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Accn No. Title Details

1 Basic and pharmaceutical practical chemistry / Singh,
Harkishan. : Vallabh

2 Basic pharmacology for nurses / Squire, Jessie E. : C.

V. Mosby

3 Pharmacy ethics / Smith, Mickey (Ed.).: Pharmaceutical Products

4 Basic pharmacology / Foster, R. W. (Ed.). : Butterworth

5 Clinical pharmacology / Laurence, D. R. : English

Language Book Society and Churchill Livingstone

6 Chemical influences on behaviour / Brown, K. (Ed.).: Academic

8 Cancer / Suss, R. : Springer-Verlag

9 Biomedical scientists and public policy / Fudenberg,H. Hugh (Ed.).

: Plenum

10 Clinical laboratory statistics / Barnett, Roy N.: Little Brown

11 Drug stereochemistry / Wainer, Irving W. (Ed.).: Marcel Dekker

12 Principles of chemistry / Roe, Joseph H. : C. V. Mosby

13 Concepts in drug metabolism / Swarbrick, James (Ed.).:Marcel Dekker

14 Clinical endocrinology / Labhart, Alexis. : Springer-Verlag

15 Control of sales force / Asher, Mrunal K. : AMSIT

16 Current dispensing practices / Nanda, Arun. : Vallabh

17 Philosophy & technology of drug assesment, vol. 6

/ Burrell, Craig D. (Ed.). : Interdisciplinary
Communication Associates

18 Concept and practice of rural surgery / Banerjee, J.

K. (Ed.). : B. I. Churchill Livingstone

19 Depressive illness / Davis, Brian (Ed.). : Charles C.Thomas

20 Chromatographic methods / Stock, R. : Northumberland

21 Drugs and pharmacology for nurses / Hopkins, S. J.: Churchill livin

22 Experimental pharmaceutical technology / Parrott,Eugene L.:Burgess

23 Fundamentals of protein biotechnology /Stein,Stanley(Ed.).:MarcelDe

24 Immunity and cancer in man / Reif, Arnold E. (Ed.).: Marcel Dekker

25 Immunochemistry of proteins / Atassi, M. Z. (Ed.).: Plenum

26 Pharmacology; vol. 1 / Davidoff, Robert A. : Marcel Dekker

27 Inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry / Rao, P. Gundu.: Vallabh

28 Inflammation and antiinflammatory therapy / Katona, Gabor :Spectrum

29 International pharmacopoeia; vol.4 / World Health Organization.

30 Laboratory instructions in biochemistry / Kleiner,

Israel S. : C. V. Mosby

31 Limits of medicine / Wolf, Stewart G. (Ed.). : Plenum

32 Origins of psychopharmacology from CPZ to LSD

/ Caldwell, Anne E. : Charles C. Thomas

33 Neuropharmacology and behavior / Longo, V. G. : W. H. Freeman

34 Manual of pharmacologic calculations with computer programs/Springe

35 Introduction to pharmacology / Dandiya, P. C. :Vallabh

36 Microbiology and immunology / Majumdar, M. K. : New Central Book


37 Marine toxins and venoms / Tu, Anthony T. (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

38 Historical studies in the language of chemistry

/ Crosland, Maurice P. : Heinemann

39 General pharmacy, Part III / Schroff, M. L. : Five


40 General pharmacy; vol. 2, Part-3 / Schroff, M. L.

: Five Stars

41 Concepts in biochemical pharmacology; Part 1-2

/ Brodie, B. B. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

42 Testing and screening for drugs of abuse / DeAngelis,

G. : Marcel Dekker

43 Zoethout's laboratory experiments in physiology

/ Levedahl, Blaine H. : C. V. Mosby

44 Viscosity and flow measurement / Wazer, J. R. Van.

: Interscience

45 Textbook of physiology and biochemistry / Bell, George

H. : English Language Book Society and Churchill

46 A textbook of human anatomy / Rangarajan, T. S.

: Sultan Chand

48 Sostanze farmaceutiche / Kleemann, Axel. : OEMF Issued

49 Textbook of biochemistry / Harrow, Benjamin. : W. B.


50 Textbook of medical physiology / Guyton, Arthur C.

: W. B. Saunders

51 Theory and practice of industrial pharmacy / Lachman,


52 Pharmaceutical statistics / Swarbrick, James (Ed.). In

: Marcel Dekker

53 Peptide and protein drug delivery / Lee, Vincent H. L.

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

54 Practical pharmacology / Kokate, C. K. : Vallabh

55 The concise pharmaceutical dispensing / Sharma, S. N.

: Prakash B.

56 Pharmaceutics-I / Mehta, R. M. : Vallabh

57 Pharmacology of hormones / Tausk, Marius. : Georg


58 Pharmaceutical dosage forms; vol. 1-2 / Lieberman,

Herbert A. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

59 Pharmaceuticals in the year 2000 / Bezold, Clement

(Ed.). : Institute for Alternative Futures

60 Practical pharmaceutical chemistry / Singh, Harkishan.

: Vallabh

61 Pharmacy cadence 1992 / Posey, L. Michael. : Pharmacy

Association Services

62 General pharmaceutical chemistry, Part 1 / Beckett, A.

H. : Athlone

63 Pharmacology / Gaddum, J. H. : Oxford University

64 A primer of drug action / Julien, Robert M. : W. H.


65 Practical pharmacognosy / Kokate, C. K. : Vallabh

66 Textbook of physiology and biochemistry / Bell, George

H. : E & S Livingstone

67 The pharmacologic principles of medical practice

/ Krantz, John C. : Williams & Wilkins

68 Applied pharmacokinetics / Evans, William E. (Ed.).

: Applied Therapeutics

69 Pharmaceutical bioequivalance / Welling, Peter G.

: Marcel Dekker

70 R. Ghosh's modern concepts on pharmacology and

therapeutics / Ghosh, Rakhaldas. : Hilton

71 Prescription drugs and their side effects / Stern,

Edward L. : Grosset and Dunlap

72 Pharmacology and therapeutics / Grollman, Arthur.

: Lea and Febiger

73 Review of medical physiology / Ganong, William F.

: Lange Medical

74 Pharmacognosy of powdered crude drugs / Iyengar, M. A.

: M. A. Iyengar

75 Physiology and pharmacology of local anesthesia / De

Jong, Rudolph H. : Charles C. Thomas

77 Sexually transmitted diseases / Schofield, C. B. S.

: Churchill Livingstone

78 Scientific instruments / Epstein, Sam. : Franklin

79 Structure and function of the body / Anthony,

Catherine Parker. : C. V. Mosby

80 Pharmacy, vol. 1 / Gerraughty, Robert J. : Medical


81 Semi-micro experimental organic chemistry / Cheronis,

Nicholas D. : John de Graff

82 Practical pharmacognosy / Lala, P. K. : Lina

83 Side effects of drugs annual 8 / Dukes, M. N. G.

(Ed.). : Elsevier Science

84 Pal and Chakravarti's handbook of modern physiology

/ Pal, R. K. : Oxford & IBH

85 A formulary of cosmetic preparations / Michael.

: Chemical Publishing

86 Effects of drugs on clinical laboratory tests / Young,

Donald S. : American Association for Clinical Chemistry

88 Foundation of anatomy and physiology / Ross, Janet S.

: Churchill Livingstone
89 Handbook of laboratory mice and rats / Chatterjee, T. In

90 Fairbrother's textbook of bacteriology / Vollum, R. L.

(Ed.). : Arnold-Heinemann

91 Fluorescence and phosphorescence analysis / Hercules,

David M. (Ed.). : Interscience

92 Elements of pharmacology / Derasari, Harit R. : B. S.


93 Supplement to glossary of Indian medicinal plants

/ Chopra, R. N. : Council of Scientific & Industrial

94 Guidelines for parenteral medication usage / Carl,

Gary S. (Ed.). : Dorrance

95 Endorphins / Malik, Jeffrey B. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

96 The future of the multinational pharmaceutical

industry to 1990 / James, Barrie G. : Associated
Business Programms

97 Allopathic-Ayurvedic-Homeopathic drug index for health

professionals / Paranjape, M. H. : Lee-Lamb

98 Clinical laboratory tests / Springhouse Corporation.

: Springhouse

99 Basic pharmaceutical practical chemistry / Singh, In

Harkishan. : Vallabh

100 Quick reference to drug therapy and nursing In

considerations / Malseed, Roger T. (Ed.). : J. B.

101 Home care / Lerman, Dan (Ed.). : American Hospital

102 Y. M. Bhende's general pathology; Part 1-2 / Bhende,

Y. M. : Popular Prakashan

103 "

104 Fundamentals of medications / Plein, Joy B. : Drug


105 Handbook of experimental pharmacology / Kulkarni, S.

K. : Vallabh

106 General chemistry / Gokhale, K. M. : Pragati Prakashan

107 Hypertension and stroke control in the community
/ Hatano, S. (Ed.). : World Health Organization

108 Research for health / World Health Organization.

: World Health Organization

109 The formulary of the New York Hospital 1977-1978

/ Formulary and Therapeutics Com. : Formular and
Therapeutics Committee

110 Index- therapeutic / Jassawalla, C. P. (Comp.).

: Pestonji Coovrji

111 Pharmacopoeia of India / India, Ministry of Health.

112 Glossary of Indian medicinal plants with active

principles, Part 1 / Asolkar, L. V. : CSIR

113 Practical pharmaceutical chemistry; Part 1-2

/ Gokhale, S. B. : Pragati Prakashan

114 Handbook for prescribing medications during pregnancy

/ Berkowitz, Richard L. (Ed.). : Little Brown

115 Practical chemotherapy of malaria / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

116 Index plantarum medicinalium totius mundi eorumque

synonymorum / Penso, Giuseppe. : OEMF

117 British National Formulary; no. 1, 1981 / British

Medical Association &. : British Medical Association &
Pharmaceutical Society of Grea

118 British National Formulary, no. 24 / British Medical

Association &. : British Medical Association & Royal
Pharmaceutical Society o

119 Developing world health / Landon, Nick (Ed.).

: Grosvenor

120 Encyclopedia of narcotic drugs and psychotropic

substances / Mehra, M. L. : University Book

121 British National Formulary, no. 4 - 1982 / British

Medical Association &. : British Medical Association &
Pharmaceutical Society of Grea

122 British National Formulary, 1968 / British Medical

Association &. : British Medical Association &
Pharmaceutical Society of Grea

123 Elements of pharmacology / Derasari, Harit R. : B. S.


124 Chromographs of clinical symptomatology; no. 25-36

/ Parke-Davis. : Parke-Davis
125 "

126 Royal women's hospital reference guide / Batagol, Ron.

: Royal Women Hospital

127 The pharmaceutical industry / Pharmaceutical

Manufacturers'. : Pharmaceutical Manufacturers'

128 NCI investigational drugs / National Cancer Institute.

: National Cancer Institute

129 WHO expert committee on specifications for

pharmaceutical preparations; 32nd report / World
Health Organization. : World Health Organization

130 The use of essential drugs; 5th report / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

131 Pharmaceutical industry in India / Industrial

Extension Bureau. : Industrial Extension Bureau

132 Repertorio farmaceutico italiano: Centro Editoriale

Documentazione sul Farmaco

133 NCI investigational drugs / National Cancer Institute.

: National Cancer Institute

134 Multiple choice questions in pharmacology / D'Mello,

A. : Edward Arnold

135 Handbook on speciality parenteral drugs / Gupta, R. M.

(Ed.). : Perfect Consultants

136 Handbook on speciality parenteral drugs / Gupta, R. M.

(Ed.). : Perfect Consultants

137 WHO expert Committee on specifications for

pharmaceutical preparations; 31st report / World
Health Organization. : World Health Organization

138 Effective choices for diagnostic imaging in clinical

practice / World Health Organization. : World Health

139 Principle drug / Hopkins, S. J. : Faber and Faber

140 Guidelines for administration of intravenous

medications to pediatric patients / Phelps, Stephanie
J. : American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

141 Forensic medicine field's medico-legal guide and

medical jurisprudence / Ewell, Marshal D. : University

142 Satoskar, Kale, Bhandarkar's pharmacology and

pharmacotherapeutics / Satoskar, R. S. : Popular

143 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 1-6

/ Cain, Cornelius K. (Ed.). : Academic

144 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 1-6

/ Cain, Cornelius K. (Ed.). : Academic

145 "

146 "

147 "

148 "

149 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry, vol. 7-10

/ Heinzelman, Richard V. (Ed.). : Academic

150 "

151 "

152 "

153 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 11

/ Clarke, Frank H. (Ed.). : Academic

154 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 12

/ Clarke, Frank H. (Ed.). : Academic

155 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 13

/ Clarke, Frank H. (Ed.). : Academic

156 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 14 / Hess,

Hans-Jurgen (Ed.). : Academic

157 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 15 / Hess,

Hans-Jurgen (Ed.). : Academic

158 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 16 / Hess,

Hans-Jurgen (Ed.). : Academic

159 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 17 / Hess,

Hans-Jurgen (Ed.). : Academic

160 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 18 / Hess,

Hans-Jurgen (Ed.). : Academic

161 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 19

/ Bailey, Denis M. (Ed.). : Academic

162 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 20

/ Bailey, Denis M. (Ed.). : Academic

163 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 21

/ Bailey, Denis M. (Ed.). : Academic

164 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 22

/ Bailey, Denis M. (Ed.). : Academic

165 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 23

/ Allen, Richard C. (Ed.). : Academic

166 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 24

/ Allen, Richard C. (Ed.). : Academic

167 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 25

/ Bristol, James A. (Ed.). : Academic

168 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 26

/ Bristol, James A. (Ed.). : Academic

169 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 27

/ Bristol, James A. (Ed.). : Academic

170 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 29

/ Bristol, James A. (Ed.). : Academic

171 Medicinal chemistry / Kar, Ashutosh. : Wiley Eastern

172 Antihypertensive agents / Schlittler, Emil (Ed.).

: Academic

173 Selective toxicity / Albert, Adrien (Ed.). : Methuen In


174 Textbook of quantitative inorganic analysis including

elementary instrumental analysis / Vogel, Arthur I.
: Longman

175 The chemistry of organic compounds / Conant, James

Bryant. : MacMillan

176 An introduction to the chiroptical methods in chemistry

/ Crabbe, Pierre. : Pierre Crabbe

177 Progress in heterocyclic chemistry; vol. 1 & 4-6

/ Suchitzky, H. (Ed.). : Pergamon

178 Organic chemistry for advanced students / Kothare,

Nadkarny. : Popular Prakashan

179 Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry / Williams,

Dudley H. : McGraw-Hill

180 A short guide to chemical literature / Dyson, G.

Malcolm. : Longman

181 Introduction to mass spectrometry / Hill, H. C.

: Heyden
182 A guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry / Sykes, In
Peter. : Longman

183 Progress in heterocyclic chemistry; vol. 1 & 4-6

/ Suchitzky, H. (Ed.). : Pergamon

184 "

185 The chemistry of organic medicinal products / Jenkins,

Glenn L. : John Wiley

186 Drug design / Jolles, G. (Ed.). : Academic

187 Chemotherapy and immunology in the control of malaria,

filariasis and leishmaniasis / Anand, Nitya (Ed.).
: Tata McGraw-Hill

188 Progress in medicinal chemistry; vol. 9 / Ellis, G. P.

(Ed.). : North-Holland

189 Ion exchange resins / British Drug Houses. : British

Drug Houses

190 Interpretation of mass spectra / Mclafferty, F. W.

: W. A. Benjamin

191 Medicine for the masses / Gaur, Madan. : Press & P. R. Issued

192 The Chemical bond / Pauling, Linus. : Cornell


193 Drugs and food from the sea / Kaul, Pushkar N. (Ed.).
: University of Oklahoma

194 Terpenoids and steroids, vol.1 / Overton, K. H.

: Chemical Society

195 Principles of medicinal chemistry / Foye, William O. In

(Ed.). : Lea and Febiger

196 The examination of new organic compounds / Smith,

Walter T. : John Wiley

197 Newer trends in essential oils and flavours / Dhar, K.

L. (Ed.). : Tata McGraw-Hill

198 Progress in heterocyclic chemistry; vol. 1 & 4-6

/ Suchitzky, H. (Ed.). : Pergamon

199 Steroid reactions / Djerassi, Carl. : Holden-Day

200 A Laboratory course in pharmaclogy: University of

201 Applications of NMR spectroscopy in organic chemistry
/ Bhacca, Norman S. : Holden-Day

202 Organic chemistry / Fieser, Louis F. : Reinhold

203 More spectroscopic problems in organic chemistry In

/ Baker, Archibald J. : Heyden

204 Organic chemistry / Hansch, Corwin. : McGraw-Hill

205 Chemical and medical formulary of India 1976-77

/ Mehra, R. K.(Ed.). : Basic & Business

206 Problems in spectroscopy / Trost, Barry M. : W. A.


207 The chemistry and biochemistry of steroids / Chinn,

Leland J. : Intra-Science Research Foundation

208 Pharmaceutical chemistry, Part 1 / Schroff, M. L.

: National Book Centre

209 Topics in stereochemistry / Allinger, Norman L. (Ed).

: Interscience

210 Topics in stereochemistry / Allinger, Norman,L. (Ed).

: Interscience

211 Principles of recepterology / Agarwal, M. K. (Ed.).

: Walter de Gruyter

212 Terpenoids and steroids; vol.2 / Overton, K. H.

: Chemical Society

213 Organic chemistry / Nickon, Alex. : Pergamon

214 Organic Chemistry / Brewster, Ray Q. : Prentice Hall

215 Advanced organic chemistry / Fieser, Louis F.

: Reinhold

216 Handbook of heterocyclic chemistry / Katritzky, Alan

R. : Pergamon

217 Goodman & Gilman's pharmacological basis of

therapeutics / Goodman, Louis Sanford (Ed.).
: Macmillan

218 The conservation of orbital symmetry / Woodword, R. B.

: Verlag Chemie

219 Organic pharmaceutical chemistry / Singh, Harkishan.

: Vallabh

220 Alicyclic chemistry / McQuillin, F. J. : Cambridge

221 The modern structural theory of organic chemistry
/ Ferguson, Lloyd N. : Prentice Hall

222 Discovery, development and delivery of new drugs

/ Beyer, Karl H. : S P Medical and Scientific Books

223 Chemistry in non-aqueous solvents / Sisler, Harry H.

: Reinhold

224 Lectures in contraceptive pharmacology / Chaudhury,

Ranjit Roy. : Ranjit Roy Chaudhury

225 Optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism in

organic chemistry / Crabbe, Pierre. : Holden-Day

226 Forskolin / Rupp, R. H. (Ed.). : Hoechest

227 Medicinal chemistry / Roberts, S. M. (Ed.). : Academic

228 Applications of nuclear magnetic resonance

spectroscopy in organic chemistry / Jackman, L. M.

