Distance BBA Syllabus Karnataka State Open University

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Sandip Foundation


In collaboration with

Karnataka State Open University

Mysore,Karnataka – 570006

Bachelors of Business
Studies (BBA)

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Bachelors of Business Studies (BBA)

Semester – I Semester - II
BBA-011 Principal of Management 4 BBA-021 Organization Behaviour 4
BBA-012 Marketing Managem ent 4 BBA-022 Business Communication 4
BBA-013 Managerial Economics 4 BBA-023 Business Law 4
Production & Operations
BBA-014 Introduction to Computers 4 BBA-024 Management 4
BBA-015 Communication Skills 4 BBA-025 Financial Accounting 4

Semester – III Semester - IV

Mathematics for Business &
BBA-031 Economics 4 BBA-041 Advertising Fundamen tal 4
BBA-032 Logistics Management 4 BBA-042 Business Policy 4
BBA-033 Human Resource Managem ent 4 BBA-043 Financial Reporting 4
BBA-034 Introduction to Internet 4 BBA-044 E-Commerce 4
Entrepreneurship & Small
BBA-035 Business Management 4 BBA-045 Project Managem ent 4

Semester – V Semester - V I
BBA-051 Corporate Legal Framework 4 BBA-061 Management Information System 4
Security Analysis & Portfolio
BBA-052 Mgmt. 4 BBA-062 Quality Management 4
Management of Financial
BBA-053 Advertising & Sale Promotion 4 BBA-063 Institutions 4
BBA-054 Training & Development 4 BBA-064 Consumer Behavior 4
BBA-055 Business Environment 4 BBA-065 Project Report 4

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Detail ed Syllabus:
Semester - I

Section-I Principal of Management

UNIT 1: Conceptual Framework of Management Management Defined, Components of Management,
Features of Management, Functions of Management, Nature of Management, Levels of

UNIT 2: Administration and Management, Management as a Profession, Significance of Management

from the Point of View of Modern Business Operations

UNIT 3 : Evolution and Foundations of Management Theories Introduction, The Classical Organisation Theory,
Neoclassical Approach or Theory, Facts Discovered through Hawthorne Experiments, Systems Approach to an
Organisation, Modern Organisation Theory is Fundamental in Nature, Modern Organisational Theory: An

UNIT 4: Management Planning Process Planning Process, Objectives and its Characteristics, Policy and its
Meaning, Procedure Defined, Distinction between Policies and Procedures, Forecasting and its Various Aspects

UNIT 5: Organisation Meaning, Importance, Principles and Types Organisation: Meaning and Definition,
Elements/Steps/Fea tures of an Organisation, Nature of an Organisation, Importance of an Organisation.

UNIT 6: Principles of an Organisation, Formal and Informal Organisation, Span of Control, Departmentation—
Meaning, Types of Departmentation, Key Factors in Departmenta tion

UNIT 7: Types of an Organisation Introduction, The Line Organisation, The Line and Staff Organisation, The
Functional Organisation, The Project or Matrix Organisation, Distinction between Organizations, The Need
for Committee Form of an Organisation

UNIV 8: Understanding Organisation-structure and Designs Introduction, Organisation Defined, Consequences

of Poor Organisation, AMA'sTen Commendments of Good Organisation,

UNIT 9: Principles of Objective, Process of Organising, Functions of Organisation, Organisational Design,

Division of Labour or Principle of Specialisation

UNIT 10: Types of Authority Introduction, Sources of Authority, Decentralization of Authority, Distinction
Between Delegation and Decentralisation, Factors Determining the Extent of Decen tralisation,

UNIT 11: Advantages of Decentralisation, Limitations of Decentralisation, the Technique of Decent ralisation,
Organisation Charts

UNIT 12: Delegation of Authority Meaning of Delegation, Formal and Informal Delegation, Characteristics of
Delegation, Limitations of Delegation, Process of Delegation, Merits of Delegation, Principles of Delegation,
Weaknesses of Delegation

UNIT 13: Communication Communication Defined, Elements of Communication, Characteristics of a Good

Communication, Objectives of Communication, Importance of Communication,

Page Obstacles/Barriers
UNIT 14: Principles of Effective Communication, 3 of 31 in Communication, Advantages and
Disadvantages of Verbal and Written Communication, Measurement of the Success of Communication

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UNIT 15: Motivation Defined, Importance of Motivation, Relationship of Motivation with Efficiency of the
Working Force, Positive and Negative Motivation,

UNIT 16: Principles of Personnel Motivation, Human Needs, Maslow’s Theory of Motivation,UNIT II: Ordinary
Differential Equations and Applications

Section II: Marketing Management

UNIT 17: Marketing: Basic Concepts ,Meaning of the Functions of Marketing, Functions of Marketing,
Characteristics of Modern Concept of Marketing, Seller’s Market, Buyer’s Market

UNIT 18: Meaning, Functions and Importance of Marketing, Management Meaning and Definition of
Marketing Management, Functions of Marketing Management,

UNIT 19: Principles of Marketing Management, Responsibilities of Marketing Manager, Meaning and Definition
of Marketing Mix

UNIT 20: Consumer Behaviour and Motivation, Meaning of Buying Motives, Buyer’s Behaviour, The Diffusion
Process, Meaning of Motivation Research, Stages of Buying Process

UNIT 21: Product and Product Policies ,Definition and Concepts of Product, Product Mix Defined, Concept of
Life Cycle of a Product, Product Planning, Product Line Policies and Strategie s,

UNIT 22: Process of New Product Development, Procedure for Test Marketing, Product Simplification, Product
Diversification, Product E limination

UNIT 23: Pricing Decisions, Price Policy and Strategy Meaning and Definition of Pricing Decision, Contents of
Price Decision, Factors Affecting the Pricing Decision, Information Required by Price Setters,

UNIT 24: Methods of Determining Prices, Pricing in Different Stages of Life-Cycle of a

Product, UNIT 25: Meaning and Definition of Price Discrimination, Justification of Price


UNIT 25: Causes for Popularity of Non-Price Competition, Resale Price Maintenance (Maximum Retail Price)

UNIT 27: Channels of Distribution and Logistics Management

UNIT 28: Meaning and Definition of Channels of Distribution, Functions of Channels of Distribution, Selection
of a Particular Channel

UNIT 29: Distribution Logistics, General Factor Affecting Logistics Choice, Physical Distribution in Certain
Industries in India,

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UNIT 30: Marketing Research and Market Segmentation Meaning and Definition of Marketing Resear ch,
Scope of Marketing Research, Sources of Collecting Marketing Research Data, Market Segmentation

UNIT 31: Sales Promotion Meaning and Definition of Sales Promotion, Importance or Advantages of Sales

UNIT 32: Meaning and Definition of Personal Selling, Functions of Personal Selling, Merits or Advantages of
Personal Selling , Sales Forecasting Meaning of Sales Forecasting, Objectives of Sales Forecasting,
Limitations of Sales Forecasting, Forecasting the Indian Context, Process of Sales Forecas ting

Section III: Managerial Economics

UNIT 33: Managerial Economics Nature, Scope and Concepts, Fundamental Nature of Managerial Economics,
Appropriate Definitions, Basic Characteristics, Economic Analysis,

UNIT 34: Theore tical Concepts of Managerial Economics, Role of the Managerial Economist and

