveamsl Rseak “This ores yea to "eros the Jace” of te defend aad sorta tke distance he kas to break on ths pater, NOTE: Moving yar stem to artok the Technique of the defewdes ray cevur on he LOS release tr emmy rye you to weave" vour pth sighly co estab proper position VERTICAL COMPONENT, Tesgortion way occu: throughout the msjocsy of the stem om rte ls stvetal steps as you approach the bresipoint, Vou aroookins fora burt, ove fina push were you a2 coavineme the dofouder cht the stem is aoiag deeper than actully is. This Sontpoaeor shoud! be executed wih the bead up, che arms deving, aud the hos and shoulders quate up che eld, (vera tight man coverage oe agaressie zone sou may te 10 lean in on the Gstender wth your ip ant shonlier and push him wp eld ‘Whee you ar tts pit athe stem and you path Isat an angie a} the loose defender is a0 longer tres deep aud cxe si tixhtr ox the break b) the igh dofender car syoeses your backs iy and stele aud plas throusk yas direct ws the ball NOTE: Vow onfyuoed to pus te dofender for several teps. Go bry ot bis vel a8 you beak, sad low is resetoe x he ta 4A EVES: Your vision mt emain“ucive® during the tern. Yeni hota sp and your eyes se2 Searching. ¢)t0 Tend the cedtuigas of defender aud adjust vow poston: ¥) to see how the {ndarteah cover i expanding towards you a8 on climb, c) 0 avoid downfelé colsions Web seul Poros you to enazee. tabi we contac with a defedar. This en force his wo lose igh of is cushion nd the postion you are working for Caute agains iooking dawn at your breakpoit as you approach = keep your eyes up and look thowebt she defends 5. DEPTEL Specidic ute depths er teal tothe tne phase ofthe pass game. Depths a Sunasiccapneey" whi san nly be leuaed theougheepetiion. Tere isa eck ticking n your nd bch tlle son when the breakpoit hss heen tzabed. You roust an a routs often exbas tht you soueitioa the body to KNOW war tha parculse dept "eels ke NOTE 1, Del runing specie ouras with von eves closed and s2e Row clove you can ger tothe proper depth widlout woking it NOTE ® Oca a route depts fsleared, practice cumsing ftom in gtvegn the 5 yard ine Inarkers. Breaoint fora 10 yard route un Roe the 30 yard ine is easize to fed that ft orm the 33 yard ine EAR ANSI CENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THEE TRANSITION 1. Camy speed iate AND out of se break + Create ax auch separtion 4s pasible baween yourself and the defender. 3. Trunshioa stow besin ao more than | 102 yardsia font oC the bresipoin dept, ‘The longer “rtakeste get into the aaasition, the mare resovary rim the defender hus 4 Bean blancs” out ofthe transition so vou ae in geod position to reas to the ball or ove lato tie opeaing i the z9ne 5, Caution sguinsttigping oi your approack tothe breakpoint {i eves aad Reed down. fs ‘lenetin, ait locking ur 10 oe sil or stigh: dow body easing hight ‘THREE BASIC TRANSITIONS: |. Band Angie Cut: teh, Cu, Key Areca change of dizeeron cut, Asyiou approach your breakpoint, ook to shorsem your tie langah signs, dou’ chop your fee. Lean jour upper bod forwrd and bem sinking your Apso control te forsacd momeutuse Mointia your ark action and Keep your eyes up ‘As you bl dhe rechpola, devs he pane side les tard mto the erounl 10 stop momecrum Tae ‘pyosite ig Sous coming troush ‘hick alows yout lant aad possioa ira make tte iwanstian. Snap your bond agund inthe drscion fhe sor and pu the pana side alow op20 to ger your boty tnoving in has rection. Aceslevue ta ara and Sogin working back towards theta 2, Soaxi Cas (Dig, Middle, Ou Potters which the breslepeits are “rounded of, The receiver entiaues to build he depth of the pater fr saverl yrs bile mtntainng speed and bees posting