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Five currant buns 4

The wheels on the bus 5

Here we go l.ooby-Loo 6

Two little eyes 7

Two dean hands 8

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes 9

Wind the bobbin up 10

J elly on a plate 11

Pat-a-cake 12

Clap your hands 13

Ten little teddy bears 14

Two little dicky birds 15

Ten in the bed 16

Five brown teddies 17

I sent a letter to my love

30 . ~ ..



One potato, two potatoes 18

It's raining, it's pouring 19

Sing a rainbow 20

Incywincy Spider 21

11tH shops 22

Miss Polly had a dolly 23

Oh, we can play the big bass drum 24

Ladybird, ladybird 25

In a cottage in a wood 26

'[winkle, twinkle, little star 27

o Christmas tree 28

A witch came flying 29



..,.- _-' _

(.._, Five currant buns in a ba.ker's shop, Round and fat with sugar on the top. Along came a boy with a penny one day, Bought a currant bun and took it away.

Four currant buns .

Three currant buns .

Two currant buns.

One currant bun in a baker's shop, Round and fat with sugar on the top. Along came a boy 'With a penny one day, . the currant bun and took it


i"LLllnl>;o'.L· onthcrop.


The: wheels on the bus go round and round, I

Round and round, round and round,

Th& wheels on the bus go round and round,

. All day long.

The children on the bus go wriggle wnlggle wriggle.

The mummies on the bus go 'Don't do that!' ...

The daddies on the bus go read read read ..


Here we go Looby-Loo, Here we go Looby-Light, Here we go Looby-Loo,

, All on a Saturday night.

( Put your right hand in, ) Put yOul' right hand out, l Shake it a little, a little, .' And turn yourself about,


Put your left hand in .


Put your rightfoor in .


Put your left foot in .. \ (Chorus) I


Put your whole self In .


H~,'~ I~'e/.rf) l..lJ<.Jby·J.;/{J

P\II~'·m.Lt!"!i~lt Imll<J our.

Sh~l:~ 't::J. Iltd~. t Ijnlc,

Two little eyes to look around, Two little ears to hear each sound,

~ One little nose [() smell what's sweet,

-, One little mouth that. likes to ear.

--_ .. "--- ,-_. -------

One 1~t!lc ronst: ••


Two clean hands and two fat thumbs, Eight little fingers,

Ten little toes,

One round head goes nod, nod, nodding, Two eyes peeping,

One tiny nose.


'II .. !"> rk;::on hand~ Ei;;:ht lin I.: ih",~..... 'II:- .. 1,,11., "_"'S. 0,,,; n.:n.lnl.l h<:::\d I!0e~ 1)1)0(1. lootl,

~o"ld two (.,lltlllmhs. Itoo.Jm~.


Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, Knees and toes,

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, Knees and toes.

Eyes and cars and mouth and nose, Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes.



Wind the bobbin up, Wind the bobbin up, Pull, pull, clap, clap, clap.

Point to the ceiling, Point to the floor, Point to the window, POint to the door,

Clap your hands together, One, two, three,

Put. your hands down on your knee.






cr~[J },(lllr Innrls 1~'.t!~.IEla. ruT FlLn kll,Js d"wn

0"-1:". [wo, ""'1:<', ()j") 'f')-III' 1,1I1l~

Jelly on a plate, jelly on a plate, Wibblewobble, wibble wobble, Jelly on a plate.

Sausages in a pan, sausages in a pan Turn them over, turn them over, Sausages in a. pan.


I i 1



Clap your hands, clap your hands, Clap them just like me.

'(ouch your shoulders, touch your shoulders, Touch them just like me.

Tap your knees, tap your knees, Tap them just like me.

Shake your head, shake your head, Shake it just like me.

Clap your hands, clap your hands. Then let them quiet be.






'Roll over! Roll over!' So they all rolled over And one fell our " "

There were nine" There were eighr " There were seven" There were six " There were five" There were four" There were three" There were two " "

There was one in the bed And no one said,

'Roll over! Roll over!'