UNIT 35: Demand Analysis Concept of Demand, Types of Demand, Demand Function and Demand Curve,
Demand Elasticities, Demand Forecasting

UNIT 36: Production Analysis Introduction, The Production Function, Production Function: One Variable Input
Case: Short-run

UNIT 37: The Production Function with Two Variable Inputs, Changes in Input Prices, Returns to Scale,
Empirical Production Functions

UNIT 38: Cost Analysis Cost Concepts, Cost-output Functions, Costs in the Short-run, Costs in the Long-run,
Economies of Scale., Economies of Scope,

UNIT 39: Application of Cost Analysis, Break-even Analysis: Volume-Cost-Profit, Cost Functions: Empirical
Determination, Relevance of Cost Theory for Managers, Relevance of the Shape of

UNIT 40: Price-output And Market Structure

Theory of Pricing, Various Forms of Market Structures, Equilibrium of a Firm, Price Determination:
Equilibrium between Demand and Supply,

UNIT 41: Pricing and Output Decisions under Perfect Competition, Pricing and Output Decisions under

UNIT 42: Pricing Strategies Introduction, Multi Product Pricing, Price Discrimination, Pricing Methods in
Practice, Government’s Control on Pricing

UNIT 43: Investment Decisions Introduction, Meaning and Significance of Capital Budgeting, Techniques or
Methods of Investment Evaluation,

UNIT 44: Public Investment Decisions, Risk and Uncertainty

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UNIT 45: Firm Objective and Constraints Introduction, Theories of the Firm,

UNIT 46: Managerial Theories of the Firm, Behavioural Theories of the Firm, Value Maximisation, Firm's

UNIT 47: Welfare Economics Introduction, General Equilibrium, Utility Analysis, Consumer's Surplus,
Producer's Surplus, Pareto Optimality:

UNIT 48: Alternative Approach, Criteria for Welfare Judgements

Section IV : Introdu ction Of Computers

UNIT 49: Structure of Computer Input/Output System, Central Processing Unit, Memory Unit, Logic Gates/
Circuits, B IT Sand B Y T E S ,

UNIT 50: Number System for Data , Representation, Hardware and Software

UNIT 51: Hardware Concepts Motherboard, Input Devices, Output Devices, Storage Devices, Cards, Ports and
Cords, Powersupply

UNIT 52: Software Concepts Operating Systems, Concept of Programming,

UNIT 53: Types of Computer Language, Language Translators, Software Tools, System Software Utilities

UNIT 54: Windows - A Graphical User Interface, General Purpose Application Software, Special Purpose
Application Software

UNIT 55: Latest Trends in Information Technology, Emerging Information Technologies, Limitations of

UNIT 56: Introduction to DOS Definition and Importance of DOS, Loading DOS, Rebooting the Computer,
Files and Directories in DOS,

UNIT 57: Referencing Files, File Naming Conventions, DOS Commands, Wildcards, Internal and External
Commands, Batch Files

UNIT 58: Computer Viruses: Attacks, Prevention and Cure Definition of a Virus, Virus Characteristics, What is
Sinister about Viruses, Virus History, and How Viruses are spread,

UNIT 59: Different Kinds of Virus, Damage Done by Viruses, Virus Prevention, Network and Viruses, Network
Protection, Anti-virus in the Future

UNIT 60: Microsoft Word 2000 Starting of MS-Word, Start Working with Word Document, Opening of an
Existing Document, Format ting the Text, Spell Checking

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UNIT 61: Microsoft Excel 2000 How to Start Microsoft Excel 2000, Components of Excel Window, Start
Working with Menu Options, Data Entry and

UNIT 62: Reversing / Reapplying Commands, Find Replace & Go to Options, Working with Toolbar, Resizing
Columns and Rows

UNIT 63: Classification of Computers Supercomputers, Mainframes, Minicomputers, Clients and Servers

UNIT 64: Laptop Computers, Notebook Computers, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA's),Embedded Computers


UNIT 65: Concord & Forms of Verbs Rule of Concord or


UNIT 66: Present Tense, Past Tense, Future Tense, Tenses with Since,

UNIT 67: The Future Tense in Adverbial Clauses, Tense in Sentences of Condition

UNIT 68: Idiomatic use of Prepositions and Conjunctions

UNIT 69: What is an Idiom, Idiomatic Use of Prepositions

UNIT 70: Words Followed by prepositions,

UNIT 71: Struct ural Use of Infinitive, Gerund and Participles,

UNIT 72: The Participle, the Infinitive, Gerunds

UNIT 73: Common Errors in English Adjectives and Adverbs


UNIT 74: Errors in the Use of Adjectives and


UNIT 75: Punctuation, Capitalization & Comprehension Punctuation, Capitalization

UNIT 76: Good Manners, The Conjurer’s Revenge, The Home Coming, My Last Will and

Unit 77: Vocabulary Building in English Language Useful Words for Expressing

UNIT 78: Opinions and Emotions,Single Words for Phrases or Sente nces,Derivations: Root

UNIT 79: Prefixes and Suffixes,Antonyms and Synonyms,Nationality Words: Names of Countries and People

UNIT 80: Essay and Business Letter Writing Writing an Essay,Business Letters
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Semester - II


UNIT 1: Basic Concepts of Organisational Behaviour Introduction, Defining Organisational Behaviour

UNIT 2: Administration and Organisational Behaviour, Fundamental Concepts of Organisational Behaviour

UNIT 3: Basic Approaches to Organisational Behaviour, Historical Development of Organisational Behaviour,

Hawthorne Experiments, Elements of Organisational Behaviour System

UNIT 4: Perception, Attitudes and Values Introduction, Perception Defined, Attitude Defined, Functions of
Attitude, Value Defined, Value System,

UNIT 5: Why Should Managers Know and Understand Values?

UNIT 6: Work Values, Individual Behaviour

UNIT 7: Personality Development and Personality Theories the Meaning of Personality, Characteristics of

UNIT 8: Types of Theories of Personality, Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory of Personality, Abraham Maslow’s
Humanistic Theory of Personality

UNIT 9: Motivation Introduction, Motivation Defined, Nature of Motivation, Importance of Motivation,

Maslow’s Need Priority Model, Theory X and Theory y, Herzberg’s two Factor Theory,

UNIT 10: Comparison between Herzberg and Maslow Models, Immaturity-Maturity Theory, Vroom’s
Expectancy Theory Financial and Non-Financial Incentives

UNIT 11: Individual and Organisation Introduction, Concept of Individual-Organisation Conflict, Legitimacy of
Organisational Influence, Discipline and Disciplinaryaction,

UNIT 12: Disciplinary action policy or Reinforcement, The Counselling Approach to Disciplinary Action

UNIT 13: Organisational Conflict Introduction, Meaning of Conflict, Are Conflicts Always Dysfunctional?

