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Walkthrough for 90 Min.

Rate implementation of each indicator using the following 4-point scale:
0 1 2 3
Not Observed Sometimes Often Always
TEACHER Ratin Notes
• Are you teaching what your schedule says you
should be teaching?
• Are you using Treasures, Daily 5, Leveled Readers,
Comprehension Toolkit?
• Are you starting on time and teaching the entire 90
• If kids are using felt pens, crayons, scissors, etc.,
are they spending more time on the artwork than on
the reading skills being taught?
• Are ALL students actively engaged in your whole
group instruction?
• Do students show evidence of understanding
expectations and procedures?
• Is instruction explicit? (Teachers use modeling and
multiple examples to teach skills and strategies: I
We do, You do)
• Is there evidence of teacher assessing student
understanding during lesson?
• Is there evidence of the core instruction plan and
observation notes being used?

STUDENT Ratin Notes

• Do students show evidence of knowledge of
procedures and expectations?
• Are students asked to respond during whole group
instruction in a variety of ways? (dry erase boards,
response cards, turn and talk, etc.)
• Do students show evidence of enjoying reading and
related activities?
• Is there evidence of students applying skills and
strategies taught independently?
• Do students understand what they are working on
and why?
• Is there evidence of small group instruction relating
to whole group lessons and expectations?

Grade_________ Teacher____________________________ Date_______________

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