229 Principles of organic synthesis / Norman, R. O. C.

: Methuen

230 Heterocyclic Chemistry / Katritzky, Alan R. : Methuen

231 Physical Chemistry / Mee, A. J. : William Heinemann

232 Psychotropic drugs and related compounds / Usdin,

Earl. : Department of Health, Education, & Welfare

233 Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance for organic

chemists / Levy, George C. : Wiley-Interscience

234 Review of organic functional groups / Lemke, Thomas L.

: Lea and Febiger

235 Progress of organic evolution / Stebbins, G. Ledyard.

: Prentice Hall

236 Organic structure determination / Pasto, Daniel J.

: Prentice Hall

237 An introduction to the chemistry of heterocyclic

compounds / Acheson, R. M. : John Wiley

238 Stereochemistry of carbon compounds / Eliel, Ernest L. In

: McGraw-Hill

239 Physical pharmacy / Martin, Alfred N. : Lea and Febiger

240 Introduction to chemical pharmacology / Barlow, R. B.

: Methuen
241 Medicines / Dandiya, P. C. : Vision Books

242 Organic Chemistry / Morrison, Robert Thornton. : Allyn

and Bacon

243 A textbook of professional pharmacy / Jain, N. K.

: Vallabh

244 Biosynthesis; vol. 1 / Geissman, T. A. : Chemical


245 Organic pharmaceutical chemistry / Singh, Harkishan.

: Vallabh

246 Molecular orbital theory for organic chemists

/ Streitwieser, Andrew. : John Wiley

247 Chemistry and pharmacology of vasicine / Atal, C. K.

: Regional Research Laboratory

248 Systematic organic analysis with numerical questions In

/ Nigam, S. S. : Sagar

249 Safety in chemical laboratories and in the use of

chemicals / Imperial College of Science &. : Imperial
College of Science & Technology

250 Chemistry of vitamins and hormones / Rangaswami, S.

: Andhra University

251 Structure determination / Yates, Peter. : W. A.


252 Progress in drug delivery research / Udupa, N. : N.


253 Electronic methods / Browning, D. R. (Ed.). : McGraw-


254 Practical pharmaceutical chemistry / Beckett, A. H.

: Asia

255 Basic gas chromatography / McNair, H. M. : Varian


256 7th International congress of heterocyclic chemistry,

August 12-17, 1999, University of South Florida,
Florida, USA / International Society of Heter.

257 Biochemistry of steroids / Heftmann, Erich. : Reinhold

258 Chemistry of organic compounds / Noller, Carl R. : W. In

B. Saunders

259 Quantitative drug design / Martin, Yvonne Connolly.

: Marcel Dekker

260 Application of absorption spectroscopy / Dyrer' John

R. : Prentice Hall of India

261 Biochemical mechanisms / Ingraham, Lloyd L. : John


262 Organic reactions and orbital symmetry / Gilchrist, T.

L. : Cambridge University

263 Acids, bases and the chemistry of the covalent bond

/ Vanderwerf, Calvin A. : Reinhold

264 Translation from German for chemists / Neville, H. H.

: Interscience

265 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry, 1969 / Cain,

Cornelius K. (Ed.). : Academic

266 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry, 1969 / Cain,

Cornelius K. (Ed.). : Academic

267 Structure and function of the body / Anthony,

Catherine Parker. : C. V. Mosby

268 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 7

/ Heinzelman, Richard V. (Ed.). : Academic

269 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 8

/ Heinzelman, Richard V. (Ed.). : Academic

270 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 9

/ Heinzelman, Richard V. (Ed.). : Academic

271 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 10

/ Heinzelman, Richard V. (Ed.). : Academic

272 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 13

/ Clarke, Frank H. (Ed.). : Academic

273 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 22

/ Bailey, Denis M. (Ed.). : Academic

274 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 23

/ Allen, Richard C. (Ed.). : Academic

275 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 24

/ Allen, Richard C. (Ed.). : Academic

276 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 25

/ Bristol, James A. (Ed.). : Academic

277 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 26

/ Bristol, James A. (Ed.). : Academic
278 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 27
/ Bristol, James A. (Ed.). : Academic

279 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 29

/ Bristol, James A. (Ed.). : Academic

280 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 29

/ Bristol, James A. (Ed.). : Academic

281 Reagents for organic synthesis; vol. 2 / Fieser, Mary.

: Wiley-Interscience

282 Compendium of Indian medicinal plants; vol. 1-3

/ Rastogi, Ram P. : Central Drug Research Institute

283 Molecular structure / Commision of the Small Molecul.

: IBC Technical Services

284 13th International congress of heterocyclic chemistry

/ Perry, L. (Ed.).

285 10th International congress of heterocyclic chemistry

/ Brubacher, L. J. (Ed.).

286 Organic reactions; vol. 1 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


287 Organic reactions; vol. 2 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


288 Organic reactions; vol. 2 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


289 Organic reactions; vol. 3 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


290 Organic reactions; vol. 4 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


291 Organic reactions; vol. 5 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


292 Organic reactions; vol. 6 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


293 Organic reactions; vol. 9 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


294 Organic reactions; vol. 8 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


295 Organic reactions; vol. 7 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


296 Organic synthesis; vol. 2 / Blatt, A. H. (Ed.). : John

297 Organic synthesis; vol. 1 / Gilman, Henary (Ed.).
: John Wiley

298 Organic synthesis; vol. 32 / Arnold, R. T. (Ed.).

: John Wiley

299 Organic synthesis; vol. 3 / Horning, E. C. (Ed.).

: John Wiley

300 Reagents for organic synthesis / Fieser, Louis F.

: John Wiley

301 Steroids / Fieser, Louis F. : Reinhold

302 The Merck Index / Stecher, Paul G. (Ed.). : Merck

303 Manufacturing processes for new pharmaceuticals

/ Sittig, Marshall. : Noyes

304 11th International congress of heterocyclic chemistry

/ International Society of Heter. : Gesellschaft
Deutscher Chemiker

305 Compendium of Indian medicinal plants; vol. 1-3

/ Rastogi, Ram P. : Central Drug Research Institute

306 Discovery of drugs from microbiological sources

/ Conover, Lloyd H. : Pfizer Medical Research

307 Mechanism and structure in organic chemistry / Gould,

Edwin S. : Henry Holt

308 U.P. ke madhyamik shikshak andolan ka itihaas

/ Chaudhary, Hariswaroop. : Jan Shiksha

309 1st International congress of heterocyclic chemistry

/ Castle, Raymond N. : International Society of
Heterocyclic Chemistry

310 Galenics of insulin / Brange, Jens. : Springer-Verlag

311 Anorectic agents / Garattini, Silvio (Ed.). : Raven

312 Recent progress in chemistry and biology of centrally

acting peptides / Dhawan, B. N. (Ed.). : CDRI

313 Making money on the stock market / Grewal, S.S.

: Vision Books

314 Introduction to pharmacology / Dandiya, P. C. : Vallabh

315 Toxicology annual; vol. 2 / Winek, Charles L. (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

316 A guide to molecular pharmacology-toxicology; Part II

/ Featherstone, R. M. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker
317 Malaria / Targett, G. A. T.(Ed.). : John Wiley

318 Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics; vol. 1-2

/ Satoskar, R. S. : Popular Prakashan

319 R. Ghosh's modern concepts on pharmacology and

therapeutics / Ghosh, Rakhaldas. : Hilton

320 Noncatecholic phenylethylamines; Part 2 / Mosnaim,

Aron D. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

321 Forskolin / Rupp, R. A. (Ed.). : Hoechest

322 Pharmaceutical codex / Lund, Walter (Ed.).

: Pharmaceutical Press

323 Recent advances in protozoan diseases / Subrahnanyam,

D. (Ed.). : Hindustan Ciba-Geigy

324 Pharmacology / Gaddum, J. H. : Oxford University

325 Elements of pharmacology / Derasari, Harit R. : B. S.


326 Early detection of occupational disease / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

327 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol.17

/ Elliot, Henery W. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

328 Aldose reductase inhibition / Dvornik, Dushan.

: McGraw-Hill

329 Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy; vol. 7

/ Garattini, Silvio (Ed.). : Academic

330 Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics; vol. 1-2

/ Satoskar, R. S. : Popular Prakashan

331 Tropical disease research / World Health Organization.

: World Health Organization

332 Schroff commemoration volume / Srivastava, G. P.

(Ed.). : Banaras Hindu University

333 Martindale / Renolds, James E. F. (Ed.).

: Pharmaceutical Press

334 Forskolin / Rupp, R. A. (Ed.). : Hoechest

335 Trends in cancer chemotherapy / Rupp, R. H. (Ed.).

: Alfredo Borges Associates

336 A story of medicine and pharmacy in India / Sanyal, P.

K. : Shri Amitava Sanyal
337 Husa's pharmaceutical dispensing / Martin, Eriz W.
(Ed.). : Mack
338 CDRI researches on parasitic diseases / Ghatak, S. N.
: Central Drug Research Institute

339 Cellular pharmacology / Dawson, Mary. : Charles C.


340 Current research in pharmacology in India ,1975-1982

/ Das, P. K. (Ed.). : Indian National Science Academy

341 History of Indian pharmacy; vol. 1 / Srivastava, G. P.

: Pindars

342 Proceedings of the International Union of

Physiological Sciences; vol 11 / International Union
of Physiol. : International Union of Physiological

343 Antianginal drugs / Charlier, R. : Springer-Verlag

344 The cardiac glycosides / Stoll, Arthur.

: Pharmaceutical Press

345 Elements of pharmacology / Derasari, Harit R. : B. S.


346 Practical chemotherapy of malaria / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

347 42nd report of WHO expert committee on biological

standardization / World Health Organization. : World
Health Organization

348 The fate of drugs in the organism / Hirtz, J. : Masson

& Cie

349 The fate of drugs in the organism; vol.2 / Hirtz, J.

: Masson & Cie

350 Proceedings of the international symposium on natural

products chemistry / Rupp, R. H. (Ed.). : Hoechest

351 Elementary pharmacology and toxicology / Budhiraja, R.

D. : Popular Prakashan

352 Toxicology annual; vol. 3 / Winek, Charles L. (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

353 Concepts in biochemical pharmacology / Gillette, J. R.

(Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

354 Recent advances in cytochalasans / Pendse, G. S.

: Department of Science & Technology

355 Profile of a new antidepressant sintamil / Gupta, A.

K. (ED.). : CIBA
356 Seminar on pharmacy education / Indian Pharmaceutical In
Associat. : Indian Pharmaceutical Association

357 Body temperature / Lomax, Peter (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

358 Upgrading and repairing PCs / Muller, Scott. : Micro-


359 Drug use in pregnancy / Niebyl, Jennifer R. : Lea and


360 Bentley and Driver's text book of pharmaceutical

chemistry / Bentley, A. O. : Oxford University

361 Total quality management / Modi, Suresh M. : National

Centre for Quality Management

362 Business policy for Indian industries / Chopra, BS KS.

: Times Research Foundation

363 Business Law / Bulchandani, K. R. : Himalaya Publishing

364 Management / Koontz, Harold. : McGraw-Hill

365 Management information systems / Davis, Gordon B.

: McGraw-Hill

366 Scientific tables / Geigy, J. R. : Geigy


367 Statistical quality control / Gupta, R. C. : Khanna

368 Discovery of natural products with therapeutic

potential / Gullo, Vincent P. (Ed.). : Butterworth-

369 New fluorinating agents in organic synthesis / German,

L. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

370 AIDS testing / Schochetman, Gerald (Ed.). : Springer-


371 Modern pharmacology / Craig, Charles R. (Ed.).

: Little Brown

372 International pharmaceutical product information In

/ Cartwright, Anthony C. (Ed.). : Ellis Horwood

373 Cardiotonic drugs / Leier, Carl V. (Ed.). : Marcel


374 Principles of pharmacology / Munson, Paul L. (Ed.).

: Chapman & Hall
375 Principles in general pharmacology / Tallarida, Ronald
J. : Springer-Verlag

376 Bioactive volatile compounds from plants / Teranishi,

Roy (Ed.). : American Chemical Society

377 Toxicology of plant and fungal compounds / Keeler,

Richard F. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

378 Pharmacology / Harvey, Richard A. (Ed.). : J. B. Issued


379 Biochemistry / Stryer, Lubert. : W. H. Freeman Issued

380 Pharmaceutical dosage forms; vol. 1-3 / Lieberman, Issued

Herbert A. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

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382 Theory and strategy in histochemistry / Lyon, Hans

(Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

383 Compendium of organic synthetic methods; vol. 2

/ Harrison, Ian J. : Wiley-Interscience

384 Compendium of organic synthetic methods; vol. 4

/ Hegedus, Louis S. : John Wiley

385 Compendium of organic synthetic methods; vol. 3

/ Wade, Leroy G. : John Wiley

386 Compendium of organic synthetic methods; vol. 1

/ Harrison, Ian J. : Wiley-Interscience

387 Abstracts of papers / American Chemical Society.

: American Chemical Society

388 Organic reactions; vol. 1 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


389 Organic reactions; vol. 2 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


390 Organic reactions; vol. 2 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


391 Organic reactions; vol. 3 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


392 Protein biotechnology / Franks, Felix (Ed.). : Humana

393 Signal transduction / Milligan, G. (Ed.). : IRL

394 Modern experimental biochemistry / Boyer, Rodney F.

: The Benjamin/Cummings
395 Diagnostic in the year 2000 / Singh, Prithipal (Ed.).
: Van Nostrand Reinhold

396 The pharmacology of opioid peptides / Tseng, Leen

F.(Ed.). : Harwood Academic

397 The Neem tree-Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other

meliaceous plants / Schmutterer, H. (Ed.). : VCH

398 Human medicinal agents from plants / Kinghorn, A. Issued

Douglas (Ed.). : American Chemical Society

399 Receptor research methods / Greenstein, Ben (Ed.).

: Harwood Academic

400 13C-NMR of natural products / Rahman, Atta-ur. : Plenum

401 13C-NMR of natural products / Rahman, Atta-ur. : Plenum

402 Natural products chemistry III / Rahman, Atta-ur

(Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

403 The use of herbicides in the forest / Willoughby, Ian.


404 Immobilised enzymes and cells / Rosevear, A. : Adam


405 Light microscopy / Rawlins, David J. : BIOS Scientific

406 Pharmacology of antihypertensive therapeutics

/ Ganter, O. : Springer

407 Microbial culture / Isaac, Susan. : BIOS Scientific

408 Cell Biology / Sadava, David E. : Jones and Bartlett

409 A practical approach to chiral separations by liquid

chromatography / Subramaniam, G. (Ed.). : VCH

410 Primary and secondary metabolism of plants and cell

culture III / Schripsema, J. (Ed.). : Kluwer Academic

411 Microbial technology / Glazer, Alexander N. : W. H.


412 Principles of biochemistry / Zubay, Geoffrey L. : W.

C. Brown

413 Principles of biochemistry / Zubay, Geoffrey L. : W.

C. Brown

414 Indian medicinal plants; vol. 1 / Kirtikar, K. R.

: International Book

415 Indian medicinal plants; vol. 2 / Kirtikar, K. R.

: International Book

416 Indian medicinal plants; vol. 3 / Kirtikar, K. R.

: International Book

417 Indian medicinal plants; vol. 4 / Kirtikar, K. R.

: International Book

418 Indian medicinal plants; vol. 1 / Basu, B. D.

: International Book

419 Indian medicinal plants; vol. 2 / Basu, B. D.

: International Book

420 Indian medicinal plants; vol. 3 / Basu, B. D.

: International Book

421 Indian medicinal plants; vol. 4 / Basu, B. D.

: International Book

422 Comprehensive organic functional group

transformations; vol. 1 / Katritzky, Alan R. (Ed.).
: Pergamon

423 Comprehensive organic functional group

transformations; vol. 2 / Katritzky, Alan R. (Ed.).
: Pergamon

424 Comprehensive organic functional group

transformations; vol. 3 / Katritzky, Alan R. (Ed.).
: Pergamon

425 Comprehensive organic functional group

transformations; vol. 4 / Katritzky, Alan R. (Ed.).
: Pergamon

426 Comprehensive organic functional group

transformations; vol. 5 / Katritzky, Alan R. (Ed.).
: Pergamon

427 Comprehensive organic functional group

transformations; vol. 6 / Katritzky, Alan R. (Ed.).
: Pergamon

428 Comprehensive organic functional group

transformations; vol. 7 / Katritzky, Alan R. (Ed.).
: Pergamon

429 Herbal drugs and phytopharmaceuticals / Wichtl, Max In

(Ed.). : Medpharm Scientific

430 Glutathione S-transferases and drug resistance

/ Hayes, J. D. (Ed.). : Taylor & Francis

431 Thin-layer chromatography / Stahl, Egon (Ed.).

: Springer-Verlag
432 Aroma biotechnology / Berger, Ralf G. : Springer

433 Solvent extraction in biotechnology / Schugerl, Karl.

: Springer-Verlag

434 DNA fingerprinting in plants and fungi / Weising,

Kurt. : CRC

435 Drug absorption enhancement / De Boer, A. (Bert.) G.

(Ed.). : Harwood Academic

436 Food phytochemicals for cancer prevention I / Ho, Chi-

Tang (Ed.). : American Chemical Society

437 Food phytochemicals for cancer prevention II / Ho, Chi-

Tang (Ed.). : American Chemical Society

438 Trends in chemical consulting / Sodano, Charles S.

(Ed.). : American Chemical Society

439 Protein kinases / Woodgett, James Robert (Ed.). : IRL

440 Exploring QSAR / Hansch, Corwin. : American Chemical Issued


441 Exploring QSAR / Hansch, Corwin. : American Chemical


442 Psychopharmacology / Bloom, Floyd E. (Ed.). : Raven

443 Principles and methods of toxicology / Hayes, A. Issued

Wallace (Ed.). : Raven

444 Cell biology; vol. 1 / Celis, Julio E. (Ed.).

: Academic

445 Cell biology; vol.2 / Celis, Julio E. (Ed.). : Academic

446 Cell biology; vol.3 / Celis, Julio E. (Ed.). : Academic

447 Colonic drug absorption and metabolism / Swarbrick,

James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

448 The search for bioactive compounds from microorganism

/ Omura, Satoshi (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

449 Stealth liposomes / Lasic, Danilo (Ed.). : CRC

450 Encyclopedia of petroleum laws / Sarin, Harbans Lal.

: University Book

451 Organic syntheses; vol. 70 / Meyers, Albert I. (Ed.).

: Organic Syntheses

452 Organic syntheses; vol. 62 / Semmelheck, Martin F.

(Ed.). : Organic Syntheses
453 Organic syntheses; vol. 63 / Saucy, Gabriel (Ed.).
: Organic Syntheses

454 Organic syntheses; vol. 64 / Kende, Andrews S. (Ed.).

: Organic Syntheses

455 Organic syntheses; vol. 65 / Vedejs, Edwin (Ed.).

: Organic Syntheses

456 Organic syntheses; vol. 66 / Heathcock, Clayton H.

(Ed.). : Organic Syntheses

457 Organic syntheses; vol. 67 / Smart, Bruce E.(Ed.).

: Organic Syntheses

458 Organic syntheses; vol. 68 / White, James D. (Ed.).

: Organic Syntheses

459 Organic syntheses; vol. 69 / Paquette, Leo A. (Ed.).

: Organic Syntheses

460 Organic syntheses; vol. 71 / Overman, Larry E. (Ed.).

: Organic Syntheses

461 Organic Syntheses; vol. 72 / Coffen, David L. (Ed.).

: Organic Syntheses

462 Chem sources international: Chemical Sources


463 Organic synthesis; vol. 1 / Gilman, Henary (Ed.).

: John Wiley

464 Organic synthesis; vol. 2 / Blatt, A. H. (Ed.). : John


465 Organic synthesis; vol. 3 / Horning, E. C. (Ed.).

: John Wiley

466 Organic synthesis; vol. 4 / Rabjohn, Norman (Ed.).

: John Wiley

467 Organic synthesis, vol. 5 / Baumgarten, Henery E.

(Ed.). : John Wiley

468 Progress in drug research; vol. 37 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

469 The Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia of India; part.1, vol. 1

/ India, Ministry of Health & Fa.