throageur, Asymeapotooeh te breakpoiat, drop the pattra side hip aad shoulder and allow gravity to st ‘ling sou ino the cu. As the backsie tx comes shzoush, the foot soul stike ard at «45 llegses aoale. Repest asthe Yack lox comes through asia, Thissrould faten you down 39 ‘ou ar rung paral to cbe LOS. MOTE: wh te backside log ike the secand sie. sed should stap back co pi sp re 3. Vong! Cus (Pos. Flag, Go, Fae) Subtle cbange of tiretion ts where you ae revlag on speed and se abil wo Case ap om 9 setencn. SEY ELEMENTS OF THE VERTICAL ROUTE |. Asyou move trough se transition, ise your hexd-sums When the foot opposite the Side ofthe partera stakes the era. Tis singe poitwilelp keep you om talance and prevent iifing” farther nto the angle Siace mos vertical throws a made wit «high wajecowy you sald be lookive up ‘ioe just back) forthe ball Keep soar haps and shouiers faving upteléand deve the basis sidearm rough “be sine, Causoa ezaine-nurtne the partern de cnet fpen and bask xo th srs, This s especialy te op the Fag route because of he evereangle tothe OB The reenver must aay zum is head bask to locate the b 5) Probably the most fil eat learn ia the vertical gam isthe sbi to mainte tog speed thecughoct the courte oF ie route, Along with Tookng buck forte ball the receiver must also understand tha in ths process of catching che fbowball De wil actully loge some speed. Consequenty, the defender losing up, The teveher ms develop the sly to aiania peed with proper running, Yomm (we locarg the ball fad the eb rescoe ie wate unde and the ball y secured ‘You should absnyy be Ite wih yous hus co the bali Contiaue tod reazesterns, and "Sate for hw ball sit ize you 5, Since eis iu 19 guage tae “cary” of 2 deep Vall ua tis 09 you, alwys over each foe the Sah Powe ‘Stent upd ro te broskpont ana “ah step wth the bor opposie the dectism afte cut. Step slidny outside the HamneWvack ofthe Body and len your ead apd shoulder out over the foot Sicie ou he nde portion of te foot co vou ex imanedcely drive back i he direction ofthe fom You may want 19 use a hale ep" nk the gator side foot jut beta she jab, Ths wal lisp control your momentum and make thecranstioa stpoothe ‘Work bzouah the pastem side shoulder afte defeader This wil 2) keep yous angle "sy" ¥) alla the QB store zoom © take is tuo, and) redoce she role that che defender has to Yreak og your patems, ‘You should stamps to estaba n coasstet angle wat ofthe cut. Post- aout 20 degrees hen saioa tothe Pal) Fiag- sim aca pot 23 5rd: daep ow due wear sideline, Caution against bei TOO FLAL out ofthe ot caiBase isays lexve oom wuiside to adpst to he Tol espe whem soxtioned outside dhe defendey. You aves OB rooms pace the ally your outside sanekde,. “LET THE RAkLEADE FOL Posiuoing (istered separation 9 te inside or outside shoulder uf eed isi tgproprate on vertical mies, Thexe sal arco okie for headhup alignment onthe defender Driving dinectls 4 -he defender and holding that position deep ino oe stem prevents | from knowing shih sie vow wiley to pass. Choose ether side of he ede 0 pass pisteraidy apposite te ide es mg, Ava shange-up uiize ahead" ngide ot oteide wale vou tam. Snap the aca te one inating the tam shen the “Sresepesie the dieston othe wen stakes. Tako 3 steps and snap th hex hack ptisld wher ste lov shed you ae Inoking amex This eau make he Geter unk you af 25 ie wien nc, you are continuing versa sae agpouvr pains © & \ ! ASS a N r 1 i ot Lok alia cow Fe gk RE Lok WaRo ANGE vexrteaL ROUTE vox Dee poston RIL MOVEMENT S10 aKrowT “ypere wr several novewent principles [terms that we wil er to afer the reestver as raced the eeaipoit: 4 SSIEPOWNE (Zone Priaciole) ‘Wea sou nim oul ute brekcand ae already in