UNIT 14: Positive or Functional or Constructive Aspects of Conflict, Levels of conflicts, Managing the Conflicts

UNIT 15: Work Groups Introduction, Concept of Groups, Characteristics of Groups, How work groups are
formed, Why work groups are formed, Types of Groups, Distinction between Formal and Informal Groups

UNIT 16: Group Dynamics Group Dynamics Defined, Behaviour in Groups, Importance of Group Dynamics,
Group Cohesiveness Defined, Factors Influencing Cohesiveness, Group Cohesiveness and Productivity

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Section II: Business Communication
UNIT 17: Nature of Communication
Process of Communication, Non-verbal Communication, The Role of Communication in the Business

UNIT 18: The Frequency of Communication, Main Forms of Organisational Communication, Communication
Network in the Organisation, Effects of Changing Technology

UNIT 19: Communication Process Communication is a Two-way Process, Process of Communication: Meaning
and Concept, Elements of Communication, Importance of Effective Communication

UNIT 20: Communication Channels and Networks Types of Communication, Communication on the Basis of
Direction, Communication on the Basis of Way of Expression,

UNIT 21: Communication on the Basis of Organisational Structure, Communication Network

UNIT 22: Effects of Communication Network on Work Performan ce

UNIT 23: Management Communication Introduction, Management Communication: Meaning, Importance of

Management Communication, Improving Management Communication

UNIT 24: Downward Communication, Importance of Downward Communication, Upward Communication,

Improvement in Upward Communication,

UNIT 25: Communication in Specialised Groups, Communication with Worker’s


UNIT 26: Barriers to Effective Communication Introduction, Types of Barriers, External Barriers,
Barriers, Personal Barriers, Steps to Make Communication Effective

UNIT 27: Effective Written Communication Introduction, Guidelines for Effective Writing, Writing

UNIT 28: Format of the Contract Proposal, Sales Proposals, Business Reports, Business Letter

UNIT 29: Effective Oral Communication and Public Speaking Factors Inhibiting Effective Oral,
Communication, Problems in Oral Communication, Gateways to More Effective Communication,

UNIT 30: Principles of Information , Exchange in a Company, Oral Communication Skills, Listening Ability,
Problems in Listening, Guide to Effective Listening, Committees and Meetings, Ten Commandments of Good
Oral Communication

UNIT 31: Communication Feedback Systems Introduction, Feedback Defined

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UNIT 32: The Functions of Feedba ck, the Process of Interpersonal Feedba ck, Making Feedback Effective: Giving
Feedback, Making Feedback Effective: Receiving Feedback

Section III: Business Law

UNIT 33: Business and its Environment Business and its Environment, What is Business? Legal Environment of
Business, Gaining Practical Experience

UNIT 34: Law of Contract Introduction, Meaning and Essentials of a Valid Contract, Proposal (or Offer) and
Acceptance [SS.3-9], Capacity to Contract [Ss.10-12],

UNIT 35: Consent and Free Consent, Consideration [Ss.2(D), 23-25,185], Unlawful Consideration and Object

UNIT 36: Contingent Contracts (Ss.31-36), Quasi Contracts (Ss.68-72) , Certain Relations Resembling those
Created by Contracts), Performance of Contracts [Ss.37-67], Different Modes of Discharge of Contracts [Ss.73-

UNIT 37: Contract of Agency Introduction, Definition of Agent and Agency, Different Kinds of Agencies,
Classification of Agents, Duties and Rights of Agent

UNIT 38: Principal's Duties to the Agent and his Liability to Third Parties, Personal Liability of Agent,
Termination of agency, Power of Attorney

UNIT 39: Law of Sale of Goods Introduction, Definition and Essentials of a Contract of Sale Goods and their

UNIT 40: Meaning of Price, Conditions and Warranties, Passing of Property in Goods, Transfer of Title by
Non- owners (Ss. 27-30), Performance of a Contract of Sale of Goods,

UNIT 41: Unpaid Seller and His Rights

UNIT 42: Law of Negotiable Instruments Introduction, Meaning and Definition of a Negotiable Instrument,
Certain Important Concepts and Explanations of Certain Terms

UNIT 43: Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange Cheques, Holder and Holder in due Course, Privileges of a
Holder in due Course

UNIT 44: Law of Insurance Nature and Principles of Insurance, Life Insurance, Fire Insurance, Marine Insurance,
Gaining Practical Experience

UNIT 45: Law of Carriage of Goods Definition of a Contract of Carriage and Classification of Carriers,
Carriage of Goods by Land, Carriage of Goods by Rail, Carriage of Goods by Sea, Carriage of Goods by Air

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UNIT 46: Elements of Company Law Meaning and Nature of a Company, Formation of a Company,
Memorandum of Association.

UNIT 47: Articles of Association, Prospectus, Shares and Share Capital, Allotment of Shares

UNIT 48: Taxation Constitutional Framework of Taxation, Direct and Indirect Taxes, The Central Excise Act,
1944, The Customs Act, 1962, Basic Central and State Sales

Section IV : Production & Operations Management

UNIT 49: Basic Concepts Production Defined, Production as Heart of an Organisation, Production Management
Function, Objectives of Production Managem ent,

UNIT 50: Scope of Production Management, Production Organisation, Historical Evolution of Production
Operations Management

UNIT 51: Design and Control of Production Systems Technology Life Cycle (TLC) and Product Design, Categories
of Process Technologies, Impact of Design Engineering on Technology, Mechanisation and Automation,
Flexible Manufacturing Systems

UNIT 52: Production Life Cycle and Design Product Design, Modular Design and Standardisation, Generation of
New Product Opportunities Product Life Cycle

UNIT 53: Product Planning and Development Product Development, Research and Development

UNIT 54: Plant Location Facilities Location Defined, Significance of Plant Location, Objective of
Location Strategy, Site Selection – Where to Locate? Site Evaluation Processes, Location Analysis
Techniques, Behavioural Impacts in Facility Location

UNIT 55: Plant Layout Facility Layout/Plant Layout , Defined, Objectives of Plant Layout, Effects of Layout
on Cost , Basic Types of Layouts, Factors Influencing Plant Layout, Approach to Layout Engineering, Steps
in Planning Plant Layout, Comparison of Different Types of Layouts, Symptoms of a Bad Layout

UNIT 56: Materials Handling Definition, Functions of Materials Handling, Importance/Significance of

Materials Handling, Principles of Materials Handling, Types of Materials Handling Equipment,
Containerisation and Palletisation Mechanisation and Automation in Materials Handling

UNIT 57: Demand Forecasting Forecasts and Predictions, Categories of Forecasting

UNIT 58: Production Planning Characteristics of Production, Planning, Objectives of Production Planning,
Planning and Manufacturing Systems, Steps or Procedure for Production Planning.

UNIT 59: Production Control and Scheduling Production Control, Scheduling Defined, Dispatching for Batch

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UNIT 60: Dispatching and Follow-up Dispatching and Follow-up, Qualities of a Chaser

UNIT 61: Inspection Return to Suppliers, Goods Received Notes, Bin Cards

UNIT 62: Maintenance Management Maintenance Defined, Maintenance Policy, Service Level Defined

UNIT 63: Materials Management of Material Resources, Definition of Materials Management, Scope of
Materials Management, Materials Management as Profit Centre, Functions of Materials Managem ent

UNIT 64: Inventory Control Inventory Defined, Characteristics of Inventory, Inventory Control , Fundamentals,
Economic Order Quantity, Selective Inventory Control

Section V: Financial Accounting

UNIT 65: Financial Accounting—an Introduction, Basic Accounting Concepts, Double Entry Accounting, The
Accounting Trail

UNIT 66: Financial Statements and Their Nature, the Accounting Equation

UNIT 67: Recording in the Primary Books Introduction, Ground Rules of Journalisation, Journalisation, Types of

UNIT 68: Posting in Secondary Books Introduction, Types of Secondary Books, Posting Techniques in the

UNIT 69: Bank Reconciliation Statement Introduction, Purpose of Bank Reconciliation Statements, Causes of

UNIT 70: Trial Balance and Final Accounts Introduction, Preparation of the Trial Balance, Errors and Their
Rectification, Final Accounts

UNIT 71: Accounting Standards in India Introduction, Indian Accounting Standards

UNIT 72: Corporate Financial Statements—Part-I Introduction, Statutory Books, Financial Statemen ts,
Comprehensive Illustration,

UNIT 73: Directors’ Report, Significant Accounting Policies, Inventory Valuation

UNIT 74: Corporate Financial Statements—Part-II Introduction, Managerial Remuneration, Depreciation


UNIT 75: Provision for Taxation — Case Study: Horizon Ltd.

