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com/doc/35351756/Jose-Rizal-at-Ateneo - ito mismo yung Anecdotes on

rizal, the Atenean. Pa-open n lng s internet.

Anecdotes on Rizal:


Rizal always practiced self-discipline wherever he is. When he was in

Biñan, waking up at four o·clock to hear mass if there was any is a part of his
daily life, otherwise he study his lessons at that hour and went to mass
afterwards. Having self-discipline makes Jose Rizal as a best student.While he
was out of the country, he kept himself in physical trim by daily exercises and
practiced speaking German, French, and Italian. Aside from perfecting his
academic studies, he performed daily exercises in Berlin gymnasium to develop
his body.

Keen observant

Rizal was a keen observer of people and place. He also observed the life
and culture, languages and customs, industries and commerce, and
governments and laws of the European nations.He spent his leisure moments
touring the countryside, observing keenly the customs, dresses, homes and
occupations of the peasants. He made sketches of the things he saw.


One of the many characteristics of Rizal is friendly. He had and made

friends every time he travels and wherever he goes. He even befriended
Professor Ferdinand Blumentrittthough they haven·t seen each other at first.
Their friendship started when Rizal·s letter from Heidelberg impressed
Blumentritt, who reciprocated by sending Rizal a gift of two books. This event
marked as the beginning of their long and frequent correspondence friendship
that lasted all their lives.

H ealth Conscious
When Rizal was sick and sad during the crossing of the choppy China
Sea, he did not get off his ship when it made a stopover at Amoy for three
reasons. He is not feeling well, it was raining hard, and he heard that the city
was dirty. Maybe Rizal is conscious of his health that if he will get off the ship,
these reasons might worsen his feeling.


Rizal is diligent because he still continues his task despite of difficulties.

After Rizal·s departure for Spain, things turned from bad to worse in Calamba.
Due to hard times in Calamba, the monthly allowances of Rizal in Madrid were
late in arrival and there were times when they never arrived, causing much
suffering to him. There was also a time when his health broke down due to lack
of proper nourishment. Other bad news from home reached Rizal in London. Of
the bad news, were the injustices committed by the Spanish authorities on the
Filipino people and the Rizal family. With his diligence, he survived and
continued his mission to redeem his oppressed people.

Book lover

Since early childhood, Rizal liked to read. Rizal economized on his living
expenses, and with the money he saved, he purchased books from a second-
hand book store. He was able to build a fair-sized private library. The first
favorite novel of Rizal was ´The Count of Monte Cristoµ. On time, he persuaded
his father to buy him a costly set of Cesar Cantu·s historical work entitled
´Universal Historyµ. He also read ´Travels in the Philippinesµ.


Every time Rizal travels, he used to check-in famous hotels. Some of the
hotels were Hotel de la Paz in Singapore, Hotel de Paris and Latin Quarter in
Paris, Hotel Krebs in Bohemia, Victoria Hotel in Hong Kong, Grand Hotel and
Tokyo Hotel in Japan, and Palace Hotel in San Francisco.


During his first day in Tokyo, Rizal was embarrassed because he did not
know the Japanese language. He looked like Japanese, but could not talk
Japanese. He had hard time shopping, for he could not understand and the
Japanese children laughed at him. To avoid further embarrassment, he studied
Japanese language. Being an enthusiast, he also studied the Japanese drama
(kabuki), arts, music, and judo.


An incident of Rizal·s schooldays in the Ateneo which reveals the hero·s

resignation to forgiveness. One day, many Ateneans, including Rizal, were
studying their lessons at the study hall. Two Ateneans, Manzano and Lesaca,
quarreled and violently hurled books at each other. Rizal, who was busy at his
desk poring over his lessons, was hit in the face by one of the thrown books. He
did not raise a cry or protest, although his wounded face was bleeding. After
the incident, he continued to attend his classes, feeling neither bitterness nor
rancor towards the guilty party.

H elpful
An anecdote related by Manuel Xeres Burgos illustrates Rizal·s
predilection to help the helpless at the risk of his own life. One Thursday
afternoon, being vacation day, the boys flew their kites from the azotea. Young
Rizal then was busy reading a Spanish book of fables at the window. After a
while he heard Julio Meliza from Iloilo, one of the smallest boarders, crying ²
because his kite, was caught by the vines growing on the belfry of the Manila
cathedral which was near the boarding house-house. The bigger boys were
laughing, making fun of Julio·s misfortune. Rizal closed the book he was
reading and told Julio not to cry, for he would try to retrieve the kite. True to
his promise he courageously climbed the high cathedral tower and successfully
recovered the kite.


Rizal led a methodical and frugal life. By day in Berlin, he worked as an

assistant in the clinic of Dr. Schweigger, eminent German ophthalmologist. At
night, he attended lectures in the University of Berlin.


Japan enchanted Rizal. The life, customs, and culture of the people
favorably impressed him. However, there is one thing which he did not like in
Japan, and that was the popular mode of transportation by means of
rickshaws drawn by men. His sensitive soul recoiled at seeing human beings
working like horses, pulling the carts called rickshaws. He felt disgusted at the
way a human being was employed like a horse.


Unlike many successful medical practitioners, Rizal did not selfishly

devote all his time to enriching himself. His professional fees were also
reasonable, even gratis to the poor. When he was in Calamba during his first
homecoming, he opened a gymnasium for young folks, where he introduced
European sports. He tried to interest his town mates in gymnastics, fencing
and shooting so as to discourage the cockfights and gambling.


Rizal came in close contact with Spanish liberal and republican

Spaniards in Spain where he became Master Mason. He also befriended some
known persons in Paris, Germany, Japan, London, and other countries. He
always joined associations and brotherhood, for improvement. He even
established organizations such as Kidlat Club, Indios Bravos, and R.D.L.M.

Man of Dignity

Rizal resents exhibition of Igorots in Madrid Exposition. Primitive Igorots

were exhibited in this exposition, some of whom died, and whose scanty
clothing (G-strings) and crude weapons were objects of mockery and laughter
by the Spanish people and press. Being a champion of human dignity, Rizal
was outraged by this degradation of his fellow countrymen the Igorots of
Northern Luzon.

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