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Chapter I: Software Engineering for Games?

I.1 Introduction
• Me:
– Dr Christophe Meudec
Room 911
– The first computer I used in 1982:

16 bits CPU at 3.3 Mhz with 16 Kb RAM 1

• My first console:

• The subject: ‘Software Engineering for Games I’:
– 4 hours a week : mixture of lectures, tutorials and practicals;
– Continuous assessment 40%, final exam 60% =>100%
– 10 credits (out of 60)
– followed by ‘Games Engineering II’ in year 4…
• All notes and announcements on website:
– Print slides in advance and take additional notes during lectures … and
ask questions!!

I.2 This Subject is not About …
• Programming (but working, flexible code will be one of our
main focus)
• The Games Industry (but it is an important factor that influences
software engineering in a gaming environment)
• “Games Design” (at least not in the way “Games Design” is
usual understood)
• Software Processes (?, well kind of too)

I.3 This Subject is About …
• Software Engineering:
– More specifically the very small part of software engineering to do with
software analysis and software design (what other parts is there?);
– Even more specifically, we will be mainly looking at Object Oriented
Software Analysis and Design using the UML and very little beside;
• Although we will see OOA&D within the context of games
development, what you’ll learn is applicable to any OO SE
– We will see games and non-games examples;
• In later years, you will look at the broader picture of software
engineering for games:
– software processes for games in details (e.g. ‘Agile software

I.4 Recommended Books
• There are 100s of books on OO, I strongly recommend:
“Applying UML and Patterns: an introduction to object-oriented analysis
and design and iterative development” 3rd Edition, 2004 by Craig
Larman, Prentice Hall ~ 57 €

• And also:
– “Head First Design Patterns”, 2004 by E. Freeman & E. Freeman,
O’Reilly, ~25€

I.5 Websites
• Check the course’s website regularly: /
• The official UML’s website:
I.6 Conclusion
• Remember that software (and games) have been getting more
and more complex : this trend will not stop anytime soon.
• After a quick preamble on Software Engineering and Object
Orientation, we will follow Larman’s book.
• Questions Please

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