UNIT 76: Divisible Profits, Accounting Treatment of MODVAT,Prior period Adjustments

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UNIT 77: Understanding Published Financial Statements Introduction, Published Financial Statements—A
Case Study: JCT Electronics Ltd., Understanding Financial Statements.

UNIT 78: Interpretation of Financial Statements, Quantitative Disclosures

UNIT 79: Consolidated Financial Statements Introduction, Legal Framework, Consolidated Financial
Statements, Chain Holding

UNIT 80: Accounting for Amalgamations Legal Framework, Definitions, Purchase Consideration,
Determination of Swap Ratio, Methods of Accounting for Amalgamations, Asset Buyouts (ABOs)

Semester - III
Section I: Mathematics for Business & Economics

UNIT 1: Introduction to Business Mathematics

UNIT 2: Importance and Scope, Profit and Loss,

UNIT 3: Simple and Compound Interest

UNIT 4: Present Value, Annuities, Shares and Bonds,

UNIT 5: Basic Algebra Surds and Indices,

Logarithms, UNIT 6: Linear and Quadratic Equations,

UNIT 7: Simultaneous Equations, Inequalities with Graphs, Arithmetic Progression (A.p.),

UNIT 8: Geometric Progression (G.p.)

UNIT 9: Matrices and Determinants Matrices: Definition and Notations,

UNIT 10: Special Types of Matrices, Matrix Operations, Determinants and Non-singularity Rank of a Matrix

UNIT 11: Inverse of a Matrix

UNIT 12: Solution of Equations (Unique Solution), Solution of Equations (Gauss-Elimination Method)

UNIT 13: Calculus Theory of Sets, Relations and Functions

UNIT 14: Limits and Continuity, Differentiation,

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UNIT 15: Maxima and Minima, Integration

UNIT 16: Statistics Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Probability,

Section II: Logistics Manageme nt

UNIT 17: Logistics: Overview Unit Objectives

UNIT 18: The Concept of Logistics, Logistical Mission and Strategic Issues, Strategic Logistics Planning Process

UNIT 19: The Significance of Logistics, Logistical Competitive Advantages, Operational

Objectives UNIT 20: The Components of Logistics Management, the Functions of Logistics

Management UNIT 21: Physical Distribution Unit Objectives, the Concept of Inventory, Types of


UNIT 22: The Functions of an Inventory, Elements of Inventory Costs,

UNIT 23: the Concept of Transportation, Transportation and Logistics,

UNIT 24: The Concept of Warehousing and Its Relation to Logistics, Types of Warehouses, Functions of

UNIT 25: Packaging and Material Handling the Concept of Packaging, Logistical Functions of Packaging

UNIT 26: Forms of Protective Packaging, Protective Packaging Problems

UNIT 27: The Concept of Material Handling, the Principles of Material Handling, Equipment Used in Material

UNIT 28: Basic Material Handling Considerations

UNIT 29: Order Processing Unit Objectives, the Concept of Order Processing, the Functions of Order

UNIT 30: The Importance of Order Processing

UNIT 31: Location Analysis Unit Objectives, Classification of Location Decision Problems, Single Facility
Location, Multiple Facility Location,

UNIT 32: Dynamic Warehouse Location, Retail and Service Location,

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Section III: Human Resource Management
UNIT 33: Human Resource Management Introduction

UNIT 34: Personnel Management – An Overview, Objectives of Personnel Management, Personnel

Management in India,

UNIT 35: Organization and Personnel Management, Personnel Management in Public Sector, HRM in Tata
Steel – A Case Study

UNIT 36: Future of Personnel Management in India, Strategic Planning and HRM

UNIT 37: Job Description: Analysis and Evaluation Introduction, Job Analysis, Job Analysis Process, Techniques
of Job Analysis, Job Description, Job Specification,

UNIT 38: Job Design in Developing Countries, Guidelines for work design in Developing Countries

UNIT 39: Human Resource Planning—Concept and Process Introduction, Objectives of Manpower Planning,

UNIT 40: Techniques of Manpower Planning, Manpower Planning Process

UNIT 41: Recruitment and Selection Introduction, Aim of Recruitment Policy, Sources of Recruitment,
Selection, Selection Process, Induction

UNIT 42: Performance Appraisal Introduction, Need to Appraise Performance, Problems in Performance

UNIT 43: Methods of Performance Appraisal, Potential Appraisal or Assessing Appraisal

UNIT 44: Training and Development (T&D) Introduction, Training Needs, Types of Training Programmes,
Training Methods for Managers, Training through Internet, Executive Development

UNIT 45: Wages and Compensa tion Introduction, Labour, State Regulation of Wages in India, Systems of Wage
Payment, Systems of Incentive Payment

UNIT 46: Job Evaluation, Wages and Working Conditions in Indian Industries

UNIT 47: Discipline and Grievance in Industry

Introduction, Problems Relating to Laws and Rules, Study on Problems of Discipline, Grievance

UNIT 48: Counseling and Mentoring Introduction, Counseling, Types of Counseling, Nature of Counseling,

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Section IV : Introduction To Internet
UNIT 49: Introduction to Internet Introduction, Birth of Internet, What is Internet?, Administration and
Ownership of Internet, Net Advantages, Internet Resources

UNIT 50: Types of Connections Introduction, Types of Connections, Internet Service Providers (ISPs),
Installation of TCP/IPProtocol, Configuring TCP/IP Protocol, Configuring the Dial-up Networking,

UNIT 51: Testing the Connection, Cybercafe

UNIT 52: Modem Introduction, Factors to be Considered while Buying a Modem, Cable Modems
(Subscriber Unit), Future Trends, Installing a New Modem

UNIT 53: Internet Addressing Scheme Introduction, Types of Addressing, IP Address or the Internet-
Protocol Address, Domain Name, Domain Name System (DNS),Electronic Mail (E-mail), Uniform Resource
Locator (U R L )

UNIT 54: World Wide Web (WWW) Introduction, Origin of WWW, Basics of WWW, Purpose of WWW,
Portals, Description of a Web Page, Functioning of the World Wide Web

UNIT 55: Browsers Introduction, Features of a Good Browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE),Features and
Capabilities of Internet Explorer, Tool Bar, Menu Bar, Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcu ts,

UNIT 56: Browser Terms in Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer

UNIT 57: Electronic Mail Introduction, E-mail versus postal mail, ,Applications of E-mail , Working of E-
mail, Basic functions provided by all E-mail client software

