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Drive Team Scenario Sheet #1


Log in to the software at Select Drive Team Scenario from the main menu.

Your submarine is stopped at 100 feet below the surface of the water.
It is balanced (in good trim) and has a heading of 180.

Your mission is to:

1. Bring the submarine to a speed of 1/4 and a heading of 270 and maintain that heading for the
entire exercise.

2. Dive to 250 feet, with a trim angle no greater than 5. You should not, at any time while
driving, increase your trim angle more than 6 degrees.

3. Level the submarine at 250 feet. You may consider any depth between 245-255 feet to meet
this requirement.

4. Maintain the submarine at a heading of 270, a depth between 245-255 feet and a trim angle
between +/- 1 degree for 5 minutes.

5. After completing step 4, bring the submarine to 150 feet. You may consider any depth (+/- 5
feet) to meet this requirement.

6. Maintain a heading of 270 (+/-1 degree) and a depth of 150 feet (+/ 5 foot) for 5 minutes.

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