470 Ayurvedic formulary of India / India, Ministry of

Health & Fa. : The Controller of Publications

471 Advances in drug delivery systems / Tipnis, H. P.

(Ed.). : M. S. R. Foundation
472 Drug metabolism in man / Vesell, Elliot S. (Ed.).
: The New York Academy of Sciences

473 Indian pharmaceutical guide, 1995 / Pamposh

Publications. : Pamposh

474 Molecular genetics and gene therapy / Ranbaxy Science

Foundation. : Scientific Communications

475 The pharmacist's year book 1996 / Dandiya, P. C. : CBS

476 Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients / Wade, Ainley

(Ed.). : American Pharmaceutical Association

477 The useful plants of India / Ambasta, S. P. (Ed.).

: Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

478 Pharmacopoeial standards for ayurvedic formulations

/ Central Council for Research i.

479 Medicinal plants / Jain, S. K. : National Book Trust

480 Glossary of Indian medicinal plants / Chopra, R. N.

: Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

481 Glossary of Indian medicinal plants / Chopra, R. N.

: Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

482 Indian pharmacopoeia 1996; vol. 1-2 / India, Ministry In

of Health & Fa. : Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

483 Indian pharmacopoeia 1996; vol. 2 / India, Ministry of In

Health & Fa. : Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

484 The Merck index / Budavare, Susan (Ed.). : Merck

485 Compendium of Indian medicinal plants; vol. 1-3 Issued

/ Rastogi, Ram P. : Central Drug Research Institute

486 Compendium of Indian medicinal plants; vol. 4 Issued

/ Rastogi, Ram P. : Central Drug Research Institute

487 Ayurvedic drugs and their plant sources / Sivarajan,

V. V. : Oxford & IBH

488 Chopra's indigenous drugs of India / Chopra, R. N.

: Academic

490 The United States pharmacopeia-national formulary In

/ United States Pharmacopeial Co.

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492 The United States pharmacopeia-national formulary
/ United States Pharmacopeial Co.

493 British pharmacopoeia 1993; vol. 1 / Bitish

Pharmacopoeia Commissio. : HMSO

494 British pharmacopoeia 1993; vol. 2 / British

Pharmacopoeia Commissi. : HMSO

495 British pharmacopoeia 1993 / Bitish Pharmacopoeia

Commissio. : HMSO

496 British pharmacopoeia 1993 / British Pharmacopoeia

Commissi. : HMSO

497 Official methods of analysis of AOAC International;

vol. 1-2 / Cunniff, Patricia (Ed.). : Association of
Official Analytical Chemists

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499 Cultivation and utilization of aromatic plants / Atal,

C. K. (Ed.). : Regional Research Laboratory

500 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 1 / Umbreit,

Wayne W. (Ed.). : Academic Press

501 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 2 / Umbreit,

Wayne W. (Ed.). : Academic

502 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 3 / Umbreit,

Wayne W. (Ed.). : Academic

503 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 4 / Umbreit,

Wayne W. (Ed.). : Academic

504 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 5 / Umbreit,

Wayne W. (Ed.). : Academic

505 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 6 / Umbreit,

Wayne W. (Ed.). : Academic

506 Advances in applied microbiology, vol. 7 / Umbreit,

Wayne W. (Ed.). : Academic

507 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 8 / Umbreit,

Wayne W. (Ed.). : Academic

508 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 9 / Umbreit,

Wayne W. (Ed.). : Academic

509 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 10 / Umbreit,

Wayne W. (Ed.). : Academic

510 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 11 / Perlman,

D. (Ed.). : Academic
511 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 12 / Perlman,
D. (Ed.). : Academic
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D. (Ed.). : Academic

513 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 14 / Perlman,

D. (Ed.). : Academic

514 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 15 / Perlman,

D. (Ed.). : Academic

515 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 16 / Perlman,

D. (Ed.). : Academic

516 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 17 / Perlman,

D. (Ed.). : Academic

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D. (Ed.). : Academic

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D. (Ed.). : Academic

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D. (Ed.). : Academic

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D. (Ed.). : Academic

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D. (Ed.). : Academic

522 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 23 / Perlman,

D. (Ed.). : Academic

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(Ed.). : Academic

524 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 25 / Perlman,

D. (Ed.). : Academic

525 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 26 / Perlman,

D. (Ed.). : Academic

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D. (Ed.). : Academic

527 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 28 / Laskin,

Allen I. (Ed.). : Academic

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Allen I. (Ed.). : Academic

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Allen I. (Ed.). : Academic

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Allen I. (Ed.). : Academic
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Allen I. (Ed.). : Academic

532 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 33 / Laskin,

Allen I. (Ed.). : Academic

533 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 1

/ Frankenburg, W. G. (Ed.). : Academic

534 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 2

/ Frankenburg, W. G. (Ed.). : Academic

535 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 3

/ Frankenburg, W. G. (Ed.). : Academic

536 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 4

/ Frankenburg, W. G. (Ed.). : Academic

537 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 5

/ Frankenburg, W. G. (Ed.). : Academic

538 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 6

/ Frankenburg, W. G. (Ed.). : Academic

539 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 7

/ Frankenburg, W. G. (Ed.). : Academic

540 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 8

/ Frankenburg, W. G. (Ed.). : Academic

541 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 9

/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic

542 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 10

/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic

543 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 11

/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic

544 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 12

/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic

545 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 13

/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic

546 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 14

/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic

547 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 15

/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic

548 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 16

/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic

549 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 17

/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic
550 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 18
/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic

551 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 19

/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic

552 Advances in catalysis and related subjects; vol. 21

/ Eley, D. D. (Ed.). : Academic

553 Advances in catalysis; vol. 22 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

554 Advances in catalysis; vol. 23 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

555 Advances in catalysis; vol. 24 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

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556 Advances in catalysis; vol. 25 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

557 Advances in catalysis; vol. 26 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

558 Advances in catalysis; vol. 27 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

559 Advances in catalysis; vol. 28 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

560 Advances in catalysis; vol. 29 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

561 Advances in catalysis; vol. 30 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

562 Advances in catalysis; vol. 31 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

563 Advances in catalysis; vol. 32 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

564 Advances in catalysis; vol. 33 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

565 Advances in catalysis; vol. 34 / Eley, D. D. (Ed.).

: Academic

566 Advances in pharmacology; vol. 1 / Garattini, Silvio

(Ed.). : Academic

567 Advances in pharmacology; vol. 2 / Garattini, Silvio

(Ed.). : Academic

568 Advances in pharmacology; vol. 3 / Garattini, Silvio

(Ed.). : Academic
569 Advances in pharmacology; vol. 5 / Garattini, Silvio
(Ed.). : Academic

571 Advances in pharmacology; vol. 6 / Garattini, Silvio

(Ed.). : Academic

572 Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy; vol. 7

/ Garattini, Silvio (Ed.). : Academic

573 Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy; vol. 8

/ Garattini, Silvio (Ed.). : Academic

574 Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy; vol. 9

/ Garratini, Silvio (Ed.). : Academic

575 Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy; vol 10

/ Garattini, Silvio (Ed.). : Academic

576 Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy; vol. 11

/ Garattini, Silvio (Ed.). : Academic

577 Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy; vol. 12

/ Garattini, Silvio (Ed.). : Academic

578 Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy; vol. 13

/ Garattini, Silvio (Ed.). : Academic

579 Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy; vol. 14

/ Garattini, Silvio (Ed.). : Academic

580 Advances in teratology; vol. 1 / Woollam, D. H. M.

(Ed.). : Academic

581 Advances in teratology; vol. 2 / Woollam, D. H. M.

(Ed.). : Academic

582 Advances in teratology; vol. 3 / Woollam, D. H. M.

(Ed.). : Academic

583 Advances in teratology; vol. 4 / Woollam, D. H. M.

(Ed.). : Academic

584 Advances in teratology; vol. 5 / Woollam, D. H. M.

(Ed.). : Academic

585 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 1, no. 1 / Rock,

C. : W. B. Saunders

586 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 1, no. 2 / Wenk,

Robert E. : W. B. Saunders

587 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 1, no. 3

/ Henery, John Bernard. : W. B. Saunders

588 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 1, no. 4 / Labbe,

Robert F. : W. B. Saunders
589 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 2, no. 1 / Myhre,
Byron A. : W. B. Saunders

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591 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 2, no. 2 / Winn,

Washington C. : W. B. Saunders

592 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 2, no. 3

/ Statland, Bernard E. : W. B. Saunders

593 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 2, no. 4

/ Benson, Eliss. : W. B. Saunders

594 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 3, no. 1 / Aller,

Raymond D. : W. B. Saunders

595 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 3, no. 2

/ DiMaio, Vincent J.M. : W. B. Saunders

596 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 3, no. 3

/ Tiersten, David. : W. B. Saunders

597 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 3, no. 4 / Ward,

Peter A. : W. B. Saunders

598 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 4, no. 1

/ Sullivan, Margaret M. : W. B. Saunders

599 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 4, no. 2

/ Triplett, Douglas A. : W. B. Saunders

600 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 4, no. 3

/ Blankle, Robert V. : W. B. Saunders

601 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol.4, no.4

/ Howantiz, Peter J. : W. B. Saunders

602 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol.5, no.1 / Matsen,

John M. : W. B. Saunders

603 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol.5, no. 2

/ Schumann, G. Berry. : W. B. Saunders

604 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 5, no.3 / Lee,

Wie-Shing. : W. B. Saunders

605 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 5, no.4 / Aller,

Raymonds D. : W. B. Saunders

606 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 6, no. 1

/ Nakamura, Robert M. : W. B. Saunders

607 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 6, no. 2

/ Statland, Bernard E. : W. B. Saunders
608 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 6, no. 3 / Wolf,
Paul L. : W. B. Saunders

609 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 7, no. 1

/ Mackay, Bruce. : W. B. Saunders

610 Clinics in laboratory medicine, vol. 7 no. 2 / Gerson,

Benjamin. : W. B. Saunders

611 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 7, no. 3

/ Gerson, Benjamin. : W. B. Saunders

612 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 7, no. 4 / Drew,

Lawrence W. : W. B. Saunders

613 Clinics in laboratory medicine, vol. 8 no. 1 / Davey,

Fredrick R. : W. B. Saunders

614 Clinics in laboratory medicine, vol. 8 no. 2

/ Deodhar, Sharad. : W. B. Saunders

615 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 8, no. 3 / Haber,

Meryl H. : W. B. Saunders

616 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 8, no. 4

/ Lifshitz, Marks S. : W. B. Saunders

617 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 9, no. 1

/ Rifkind, Basil M. : W. B. Saunders

618 Clinics in laboratory medicine, vol. 9 no. 2

/ Shoenknecht, Fritz D. : W. B. Saunders

619 Clinics in laboratory medicine, vol. 9 no. 3 / Judson,

Franklyn N. : W. B. Saunders

620 Clinics in laboratory medicine, vol. 9 no. 4 / Pappas,

Nicholas John. : W. B. Saunders

621 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 10, no. 1

/ Gorstein, Fred. : W. B. Saunders

622 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 10, no. 2

/ Gerson, Benjamin. : W. B. Saunders

623 Clinics in laboratory medicine, vol. 10 no. 3

/ Gerson, Benjamin. : W. B. Saunders

624 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 10, no. 4

/ Davey, Fredrick R. : W. B. Saunders

625 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 11, no. 1

/ Aller, Raymond D. : W. B. Saunders

626 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 11, no. 2

/ Hajdu, Steven I. : W. B. Saunders
627 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 11, no. 3
/ Roddy, Glenn E. : W. B. Saunders

628 Clinics in laboratory medicine; vol. 11, no. 4

/ Gutierrez, Yezid. : W. B. Saunders

629 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 81

/ Melchers, F. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

630 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 89

/ Weiss, David W. : Springer-Verlag

631 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 90

/ Basle, Arber W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

632 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol.91

/ Henle, W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

633 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 92

/ Haller, O. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

634 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 93

/ Shatkin, A. J. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

635 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol.

94/95 / Henle, W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

636 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 96

/ Hofschneider, P. H. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

637 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 97

/ Henle, W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

638 Current topic in microbiology and immunology; vol. 98

/ Wecker, E. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

639 Current topics in microbiology and immunology, vol. 99

/ Cooper, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

640 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 100

/ Boehmer, H. V. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

641 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 101

/ Graf, T. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

642 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 102

/ Cooper, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

643 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 103

/ Vogt, P. K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

644 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 104

/ Bachmann, Peter A. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

645 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 105

/ Cooper, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag
646 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 106
/ Vogt, P. K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

647 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 107

/ Vogt, P. K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

648 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol 108

/ Trautner, T. A. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag
649 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 109
/ Doerfler, Water (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

650 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 110

/ Doerfler, Walter (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

651 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 111

/ Doerfler, Water (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

652 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 112

/ Vogt, P. K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

653 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 113

/ Potter, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

654 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 114

/ Cooper, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

655 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 115

/ Vogt, P. K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

656 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 116

/ Willis, Dawn B. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

657 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 117

/ Hudjon, Leslie (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

658 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 118

/ Goebel, W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

659 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 119

/ Kaprowski, N. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

660 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 120

/ Parkhouse, R. M. E. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

661 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 121

/ Loos, Michael (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

662 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 122

/ Potter, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

663 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 123

/ Vogt, P. K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

664 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 124

/ Briles, David E. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

665 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 125

/ Wu, Henry C. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

666 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 126

/ Fleischer, B. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

667 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 127

/ Potter, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

668 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 128

/ Clarke, A. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

669 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 129

/ Clark, A. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

670 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 130

/ Koprowski, H. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

671 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 131

/ Doerfler, W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

672 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 132

/ Melchers, F. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

673 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 133

/ Oldstone, M. B. A. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

674 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 134

/ Oldstone, M. B. A. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

675 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 135

/ Paige, C. J. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

676 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 136

/ Hobom, G. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

677 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 137

/ Mock, B. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

678 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 138

/ Goebel, W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

679 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 139

/ Clarke, A. E. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

680 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 140

/ Podack, E. R. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

681 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 141

/ Potter, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

682 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 142

/ Schupbach, Jorg (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag
683 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 143
/ Haase, A. T. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

684 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 144

/ Knippers, R. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag
685 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 145
/ Oldstone, M. B. A. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

686 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 146

/ Mestecky, J. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

687 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 147

/ Vogt, P. K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

688 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 148

/ Vogt, P. K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

689 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 149

/ Shen-ong, G. L. C. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

690 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 150

/ Jann, K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

691 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 152

/ Bosma, M. J. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

692 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 153

/ Lambris, J. D. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

693 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 154

/ McDougal, J. K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

694 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 155

/ Kaufmann, S. H. E. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

695 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 156

/ Dyrberg, T. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

696 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 157

/ Swarnstorm, R. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

697 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 158

/ Muzyczka, N. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

698 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 159

/ Gray, D. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

699 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 160

/ Oldstone, M. B. A. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag
700 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 161
/ Racaniello, V. R. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

701 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 162

/ Roy, P. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

702 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 163

/ Moyer, R. W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

703 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 164

/ Baekkeskov, S. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag
704 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 165
/ Bothwell, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

705 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 166

/ Potter, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

706 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 167

/ Kaufmann, S. H. E. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

707 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 168

/ Mason, W. S. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

708 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 169

/ Kolakofsky, D. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

709 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 170

/ Compans, R. W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

710 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 171

/ Kung, H. J. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

711 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 172

/ Chesebro, B. W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

712 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 173

/ Pfeffer, K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

713 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 174

/ Fleischer, B. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

714 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 175

/ Aktories, Klaus (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

715 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 176

/ Holland, John J. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

716 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 177

/ Muller-Sieburg, C. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag
717 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 178
/ Parker, C. J. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

718 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 179

/ Rouse, B. T. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

719 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 180

/ Sansonetti, P. S. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

720 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 181

/ Russel, S. W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

721 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 182

/ Potter, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

722 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 183

/ Dimmock, N. J. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

723 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 184

/ Dunon, D. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

724 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 185

/ Ramig, R. F. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

725 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 186

/ Hausen, H. zur (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

726 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 187

/ Rupprecht, C. E. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

727 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 188

/ Letvin, M. L. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

728 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 189

/ Oldstone, M. B. A. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

729 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 190

/ Koprowski, H. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

730 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 191

/ Meulen, V. Tes. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

731 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 192

/ Dangal, J. L. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

732 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 193

/ Chen, I. S. Y. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

733 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 194

/ Potter, M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag
734 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 195
/ Montecucco, C. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

735 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; 196

/ Koprowski, H. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

736 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; 197

/ Meyer, P. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

737 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 198

/ Grffiths, G. M. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

738 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol.