Five brown teddies sitting on a wall, Five brown teddies sitting on a wall,

And if one brown teddy should accidentally fall, 'There'd be four brown teddies sitting on the wall.

Four brown teddies silting on a wall, ,

Three brown teddies sitting on a wall, ,

'Iwo brown teddies sitting on a wall, , ,

One brown teddy sitting on a wall, One brown teddy sitting on a wall,

And if one brown teddy should accidentally fall, There'd be no brown teddies sitting there at all!


One potato, two potatoes, Three potatoes, four,

Five potatoes, six potatoes, Seven potatoes, more. ;;


It's raining, it's pouring, The old man is snoring,

He went to bed and bumped his head And couldn't get up in the morning,


Red and yellow

And pi nk and green,

Purple and orange and blue. I can sing a rainbow,

Sing a rainbow,

Sing a rainbow, too.


Incy Winey Spider climbed up the spout.

Down came (he rain and washed poor Incy out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, Incy Wincy Spider climbed the spout again .

[nq-\I;.'iLll"y~['il1L''' dim!"'tI "I' Ihr:~lX>l.Ir_

• 11(.y\{ljlK~·SI'idl:' ':]"nlxo tho: ~1)OUt ~g~in.

21 I

Tall sho .

Lift . ps In the tow

s gomg up an. n.

Doors gain in d down. People walk7n· and out. g all about.


1;,11 ~hllP~ iJl lb~ IC)WLl



Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick,

So she phoned for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick. The doctor came with her bag and her hat,

And she knocked at the door with a rat-a-tat-rat.

She looked at the dolly and she shook her head, And she said, 'Miss Poll}; put her straight to bed.' She wrote on a paper for a pill, pill, pill,

'I'll be back in the morning with my bill, bill, bill.'

~h" .lrnJ-k~d:ll U1C [["II, .'ul.d she ~'.1id. '~Ii~~ .... 1.11h-

,,,oJ ~h" ~hu ... k her hear! pm h<:r ,H,a!,::hl [() lw:il:

"1'111)<0 b,,,'k in th~ "'i,..-,ring.


Oh, we can play the big bass drum And this is the way we do it.

BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, goes the big bass drum And that's the way we do it.

Oh, we can play the violin.

FIDDtE-DIDDLE-DEE, goes the violin.

Oh, we can play the triangle ...

TING, 'ITNG, TING, goes the triangle ..

Oh, we can play the silver flute _ TOOTLE-OOTLE-OOT, goes the silver flute.


Ladybird. ladybird, flyaway home,

Your house is on fire and your children are gone. All except one; her name is Anne,

And she has crepr under the frying-pan.


In a cottage in a wood, A little man at the window stood. He saw a rabbtr running by, Knocking at the door.

'Help me, help me,' the rabbit said, 'Before the hunter shoots me dead!'


Hdp "'~. h .. lp lL~e:

Ih~ ;';11,1);1 »lid

·1;'cfQ'''_ll'~lHmc<:'r ~11I)1)\, me ~1~.:wJI·

C~"'W tlnle rabbh .-x"nc:·,,·ilI1mc

Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what vou are Up above the world ~o high' Like a diamond in the sky, Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How 1 wonder what you arc,

1I<.>""l '<\:,\tl(I~L' w.lliIL!"')I)~K'


o Christmas tree, 0 Christmas tree, How lovely arc your branches.

() Christmas tree, 0 Christmas tree, How lovely are your branches .

. In summer sun or "inter snow A. Coat of green you always show

o Christrnas tree, 0 Christmas tree, How lowly are your branches,


A ~'ch




A witch came flying, flying, flying, A witch came flying, flying, flying,

A witch came flying all on a summer's day.

A clown came dancing, dancing, dancing.

A king came marching, marching, marching .

. ~)

A kin~"",1l' 1111,,",1';11)::

.~ "'olf nm~ nmnir!>; ..





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