UNIT 58: Subscribing to an E-mail account, E-mail Interface, Reading an E-mail, Deleting E-mail from
Inbox, Sending an E-mail (Compose an E-mail), Address Book, Saving an E-mail

UNIT 59: Outlook Introduction, Accessing Outlook, Adding E-mail Accounts, Modifying E-mail Accounts,
Creating a New Message from Scratch, Changing Outlook’s Message Defaults

UNIT 60: Printing Messages, Recovering Deleted Messages, Automatically Deleting when Exiting Outlook

UNIT 61: Searching the Net Introduction, Types of Search Tools, Search Engines, Tips to Get Your Home
Page Listed by Major Search Engines, Meta Search Engines, Web Directories, Virtual Libraries, Certain
Useful Web Services

UNIT 62: Telnet Introduction, Definition and Applications of Telnet, Getting Connected to Telnet, A Telnet

UNIT 63: A L ive Example of Telnet with Tata Institute, Hytelnet - Archive of Telnet Sites, Imortant Telnet
Commands, Some Interesting Telnet Sites,

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UNIT 64: Newsgroups Introduction, Joining a Newsgroup, Common Terminology related to Newsgroups,
Newsgroup, Categories, The Newsgroup Client - www.dejanews.com, Some Usenet Clients

Section V: Entrepreneu rship and Small Business Management

UNIT 65: Definition of Entrepreneurship Introduction, Entrepreneur, the Entrepreneurial Decision Process,
Types of Start-ups, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development, The Future of Entrepreneurship,

UNIT 66: Definition of Small Business Introduction to Small-Scale Industry, Meaning and Definition, Growth
of Small-Scale Industries, New Peaks to Scale

UNIT 67: The Product Group Matrix, Export Contribution From Small-Scale Sector, The Role and
Performance of Cottage and Small-Scale Industries, Indian Economy

UNIT 68: Problem of small-scale and Cottage Industries, Economic Reforms in India

UNIT 69: Entrepreneurial Motivation Childhood Family Environment, Motivation, Role Models And

UNIT 70: Male Versus Female Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs Versus Inventors, General Non-entrepreneurial
Profiles, Self-Assessment

UNIT 71: Establishing Idea Introduction, Methods for Generating ideas, Creative Problem Solving, Product
Planning and Development Process, Self Assessment

UNIT 72: Start Your Own Business or Buy an Existing One Writing a Business Plan, Using and
Implementing the Business Plan, Why Some Business Plans Fail, Self Assessment

UNIT 73: Financial Analysis Pro Forma Income Statements, Break-even Analysis, Pro Forma Cash Flow, Pro
Forma Balance Sheet, Pro Forma Sources and Application of Funds

UNIT 74: Role of Financial Institutions Introduction, Institutions at All India Level, A Spectrum of Activities,
Machinery and Equipment

UNIT 75: New Technologies Introduced by Nsic-tscs, Technology Dissemination Centres, Software
Technology Park, Marketing Support Programme, Integrated Marketing Support, Marketing Development

UNIT 76: Government Purchase Programme, Exports Product Export Project Export, Special Export

UNIT 77: Policy Incentive for Entrepreneurial Growth, Small-Scale Industrial Policy Objectives of Auditing,
Mechanisms of Auditing, Standard Operating Procedures for Auditing, Gap Analysis and Corrective
Action System

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UNIT 78: Analytical Methods Quality Auditing, Standard Operating Procedures

UNIT 79: Process Design and Process Control Fundamentals, Process Design, Draft the Procedure

UNIT 80: Process Control, Developing Appropriate/Reasonable Control Methods, Test Methods, and
Acceptance Criteria

Semester – IV
Section I: Advertising Fundamentals
UNIT 1: Introduction to Advertising Marketing-mix and Advertising, Defining Advertising

UNIT 2: Brief History of Advertising Development of Modern Advertising, Contemporary Advertising,

Advertising in the 21st Century

UNIT 3: Classifying Advertising Consumer advertising, Advertising to Business and Profession, Non-product

UNIT 4: Role, Functions and Benefits of Advertising Economic, Social, and Ethical Issues, Economic
Issues, Social Issues, Ethical Issues

UNIT 5: Client and Advertising Agency Client or Advertiser’s Role, Advertising Agency, Agency Structures,
Other Types of Agencies ,Agency Compensation, Agency Evaluation

UNIT 6: Marketing Communications Communication Process, Source, Message and Medium Factors,
Source, Limitations of Credible Sources, Over Exposure, Message, Medium

UNIT 7: An Overview of Consumer Behaviour Problem Recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of


UNIT 8: Purchase Decision, Post Purchase Evaluation, Learning Process

UNIT 9: Advertising Response Process (How Advertising Works) Exposure and Familiarity Model, Response
Hierarchy Models

UNIT 10: Low-involvement Learning Model, Cognitive Response Model

UNIT 11: The Elaboration Likelihood Model (Elm)

UNIT 12: Segmentation and Positioning Bases for Market Segmentation, Determining How Many Segments
to Enter

UNIT 13: Positioning, Developing a Positioning Strategy, Determining the Positioning Strategy

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UNIT 14: Brand Awareness, Brand Attitudes and Feelings Brand Awareness, Brand Attitudes and Feelings,
Brand Equity, Image and Personality

UNIT 15: Brand Equity, Brand Image and Personality

UNIT 16: Support Media Outdoor, Transit Advertising, Cinema and Videos

Section II: Business Policy

UNIT 17: Introduction to Strategic Management Origin of Strategy and Strategic Management

UNIT 18: Need for Strategies and Strategic Management, Path to Strategic Management, Is Strategy
Creatively or Rationally Developed,

UNIT 19: The Challenge of Strategic Management, Gaining Competitive Advantage, Stakeholders in the
Process, Corporate Governance and Stakeholders

UNIT 20: Understanding External Environment External Environmental Analysis, Industry Environment
Analysis, Forecasting the Trends, Competitor

UNIT 21: Understanding Internal Environment Internal Analysis, Internal Analysis, Framework, Resources,
Capabilities, and Core Competencies, Core Competen cies

UNIT22: Building Core Competencies, Core Competencies: Cautions and Reminders, Value Chain

UNIT 23: Establishing Strategic Focus Introduction, Strategic Intent, Vision and Mission, Communicating
V ision and Mission, Setting Objectives, Developing the Strategy, Aligning Performance with Objectives,
Balanced Scorecard

UNIT 24: Corporate Strategy Developing Strategic Options Based on Tows Analysis, Diversification
Strategies, Managerial Motives to

UNIT 25: Related Diversification, Unrelated Diversification, Diversification Using Mergers and Acquisitions,

UNIT 26: Business-Level Strategy Identifying Customers Needs, Generic Business-Level Strategies, Effect of
Internet on Business-level Strategy, Key Issues Review, On the Learning Curve

UNIT 27: Competitive Strategies Traditional Approaches to Competitive Strategies, Today's Competitive
Scenario, A Model of Competitive Rivalry, Competitive Rivalry Outcomes, Key Issues

UNIT 28: Implementing Strategies I : Management Role of Strategic Leadership in Implementation,

Strategic Leadership

UNIT 29: Teams as an Organizational Resource, Identifying Key Strategic Tasks for Implementa tion

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UNIT 30: Partnerships for Managing Change, Aligning Organizational Capabilities,
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship, Creating A Learning Organization