199/III / Doerfler, W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

739 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol.

199/II / Doerfler, W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

740 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol.

199/I / Doerflar, W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

741 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 200

/ Kroemer, G. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

742 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 201

/ Kosco-Vilbois. : Springer-Verlag
743 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 202
/ Oldstone, M. B. A. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

744 Current topis in microbiology and immunology; vol. 203

/ Sarnov, P. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

745 Current topics in microbiology and immunology; vol. 151

/ Jann, K. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

746 Current research in pharmacology in India (1983-1987)

/ Dhawan, B. N. (Ed.). : Indian National Science

747 Chirality in industry / Collins, A. N. (Ed.). : John Issued


748 Remington; vol 1-2 / Remington, Joseph P. : Mack

749 "

750 Burger's medicinal chemistry and drug discovery; vol 1

/ Wolff, Manfred E. (Ed.). : Wiley
751 Burger's medicinal chemistry and drug discovery; vol. 2
/ Wolff, Manfred E. (Ed.). : Wiley

752 Burger's medicinal chemistry and drug discovery; vol. 3

/ Wolff, Manfred E. (Ed.). : Wiley

753 Pharmaceutical dosage forms; vol. 1-3 / Avis, Kenneth

E. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

754 "

755 Pharmaceutical dosage forms; vol. 1-2 / Lieberman,

Herbert A. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

756 Pharmaceutical dosage forms; vol. 1-3 / Lieberman,

Herbert A. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

757 Martindale / Reynolds, James E. F. (Ed.). : Royal

Pharmaceutical Society

758 Handbook of chemistry and physics / Weast, Robert C.

(Ed). : CRC

759 Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 1

/ Coulson, J. M. : Butterworth-Heinemann

760 Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 2

/ Coulson, J. M. : Butterworth-Heinemann

761 Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of

therapeutics / Goodman, Louis Sanford. : McGraw-Hill

762 Insulin / Cuatrecasas, P. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

763 Immunology / Roitt, Ivan. : Mosby

764 Molecular biology / Freifelder, David. : Narosa

765 Enzymes in synthetic organic chemistry / Wong, C. H.

: Elsevier Science

766 Ethnobotany and the search for new drugs / Ciba

Foundation. : John Wiley

767 The organic chemistry of drug synthesis; vol. 1

/ Lednicer, Daniel. : John Wiley

768 The organic chemistry of drug synthesis; vol. 2

/ Lednicer, Daniel. : John Wiley
769 The organic chemistry of drug synthesis; vol 3
/ Lednicer, Daniel. : John Wiley

770 The organic chemistry of drug synthesis; vol. 4

/ Lednicer, Daniel. : John Wiley

771 The organic chemistry of drug synthesis; vol. 5

/ Lednicer, Daniel. : John Wiley

772 Scaleup of chemical processes / Bisio, Attilio. : John


773 Protective groups in organic synthesis / Greene,

Theodora W. : John Wiley

774 Chemical stability of pharmaceuticals / Connors,

Kenneth A. : John Wiley

775 Pharmaceutical dosage forms; vol. 2 / Lieberman,

Herbert A. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

776 Pharmaceutical process validation / Berry, Ira R.

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

777 Pharmaceutical dosage forms; vol. 1-3 / Avis, Kenneth

E. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

778 Immunochemistry / Kerr, M. A. (Ed.). : Academic

779 Supercritical fluid science and technology / Johnston,

Keith P. (Ed.). : American Chemical Society

780 Characterization and catalyst development / Bradley,

Steven A. (Ed.). : American Chemical Society

781 Natural products as antiviral agents / Chu, Chung K.

(Ed.). : Plenum

782 The G-protein linked receptor facts book / Watson,

Steve. : Academic

783 Cell culture / Butler, M. (Ed.). : BIOS Scientific

784 Biotechnology / Becker, Jeffrey M. : Academic

785 Microinjection and organelle transplantation techniques

/ Celis, J. E. (Ed.). : Academic

786 Methods in cell biology; vol. 48 / Epstein, Henry F.

(Ed.). : Academic
787 Stability and characterization of protein and peptide
drugs / Wang, Y. John (Ed.). : Plenum

788 Liposomes in drug delivery / Gregoriadis, Gregory

(Ed.). : Harwood Academic

789 Topical drug bioavailability, bioequivalence, and

penetration / Shah, Vinod P. (Ed.). : Plenum

790 Development and validation of analytical methods

/ Riley, Christopher M. (Ed.). : Elsevier Science

791 Pharmacokinetics for the pharmaceutical scientist

/ Wagner, John G. : Technomic

792 Molecular biology and biotechnology / Walker, J. M.

(Ed.). : Royal Society of Chemistry

793 Handbook of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic

correction / Derendorf, Hartmut (Ed.). : CRC

794 Encapsulation and controlled release / Karsa, D. R.

(Ed.). : Royal Society of Chemistry

795 Pharmacology / Moore, Joanne I. (Ed.). : Springer-


796 Opioids I / Herz, Albert (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

797 Opioids II / Herz, Albert (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

798 Chirotechnology / Sheldon, Roger A. : Marcel Dekker

799 Radioisotopes / Billington, D. : BIOS Scientific

800 Boilers Act,1923: Eastern Book

801 Environment protection act, 1986: Universal Law


802 Drugs(price control)order, 1995 with new drug policy

1994: Vidhi Publishing

803 Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances act,1985

: Universal Law Publishing

804 Opium act ,1857: Law Publishers

805 Poisons Act, 1919: Law Publishers

806 Nabhi's compilation of the prevention of cruelty to
animal Act 1960 and Rules under and prevention of
cruelty to animals / Nabhi's Board of Editors. : Nabhi

807 49th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, 18-21 December

1997 / Indian Pharmaceutical Associat. : College of
Pharmaceutical Sciences

808 Herbal drug industry / Chaudhuri, R. D. (Ed.).

: Eastern Book

809 Reversal of multidrug resistance in cancer / Kellen,

John A. (Ed.). : CRC

810 The Medicinal plant industry / Wijesekera, R. O. B.

(Ed.). : CRC

811 New molecular targets for cancer chemotherapy / Kerr,

David J. (Ed.). : CRC

812 Liposome technology; vol. 1-3 / Gregoriadis, Gregory

(Ed.). : CRC

813 "

814 "

815 Principles of fermentation technology / Stanbury,

Peter F. : Butterworth-Heinemann

816 Organic spectroscopy / Kemp, William. : ELBS with


817 History of pharmacy in India and related aspects; vol.

2 / Singh, Harkishan. : Vallabh

818 History of pharmacy in India and related aspects; vol.

1 / Singh, Harkishan. : Vallabh

819 Medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry

/ Singh, Harikishan. : Vallabh

820 An introduction to drug design / Pandeya, S. N. : New

Age International

821 Recent advances in pharmacology / Robson, J. M. : J. &

A. Churchill

822 Water borne diseases / Singhal, Radhey L. (Ed.).

: Ranbaxy Science Foundation

823 Biotechnology in agriculture and environment

/ Marwaha, S. S. (Ed.). : Punjab State Council for
Science and Technology
824 Particle and surface characterisation methods
/ Muller, R. H. : Medpharm Scientific

825 Progress in medicinal chemistry; vol.16 / Ellis, G. P.


826 Cosmetics formulation, manufacturing, and quality

control / Sharma, P. P. : Vandana

827 Progress in medicinal chemistry; vol. 22 / Ellis, G.

P. (Ed.). : Elsevier Science

828 Progress in medicinal chemistry; vol. 28 / Ellis, G.

P. (Ed.). : Elsevier

829 Fermentation technology / Vora, V. C. : B. V. Patel

Education Trust

830 Molecular structure / Stezowski, John J. (Ed.).

: Oxford University

831 Basic principles and calculations in chemical

engineering-with CD / Himmelblau, David M. : Prentice
Hall of India

832 Mass-transfer operations / Treybal, Robert E. : McGraw-


833 Introduction to chemical engineering / Ghosal, S. K.

: Tata McGraw-Hill

834 Copyright act,1957: Pioneer

835 Indian pharmaceutical guide, 1998: Pamposh

836 In vitro toxicity testing protocols / O'Here, Sheila

(Ed.). : Humana

837 Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 6

/ Coulson, J. M. : Butterworth-Heinemann

839 A handbook of practical and clinical immunology, vol. 2

/ Talwar, G. P. (Ed.). : CBS

840 Chemical and structural approaches to rational drug

design / Weiner, David B. (Ed.). : CRC
841 Identification of drugs in pharmaceutical formulations
by thin layer chromatography / Sethi, P. D. : CBS

842 Growth factors, peptides and receptors / Moody, Terry

W. (Ed.). : Plenum

843 A handbook of practical and clinical immunology, vol. 1

/ Talwar, G. P. (Ed.). : CBS

844 Bioreaction engineering; vol. 1 / Schugerl, Karl.

: John Wiley

845 Angiotensin II receptors; vol. 1-2 / Ruffolo, Robert

R. (Ed.). : CRC

846 Bioorganic chemistry frontiers, vol. 2 / Dugas, H.

: Springer-Verlag

847 Bioorganic chemistry frontiers, vol. 3 / Dugas, H.

: Springer-Verlag

848 CRC handbook of Ayurvedic medicinal plants / Kapoor,

L. D. : CRC

849 Enzyme chemistry / Suckling, Colin J. (Ed.). : Chapman

& Hall

850 Flow cytometry and cell sorting / Radbruch, A. (Ed.).

: Springer-Verlag

851 Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management IV

/ Teddes, D. William (Ed.). : American Chemical

852 Compendium of safety data sheets for research and

industrial chemicals; vol. 7 / Keith, Lawrence H.
(Ed.). : VCH

853 Burger's medicinal chemistry and drug discovery; vol. 4

/ Wolff, Manfred E. (Ed.). : Wiley

854 Burger's medicinal chemistry and drug discovery; vol. 5 Issued

/ Wolff, Manfred E. (Ed.). : Wiley

855 Instrumental methods of analysis / Willard, Hobart H. In


856 Encyclopedia of molecular biology / Kendrew, John

(Ed.). : Blackwell Science
857 Physical pharmacy / Martin, Alfred. : B. I. Waverly

858 Targeted therapeutic systems / Tyle, Praven (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

859 Classics in total synthesis / Nicolaou, K. C. : VCH

860 Spectrometric identification of organic compounds

/ Silverstein, Robert M. : John Wiley

861 Burger's medicinal chemistry and drug discovery; vol. 5

/ Wolff, Manfred E. (Ed.). : Wiley

862 Burger's medicinal chemistry and drug discovery; vol. 4

/ Wolff, Manfred E. (Ed.). : Wiley

863 Project management / Kimmons, Robert L. (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

864 Sax's dangerous properties of industrial materials;

vol. 1-3 / Lewis, Richard J. : Van Nostrand Reinhold

865 "

866 "

867 Molecular recognition / Roberts, Stanley M. (Ed.).

: Royal Society of Chemistry

868 Drug stability / Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel


869 Pharmaceutical process validation / Berry, Ira R.

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

870 Chromatography of pharmaceuticals / Ahuja, Satinder.

: American Chemical Society

871 Biopharmaceutics and clinical pharmacokinetics

/ Notari, Robert E. : Marcel Dekker

872 Pharmaceutical skin penetration enhancement / Walters,

Kenneth A. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

873 Controlled drug delivery / Swarbrick, James (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

874 Specialized drug delivery systems / Swarbrick, James

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker
875 Genes / Lewin, Benjamin. : Oxford University

876 Principles of fermentation technology / Stanbury,

Peter F. : Butterworth-Heinemann

877 Immunity to parasites / Wakelin, Derek. : Cambridge


878 Molecular approaches to parasitology / Boothroyd, John

C. (Ed.). : Wiley-Liss

879 Proteins / Creighton, Thomas E. : W. H. Freeman

880 Principles of Biochemistry / Lehninger, Albert L. : CBS

881 Biochemistry / Stryer, Lubert. : W. H. Freeman

882 Recent advances in chiral separations / Stevenson, D.

(Ed.). : Plenum

883 The basics of technical communicating / Cain, B.

Edward. : American Chemical Society

884 Cell biology / Smith. : Chapman & Hall

885 Unit operations of chemical engineering
/ Chattopadhyay, P. : Khanna

886 Unit operations of chemical engineering / McCabe,

Warren L. : McGraw-Hill

887 Perry's chemical engineers' handbook / Perry, Robert

H. (Ed.). : McGraw-Hill

888 Handbook of laboratory animal management / Wolfensohn,

Sarah (Ed.). : Oxford University

889 Clinical pharmacokinetics / Rowland, Malcolm. : Waverly

890 Genetic variants and strains of the laboratory mouse;

vol.1 / Lyon, Mary F. (Ed.). : Oxford University

891 Genetic variants and strains of the laboratory mouse;

vol.2 / Lyon, Mary F. (Ed.). : Oxford University

892 Good style / Kirkman, John. : E & FN Spon

893 Statistics for technology / Chatfield, Chris.

: Chapman & Hall
894 Introduction to drug metabolism / Gibson, G. Gordon. Issued
: Blackie Academic and Professional

895 Industrial electrochemistry / Pletcher, Derek.

: Blackie Academic and Professional

896 Methods in cell biology; vol. 46 / Schwartz, Lawrence

M. (Ed.). : Academic

897 The treatment and handling of wastes / Bradshaw, A. D.

(Ed.). : Chapman & Hall

898 The use of resealed erythrocytes as carriers and

bioreactors / Magnani, Mauro (Ed.). : Plenum

899 Bioseparations / Better, Paul A. : John Wiley

900 Pharmaceutical analysis / Parimoo, P. : CBS

901 3D QSAR in drug design; vol. 12-14 / Kubinyi, Hugo

(Ed.). : Kluwer/Escom

902 3D QSAR in drug design; vol. 9-11 / Kubinyi, Hugo

(Ed.). : Kluwer/Escom

903 Chiral separations / Ahuja, Satinder (Ed.). : American

Chemical Society

904 Gene technology / Zander, Axiel R. (Ed.). : Springer-


905 Principles of protein structure / Schulz, G. E.

: Springer-Verlag
906 Angiotensin II receptors; vol. 1-2 / Ruffolo, Robert
R. (Ed.). : CRC

907 Tuberculosis / Schlossberg, David (Ed.). : Springer-


908 Molecular reviews in cardiovascular medicine

/ Lindpainter, Klaus (Ed.). : Chapman & Hall

909 Host response to intracellular pathogens / Kaufmann,

Stefan H. E. (Ed.). : R. G. Lands

910 Asymmetric synthetic methodology / Ager, David J. : CRC

911 Extraction of natural products using near-critical

solvents / King, M. B. (Ed.). : Blackie Academic and
912 IC master; vol. 1-3: Hearst Business Communications

913 "

914 "

915 Adverse reactions to drug formulation agents / Weiner,

Murray. : Marcel Dekker

916 Quintessential wisdon / Bazaz, Mohan C. (Ed.).

: Indian Pharmaceutical Congress Association

917 Basic cell culture / Davis, J. M. (Ed.). : Oxford


918 Chemical stability of pharmaceuticals / Connors,

Kenneth A. : John Wiley

919 Infrared characteristic group frequencies / Socrates,

George. : John Wiley

920 NMR spectroscopy / Gunther, Harald. : John Wiley

921 Organic photochemistry / Kopecky, Jan. : VCH

922 Catalytic asymmetric synthesis / Ojima, Iwao. : Wiley-


923 Carbohydrates / Ogura, Haruo (Ed.). : VCH

924 Supported reagents preparation, analysis and

applications / Clark, James H. : VCH

925 Carbohydrates as organic raw materials

/ Lichtenthaler, Frieder W. (Ed. : VCH

926 Phase transfer catalysis / Dehmlow, E. V. : VCH

927 Organic synthesis with oxidative enzymes / Holland, H.

L. : VCH

928 Stereochemistry of organic compounds / Eliel, Ernest

L. : John Wiley

929 Carbon -13 NMR chemical shifts in structural and

stereochemical analysis / Pihlaja, Kalevi. : VCH

930 Modern conformational analysis / Dodziuk, Helena. : VCH

931 Elementary principles of chemical processes / Felder,

Richard M. : John Wiley
932 Chemical reactor analysis and design / Froment,
Gilbert F. : John Wiley

933 Handbook of separation process technology / Rousseau,

Ronald W. : John Wiley

934 Textbook of immunopharmacology / Dale, M. Maureen

(Ed.). : Blackwell Science

935 Chromatographic chiral separation / Zief, Morris

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

936 Parenteral quality control / Akers, Michael J. (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

937 Aqueous solubility / Yalkowsky, Samuel H. : Marcel


938 Chemical reaction and reactor engineering / Carberry,

James J. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

939 Pharmaceutical dissolution testing / Banker, Umesh V.

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

940 Solubility and related properties / Swarbrick, James

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

941 Computer-aided design of catalysts / Becker, E. Robert

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

942 Laboratory animals / Tuffenig, A. A. (Ed.). : John Issued


943 Supercritical fluid science and technology / Johnston,

Keith P. (Ed.). : American Chemical Society

944 PK/PD based drug delivery system design / Van Der

Greet, Ronald. : Ronald Van Der Geest

945 Sterile dosage forms / Turco, Salvatore. : Lea and


946 Biotechnology applications of microinjection,

microscopic imaging, and flurescence / Bach, Peter H.
(Ed.). : Plenum
947 Genetically engineered vaccines / Ciardi, Joseph E.
(Ed.). : Plenum