ake ope ofthe 2ane covaragy, soualy borween to defenders, set down i the yaks. the balls aot oven ‘mmadaeey ou may tave to work back towards the QD or slide epposte the neaest Gafeader SEARCH” (Zone Prisco} Sav refer 10 “searching” forthe opeting in Se zone, Moving nto he igt Ine ft heb. soually hetweea to defenders hep trot or siting Sows in tha renin. NOTE” Mo applcabe onthe Cots route or Drag route across th formation 5. SDAUVE IT" (Zone Man Pracpte “Refers to mse erasing prteras (Diz, Middle) where cegrdlas of ts coveraae, YOu itinep ton the mv Tae QB wll heow yon apea™. Don't look to dhs or 5a sm epeniag SHAKES (Mon Priciple) “At ine top ofthe hecakpint he rasa wil cea “JD sip undoe a Deed und shoulder fod opposite the decrioa ofthe sa This is done co “Shubs" the min defender ieose ‘Roxas coverage AND sa inca othe QB tha the beak is coms, “CONTROL SPEED ‘Tis's anti at ation fulespeed (7H speed) Thy provides yoo wit she able adjusts the Dal whisk by not perfectly toss, sie comtpg to sepaente foot etext CATCHING THE EDOTBALL 1 senceayace on to fama wen cteing the Zoos | The st sso sve te blk ino pour hagss, Narcow your fosgs and “Tock oa"to working but the appecaching point of th hal. Spread Your dingzts wide and lax vour saad and stbows, 44, The seca fandawenrat ict rash ty ball away gully an tights. a securing the ball the Dose abl rst snugly nthe gers, whisk are sprad over the point The band should hav ibe gp om the sone of fetes rossi pu! ou the cer of be Wal sn te aside oF she Sibow ind seme The ball should be susszed fa cowed the side, You shins mien 93h {pip amd pears esthe bal slags Yack and for wea znstal rariag iby, (Alay hme tacking the ball under the at and Tell arms.) BUNMING WITHTHE FOOTBALL ‘Three airs wn running wid the oral Secure the Hall and squeeze‘ as vou urn updield Be explosive: bust ator you tu ‘Speed «the ably to sccsterace afer the etek ‘A tveiver yet ited uppomuniis tc ran with the bal alte the catch. ‘The majority of he time the defender ts clos so qucidy thatthe tale is almost immediate, Ma weseber 33 090 ‘ores opportuni in gave, hat is above average. Because you do have 5o ow opportunities is ertical that you get inthe habit during practice of cnplone pil after the catch nd workme beck up to fl speed as quikdy 08 posse. Rentmber tha inthe process of eatching the bull ou Will crcl oss some speed. Vary few paseer slew the r20sver to eaioh the ball without hreakixg stsde. Consoquenty, tn datender x losing te 239 08 vou. Yow nist he abe 0 s-accelerte a8 spom a the all 8 cougar and cued hese empl wil ep develop Your ball carig re*uleues So that na gna t wi be snore and asimctve NOTE: You must be compra tucking the ball voder ether arm. You roast alse be somone ring io either iveztion air the catch. Whunaver possible, carn upsolgn the Aescrion gpposte of where the ball is secured “SCRAMBLE RULES" Inthe eve! the QD is fore wo escape ou the pocket and serail co cae sids, we need to hase sine snple suideines fr tae receivers a follow m term of breukine a and adjasroe hake SCRAMBLE ALERTS: 1. Move quskly seross he i and get iana QB's ssi. Bont ores to trowback actass the Bld Unless your ules 10 go verily WORK BACK TOWARD THE LOS! onot ram tiousk an apenina. Ifyou ae avo 2 eit lane, sit down or throw Dowot stack” yousel bubind anor eeceber, Stagger your sight ne to the QB. RULES Shor Receiver (Scramble Side)... Vettel (deap outside 15) 90 doap Deep Recover (Scramble Side). Wark o tho wear sdsine continue to work back to O (an) Backarde Receiver (Serle Asa... Work aoeoss Formation, BS rowstds LOS (lad Backssle Reseiver (Scramble Away)... Woek aross formation, back towards LOS WIDE RECEIVER REN BLOCKING Blocking