UNIT 31: Implementing Strategies Organizational Issues Organization Structure and Strategy
Implementation, Implementing Business-level Strategies

UNIT 32: Implementing Functional Strategies, Role of the Budget, Key Issues

Section III: Financial Reporting

UNIT 33: Introduction to Financial Reporting Meaning of financial reporting, Need of financial reporting ,
Evolution of financial reporting,

UNIT 34: Various types of Financial Reports, Limitations of financial reporting, Regulations concerned with
Financial Reports

UNIT 35: Accounting Standards Interpretations and Guidance Notes on various accounting aspects issued
by the ICAI

UNIT 36: Applications of Various Accounting Standards issued by


UNIT 37: International Financial Reporting Standards (IF R S )International Accounting Standar ds

UNIT 38: Interpretations of IF R Sby International Financial Reporting Interpretation Committee (IFR IC )

UNIT 39: Overview of U S G A AP, Similarities and differences between Indian Accounting Standar ds

UNIT 40: International Accounting Standards/ International Financial Reporting Standards and U S G AAP

UNIT 41: Corporate Financial Reporting Corporate Financial Reporting System

UNIT 42: Indian Financial Reporting System, Corporate Reporting Practices in India , Other

UNIT 43: Consolidated Financial Reporting for Group Companies

UNIT 44: Meaning of Group Holding Company and Subsidiary Company

UNIT 45: Purpose of preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements

UNIT 46: Treatment of differential i.e., cost of control, Consolidated Balance Sheet

UNIT 47: Consolidated Profit and Loss Account, Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

UNIT 48: Uniform Accounting Policies

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Section IV : E-Commerce
UNIT 49: Introduction to E-Commerce Definition of E-Commerce, Electronic Commerce Framework,
Electronic Commerce and Media Convergence

UNIT 50: Anatomy Of E-Commerce Applications Anatomy of E-Commerce Applications

UNIT 51: Meaning of I-Way, Awareness about I-Way, Components of the I-Way, Market Forces Influencing
the I-Way, Global Information Distribution Networks, Public Policy Issues Shaping the I-Way

UNIT 52: Internet Terminology Provider or Internet Service Provider (ISP), Server, Browser, Hypertext
Transfer Protocol
UNIT 53: Uniform Resource Locators or U RLs, Security Protocols, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Telnet,
Bulletin Board Systems (BBS),E-m ail, Newsgroups, Remote Login, Internet Chatting

UNIT 54: Electronic Commerce and World Wide Web Electronic Commerce and World Wide Web

UNIT 55: Architectural Framework for E-Commerce, Electronic Commerce Application Services

UNIT 56: Porting Applications to Operate in Client-Server Mode on the Web, Factoring an Existing
Application into Client and Server

UNIT 57: Restructuring Existing user Interfaces in H TM LForms, Managing a Stateless Protocol-Partitioning
Persistent Storage, Graphic Output

UNIT 58: Electronic Commerce Process Consumer Oriented Applications, Mercantile Process Models

UNIT 59: Pre-purchase Preparation, Purchase Consummation, Post Purchase Interaction,

UNIT 60: Issues in Customer Care and Service,Consumer's Perspective, Pre-purchase Preparation Phase,
Purchase Consummation Phase, Post-purchase Interaction Phase

UNIT 61: Electronic Payment Systems Virtual PIN, Digicash (or E-Cash), Cybercash/Cybercoin, SET (Secure
Electronic Transactions), Paypal, Millicent Protocol: Small-Amount Internet Payments

UNIT 62: Electronic Data Interchange Electronic Data Interchange,

UNIT 63: Definition of EDI, EDI Architecture, the EDI Transaction Steps, Benefits of EDI, Standardization and
EDI, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

UNIT 64: Applications, Security and Privacy Issues

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Section V: Project Management
UNIT 65: Introduction To Project Management Aims and Objectives, Introduction, Specification of Project,

UNIT 66: Definition of Project Management, Essentials of a Good Project, Functional Aspects of Project
Management, Systems Approach to Project Management

UNIT 67: Project Life Cycle Introduction, Phases of Project Life Cycle, Project Cycle Management, The
Traditional Constraints, Project Control Variables, Project Environment

UNIT 68: Project Planning Aims and Objectives, Introduction, Strategic Planning for Projects, Dimensions of
Strategic Planning, Characteristics of Dimensions

UNIT 69: Project Planning Process, Managing the Planning Process

UNIT 70: Networks And Project Evaluation Eview Technique (PERT) Introduction, Network Concept,
Concept of Event

UNIT 71: Definition of Activity, Dummy Activity, Numbering of Events, Controlling, Rules for Drawing a
Network, Master Network

UNIT 72: Advantages of Network Planning ,PER TTerminology and Conventions, Implementing PE R T

UNIT 73: Computerised Project Management Aims and Objectives, Introduction: Project Management
Software, Scheduling, Information

UNIT 74: Approaches to Project, Management Software, Project Management Software, Personal Project
Management Application,

UNIT 75: Web Directories Listing Project Planning Software, Criticisms of Project Management Software

UNIT 76: Project Financing Aims and Objectives, Introduction - Project Finance, Means of Financing, Debt-
equity Ratio, Debt,

UNIT 77: Equity Share, Different Sources Falling under ‘Equity and Preference Share Capital

UNIT 78: Project Implementation Aims and Objectives, Introduction, Project Implementation Stages,
Initiation, Planning and Design, Production or Execution, Closing and Maintenance

UNIT 79: Bottle Necks in Project Implementation External Factors, Internal Factors, Guidelines for Effective
Implementa tion

UNIT 80: Management Techniques for Project Management, Plan, Programme, Project, Issues in Strategy
Implementa tion

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Semester – V
Section I: Corporate Legal Framework

UNIT 1: Business and its Environment Business and its Environment, What is Business?, Legal Environment
of Business, Gaining Practical Experience

UNIT 2: Law of Contract Introduction, Meaning and Essentials of a Valid Contract, Proposal (or Offer) and
Acceptance [SS.3-9], Capacity to Contract [Ss.10-12], Consent and Free Consent, Consideration [Ss.2(D),23-

UNIT 3: Unlawful Consideration and Object [Ss.23-24], Contingent Contracts (Ss.31-36), Quasi Contracts
(Ss.68-72) (Certain Relations Resembling those Created by Contracts), Performance of Contracts [Ss.37-67]

UNIT 4: Contract of Agency Introduction, Definition of Agent and Agency, Different Kinds of Agencies,
Classification of Agents,

UNIT 5: Duties and Rights of Agent

UNIT 6: Principal's Duties to the Agent and his Liability to Third Parties, Personal Liability of Agent,
Termination of agency

UNIT 7: Law of Sale of Goods Introduction, Definition and Essentials of a Contract of Sale, Goods and their

UNIT 8: Meaning of Price, Conditions and Warranties, Passing of Property in Goods

UNIT 9: Law of Negotiable Instruments Introduction, Meaning and Definition of a Negotiable Instrument

UNIT 10: Certain Important Concepts and Explanations of Certain Terms, Promissory Notes and Bills of
Exchange, Cheques,

UNIT 11: Holder and Holder in due Course, Privileges of a Holder in due Course,

UNIT 12: Negotiation of a Negotiable Instrument, Presen tment, Dishonour, Crossing of Cheques