948 Microbial infections / Friedman, Herman (Ed.). : Plenum

949 Applications of enzyme biotechnology / Kelly, Jettery

W. (Ed.). : Plenum

950 Solvation thermodynamics / Naim, Arieh Ben. : Plenum

951 Biocatalysts for industry / Dordick, Jonathan S.

(Ed.). : Plenum

952 Chemical aspects of enzyme biotechnology / Baldwin,

Thomas O. (Ed.). : Plenum

953 Statistical thermodynamics for chemists and biochemists

/ Naim, Arieh Ben. : Plenum

954 The steric factor in medicinal chemistry dissymmetric

problems of pharmacological receptors / Casy, Alan F.
: Plenum

955 Drug formulations manual / Kohli, D. P. S. : Eastern


956 DNA replication / Kornberg, Arthur. : W. H. Freeman

957 Parasitic infections and the immune system

/ Kierszenbaum, Felipe (Ed.). : Academic

958 Reviews in computational chemistry; vol.10

/ Lipkowitz, Kenny B. (Ed.). : VCH

959 Fourier transform infrared spectrometry / Griffiths,

Peter R. : John Wiley

960 Molecular biology and biotechnology / Meyers, Robert

A. (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

961 Textbook of pharmacognosy / Wallis, T. E. W. : CBS

962 Immunochemistry / Kerr, M. A. (Ed.). : BIOS Scientific

963 Techniques in protein chemistry IV / Angeletti, Ruth

Hogue (Ed.). : Academic

964 Parasitic protozoa; vol. 10 / Kreier, Julius P. (Ed.).

: Academic

965 Guide book on molecular modeling in drug design Issued

/ Chohen, N. Claude (Ed.). : Academic

966 Organosulfur chemistry / Page, Philip. : Academic

967 Biochemical engineering fundamentals / Bailey, James
E. : McGraw-Hill

968 Pollution prevention in industrial processes / Breen,

Joseph J. (Ed.). : American Chemical Society

969 Supercritical fluid engineering science / Kiran,

Erdogan (Ed.). : American Chemical Society

970 Understanding chemical patents / Maynard, John T.

: ACS Professional Reference Book

971 Characterization and catalyst development / Bradley,

Steven A. (Ed.). : American Chemical Society

972 Modern synthetic methods / Ernst, Beat (Ed.). : Verlag

Helvetica Chimica Acta

973 Selectivity in catalysis / Davis, Mark E. (Ed.).

: American Chemical Society

974 Chronicles of drug discovery / Lednicer, Daniel (Ed.).

: American Chemical Society

975 Catalytic selective oxidation / Oyama, S. Ted (Ed.).

: American Chemical Society

976 A textbook of drug design and development / Porl,

Krogsgaard-Larsen (Ed.). : Harwood Academic

977 Recent trends in pharmaceutical sciences / Jagadeesh,

G. (Ed.). : American Association of Government College
of Pharmacy (Bang

978 Genetics / Gupta, P. K. : Rastogi

979 A textbook on biochemistry / Kumar, H. D. : Affiliated In


980 Antibodies / Harlow, E. D. : Cold Spring Harbor

981 Physics in medical diagnosis / Delchar, T. A.

: Chapman & Hall

982 Project management for research / Badiru, Adedeji B.

: Chapman & Hall

983 Annual review of biophysics and biophysical chemistry;

vol. 19 / Engelman, Donald M. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

984 Annual review of biophysics and biophysical chemistry;

vol. 20 / Engelman, Donald M. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

985 Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular

structure; vol. 22 / Engelman, Donald M. (Ed.).
: Annual Reviews
986 Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular
structure; vol. 23 / Stroud, Robert M. (Ed.). : Annual

987 Structure and function of the body / Anthony,

Catherine Parker. : C. V. Mosby

988 Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular

structure; vol. 25 / Stroud, Robert M. (Ed.). : Annual

989 Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular

structure; vol. 26 / Stroud, Robert M. (Ed.). : Annual

990 Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular

structure; vol. 27 / Stroud, Robert M. (Ed.). : Annual

991 Annual review of neuroscience; vol. 15 / Cowan, W.

Maxwell (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

992 Annual review of neuroscience; vol. 16 / Cowan, W.

Maxwell (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

993 Annual review of neuroscience; vol. 17 / Cowan, W.

Maxwell (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

994 Annual review of neuroscience; vol. 18 / Cowan, W.

Maxwell (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

995 Annual review of neuroscience; vol. 20 / Cowan, W.

Maxwell (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

996 Annual review of neuroscience; vol. 21 / Cowan, W.

Maxwell (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

997 Annual review of neuroscience; vol. 13 / Cowan, W.

Maxwell (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

998 Annual review of neuroscience; vol. 14 / Cowan, W.

Maxwell (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

999 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 41 / Neidleman,

Saul L. (Ed.). : Academic

1000 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 42 / Neidleman,

Saul L. (Ed.). : Academic

1001 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 43 / Neidleman,

Saul L. (Ed.). : Academic

1002 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 45 / Neidleman,

Saul L. (Ed.). : Academic

1003 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 30

/ George, Robert (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1004 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 31

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1005 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 32

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1006 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 34

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1007 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 35

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1008 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 36

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1009 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 38

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1010 Methods in enzymology; vol. 209 / Dennis, Edward A.

(Ed.). : Academic

1011 Methods in enzymology; vol. 232, part-C / Everse,

Johannes (Ed.). : Academic

1012 Methods in enzymology; vol. 222, part-A / Lorand,

Larzlo (Ed.). : Academic

1013 Methods in enzymology; vol. 236, part-B / Clarks,

Virginia L. (Ed.). : Academic

1014 Methods in enzymology; vol. 238 / Iyenger, Ravi (Ed.).

: Academic

1015 Methods in enzymology; vol. 251 / Packer, Lester

(Ed.). : Academic
1016 Methods in enzymology; vol. 265 / Abelson, John N.
(Ed.). : Academic

1017 Methods in enzymology; vol. 266 / Abelson, John N.

(Ed.). : Academic

1018 Methods in enzymology; vol. 268: Nitric oxide

/ Packer, Lester (Ed.). : Academic

1019 Methods in enzymology; vol. 269: Nitric oxide

/ Packer, Lester (Ed.). : Academic

1020 Methods in enzymology; vol. 270: High resolution

separation and analysis of biological macromolecules
/ Karger, Barry L. (Ed.). : Academic

1021 Methods in enzymology; vol. 274 / Adhya, Sankar (Ed.).

: Academic

1022 Methods in enzymology; vol. 275 / Kuo, Lawrence C.

(Ed.). : Academic

1023 Methods in enzymology; vol. 277 / Carter, Charles W.

(Ed.). : Academic

1024 Methods in enzymology; vol. 278 / Brand, Ludwig (Ed.).

: Academic

1025 Methods in enzymology; vol. 279 / McCormick, Donald B.

(Ed.). : Academic

1026 Methods in enzymology; vol. 280 / McCormick, Donald B.

(Ed.). : Academic

1027 Methods in enzymology; vol. 281 / McCormick, Donald B.

(Ed.). : Academic

1028 Methods in enzymology; vol. 283 / Dunphy, William G.

(Ed.). : Academic

1029 Advances in drug research; vol. 5 / Harper, N. J.

(Ed.). : Academic

1030 Advances in drug research; vol. 26 / Testa, Bernard

(Ed.). : Academic

1031 Advances in drug research; vol. 27 / Testa, Bernard

(Ed.). : Academic

1032 Advances in drug research; vol. 28 / Testa, Bernard

(Ed.). : Academic
1033 Advances in drug research; vol. 30 / Testa, Bernard
(Ed.). : Academic

1034 Annual review of cell biology; vol. 6 / Palade, George

E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1035 Annual review of cell biology; vol. 7 / Palade, George

E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1036 Annual review of cell biology; vol. 8 / Palade, George

E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1037 Annual review of cell biology; vol. 9 / Palade, George

E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1038 Annual review of cell biology; vol. 10 / Spudich,

James A. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1039 Annual review of cell and developmental biology; vol.

11 / Spudich, James A. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1040 Annual review of cell and developmental biology; vol.

13 / Spudich, James A. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1041 Annual review of cell and developmental biology; vol.

12 / Spudich, James A. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews
1042 Annual review of cell and developmental biology; vol.
14 / Spudich, James A. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1043 Advances in parasitology; vol. 31 / Baker, J. R.

(Ed.). : Academic

1044 Advances in parasitology; vol. 35 / Baker, J. R.

(Ed.). : Academic

1045 Advances in parasitology; vol. 26 / Baker, J. R.

(Ed.). : Academic

1046 Advances in parasitology; vol. 38 / Baker, R. (Ed.).

: Academic

1047 Progress in drug research; vol. 34 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1048 Progress in drug research; vol. 35 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1049 Progress in drug research; vol. 36 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1050 Progress in drug research; vol. 37 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1051 Progress in drug research; vol. 39 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1052 Progress in drug research; vol. 40 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1053 Progress in drug research; vol. 41 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1054 Progress in drug research; vol. 42 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1055 Progress in drug research; vol. 43 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1056 Progress in drug research; vol. 44 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1057 Progress in drug research; vol. 45 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1058 Progress in drug research; vol. 46 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1059 Progress in drug research; vol. 47 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1060 Progress in drug research; vol. 48 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag
1061 Progress in drug research; vol. 49 / Jucker, Ernst
(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1062 Progress in drug research; vol. 50 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1063 Progress in drug research; vol. 51 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1064 Annual review of immunology; vol. 8 / Paul, William E.

(Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1065 Annual review of immunology; vol. 9 / Paul, William E.

(Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1066 Annual review of immunology; vol. 10 / Paul, William

E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews
1067 Annual review of immunology; vol. 11 / Paul, William
E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1068 Annual review of immunology; vol. 12 / Paul, William

E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1069 Annual review of immunology; vol. 13 / Paul, William

E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1070 Annual review of immunology; vol. 14 / Paul, William

E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1071 Annual review of immunology; vol. 15 / Paul, William

E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1072 Annual review of immunology; vol. 16 / Paul, William

E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1073 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 59 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1074 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 60 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1075 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 61 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1076 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 62 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1077 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 63 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1078 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 64 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1079 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 65 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews
1080 Impurities evaluation of pharmaceuticals / Ahuja, Issued
Satinder. : Marcel Dekker

1081 High throughput screening / Devlin, John P. (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

1082 Protecting groups / Kocienski, Philip J. : Geroge

Thieme Verlag

1083 Cell and tissue culture / Doyle, Alan (Ed.). : John


1084 Conformational analysis of medium sized heterocycles

/ Glass, Richard S. : VCH

1085 Receptor signal transduction protocols / Challiss, R.

A. J. (Ed.). : Humana

1086 Transmembrane signaling protocols / Bar-Sagi, Dafna

(Ed.). : Humana

1087 Advanced organic chemistry / March, Jerry. : John Wiley

1088 Principles of nucleic acid structure / Saenger,

Wolfram. : Springer-Verlag

1089 Protein methods / Bollag, Daniel M. : Wiley-Liss

1090 The internet / Bachrach, Steven M. (Ed.). : American

Chemical Society

1091 Burger's medicinal chemistry and drug discovery; vol. 2

/ Wolff, Manfred E. (Ed.). : Wiley

1092 Burger's medicinal chemistry and drug discovery; vol. 3

/ Wolff, Manfred E. (Ed.). : Wiley

1093 Textbook of therapeutics / Herfindal, Eric T. (Ed.).

: Williams & Wilkins

1094 Ways to successful strategies in drug research and

development / Sedlacek, H. Harald. : VCH

1095 Ion channels / Aidley, David J. : Cambridge University

1096 Animal models in psychopharmacology / Olivier, B.

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1097 Vogel's textbook of practical organic chemistry Issued

/ Vogel, Arthur I. : Addison Wesley Longman

1098 Organic chemistry; vol. 2 / Finar, I. L. : Addison

Wesley Longman

1099 Organic chemistry / Finar, I. L. : Addison Wesley

1101 Burger's medicinal chemistry and drug discovery; vol 1
/ Wolff, Manfred E. (Ed.). : Wiley

1102 Principles of peptide synthesis / Bodanszky, Miklos.

: Springer-Verlag
1103 Biotechnology-Proteins to PCR / Burden, David W.
: Birkhauser-Verlag

1104 Conformational analysis of cyclohexenes,

cyclohexadiences, cyclohexadienes and related
hydroaromatic compounds / Rabideau, Peter W. (Ed.).

1105 Plant drug analysis / Wagner, Hildebert. : Springer-


1106 Principles of drug action / Pratt, William B. ( Ed).

: Churchill Livingstone

1107 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 66 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1108 Medicinal chemistry / King, Frank D. (Ed). : Royal

Society of Chemistry

1109 Pathology and therapeutics for pharmacists / Greene,

Russell J. : Chapman & Hall

1110 Methods in enzymology; vol. 237 / Iyengar, Ravi (Ed.).

: Academic

1111 Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular

structure; vol. 21 / Engelman, Donald M. (Ed.).
: Annual Reviews

1112 Annual review of neuroscience; vol. 19 / Cowan, W.

Maxwell (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1113 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 37

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1114 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 33

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1115 Genetic analysis of animal development / Wilkins, Adam

S. : Wiley-Liss

1116 Progress in drug research; vol. 38 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1117 Principles of molecular recognition / Backingham, A.

D. (Ed.). : Blackie Academic and Professional

1118 Introduction to stereochemistry and conformational

analysis / Juaristi, Eusebio. : John Wiley
1119 HPLC in enzymatic analysis / Rossomando, Edward F.
: John Wiley
1120 Inside the PC / Norton, Peter. : Prentice Hall

1121 Physical Chemistry / Castellan, Gilbert W. : Narosa

1122 Organic chemistry of drug design and drug action In

/ Silverman, Richard B. : Academic

1123 Biotechnology / Becker, Jeffrey M. : Academic

1124 Reagents for organic synthesis; vol. 17 / Fieser,

Mary. : Wiley-Interscience

1125 Reagents for organic synthesis; vol. 18 / Ho, Tse-Lok.

: John Wiley

1126 Reagents for organic synthesis; vol. 16 / Fieser,

Mary. : Wiley-Interscience

1127 Reagents for organic synthesis; vol. 15 / Fieser,

Mary. : Wiley-Interscience

1128 Organic synthesis; vol. 1 / Freeman, Jeremiah P.

(Ed.). : John Wiley

1129 Organic synthesis; vol. 7 / Freeman, Jeremiah P.

(Ed.). : John Wiley

1130 Organic synthesis; vol. 8 / Freeman, Jeremiah P.

(Ed.). : John Wiley

1131 Organic synthesis; vol. 9 / Freeman, Jeremiah P.

(Ed.). : John Wiley

1132 Organic reactions; vol. 38 / Beak, Peter (Ed.). : John


1133 Organic reactions; vol. 39 / Beak, Peter (Ed.). : John


1134 Organic reactions; vol. 40 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1135 Organic reactions; vol. 41 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1136 Organic reactions; vol. 42 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley
1137 Organic reactions; vol. 43 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).
: John Wiley

1138 Organic reactions; vol. 44 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1139 Organic reactions; vol. 45 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley
1140 Organic reactions; vol. 46 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).
: John Wiley

1141 Organic reactions; vol. 47 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1142 Organic reactions; vol. 48 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1143 Organic reactions; vol. 49 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1144 Organic reactions; vol. 50 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1145 Organic reactions; vol. 51 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1146 Organic reactions; vol. 52 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1147 Organic reactions; vol. 52 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1148 An introduction to peptide chemistry / Bailey, P. D.

