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Practice with Phrasal verbs.

Complete the sentences with the correct particle. You can use them
more than once.

down up on off for over out

1. Put your shoes __________- it's too cold to walk around

2. You must get __________ now or you will be late for school.
3. Sit ___________ please. I'll be with you in a minute.
4. Could you write this word _________ for me, please?
5. Don't give ________ singing. You are very talented.
6. Where is the fitting room? I'd like to try
_________ these trousers.
7. Have you tided __________ the kitchen, yet?
8. My little sister woke me  _________ in the middle of the
9. Don't put the vase there, it will fall___________.
10. Adam switched __________ his torch, so we could
find our way home in the dark.
11. I don't know where my book is. I must
12. Fill__________ the form, please.
13. The music is too loud. Could you turn ________ the
volume, please?
14. Quick, get ___________ the bus or you'll have to walk
15. Turn__________ the lights when you go to bed.
16. Do you mind if I switch ___________ the telly? I'd like to
watch the news.
17. The dinner was ruined. I had to throw it____________.
18. When you enter the house, take ____________your shoes
and put some slippers _________.
19. If you don't know this word, you can look it_____________ in a

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