UNIT 13: Law of Insurance Nature and Principles of Insurance Life Insurance, Fire Insurance, Marine
Insurance, Gaining Practical Experience

UNIT 14: Law of Carriage of Goods Definition of a Contract of Carriage and Classification of Carriers,
Carriage of Goods by Land

UNIT 15: Carriage of Goods by Rail, Carriage of Goods by Sea, Carriage of Goods by Air

UNIT 16: Gaining Practical Experience

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Section: II Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
UNIT 17: Investment Management Nature of Investment Decisions, The Investment Process, Investment
Objectives and Policy

UNIT 18: Security Analysis, Portfolio Construction, Investment Opportunities, Investment Attributes/Factors
Influencing Selection of Investment

UNIT 19: Philosophy of Individual and Institutional Investors

UNIT 20: Fundamental Analysis-I: Economic Analysis Concept of Economy Analysis, Macro Economic

UNIT 21: Significance of Economic Analysis, Economy and Industry Analysis

UNIT 22: Fundamental Analysis-Ii: Industry Analysis Need for Industry Analysis

UNIT 23: Alternative Classification of Industries, Industry Life Cycle Analysis

UNIT 24: Economic Factors and Industry Analysis, SW OT Analysis of Industries

UNIT 25: Company Analysis Framework of Company Analysis, Financial Analysis, Fundamental Analysts

UNIT 26: Ratio Analysis, Classification of Ratios

UNIT 27: Technical Analysis Technical v/s Fundamental Analysis, Different Techniques of Analysis,

UNIT 28: Dow Theory, Criticism of Dow Theory, Trading Indicators, Volume Indicators, Investors’
Confidence Indicators

UNIT 29: Efficient Market Theory Alternative Efficient Market Hypothesis, Efficient Frontier: (i) Risk-
Free and (ii) Risky Lending and Borrowing

UNIT 30: Benefits of an Efficient Market (Investors Utility)

UNIT 31: Evidence for Market Efficiency

UNIT 32: The Efficient Frontier and Portfolio Diversification, Testing Market Efficiency

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Section III: Advertising and Sales Promotion
UNIT 33: Communication Process Introduction, External and Internal Flow of Communication, External
Flow, and Internal Flow

UNIT 34: Steps in Communication Process, Different Types of Communication Systems, Interperso nal
Communication, Impersonal Communication

UNIT 35: Integrated Marketing Communications, Persuasive Communication

UNIT 36: Promotion Mix Introduction, Meaning and Nature of Promotion Mix, Components of Promotion

UNIT 37: Advertising , Personal Selling, Publicity, Direct Marketing, Benefits of Promotion

UNIT 38: Introduction to Advertising Introduction, Meaning and Nature of Advertising

UNIT 39: Objectives of Advertising, Importance of Advertising, Classification of Advertisement,


UNIT 40: Advertising to Business and Professions, Non-Product Advertising, Organisation of Advertising

UNIT 41: Economic and Social Effects of Advertising Introduction Economic effects, Effect on the Value
Products or Services,

UNIT 42: Effect on Prices Effect on Consumer Demand and Consumer Choice, Effects on Competition,
Social effects Stereotyping in Advertising , Ethical Issues, Advertising Principles of American
Advertising Federa tion

UNIT 43: Advertising Agency Management Introduction, Client or Advertiser’s Role in Organising for

UNIT 44: Centralised System, Decentralised System, In-house Advertising Agency, Advertising Agency

UNIT 45: How Advertising Agencies Developed, Full-Service Agencies, Agency Structures, Other Types of
Agencies, Agency Compensation, Agency Evaluation, How the Agencies Acquire New

UNIT 46: Advertising Campaign Introduction, Planning and Managing Advertising, Appraisal of
Opportunity, Analyse and Define

UNIT 47: Target Market, Set Advertising Objectives, Determine Advertising Budget, Decide Media and
Creative Strategy, Create Adds, Pre-test, and Release Adds, Evaluate Final Results (Post-testing)

UNIT 48: Advertising Budget, Approaches to Budgeting, Factors Affecting Allocation of Advertising
Budget, Marketing Strategies

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Section IV : Training and Development
UNIT 49: Organisational Training: An Overview Introduction

UNIT 50: Concept of Training and Development, Need for Training, Importance of Training

UNIT 51: A Checklist to Avoid Training Pitfalls, Principles of Learning, Modelling, Motivation,

UNIT 52: Feedback, Spaced Practice, Whole Learning, Active Practice

UNIT 53: Assessment of Training Needs Introduction, Concept of Training Needs Assessment

UNIT 54: Purpose of Training Needs Assessment, Levels of Training Needs Assessment

UNIT 55: Identify Training Objectives, Process of Conducting a Needs Assessment

UNIT 56: Methods and Techniques of Training Introduction, On-the-Job Training, Job Instruction Training

UNIT 57: Coaching, Mentoring, Job Rotation, Apprenticeship Training, Committee Assignments, Off-the-Job
Methods, Training Techniques

UNIT 58: Demonstration Technique, Lecture Technique, Simulation Games, In-Basket Exercise

UNIT 59: Management Development Introduction, Concept of Development

UNIT 60: Definition of management development, Need for Management development

UNIT 61: Importance of Management Development

UNIT 62: Steps in the Organisation of a Management Development Programme

UNIT 63: Methods of Management Development Introduction

UNIT 64: Decision-making Skills, In-, basket, Case Study, Business Games

Section V : Business Environment

UNIT 65: Concept, Nature and Scope of Business, Scope of Business, Industry, Commerce, Commercial
Activities, Business Organization

UNIT 66: Forms of Business Organization Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Hindu Family Firm, Joint
Stock Company, Co-operative Organisation

UNIT 67: Types of Companies, Features of an Ideal form of Organisation, Initial Choice of Organisation

UNIT 68: Expansion of Business and Choice of Organisation, Choice between Manager and Partner

UNIT 69: Choice between Partnership and Private Company, Choice between Private Company and Public

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UNIT 70: Internal Trade - Channels of Distribution Meaning of Channels of

UNIT 71: Choice of Channels of Distribution, Middlemen, Wholesalers, Retailers, Elimination of Middlemen

UNIT 72: Kinds of Retail Distribution, D e p a r t m e n t a l Store, Multiple Shops or Chain Stores, Mail
House, Consumers’ Cooperative Store

UNIT 73: Export and Import Trade (International Trade)Export Trade, Import Trade, Import Trade
Procedure, Entrepot Trade

UNIT 74: Types of Price Quotations, Bonded Warehouse, Bill of Lading, Charter Party Export

UNIT 75: Banking System in India Definition of Banking, Service/Businesses Permitted for a
Company, Business Prohibited for Banking Company

UNIT 76: Types of Banks, Indian Banking System - , Nationalization of Banks, Types of Accounts,
,Banking Reforms in India, Risk Management, Improving Profitability, Global Standards, Negotiable
Instruments, Definition, Characteristics of a Negotiable Instrument, Types of Negotiable Instruments

UNIT 77: Transport and Storage

Modes of Transport, Rail Transport, Road Transport, Rail-Road Competition,

UNIT 78: Water Transport, Air Transport Comparative Study of Modes of Transport, Storage and

