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 beberapa transformasi sederhana

pertama mari kita andaikan identitas dari transformasi,

first let us consider the identity transformation which is an obvious example of canonical
transformation. it is generated by function of the form
F 2=∑ q i Pi ..................................... (6.94)

as can be confirmed by noting that

∂F ∂F
Pi= 2 =P v Qi= 2 =q i (i=1,2,.....,n) (6.95)
∂q i ∂ Pi
also, it can be shown with the aid of Eqs. (6.62) and (6.53) that the identity transformation is
generated by
F 3=−∑ pi Qi.................. (6.96)

the question aries whether functions of the form F1(q,Q,t) of F4(p,P,t) can be used to generate
the identity transformation. The answer is no, for the reason that the variables in these
generating functions are directly related by the transformation equations themselves, and
therefore they cannot be point transformation, a topic to be discussed later in this section.
Now consider a related transformation which results in a translation in phase space. Let us
begin with the F2 generating function of Eqs. (6.94). Then replace q1 by (q1 + c1) and P1 by
(P1-di), omitting the product term c1d1 since it will not influence the transformation. Then we
2=¿ ∑ ( q P + c P −d q ) ¿........................... (6.97)

i i i i i i

and we obtain

∂ F2 ∂ F2
pi = =Pi−d v Q i= =q i +c i
∂q i ∂ Pi


Qi=qi +c v Pi= pi +d i (i = 1,2,....n) (6.98)

which represent the required translation. Here we usually assume that the c’s and d’s are
constant, althought they could be functions of time.

The next simple transformation to be discussed is one which interchanges the roles of the
coordinates and momenta. Suppose we try
F 1=∑ q i Qi (6.99)
Using Eqs (6.18) and (6.19), we obtain


The reason that a minus sign is required in one of these transformation equations is that the
canonical equations themselves are not perfectly symmetrical with respect to an interchange
of coordinate and momenta. A minus sign is involved in the equations for ṗi.

It is important to notice that this transformation emphasizes again the Hamiltonian viewpoint
that coordinates and momenta are qualitatively indistinguishable but are necessarily paired as
component of a vector in phase space. In other words, they do not always have the familiar
attributes of position for coordinates and motion for momenta, but do occur together as paired

Another simple canonical transformation is the orthogonal transformation of the q’s and p’s
generated by

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