: John Wiley

1149 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 40 / Neidleman,

Saul L. (Ed.). : Academic

1150 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 44 / Neidleman,

Saul L. (Ed.). : Academic

1151 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 46 / Neidleman,

Saul L. (Ed.). : Academic

1152 Advances in drug research; vol. 13 / Testa, Bernard

(Ed.). : Academic

1153 Advances in drug research; vol. 23 / Testa, Bernard

(Ed.). : Academic
1154 Advances in drug research; vol. 23 / Testa, Bernard
(Ed.). : Academic

1155 Advances in drug research; vol. 23 / Testa, Bernard

(Ed.). : Academic

1156 Advances in drug research; vol. 24 / Testa, Bernard

(Ed.). : Academic

1157 Advances in drug research; vol. 25 / Testa, Bernard

(Ed.). : Academic

1158 Analytical profiles of drug substances; vol. 10

/ Florey, Klaus (Ed.). : Academic
1159 Analytical profiles of drug substances; vol. 15
/ Florey, Klaus (Ed.). : Academic

1160 Analytical profiles of drug substances; vol. 16

/ Florey, Klaus (Ed.). : Academic

1161 Analytical profiles of drug substances; vol. 20

/ Florey, Klaus (Ed.). : Academic

1162 Analytical profiles of drug substances and excipients;

vol. 23 / Brittain, Harry G. (Ed.). : Academic

1163 Analytical profiles of drug substances and excipients;

vol. 24 / Brittain, Harry G. (Ed.). : Academic

1164 Methods in Enzymology; vol. 181, part-B / Dahlberg,

James E. (Ed.). : Academic

1165 Methods in enzymology; vol. 182 / Deutscher, Murray P.

(Ed.). : Academic

1166 Methods in enzymology; vol. 183 / Doolittle, Russell

F. (Ed.). : Academic

1167 Methods in enzymology; vol. 184-Avidin-biotin

technology / Wilchek, Meir (Ed.). : Academic

1168 Methods in enzymology; vol. 186-Oxygen radicals in

biological systems / Packer, Lester (Ed.). : Academic

1169 Methods in enzymology; vol. 187-Arachidonate related

lipid mediators / Murphy, Robert C. (Ed.). : Academic

1170 Methods in enzymology; vol. 188-Hydrocarbons and

methylotrophy / Lidstron, Mary E. (Ed.). : Academic

1171 Methods in enzymology; vol. 189-Molecular and

metabolic aspects / Packer, Lester (Ed.). : Academic

1172 Methods in enzymology; vol. 190-Cell differentiation

and clinical applications / Packer, Lester (Ed.).
: Academic

1173 Methods in enzymology; vol. 191-Biomembranes

/ Fleischer, Sidney (Ed.). : Academic

1174 Methods in enzymology; vol. 192-Biomembranes

/ Fleischer, Sidney (Ed.). : Academic

1175 Methods in enzymology; vol. 193-Mass spectrometry

/ McCloskey, James A. (Ed.). : Academic

1176 Methods in enzymology; vol. 194-Guide to yeast

genetics and molecular biology / Guthrie, Christine
(Ed.). : Academic

1177 Methods in enzymology; vol. 195-Adynylyl cyclose, G

proteins, and guanylyl cyclase / Johnson, Roger (Ed.).
: Academic

1178 Methods in enzymology; vol. 196-Molecular motors and

the cytoskelton / Vallee, Richard B. (Ed.). : Academic

1179 Methods in enzymology; vol. 197-Phospholipases

/ Dennis, Edward A. (Ed.). : Academic

1180 Methods in enzymology; vol. 198-Peptide growth factors

/ Barnes, David (Ed.). : Academic

1181 Methods in enzymology; vol 199-Cumulative subject index

/ Abelson, John N. (Ed.). : Academic

1182 Methods in enzymology; vol. 201-Protein phosphorylation

/ Hunter, Tony (Ed.). : Academic

1183 Methods in enzymology; vol. 200-Protein phosphorylation

/ Hunter, Tony (Ed.). : Academic

1184 Methods in enzymology; vol. 202-Molecular design and

modeling / Langone, John S. (Ed.). : Academic

1185 Methods in enzymology; vol. 203-Molecular design and

modeling / Langone, John S. (Ed.). : Academic

1186 Methods in enzymology; vol. 204-Bacterial genetic

system / Miller, Jeffery H. (Ed.). : Academic

1187 Methods in enzymology; vol. 205-Metallobiochemistry

/ Riordan, James F. (Ed.). : Academic

1188 Methods in enzymology; vol. 206-Cytochrome / Waterman,

Michael R. (Ed.). : Academic

1189 Methods in enzymology; vol. 207-Ion channels / Rudy,

Bernardo (Ed.). : Academic

1190 Methods in enzymology; vol. 208-Protein-DNA interaction

/ Saucer, Robert T. (Ed.). : Academic

1191 Methods in enzymology; vol. 210-Numerical computer

methods / Brand, Ludwig (Ed.). : Academic

1192 Methods in enzymologyl; vol. 217, part-H / Wu, Ray

(Ed.). : Academic

1193 Methods in enzymology; vol. 211, part-A / Lilly, David

M. S. (Ed.). : Academic

1194 Methods in enzymology; vol. 212-DNA structures

/ Lilly, David M. S. (Ed.). : Academic

1195 Methods in enzymology; vol. 213-Carotenoids / Packer,

Lester (Ed.). : Academic
1196 Methods in enzymology; vol. 214-Carotenoids / Packer,
Lester (Ed.). : Academic

1197 Methods in enzymology; vol. 215-Platelets-Receptors,

adhesion, secretion / Hawiger, Jacek (Ed.). : Academic

1198 Methods in enzymology; vol. 216, part-G / Wu, Ray

(Ed.). : Academic

1199 Methods in enzymology; vol. 218, part-I / Wu, Ray

(Ed.). : Academic

1200 Methods in enzymology; vol. 219 / Rothman.

1201 Methods in enzymology; vol. 220, part-A / Duzgunes,

Nejat (Ed.). : Academic

1202 Methods in enzymology; vol. 221, part-B / Duzgunes,

Nejat (Ed.). : Academic

1203 Methods in enzymology; vol. 223-Proteolystic enzymes

in coagulation, fibrinolysis / Lorand, Larzlo (Ed.).
: Academic
1204 Methods in enzymology; vol. 224 / Zimmer, Rebecca L.
(Ed.). : Academic

1205 Methods in enzymology; vol. 242-Neoglycoconjugates

/ Lee, Y. C. (Ed.). : Academic

1206 Methods in enzymology; vol. 225-Guide to techniques in

mouse development / Wassarman, Paul M. (Ed.).
: Academic

1207 Methods in enzymology; vol. 226-Metallobiochemistry

/ Riordan, James F. (Ed.). : Academic

1208 Methods in enzymology; vol. 227-Metallobiochemistry

/ Riordan, James F. (Ed.). : Academic

1209 Methods in Enzymology; vol. 228-Aqueous two-phase

systems / Walter, Harry (Ed.). : Academic

1210 Methods in enzymology; vol. 229-Cumulative subject

index / Abelson, John N. (Ed.). : Academic

1211 Methods in enzymology; vol. 230-Guide to techniques in

glycobiology / Lennarz, William S. (Ed.). : Academic

1212 Methods in enzymology; vol. 231-Haemoglobins / Everse, Issued

Johannes (Ed.). : Academic

1213 Methods in enzymology; vol. 233-Oxygen radicals in

biological system / Packer, Lester (Ed.). : Academic

1214 Methods in enzymology; vol. 235-Bacterial pathogenesis

/ Clark, Vergina l. (Ed.). : Academic
1215 Methods in enzymology; vol. 234-Identification and
regulation of virulence factor / Packer, Lester (Ed.).
: Academic

1216 Methods in enzymology; vol. 239-Nuclear magnetic

resonance / James, Thomas L. (Ed.). : Academic

1217 Methods in enzymology; vol. 240, part-B / Johnson,

Michael L. (Ed.). : Academic

1218 Methods in enzymology; vol. 241-Retroviral proteases

/ Kuo, Lawrence C. (Ed.). : Academic

1219 Methods in enzymology; vol. 243-Inorganic microbial

sulfur metabolism / Peck, Harry D. (Ed.). : Academic

1220 Methods in enzymology; vol. 244-Proteolitic enzymes

/ Barrett, Alan S. (Ed.). : Academic

1221 Methods in enzymology; vol. 245-Extracellular matrix

components / Ruoslathi, Erkki (Ed.). : Academic

1222 Methods in enzymology; vol. 246-Biochemical

spectroscopy / Saucer, Kenneth (Ed.). : Academic

1223 Methods in enzymology; vol. 247-Neoglycoconjugates

/ Lee, V. C. (Ed.). : Academic

1224 Methods in enzymology; vol. 248-Proteolytic enzymes

/ Barrett, Alan S. (Ed.). : Academic

1225 Methods in enzymology; vol. 249-Enzyme kinetics and

mechanism / Purich, Daniel L. (Ed.). : Academic

1226 Methods in enzymology; vol. 260-Lipid modification of

proteins / Casey, Patrick J. (Ed.). : Academic

1227 Methods in enzymology; vol. 252-Biothiols / Packer,

Lester (Ed.). : Academic

1228 Methods in enzymology; vol. 255-Small GTP and their

regulation / Balch, W. E. (Ed.). : Academic

1229 Methods in enzymology; vol. 256-Small GTP ases their

regulation / Balch, W. E. (Ed.). : Academic

1230 Methods in enzymology; vol. 257-Small GTP ases and

their regulators / Balch, W. E. (Ed.). : Academic

1231 Methods in enzymology; vol. 258-Redox-active amino

acids in biology / Klinman, Judith P. (Ed.). : Academic

1232 Methods in enzymology; vol. 259-Energetics of

biological micromolecules / Johnson, Michael L. (Ed.).
: Academic

1233 Methods in enzymology; vol. 260-Mitochondrial

biogenesis and genetics / Attardi, Guiseppe M. (Ed.).
: Academic

1234 Methods in enzymology; vol. 261-Nuclear magnetic

resonance and nucleic acids / James, Thomas L. (Ed.).
: Academic

1235 Methods in enzymology; vol. 262-DNA replication

/ Campbell, Judith H. (Ed.). : Academic
1236 Methods in enzymology; vol. 263-Plasma hipoproteins
/ Bradley, William A. (Ed.). : Academic

1237 Methods in enzymology; vol. 264, part-B / Attardi,

Giuseppe M. (Ed.). : Academic

1238 Methods in enzymology; vol. 267-Combinatorial chemistry

/ Abelson, John N. (Ed.). : Academic

1239 Methods in enzymology; vol. 271-High resolution

separation and analysis of biological macromolecules
/ Karger, Barry L. (Ed.). : Academic

1240 Methods in enzymology; vol. 272, part-B / Johnson,

Eric F. (Ed.). : Academic

1241 Methods in enzymology; vol. 273, part-A / Adhya,

Sankar (Ed.). : Academic

1242 Methods in enzymology; vol. 276, part-A / Carter,

Charles W. (Ed.). : Academic

1243 Methods in enzymology; vol. 282, part-L / Abelson,

John N. (Ed.). : Academic

1244 Methods in enzymology; vol. 284, part-A / Rubin, Byron

(Ed.). : Academic

1245 Methods in enzymology; vol. 285-Cumulative index

/ Abelson, John N. (Ed.). : Academic

1246 Methods in enzymology; vol. 286-Lipases / Rubin, Byron

(Ed.). : Academic

1247 Methods in enzymology; vol. 287-Chemokines / Horuk,

Richard (Ed.). : Academic

1248 Methods in enzymology; vol. 288-Chemokine receptors

/ Horuk, Richard (Ed.). : Academic

1249 Methods in enzymology; vol. 289-Solid phase peptide

synthesis / Fields, Gregg B. (Ed.). : Academic

1250 PCR protocols / White, Bruce A. (Ed.). : Humana

1251 Cell / Cooper, Geoffrey M. : American Society for

1252 Principles of medicinal chemistry / Foye, William O.
: B. I. Waverly

1253 Neurodegenerative diseases / Calne, Donald B. : W. B.


1254 The Merck index / Budavare, Susan (Ed.). : Merck

1255 Cell culture for biochemists; vol. 8 / Adams, R. L. P.

: Elsevier Science

1256 Pharmacokinetics / Gibaldi, Milo. : Marcel Dekker

1257 Textbook of medical physiology / Guyton, Arthur C. In

: Harcourt Brace and W. B. Saunders

1258 " In

1259 Collin's and Lyne's microbiological methods / Collins,

C. H. : Butterworth-Heinemann

1260 AB initio calculation of the structure and properties

of molecules / Dykstra, Clifford E. : Elsevier Science

1261 Medical microbiology / Mims, Cedric. : Mosby

1262 Protein targeting and secretion / Austen, Brian M.

: Oirl

1263 Programming in basic / Balagurusamy. : Tata McGraw-Hill

1264 Textbook of pharmacology / Bowman, W. C. : Blackwell


1265 Chemistry / Finar, I. L. : Addison Wesley In


1266 Textbook of physical chemistry / Glasstone, Samuel.

: Macmillan India

1267 The unix programming environment / Kernighan, Brain W.

: Prentice Hall

1268 Physiochemical principles of pharmacy / Florence, A.

T. : Macmillan

1269 Organic chemistry; vol. 2 / Finar, I. L. : Addison

Wesley Longman

1270 Vogel's textbook of practical organic chemistry

/ Vogel, Arthur I. : Addison Wesley Longman

1271 Gene transfer and expression / Kriegler, Michael. : W.

H. Freeman
1272 Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of
therapeutics / Goodman, Louis Sanford. : McGraw-Hill

1273 Fundamental immunology / Paul, William E. (Ed.).

: Lippincott Raven

1274 Review of medical physiology / Ganong, William F.

: Appleton and Lange

1275 "

1276 Textbook of therapeutics / Herfindal, Eric T. (Ed.).

: Williams & Wilkins

1277 Selenium reagents and intermediates in organic

synthesis / Paulmier, Claude. : Pergamon

1278 Computer programming in fortran 77 / Rajaraman, V.

: Prentice Hall

1279 Fundamentals of computers / Rajaraman, V. : Prentice


1280 Introducing immunology / Staines, Norman A. : Mosby

1281 Trease and Evans' pharmacognosy / Evans, William

Charles. : W. B. Saunders

1282 Clinical pharmacology / Laurence, D. R. : Churchill


1283 Harrison's principles of internal medicine; vol.1- 2

/ Fauci, Anthony S. (Ed.). : McGraw-Hill

1284 "

1285 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 1-Additions to C-

X [pi]- bonds, part 1 / Trost, Barry M. (Ed.).
: Pergamon

1286 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 2-Additions to C-

X [pi]- bond / Trost, Barry M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

1287 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 3 / Trost, Barry

M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

1288 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 4-Additions to

and subsitution of C-C [pi]-bonds / Trost, Barry M.
(Ed.). : Pergamon

1289 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 5-Combinning C-C

[pi]- bonds / Trost, Barry M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

1290 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 6-Heteroatom

manipulation / Trost, Barry M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

1291 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 7-Oxidation

/ Trost, Barry M. (Ed.). : Pergamon
1292 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 8-Reduction
/ Trost, Barry M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

1293 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 9-Cumulative

indexes / Trost, Barry M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

1294 Advances in parasitology; vol. 40 / Baker, J. R.

(Ed.). : Academic

1295 Advances in parasitology; vol. 33 / Baker, J. R.

(Ed.). : Academic

1296 Advances in parasitology; vol. 37 / Baker, J. R.

(Ed.). : Academic

1297 Advances in parasitology; vol. 39 / Baker, J. R.

(Ed.). : Academic

1298 Natural products isolation / Cannell, Richard J. P. Issued

(Ed.). : Humana

1299 Methods in enzymology; vol. 254 / Vogt, Peter K.

(Ed.). : Academic

1300 Advances in drug research; vol. 29 / Testa, Bernard

(Ed.). : Academic

1301 Tutorial pharmacy / Carter, S. J.

1302 Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics

/ Smith, J. M. : McGraw-Hill

1303 Chemical reaction engineering / Levenspiel, Octave.

: John Wiley

1304 Transport phenomena / Bird, R. Byron. : John Wiley

1305 Organic chemistry / Morrison, Robert Thornton.

: Prentice Hall of India

1306 Plant design and economics for chemical engineers

/ Peters, Max S. : McGraw-Hill
1307 Elements of chemical reaction engineering / Fogler, H.
Scott. : Prentice Hall of India

1308 How to practice GMPs / Sharma, P. P. : Vandana

1309 Methods in enzymology; vol. 253: adhesion of microbial

pathogens / Doyle, Ron J. (Ed.). : Academic

1310 Signal transduction protocols / Kendall, David A.

(Ed.). : Humana

1311 Molecular biology of diabetes; vol. 1-2 / Draznin,

Boris (Ed.). : Humana
1312 "

1313 Endocrinology of the vasculature / Sowers, James R.

(Ed.). : Humana

1314 Introduction to bioinstrumentation / Ferris, Clifford

D. : Humana

1315 Microbiology / Prescott, Lansing M. : W. C. Brown Issued

1316 Microbiology / Prescott, Lansing M.

1317 Chemical kinetics / Connors, Kenneth A. : Wiley-VCH

1318 Practical HPLC method development. / Snyder, Lloyd R.

: John Wiley

1319 Biologically active peptides / Williams, William V.

(Ed.). : Technomic

1320 Biodegradable hydrogels for drug-delivery / Shalaby,

Waleed S. W. : Technomic

1321 Pharmaceutical principles of solid dosage forms Issued

/ Carstensen, J. T. : Technomic

1322 Ocular therapeutics and delivery / Reddy, Indra K.

(Ed.). : Technomic

1323 Drugs and cosmetic act,1940 / Malik, Vijay. : Eastern


1324 Dewey decimal classification and relative index; vol. 1

/ Dewey, Melvil. : Forest Press

1325 Dewey decimal classification and relative index; vol. 2

/ Dewey, Melvil. : Forest Press

1326 Dewey decimal classification and relative index; vol. 3

/ Dewey, Melvil. : Forest Press

1327 Dewey decimal classification and relative index; vol. 4

/ Dewey, Melvil. : Forest Press

1328 Chemical process control / Stephanopoulos, George.

: Prentice Hall of India

1329 Advanced engineering mathematics / Kreyszig, Erwin.

: New Age International

1330 Air pollution and control / Krishna, K. V. S. G.

Murali. : Kaushal

1331 Unit processes in organic synthesis / Groggins, P. H.

(Ed.). : Tata McGraw-Hill

1332 Production management / Sehrawat, M. S. : Dhanpat Rai

1333 Analysis instrumentation / Khare, R. P. : CBS

1334 Instrumentation measurement and analysis / Nakra, B.

C. : Tata McGraw-Hill

1335 Industrial instrumentation / Eckman, Donald P. : Wiley


1336 Fuels and combustion / Sarkar, Samir. : Orient Longman

1337 Shreve's chemical process industries / Austin, George

T. : McGraw-Hill

1338 Central exicise tariff 1999-2000 / Sheel, Satya. : Cen-


1339 Customs tariff with new import policy / Garg, Anand.

: Business Database Publishing

1340 New export import policy with handbook of procedures;

vol. 1 / Garg, Anand. : Business Database Publishing

1341 Handbbok of procedures standard input output norms;

vol. 2 / Garg, Anand. : BDP Company

1342 ITC-HS classification on import items with Indian

import tariff / Garg, Anand. : BDP

1343 Handbook of phase transfer catalysis; vol. 3 / Sasson,

Y. (Ed.). : Blackie Academic and Professional
1344 Catalysis of organic reactions / Herkes, Frank E.
(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1345 Fundamentals of industrial catalytic processes

/ Farrauto, Robert J. : Blackie Academic and

1346 The influence of organometallic chemistry on organic

synthesis / Green, M. L. H. (Ed.). : Royal Society

1347 Advanced organic chemistry / Carey, Francis A. : Plenum In


1348 Advanced organic chemistry / Carey, Francis A. : Plenum

1349 Vaccine design / Powell, Michael F. (Ed.). : Plenum

1350 Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of

therapeutics / Goodman, Louis Sanford. : McGraw-Hill

1351 Biochemistry / Voet, Donald. : John Wiley

1352 Introduction to protein structure / Branden, Carl.

: Garland Publishing

1353 Indian pharmaceutical guide 1999: Pamposh

1354 "

1355 IDMA-38th annual publication 2000 / Indian Drug

Manufacturers' Ass.

