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Ammonia Reduction Using EKO-Accel on Organic

MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) in a Landfill

The following graph depicts Ammonia emissions from 2 equivalent areas of malodorous organic landfill waste
material. The top line (blue) shows ammonia emission from the UNTREATED area, and the bottom line (black)
shows the ammonia emissions area TREATED with one application of EKO-Accel.

This study was done by the: Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering (VUZT)
Drnovská 507, 161 01 Prague 6
Czech Republic
Investigators: A. Jelínek, P. Plíva, M. Èešpiva, M. Macourek


Fig. 3: Ammonia levels during composting with and without EKO-Accel

1. Ammonia measurement was done by the classical continuous method, using VUZT’s equipment.
2. EKO-Accel was applied in a single application, and provided an immediate reduction in ammonia
emissions (Day 1).
3. The Conclusion of the study reads as follows: “The results achieved through the use of EKO-Accel in a
landfill setting prove that it significantly reduces odor. This environmental improvement offers the
potential to situate landfills in places where it has not been possible to date, i.e., near residential areas.
4. EKO-Accel is an EEC certified 100% organic vegetable substance. It works by bio-chemically
mineralizing organic material, and for ammonia reduction, by providing an ion-exchange – changing
ammonia (NH3) into ammonium (NH4).

Bio-dynamics at Work in Waste Treatment

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