ouside becomes an attuce, You mus évelog the titel thet your mn will aver rake che mele, Regaivers lan mss hi aie wl sminate the perimeter To elise that {ois How the A.C. of Perimeter Stack Blackng Albgnment-undesstancingwhste the dsfonder is lizne ro teaetw Mow. Thisisley for he B phuse of blocking 1 hove he ie coached B, Bead - You ant push of the all a chive wo 90% t0 get deleasve back pl vs, (Creating an Sluson that you we conning Fister thea sat you acta wre ‘sll Feip you in she cant phase. Ue good arm ation and bod tear) Yeu tigi gt tthe est peesibi iveesge whan istime ro beeakdovin. Sublely nd sliglly seavs wbis sboulder. You must Avep your hirs pulel othe line ot call tenes. Tess will enable you to side in ether dsceson more een and ita. oes hs bal sarnicra THO Way D> ‘¥oe will riko wien you see ta pli step Coes come ept oF te defensive Incas Yourrast se secplemie mar enneal. Ife does ae come apie yo ‘wil begin lo uresp (uae conoed ets) ta him keeping your le-vtage, This sil enipie sone Std momen eee C, and D pnese of the flies RECS DRILL CComusct Lis vex" imporamn wo gece grew pouch! Aer you have areezed te bio have your hands fa he hosts: postin the hits). Sass voor hand the Towser brea plats atising upwad withthe heels of your ands Kecp vor nest wide. eur bods posure souls be Cay silo a person domme eqs inthe weight oom, Pest should wists apa, arch inthe lower back, chee ‘Sper cote sky, Think of your Lande 2s the tering wee! to an aviomovile. Be fhle vo ger. Sides tumewoek a eer baer *™ (Hand placorens i ke. "Da nul lunge whe Yor pnach, een yout Weighs wrdernears oF wo. Tae faacaing dre wil lp wih pase body posture and your pemel asta mc PLRCHOUNALIINE © \iRURpORGE Rechohensouesvond SDyrbany ou Pach Sie bes ono Toehtinewound pauses Soa Says By Te D. Dive -The mig emphasis is movornom. As your hands are the suesrine whee [pur kage ae the mou. Take shoe quick power stps 9 get movenert ‘You must be lower an pushing upto yer is ips Locked. MOVEMENT Dau, Toss = 15ROW R a atempte movencat ws DB er row Bin, evess2r os voce pats jersey ate Hes mets soy gost - seep your head boc. -G Ne ‘Used when you've Los youe everag in yourséam, Pape sith sour nee hand on is aca becasue sion his cbarge. Then you must pop mid ecyeet wh your feet stan reaver completey with your tans. CUTRLBES - Fronnide or Cu-02F ‘Ging sous bod ina eeseer position’ sruial, Your higs mre else wo pull Io the detencer, Catv pir non dere, Car lose snow“ he defender Chere yoacan step 8 is eee. Drive vous nay area inches above ie es {you shouldbe cing onthe zs 9 he ceender can't emp vou. Super toll your hips through or ceeeet, Kees your bead op. Never Dive ra: exough him exiriag’ a cal Saeened Sle AL TePES QB SEEsses 1) Divs - Stsigr. vera celease 5 yard tur with ove op [oo e@ 2 lide, Buln fer postion tthe ise stats of ne detenet ves you, Poston can be Sstatishes night off othe LOS or by taking several steps scart untied. then Lrmning fer nadie aston Ste of sease usin eboraert os ocak a uti ( \o ‘Oo \ ace 4 © | S00 be esiaaheg rg ei tne COS or ay cng tevaat Sins apt ups. an etre busce omen Arai of lease usustycependare gn fscten of cofense, ° a; gq | Too } 9° i Coo 6 42 Sint- Release sda at 48 donee angle fo yards: Re-dvect ond burt eric Shoe nye ane step vin se on fo redeee Nee NOTE. lige wth you" aida 8g bec vost csing ever on ne fee Sep oO 5) ange Release ousie i. dagen sng, Ue mast common 6 he Sian route Dap lth lente predated the tesa ofthe detencer aco 3 2) Fat Relesee ins lone toe LOS, ar bul he attr daar a8 You cross me es ceo Sy ° 7) Belay Hola. or "Yabce" your postion ‘ora pes roee count ate he sep. Useo te reste Seperate bebween hen renevers 19 alow anther reewve