1356 Anatomy and physiology / Nadkarni, S. S. : S. S.


1357 Handbook of molecular and cellular methods in biology

and medicine / Kaufman, Peter B. : CRC

1358 Drug discovery and evaluation / Vogel, H. Gerhard

(Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

1359 Inside Windows NT Server 4 / Haywood, Drew. : Techmedia

1360 The ABCs of the internet / Crumlish, Christian. : BPB

1361 Windows NT / Velte, Toby J. : Tata McGraw-Hill

1362 Teach yourself Oracle 8 database development / Lokman,

David. : Techmedia

1363 Network administrator's reference / Parnell, Tere.

: Tata McGraw-Hill
1364 Mastering Windows NT Server 4 / Minasi, Mark. : BPB Issued

1365 Comprehensive organic transformations / Larock, In

Richard C. : Wiley-VCH

1366 Analytical instrumentation handbook / Ewing, Galen

Wood (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1367 Biopharmaceutical drug design and development / Wu-

Pong, Susanna (Ed.). : Humana

1368 Dermal absorption and toxicity assessment / Roberts,

Michael S. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1369 Drug discovery from nature / Grabley, S. (Ed.).

: Springer

1370 Encyclopedia of controlled drug delivery; vol. 2

/ Mathiowitz, Edith. : John Wiley

1371 Introduction to medicinal chemistry / Gringauz, Alex. Issued

: Wiley-VCH

1372 Ion channel pharmacology / Soria, Bernat (Ed.).

: Oxford University

1373 Mass spectrometry of biological materials / Larsen,

Barbara S. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1374 Molecular similarity in drug design / Dean, P. M.

(Ed.). : Blackie Academic and Professional

1375 Natural products from plants / Kaufman, Peter B. : CRC

1376 New enzymes for organic synthesis / Scheper, T. (Ed.).

: Springer-Verlag

1377 Pharmaceutics / Aulton, Michael E. (Ed.). : Churchill Issued


1378 Phytochemical methods / Harborne, J. B. : Chapman &


1379 Practical high-performance liquid chromatography

/ Meyer, Veronika R. : John Wiley

1380 Preparing for FDA pre-approval inspections

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1381 Principles of medicinal chemistry / Foye, William O.

: B. I. Waverly

1382 Protective groups in organic synthesis / Greene,

Theodora W. : John Wiley

1383 Quality control of packaging materials in the

pharmaceutical industry / Harburn, Kenneth. : Marcel

1384 Receptor based drug design / Leff, Paul. : Marcel


1385 Reductions by the alumino and borohydrides in organic

synthesis / Penne, Jacqueline Seyden. : Wiley-VCH

1386 Stereoselective synthesis / Ottow, E. (Ed.).

: Springer-Verlag

1387 Stereoselective in synthesis / Ho, Tse-Lok. : John


1388 Structure-based drug design / Veerapandian, Pandi

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1389 Textbook of natural medicine; vol. 1-2 / Pizzorno,

Joseph E. (Ed.). : Churchill Livingstone

1390 "

1391 Validation of pharmaceutical processes / Carleton, Issued

Frederick J. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1392 World records in chemistry / Quadbeck, Hans-Jurgen

(Ed). : Wiley-VCH

1393 Encyclopedia of controlled drug design; vol. 1

/ Mathiowitz, Edith. : John Wiley
1394 Phase-transfer catalysis / Halpern, Marc E. (Ed.).
: American Chemical Society

1395 Liquid chromatography- Mass spectrometry / Niessen,W. Issued

M. A. : Marcel Dekker

1396 The internet for scientists and engineers / Thomas,

Brain J. : SPIE Optical Engineering Press

1397 British Pharmacopoeia 2000; vol.1 / British

Pharmacopoeia Commissi. : HMSO

1398 British Pharmacopoeia 2000; vol.2 / British

Pharmacopoeia Commissi. : HMSO

1399 British Pharmacopoeia (veterinary) 2000 / British

Pharmacopoeia Commissi. : HMSO

1400 British Pharmacopoeia 2000 CD-ROM / British

Pharmacopoeia Commissi. : The Stationery Office

1401 HPLC methods for pharmaceutical analysis; vol. 1-4

/ Lunn, George. : John Wiley

1402 "

1403 "

1404 "

1405 NMR spectroscopy in drug development and analysis Issued

/ Holzgrabe, U. : Wiley-VCH

1406 Troubleshooting HPLC systems / Sadek, Paul C. : John


1407 Peptide and protein drug analysis / Reid, Ronald E.

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1408 Indian pharmacopoeia 1996; vol. 1-2 / India, Ministry Issued

of Health & Fa. : Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

1409 " Issued

1410 United States pharmacopeia-National formulary 2000

/ United States Pharmacopeial Co.

1411 United States pharmacopoeia and national formulary

/ United States Pharmacopeial Co.

1412 Oracle programming with Visual Basic / Snowdon, Nick.


1413 The Wiley encyclopedia of packaging technology

/ Brody, Aaron (Ed.). : John Wiley
1414 Packaging of pharmaceutical and health care products
/ Lockhart, H. : Blackie Academic and Professional

1415 Chemical and structural approaches to rational drug

design / Weiner, David B. (Ed.). : CRC

1416 Reagent chemicals / American Chemical Society.

: Oxford University
1417 Analytical method development and validation / Swartz,
Michael E. : Marcel Dekker

1418 Sampling and sample preparation / Stoeppler, Markus

(Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

1419 Thinking in C++ / Eckel, Bruce. : Prentice Hall

1420 MCSE: Proxy Server 2 / Rozell, Erik. : BPB

1421 The fast track career / Nadkarni, S. S. : S. S.


1422 Anatomy and physiology / Nadkarni, S. S. : S. S.


1423 Indian systems of medicine and homoeopathy in India

/ India, Dept. of Indian System.

1424 Medicinal plants used in Ayurveda / Sharma, S. K.

(Ed.). : Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth

1425 Essential Ayurvedic drugs for dispensaries and

hospitals / India, Dept. of Indian Systems.

1426 Ayurvedic concepts of healthy mother and happy child


1427 Chiral auxiliaries and ligands in asymmetric synthesis

/ Penne, Jacqueline Seyden. : John Wiley

1428 Transition metals in organic synthesis / Gibson, Susan Issued

E. (Ed.). : Oxford University

1429 European Pharmacopoeia / Council of Europe. : Council

of Europe

1430 European Pharmacopoeia / Council of Europe. : Council

of Europe

1431 European Pharmacopeia / Council of Europe. : Council

of Europe

1432 Aqueous acid-base equilibria and titrations / Levie,

Robert de. : Oxford University

1433 Bioactive natural products / Colegate, Steven M. : CRC

1434 Immunomodulatory agents from plants / Wagner,

Hildebert (Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1435 The polymerase chain reaction / Mullis, Kary B. (Ed.).

: Birkhauser-Verlag

1436 Asymmetric synthetic methodology / Ager, David J. : CRC

1437 Strategies for organic drug synthesis and design

/ Lednicer, Daniel. : John Wiley

1438 The physical basis of biochemistry / Bergethan, Peter

R. : Springer

1439 Protein targeting protocols / Clegg, Roger A. (Ed.).

: Humana

1440 Protein sequencing protocols / Smith, Bryan John

(Ed.). : Humana

1441 cDNA library protocols / Cowell, Ian G. (Ed.). : Humana

1442 Recombinant gene expression protocols / Tuan, Rocky S.

(Ed.). : Humana

1443 Sequence data analysis guidebook / Swindell, Simon R.

(Ed.). : Humana

1444 In vitro mutagenesis protocols / Trower, Michael K.

(Ed.). : Humana

1445 Practice of peptide synthesis / Bodanszky, M.

: Springer-Verlag

1446 Fundamentals of industrial catalytic processes

/ Farrauto, Robert J. : Blackie Academic and

1447 Handbook of organic solvents / Lide, David R. : CRC

1448 N-oxidation of drugs / Hlavica, P. (Ed.). : Chapman &


1449 Applications of supercritical fluids in industrial

analysis / Dean, John R. (Ed.). : Blackie Academic and

1450 Molecular Biology; vol. 10b / Bryant, J. A. (Ed.).

: Academic

1451 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 68 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein
1452 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;
vol. 69 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein

1453 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 70 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein
1454 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;
vol. 71 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein

1455 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 72 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein

1456 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 73 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein

1457 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 74 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein

1458 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 75 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein

1459 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 76 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein

1460 Textbook of receptor pharmacology / Foreman, John C.

(Ed.). : CRC

1461 Concise dictionary of biomedicine and molecular biology

/ Juo, Pei-Show. : CRC

1462 Lehninger principles of biochemistry / Lehninger,

Albert L. : Worth Publishers

1463 Quantitative molecular pharmacology and informatics in

drug discovery / Lutz, Michael. : John Wiley

1464 Placental pharmacology / Sastry, B. V. (Ed.). : CRC

1465 Protein folding kinetics / Nolting, Bengt. : Springer

1466 Principles of process research and chemical

development in the pharmaceutical industry / Repic,
Oljan. : John Wiley

1467 Principles and methods in supramolecular chemistry

/ Schneider, Hans-Jorg. : John Wiley

1468 Physical chemistry of biological interfaces / Baszkin,

Adam. : Marcel Dekker

1469 Concepts in biochemistry / Boyer, Rodney.

1470 Stereoselective biocatalysis / Patel, Ramesh N. (Ed.). Issued

: Marcel Dekker

1471 Source book of enzymes / White, John Stephen. : CRC

1472 Analytical solid-phase extraction / Fritz, James S.

: Wiley-VCH

1473 Modern derivatization methods for separation sciences

/ Toyo'oka, Toshimasa. : John Wiley
1474 Understanding mass spectra / Smith, R. Martin. : John

1475 Sampling for analytical purposes / Gy, Pierre. : John


1476 Handbook of derivatization reactions for HPLC / Lunn,

George. : John Wiley

1477 Pharmaceutical excipients / Swarbrick, James (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

1478 Pharmaceutical preformulation / Carstensen, J. T.

: Technomic

1479 Flora Simlensis / Collett, Sir Henry. : Thacker, Spink Issued

1480 Physical Chemistry / Castellan, Gilbert W. : Narosa

1481 Textbook of pharmacognosy / Wallis, T. E. W. : CBS

1482 Physical chemistry / Atkins, P. W. : Oxford University

1483 Plants from test tubes / Kyte, Lydiane. : Timber

1484 Nitric oxide protocols / Titheradge, Michael A. (Ed.).

: Humana

1485 The wealth of India; vol. 1 A / India, Council of

Scientific &.

1486 The wealth of India; vol. 2 B / India, Council of

Scientific &.

1487 The wealth of India; vol. 3 Ca-Ci / India, Council of In

Scientific &.

1488 The wealth of India; vol. IV F-G / India, Council of

Scientific &. : National Institute of Science

1489 The wealth of India; vol. V H-K / India, Council of

Scientific &. : National Institute of Science

1490 The wealth of India; vol. VI L-M / India, Council of

Scientific &. : National Institute of Science

1491 The wealth of India; vol. VIII Ph-Re / India, Council

of Scientific &. : National Institute of Science

1492 The wealth of India; vol. IX Rh-So / India, Council of

Scientific &. : National Institute of Science
1493 The wealth of India; vol. X Sp-W / India, Council of
Scientific &. : National Institute of Science

1494 The wealth of India; vol. XI X-Z / India, Council of

Scientific &. : National Institute of Science

1495 The wealth of India; vol. 1 A-Ci,1st supplement series

/ India, Council of Industrial &. : National
Institute of Science Communication

1496 The wealth of India; vol. VI, supplement livestock

/ India, Council of Scientific &. : National
Institute of Science Communication

1497 The wealth of India; vol. IV, fish and fisheries

/ India, Council of Scientific &. : National
Institute of Science Communication

1498 The wealth of India; vol. 2, birds / India, Council of

Scientific &. : Publication & Information Directorate

1499 The flavonoids / Harborne, J. B. (Ed.). : Chapman &


1500 Cell separation / Fisher, D. : Oxford University Press

1501 Instrumental methods of analysis. / Willard, Hobart H. In


1502 Lange's handbook of chemistry / Dean, John A. : McGraw-


1503 Supercritical fluid extraction and its use in

chromatographic sample preparation. / Westwood, S. A.
(Ed.). : CRC

1504 Protein and peptide analysis by mass spectrometry

/ Chapman, John R. (Ed.). : Humana

1505 Phospholipid signaling protocols / Bird, Ian M. (Ed.).

: Humana

1506 DNA topoisomerase protocols; vol.1 / Bjornsti, Mary-

Ann (Ed.). : Humana

1507 DNA topoisomerase protocols / Osheroff, Neil (Ed.).

: Humana

1508 Molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases / Reischl,

Udo (Ed.). : Humana

1509 Flora of British India; vol. 1 / Hooker, J. D.

: Bishen Singh Mahender Pal Singh
1510 Flora of British India; vol. 2 / Hooker, J. D.
: Bishen Singh Mahender Pal Singh

1511 Flora of British India; vol. 3 / Hooker, J. D.

: Bishen Singh Mahender Pal Singh

1512 Flora of British India; vol. 4 / Hooker, J. D.

: Bishen Singh Mahender Pal Singh

1513 Flora of British India; vol. 5 / Hooker, J. D.

: Bishen Singh Mahender Pal Singh

1514 Flora of British India; vol. 6 / Hooker, J. D.

: Bishen Singh Mahender Pal Singh

1515 Flora of British India; vol. 7 / Hooker, J. D.

: Bishen Singh Mahender Pal Singh

1516 Trease and Evans' pharmacognosy / Evans, William

Charles. : W. B. Saunders

1517 "

1518 Strategies for organic drug synthesis and design

/ Lednicer, Daniel. : John Wiley

1519 Industrial organic chemicals / Wittcoff, Harold A.

: John Wiley

1520 The Aldrich library of 13C and 1H FT NMR spectra; vol.

1-3 / Pouchert, Charles J. : Aldrich Chemical

1521 "

1522 "

1523 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 1

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Dekker

1524 Pharmaceutical dosage forms; vol. 1-2 / Lieberman,

Herbert A. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1525 "

1526 Pharmaceutical dosage forms; vol. 1-3 / Lieberman,

Herbert A. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1527 "

1528 "

1529 Pharmaceutical dosage forms; vol. 1-2 / Avis, Kenneth

E. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1530 "
1531 Biopharmaceutics and clinical pharmacokinetics
/ Notari, Robert E. : Marcel Dekker

1532 Drug fate and metabolism; vol. 3 / Garrett, Edward R.

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1533 Antibody-mediated delivery systems / Rodwell, John D.

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1534 Treatise on controlled drug delivery / Kydonieus, Agis

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1535 Activated charcoal in medical applications / Cooney,

David O. : Marcel Dekker

1536 Drug biotechnology regulation / Chiu, Yuan-yan H.

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1537 Biopharmaceutical process validation / Sofer, Gail

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1538 Irritant contract dermatitis / Jackson, Edward M.

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1539 Chromatographic analysis of pharmaceuticals

/ Adamovics, John A. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1540 Biological/Biomedical applications of liquid

chromatography. / Hawk, Gerald L. (Ed.). : Marcel

1541 Advances in chromatography; vol. 16 / Giddings, J.

Calvin (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1542 Synthetic antidiarrheal drugs / Bever, Willem Van

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1544 Physical chemical properties of drugs / Yalkowsky,

Samuel H. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1545 Pharmacokinetics / Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel


1546 New drugs / Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1547 Sustained and controlled release drug delivery systems

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1548 Concepts in drug metabolism / Swarbrick, James (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

1549 "

1550 "

1551 Concepts in drug metabolism / Swarbrick, James (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker
1552 Pharmaceutical analysis / Swarbrick, James (Ed.).
: Marcel Dekker

1553 Orphan drugs / Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1554 Novel drug delivery systems / Chien, Yie W. (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

1555 Good manufacturing practice for pharmaceuticals

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1556 Formulation of veterinary dosage forms / Swarbrick,

James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1557 Dermatological formulations / Swarbrick, James (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

1558 The clinical research progress in the pharmaceutical

industry / Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1559 Pharmaceutical statistics / Swarbrick, James (Ed.). In

: Marcel Dekker

1561 Specialized drug delivery systems / Swarbrick, James

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1562 HPLC in the pharmaceutical industry / Swarbrick, James

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1563 Pharmaceutical bioequivalence / Swarbrick, James

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1564 Pharmaceutical inhalation aerosol technology / Hickey,

Anthony J. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1565 Colonic drug absorption and metabolism / Swarbrick,

James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1566 Pharmaceutical particulate carriers / Swarbrick, James

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1567 Physical characterization of pharmaceutical solids

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1568 Microencapsulation / Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel


1569 Clinical research in pharmaceutical development

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1570 The drug development process / Swarbrick, James (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

1571 Microparticulate systems for the delivery of proteins

and vaccines / Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1572 Structure and function of the body / Anthony,

Catherine Parker. : C. V. Mosby

1573 New drug approval process / Swarbrick, James (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

1574 Pharmaceutical emulsions and suspensions / Nielloud,

Francois (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1575 Containment in the pharmaceutical industry

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1576 Statistics in the pharmaceutical industry / Buncher,

Ralph (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1577 Biopharmaceutical statistics for drug development Issued

/ Peace, Karl E. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1578 Statistical methodology in the pharmaceutical sciences Issued

/ Berry, Donald. A. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1579 Drug safety assessment in clinical trials / Sogliero-

Gilbert, Gene. : Marcel Dekker

1580 Hypnosis in the relief of pain / Hilgard, Earnest R.

: William Kaufmann

1581 Chemical specialities / Bennett, H. (Ed.). : Chemical


1582 Elementary human anatomy and physiology / Reghunandan,

V. : Vallabh

1583 The painful prescription / Aaron, Henry I. : The

Brookings Institution

1584 The pharmacist and family planning / Grindstaff, Carl

F. : Christopher

1585 Pediatric drug formulations / Nahata, Milap C.

: Harvey Whitney

1586 A textbook of pharmacognosy / Trease, George Edward. In


1587 Side effects of drugs annual 7 / Dukes, M. N. G.

(Ed.). : Excerpta Medica

1588 Medical lecture notes for medical representatives and

others / Mallick, P. N. : Melson Publications

1589 Medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry

/ Singh, Harikishan. : Vallabh
1590 Minor illness or major disease? / Edwards, C. : The In
Pharmaceutical Press

1591 Wound management and dressings / Thomas, Stephen.

: Pharmaceutical Press
1592 Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients / Wade, Ainley Issued
(Ed.). : American Pharmaceutical Association

