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Fourth Grade Weekly News

Miss Meyer
March 14-18 (408)578-4800 ext. 212

Memory Work
Date Numbers
Tuesday, March 15 #185 & 186
Thursday, March 17 #187
Friday, March 18 Hymn 108:1-2

 Mission Offerings – A mission envelope was sent home today and may be brought
back anytime this week.

 Spelling Words – This week is a review unit. The lesson pages review the spelling
patterns and words from units 19-23. We will not have a pretest. The final test on
Friday will consist of 25 random words from units 19-23.

 Tests – Wednesday we will have a math test. The students were given a practice test
last Friday. This time it is required for them to complete.

 Field Trip – A couple of students have not returned their field trip permission forms.
If this pertains to your child, please turn it in by tomorrow (Tuesday).

 Lent - Last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday. Every Wednesday from now until the
week before Easter, we will have Lenten worship services at 5 and 7 p.m. Between
the services there will be a soup supper. Please bring your family and join us as we
reflect on our Savior’s suffering and death.

 “Fun-raiser” – This Thursday, March 17th, is the next Apostles Fun-raiser. This one
will take place at Marie Callendars, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. This is a great opportunity
to help support our school and get to know Apostles’ friends and neighbors! There is
no flyer to bring to the restaurant this time. Simply place your receipt in the drop box
which will be located in the lobby.

 End of the 3rd Quarter – Next Friday marks the end of the 3rd quarter! Can you
believe it? Where did the time go?!!? Report cards will be sent home the following

 Collaboration Day - This Friday, March 18th, classes will dismiss at noon due to a
collaboration day for the teachers.

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