a leat a ea ers ya et aoe co \ °o aie same nn ot oleae) Most (COVERAGE IDENTIFICATION The majority of our route conversions ae based oa defbnder'stecniques rather than on patter overages. It il ane che receiver, however, to be able to ie basic pass Eeoverages sod have sate idea oflow they work Thee wil help vou to understand she overall, este coucap, oe UST your sdiviualassignmecs. ‘TWO BASIC ELEMENTS OF IDENTIFICATION: 4. CONTOUR, As you set in pour ance, places the overall “woRtow"” ur shape ofthe coverage, recounting for depen and eigemeat, ‘Then narrow your fecuso ie three definers nearest you. This s called “READING THE TRIANGLE” The confiurstion of those tree defenders yi xt only (ellyou what the coverage it wil Wenn exch definder's responsibly 2. TECHNIQUE ‘A sevond med is nding the technique snd body posture of the detinder over you. Zoue ‘overage defenders wiluorosily be looking in atthe fetball "Thor posture wee fey upright, ther depnh wal be loc tad abunisenc wil behead up fo outside, Man coverage defenders wl) be aligned inside ooking dieztv a be zoonvet, Dopih willbe abc tehter than usual ad their ‘ance wil be lower to the ground an6 more compact NOTE: All coverage wentdenion mast he confimed afer dhe snap!!! ss108 ateains THE “REA oct Q ender an 2 doe ‘alayee on He say Roli-up ineide cocaivar se aapond She LOS). Widest Level | gutckly 20 che curatee detenner Say Furvel or "HAG"; fomtde sem Sefeader will eorastly eotiicion the pelasee soeldecoue & a 6 Sappoo 6 5 cove ar Rechaigue ts inride and che coshton da Enitly tight. "Preae’ Mer sors ths defers fee ere lucked on. . | Gonfies Guseter cover be | SESSGuiber te che tectaice wf sesmecion CATCHING DRILLS ONE HAND; Catch ever te shoulder - drop your head TWO HAND. Catch over the shoulder «run through the ball (COME BACK: Run a hip passe Mile, high, Jow ball “SIDELINE: Work ow keeping thee fet i bounds CROSSING: Ran parlll wits paster- reac back fo passe with two Bands Hive al brown at itfesmr nines. ANGLE COMEBACK: Work diiron angles back dowateld WRONG SHOULDER: Cato over wrong shoulder» adjust to bal, CARIOCA: Mainin bo pir wring intra across fold, Raaeb back fr the oate, WORK AWAY: Ras curl- assume defender bas inside leverage, Slile away from defer dst CATCHING DRILLS CONT. QUER CHEBBAD. (Teal should besos fue, SNAP-YOURIIEAD - Salis thease over wrong shale. Saap your head scceerate to bal oot chest, HADIETO2814 Run down she hau or numbous ball is throw euside. Adjust ro thon ening ye mas ‘Work rop ofthe ster of rommes, Have QB throw he tall wt Aiferentsimes coming oat oF the break, Receiver rugs 3 or 4 sepsin the route AOC OE EMPASIS ker ca qe f J 4 on Ty steas Te 5 seca acer S Comeback 7 ‘Work wit a panase, Keep parmer berseon pasier and racuiver. Defhader mans with reesvar at speed, Right et Pessex oo ees Frade Bal Post Bal Corace Bal: SEPARATION LF,CHMIOUES ost Sarease Purpose isto give che passing ane back tothe QB. As you run upield, and he dezeader ism 8 ‘an postion bewaea yom and the paser. ake ast opposite the direction you wan to ead wp. Use your beasboulder Sake aaa 19 sel ene defender AShe steps close the posiiea, jum ‘ack inside or ouside wo she desired postion LUpbble «Is used in vera routes ‘Stance! a wand a horizontal or stessng routes © Pa S10UI Purpose iso seats senaradawar the topo the rou in Stanza Ma Put the DB yov afer your lease ‘Give tant head fase a step amy from the destin you ar break R Duck Lads arpa isto get so the som desisahle do when the DB is wablug you. Get O8 on your ‘el ip ip). Place your hand on ve near Dum cheek - psi ben up te il - ip nlersesih, keen your Hae chose 0 your Sod

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