UNIT 79: Types of Warehouses

UNIT 8 0: Business Risk and Insurance, Principles of Insurance, Life Insurance, Fire Insurance, Marine
Insurance, Miscellaneous Insurance

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Semester – V I

Section I: Management Information System

UNIT 1: Introduction to Information and Business Information System Introduction, Unit Objectives,
Information System, Components of Information System, Types of Information Systems,

UNIT 2: Introduction to Business System, Inventory Control, I n v e n t o r y Control System,

Plants, Accounting Sales Order Processing, Business Information System

UNIT 3: Financial Accounting System, Sales and Marketing System, Manufacturing and Production System,
Human Resource System

UNIT 4: Information System, Organization, Management a n d Strategy Introduction, Unit Objectives,

UNIT 5: Organization and Information System, Organization, Principles of an Organization, Features of an


UNIT 6: Organizational Behavior, Applications of Information Systems in Organizations

UNIT 7: The Changing Role of Information Systems in an Organization, Effects of Information System in an
Organization, Internet and Organization

UNIT 8: Implication for the Design and Understanding of Information System

UNIT 9: Unit Objectives, Introduction to System Analysis, Determination of Requirements,

UNIT 10: Determine Frequen cy, Timing and Volume, Interview, Questionnaire; Record Review; Observation

UNIT 11: Integrated Information System In An Organization Unit Objectives, Use of Database for

UNIT 12: Across Functional Areas Financial Information System

UNIT 13: Marketing Information System; Production/Manufacturing Information System

UNIT 14: Human Resource Information System Introducing Decision Support System Application of D SS;
Interactive System for DSS

UNIT 15: Implementation and Evaluation of MIS Unit Objectives; the Implementation Process Planning for
Implementa tion

UNIT 16: Acquisition of Facilities and Space Planning; M IS Organization and Procedure Development; User
Training; Creation of Forms and Database; Testing; Change Over

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Section II: Quality Management
U N I T 17: Understanding Quality, Perspectives, Integrating Perspectives on Quality,

U N I T 18: Business Excellence through Quality, Quality Management

U N I T 19: Strategy of Quality Management, Customer and Quality Focus, Challenges and Opportunities

UNIT 20: Introducing Total Quality Management – Concepts and Principles what is TQM?

U N I T 21: What does TQM Cover? TQM: The Guiding Principle

U N I T 22: Honda Experience, Hewlett Packard, Ford Quality Excellence, Motorola

UNIT 23: Problem Solving and Continuous Improvement Introduction, Tools,

U N I T 24: Implementation of Six Sigma and TQM: Similarities and Differences, Kaizen, Kanban and JIT

UNIT 25: Organizational Management System

U N I T 26: Reengineering Executive Overview, How is Reengineering Done?

U N I T 27: Major Components of Business Process, Reengineering (BPR),and What Results can be expected

U N I T 28: Cases where Reengineering has worked

UNIT 29: Human Resource Management System Leading Practices

U N I T 30: Strategic Planning for Human Resource Managem ent

U N I T 31: Personnel Management in a TQM Environmen t, Labour Relations in a TQM Environment

U N I T 32: Summary of Key Points

Section III: Management of Financial Insti tutions

UNIT 33: Indian Financial System and Financial Institutions Introduction, Functions of Financial Institutions

UNIT 34: Scope of Financial Services, Corporate Advisory Services by Financial Institutions

UNIT 35: Development Banking, Commodity Trading – A New Avenue for Commercial

Banks UNIT 36: Role of Financial Institutions in Economic Development, Summary

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UNIT 37: Commercial Banks Introduction, Evolution of Commercial Banking, Functions of Commercial Bank

UNIT 38: Risk Management, Types of R isk,R B IGuidelines for Risk Management, Risk Management Systems,
Functions of Bank Capital

UNIT 39: Classification of Capital of Banks, C R Rand SL R on Interbank Deposits

UNIT 40: Reserve Bank of India Organization and Management of R B I

UNIT 41: Reserve Bank Objectives, Traditional Functions, Objectives of Credit Control, Other Controls,

UNIT 42: Monetary Policy and Economic Variables, Bank Rate and Interest Rates, Importance of Bank
Rate, Impact of Bank Rate Policy

UNIT 43: Development Banks in India Introduction, Nature of Development Banking, Development Banks in

UNIT 44: Functions of Development Banks in India, Term Loans from, Development Banks, Development
Finance Institutions

UNIT 45: Fee-Based Services, IC ICI, Industrial Reconstruction Corporation of India

UNIT 46: Mutual Funds in India Introduction, Mutual Funds in India, Mutual Fund Organisation, The
Structure Consists of Mutual Funds

UNIT 47: Net Asset Value, Phases of Mutual Funds in India, Advantages of Mutual Funds,

UNIT 48: SEB I Regulations Relating to Mutual Funds

Section IV : Consumer Behavior

UNIT 49: Consumer Behavior – Nature, Scope and Applications Nature and Scope, Consumer Behavior
Defined, Development of the Field of Consumer Behavior,

UNIT 50: Development of Marketing Concept, Disciplines Involved in the Study of Consumer Behavior,
Consumer Behavior Applications in Marketing

UNIT 5 1: Consumer P e r c e p t i o n Sensation ( Exposure to S t i m u l i ), Attention, P e r c e p t u a l

(Interpretation), Interpretation of Stimuli, Images are Important to Consumers

UNIT 52: Consumer Attitudes Functions of Attitude, Attitude Models, Factors Inhibiting the Relationship
between Beliefs, Feelings and Behavior

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UNIT 53: Buying Process the Buying Process, Make an Offer, the Buying Decision, Perspectives on Consumer
Behaviour, Problem Recognition

UNIT 54: Consumer Needs and Motivation Needs, Goals, Classifying Motives, Needs and Goals are
Dynamic, Frustration and Defence Mechanisms

UNIT 55: Needs and Goals may vary among Individuals, Motive Arousal, Systems of Needs, and Motivation

UNIT 56: Group Influence and Consumer Behaviour When do Groups Exert Influence? Types of Reference
Groups, Nature of Reference Groups, Reference Group Influences on Consumers

UNIT 57: Relative Importance of Informational, Comparative and Normative Influences, Applications of
Reference Group Influences

UNIT 58: Consumer And Cultural Influence The Characteristics of Culture, Cultural Values, Cultural
Differences in Non-verbal Communications, Cross-cultural Influences, Aspects of Sub-cultures, Lifestyle
Influence, The V A L S(Values and Lifestyles)

UNIT 59: Social Class Influence and Consumer Behaviour the Nature of Social Class, Symbols of Status,
Concept of Money and Social Class, Social Class Categories, Social Class Categories in India

UNIT 60: Pre-Purchase and Post-Purchase Buying Behaviour Pre-purchase Buying Behaviour, Post-purchase
Dissonance, Purchase Evaluation and Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction, Dissatisfaction Responses

UNIT 61: Implications for Marketers, Satisfaction, Repeat Purchase and Customer Loyalty, Product Disposal

UNIT 62: Organisational Buyer Behavior Market Structure and Pattern of Demand, Organizational Buyer

UNIT 63: Decision Approach and Purchase Patterns, Factors Influencing Organizational Buyer Behavior

UNIT 64: Types of Decision Situations, Organizational Buyer Decision Process, Problem Recognition,
Specification, Product and Vendor Search, Product and Vendor Evaluation, Product and Vendor Selection

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