1593 Plant drug analysis / Wagner, Hildebert. : Springer-


1594 Fundamentals of nuclear pharmacy / Saha, Gopal B.

: Springer-Verlag

1595 Concepts in biochemical pharmacology; Part 1-2

/ Brodie, B. B. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

1596 Pharmacy law and ethics / Appelbe, G. E. : The

Pharmaceutical Press

1597 Pharmacy law and ethics / Dale, J. R. : The

Pharmaceutical Press

1598 Vitamin C and common cold / Pauling, Linus. : W. H.


1599 Antifungal chemotherapy / Speller, D. C. E. (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1600 Structure and function of the body / Anthony,

Catherine Parker. : C. V. Mosby

1601 Drug store and business management / Mehta, R. M.

: Vallabh

1602 The facts about drug use / Stimmel, Barry. : Haworth


1603 Nature's materia medica / Jussawalla, J. M. : Popular


1604 A primer of drug action / Julien, Robert M. : W. H.


1605 Pharmaceutical selling / Mukhopadhyay, Sekhar.

: Sterling

1606 Textbook of organic medicinal and pharmaceutical

chemistry / Wilson, Charles O (Ed.). : J. B. Lippincott

1607 Workplace safety and health / Chelius, James Robert.

: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy

1608 Mindfulness in plain English / Gunaratana, Venerable

Henepola. : Wisdom

1609 Drugs and the elderly / Kayne, Ronald C. (Ed.).

: Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center

1610 Current issues in criminal justice and medical law

/ Rao, S. V. Joga. : Eastern Law House

1611 Beyond Drugs / Einstein, Stanley. : Pergamon

1612 Using plants for healing / Coon, Nelson. : Hearthside


1613 Dispensing of medication / Hoover, John E. (Ed.).

: Mack

1614 Compendium of pharmaceuticals and specialties 1984

/ Krogh, Carmen M. E. (Ed.). : Canadian
Pharmaceutical Association

1615 Economics of Indian drug industry / Khan, A. Farooq.

: Printwell

1616 The machinary of the body / Garlson, Anton J.

: University of Chicago

1617 The medicine society / Scriven, Paul. : Michigan State


1618 Sacred space / Cleaveland, Clif. : American College of


1619 Handbook of poisoning / Dreisbach, Robert H. : Lange


1620 Design of enzyme inhibitors as drugs / Sandler, Merton

(Ed.). : Oxford University

1621 Pharmaceutical biotechnology / Kori, S. S. : Vallabh In


1622 Beauty through herbs / Jain, Urjita. : Institute of

Herbal Science

1623 History of pharmacy in India and related aspects; vol.

1 / Singh, Harkishan. : Vallabh

1624 Progress in drug research; vol.28 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

1625 Herbal options / Chatterjee, Tapan Kumar. : Eastern

1626 Chemotherapy of tropical parasitic infections
/ Chatterjee, Tapan K. : Prentice Hall of India

1627 Lexicon plantarum medicinalium / Penso, Giuseppe.

: Organizzazione Editoriale Medico Farmaceutica
1628 How to practice GLP / Sharma, P. P. : Vandana

1629 Safety requirements for the first use of new drugs and
diagnostic agents in man / Council for International
Orga. : Council for International Organizations of
Medical Sciences

1630 Pharmaceutical chemistry I / Chaudhry, N. C. : Vallabh

1631 A handbook of cosmetics / Mittal, B. M. : Vallabh

1632 A textbook of forensic pharmacy / Jain, N. K. : Vallabh

1633 Pharmaceutical jurisprudence / Jain, N. K. : Vallabh

1634 Laboratory handbook for instrumental drug analysis

/ Nagavi, B. G. : Vallabh

1635 Health Education and community pharmacy / Pandiya, P.

C. : Vallabh

1636 Handbook of common poisonings in children

/ Garrettson, Lorne K. (Ed.). : Food and Drug

1637 Inside the drug industry / Spilker, Bert. : Prous


1638 Chemotherapy of tropical parasitic infections

/ Chatterjee, Tapan Kumar. : K. K. Chatterjee

1639 Prescription drug abuse / Colvin, Rod. : Addicus Books

1640 Perspectives in pharmacy / Wertheimer, Albert I.

(Ed.). : University of Minnesota

1641 Annual drug data report; vol. IV- 1982 / Prous, J. R.

(Ed.). : J. R. Prous

1642 Comprehensive guidelines for drug manufacturers

/ Dutta, P. K. : Eastern Law House

1643 Medicinal chemistry research in India / Singh,

Harkishan. : National Information Centre for Drugs And
1644 Guidelines to rational drug use / Massow, Fr. von.
: Macmillan

1645 Textbook of pharmacology / Seth, S. D.

1646 Pharmaceutical analysis; vol. 2 / Kasture, A. V.

: Nirali Prakashan

1647 Textbook of forensic pharmacy / Mithal, B. M.

: National Book Centre
1649 Giving medications correctly and safely / Bartilucci,
Andrew J. : Medical Economics

1650 Boyd's introduction to the study of disease / Boyd,

William. : Lea and Febiger

1651 Drugs and money / Ruskamp, F. M. Haaijer. : STYX

1652 The long white line / Kogan, Herman. : Random House

1653 The marketing of generic drugs / James, Barrie G.

: Associated Business Programms

1655 Drug interactions / Mehra, B. K. : Basic & Business

1656 About your high blood pressure medicines / United

States Pharmacopeial Co.

1657 Medical pharmacology / Goth, Andres. : C. V. Mosby

1658 Crossing many bridges / Saski, Witold. : Sunflower


1659 Pharmacy, drugs and medical care / Smith, Mickey C.

: Williams & Wilkins

1660 Crucibles / Jaffe, Bernard. : Dover

1661 Rationing American's medical care / Strosberg, Martin

A. (Ed.). : The Brookings Institution

1662 Medicine today / Clark, Marguerite. : Funk and Wagnalls

1663 The story of alchemy and early chemistry / Stillman,

John Maxson. : Dover

1664 The Merck Index / Windholz, Martha. : Merck

1665 Winning edge to pharmacy career / Burande, M. D.

(Ed.). : Adbeez Publication
1666 Dispensing pharmacy / Mehta, R. M. : Vallabh

1667 Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics / Brahmankar, D.

M. : Vallabh

1668 Elementary human anatomy and physiology

/ Reghunandanan, V. : Vallabh

1669 Biochemical and clinical pathology / Dandiya, P. C.

: Vallabh

1670 A textbook of professional pharmacy / Jain, N. K.

: Vallabh

1671 Laboratory manual of physical pharmacy- I

/ Subrahmanyam, C. V. S. : Vallabh
1672 Pharmaceutical biochemistry / Sharma, P. K. : Vallabh

1673 Pharmaceutical microbiology / Jain, N. K. : Vallabh

1674 A textbook of pharmaceutical formulation / Mithal, B.

M. : Vallabh

1675 The fate of drugs in the organism; vol. 3 / Societe

Francaise des Sciences. : Marcel Dekker

1676 Handbook of pediatrics / Silver, Henry K. : Lange


1677 Drugs and phantasy / Pollard, John C. : J. & A.


1678 About your medicines / United States Pharmacopeial Co.

1679 Organic pharmaceutical chemistry / Singh, Harkishan.

: Vallabh

1680 Pharmaceutical dispensing / Nand, Pratibha. : CBS


1681 Writing for communication in science and medicine

/ Lynch, Barbara S. : Van Nostrand Reinhold

1682 Pharmaceutical analysis; vol. 2 / Kasture, A. V.

: Nirali Prakashan

1683 Introduction to the principles of drug design / Smith,

H. J. : Wright

1684 Breathlessness: the campbell symposium, May 16-19, 1991

/ Jones, Norman L. (Ed.). : Boehringer Ingelheim

1685 The pharmacist's year book 1998 / Dandiya, P. C. : CBS

1686 Vitamin C, the common cold and the flu / Pauling,

Linus. : W. H. Freeman

1687 Fermentation technology / Vora, V. C. : B. V. Patel

Education Trust

1688 Lecture notes on health education and community

pharmacy / Hardas. : Pharma Guidance

1690 Current surgical diagnosis and treatment / Way,

Lawrence W. (Ed.). : Lange Medical

1691 Current pediatric diagnosis and treatment / Kempe, C.

Henry. : Lange Medical

1692 Current medical diagnosis and treatment / Krupp,

Marcus A. (Ed.). : Lange Medical

1693 General ophthalmology / Vaughan, Daniel. : Lange


1694 General urology / Smith, Donald R. : Lange Medical

1695 General urology / Smith, Donald R. : Lange Medical

1696 Handbook of pediatrics / Silver, Henry K. : Lange


1697 Best and Taylor's physiological basis of medical

practice / Brobeck, John R. (Ed.). : Williams & Wilkins

1698 International pharmacopoeia; vol. 1-4 / World Health


1699 "

1700 "

1701 "

1702 "

1703 Vaccination certificate requirements for international

travel and health advice to travellers / World Health
1704 Vaccination certificate requirements for international
travel and health advice to travellers / World Health
Organization. : World Health Organization

1705 Chemotherapy of solid tumors / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1706 WHO Expert Committee on specifications for

pharmaceutical preparations / World Health
Organization. : World Health Organization

1707 Neisseria gonorrhoeae and gonococcal infections

/ World Health Organization. : World Health

1708 The promotion and development of traditional medicine

/ World Health Organization. : World Health

1709 Induced abortion / World Health Organization. : World

Health Organization

1710 Controlling the smoking epidemic / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1711 WHO Expert Committee on specifications for

pharmaceutical preparations / World Health
Organization. : World Health Organization

1712 Assessment of public health and social problems

associated with the use of psychotropic drugs / World
Health Organization. : World Health Organization

1713 Research on the menopause / World Health Organization.

: World Health Organization

1714 Recomended health based limits in occupational

exposure to pesticides / World Health Organization.
: World Health Organization

1715 WHO Expert Committee on specifications for

pharmaceutical preparations / World Health
Organization. : World Health Organization

1716 "

1717 The use of essential drugs / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1718 Smoking control strategies in developing countries

/ World Health Organization. : World Health
1719 WHO Expert Committee on specifications for
pharmaceutical preparations / World Health
Organization. : World Health Organization

1720 "

1721 Advances in malaria chemotherapy / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1722 WHO expert committee on drug dependence / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1723 The control of drugs for the elderly / World Health


1724 Progress in the development and use of antiviral drugs

and interferon / World Health Organization. : World
Health Organization

1725 The use of essential drugs / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1726 Chemotherapy of leprosy / World Health Organization.

: World Health Organization

1727 The use of essential drugs / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1728 WHO expert committee on leprosy / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1729 The use of essential drugs / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1730 WHO expert committee on specifications for

pharmaceutical preparations / World Health
Organization. : World Health Organization

1731 Clinical pharmacological evaluation in drug control

/ World Health Organization. : World Health

1732 The control of drugs for the elderly / World Health


1733 Economic research into health services growth / World

Health Organization. : World Health Organization

1734 Drugs for infants and children / World Health


1735 Drugs in general practice / World Health Organization.

: World Health Organization

1736 The role of the pharmacist in the health care systems

/ World Health Organization. : World Health

1737 The role of the pharmacist in the health care system

/ World Health Organization. : World Health

1738 Physicians' ready reference: Bio Medical Publications In


1739 Progress in drug delivery research / Udupa, N. : N.


1740 Antifungal agents / Varma, R. S. (Ed.). : NACB

1741 Pharmaceutical analysis; vol. 1 / Kasture, A. V.

: Nirali Prakashan

1742 Preventing and controlling drug abuse / Gossop, M.

(Ed.). : World Health Organization

1743 International pharmacopoeia; vol. 1-4 / World Health


1744 Vaccination certificate requirements for international

travel and health advice to travellers / World Health
Organization. : World Health Organization

1745 Basic tests for pharmaceutical dosage forms / World

Health Organisation. : World Health Organization

1746 Laws and policies affecting adolescent health

/ Paxman, John M. : World Health Organization

1747 Guide to drug financing mechanisms / Dumoulin, Jerome.

: World Health Organization

1748 Quality control methods for medicinal plant materials

/ World Health Organization. : World Health

1749 Cancer pain relief and palliative care in children

/ World Health Organization. : World Health

1750 Manual of radiographic interpretation for general

practitioners / Palmer, P. E. S. : World Health

1751 Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1752 International nonproprietary names (INN) for

pharmaceutical substances / World Health Organization.
: World Health Organization

1753 Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals; vol. 2 / World

Health Organization. : World Health Organization

1754 World directory of medical schools / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1755 Ethical criteria for medicinal drug / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1756 WHO model prescribing information / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1757 TB/HIV / Harris, Anthony D. : World Health Organization

1758 The SI for the health professions / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1759 Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals; vol.1 / World

Health Organization. : World Health Organization

1760 Drugs used in skin diseases / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1761 Psychoactive drugs / Ghodse, Hamid (Ed.). : World

Health Organization

1762 Environmental health criteria 12 / World Health

Organization. : World Health Organization

1763 Public-private roles in the pharmaceutical sector

/ World Health Organization. : World Health

1764 Guidelines for preclinical evaluation and clinical

trails in osteoporosis / World Health Organization.
: World Health Organization

1765 Counterfeit drugs / World Health Organization. : World

Health Organization
1766 Early detection of occupational disease / World Health
Organization. : World Health Organization

1767 Pharmaceutical supplier's directory 1988 / The

Pharmaceutical & Allied Ma. : T. T. Subramaniam

1768 Textbook of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics

/ Hiremath, Shobha Rani R. : Prism

1769 Selected readings in the history of chemistry / Ihde,

Aaron J. : American Chemical Society

1770 Pharmacy technician training manual / Jeffrey, Louis

P. (Ed.).

1771 Vidal 2000: OVP

1772 Drugs for young people / Leech, Kenneth. : Religious


1773 Proprietary medicines survey- EEC: Frost and Sullivan

1774 Competition in the pharmaceutical industry / Statman,

Meir. : American Enterprise Institute for Public
Policy Health

1775 The pharmaceutical industry and the third world

/ Pharmaceutical Manufacturers'. : Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers' Association

1776 GATT TRIPs and the pharmaceutical industry

/ International Federation of Ph.

1777 Drug information for the health care professional;

vol. 1 A / United States Pharmacopeial Co. : United
States Pharmacopeial Convention

1778 Drug information for the health care professional;

vol. IB / United States Pharmacopeial Co. : United
States Pharmacopeial Convention

1779 USAN and the USP dictionary of drug names / Fleeger,

Carolyn A. (Ed.). : United States Pharmacopeial

1780 Non-proprietary name index (1941-1982) / Paul de Haen-

International, In. : Paul de Haen-International, Inc.

1781 Lecture notes on pharmacognosy / Hardas. : Pharma


1782 Research achievments of the Swiss pharmaceutical

industry / Druy, Jean. : Pharma Information
1783 Natural plant products / Chaudhary, R. D. : Amsar

1784 Herbal drugs in Indian pharmaceutical industry

/ Kapoor, S. L. : National Botanical Research

1785 WHO expert committee on drug dependence / World Health In

Organization. : World Health Organization

1786 Pharma data book 1999 / Gharpure Associates.

: Gharpure Associates

1787 Pharmacy education mirror 97 / Pharmacy Graduates

Alumni (Ind. : Pharmacy Graduates Alumni

1788 Chemical weekly buyer's guide; vol. 1-4 / Raghavan,

Ravi (Ed.). : Sevak Publications

1789 "

1790 "

1791 "

1792 New ethicals catalogue; vol. 28 (2) / Adis

International. : Adis International

1793 Drugs cases including narcotics cases / Nijhawan,

Swarn Bhatia (Ed.). : International Law Book

1794 Textbook of physical chemistry. / Soni, P. L. : Sultan


1795 Principles of physical chemistry. / Maron, Samuel H. In

: Oxford

1796 Principles of asymmetric synthesis / Gawley, Robert E.

: Elsevier Science

1797 Molecular biophysics / Daune, Michel. : Oxford


1798 Principles of physical biochemistry / Van Holde,

Kensal E. : Prentice Hall

1799 Physical Chemistry / Tinoco, Ignacio Jr. : Prentice


1800 Organometallics in synthesis / Schlosser, M. (Ed.).

: John Wiley
1801 Handbook of reagents for organic synthesis / Burke,
Steven D. (Ed.). : John Wiley

1802 Combinatorial chemistry / Wilson, Stephen R. (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1803 Combinatorial chemistry and molecular diversity in

drug discovery / Gordon, Eric M. (Ed.). : Wiley-Liss

1804 Basic one and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy.

/ Friebolin, Horst. : Wiley-VCH

1805 Stereochemistry of organic compounds / Eliel, Ernest In

L. : John Wiley

1806 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 66 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

1807 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 77 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein

1808 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 78 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein

1809 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 79 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein

1810 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 80 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wien

1811 Comprehensive heterocyclic chemistry on CD-ROM

/ Katritzky, Alan R. : Pergamon

1812 A primer on quality in the analytical laboratory

/ Kenkel, John. : National Science Foundation/Lewis

1813 Principles and practice of bioanalysis / Venn, Richard

F. (Ed.). : Taylor & Francis

1814 Reductions in organic chemistry / Hudlicky, Milos.

: American Chemical Society

1815 Phytochemistry of plants used in traditional medicine

/ Hostettmann, K. (Ed.). : Oxford University

1816 Biologically active peptides / Williams, William V.

(Ed.). : Technomic

1817 Roth collection of natural products data / Roth, Lutz

(Ed.). : VCH
1818 Handbook of computer education 2000 / Association of
Indian Universi. : Association of Indian Universities

1819 Handbook of medical education 1999 / Association of

Indian Univeris. : Association of Indian Universities

1820 Handbook on engineering education / Association of

Indian Universi. : Association of Indian Universities

1821 Universities handbook / Association of Indian

Universi. : Association of Indian Universities

1822 Teacher education in India / Chawla, Surinder Kumari.

: Association of Indian Universities

1823 Value education in India / Negi, Usha Rai.

: Association of Indian Universities

1824 Free radicals in organic chemistry / Fossey, Jacques.

: John Wiley

1825 Combinatorial peptide and nonpeptide libraries / Jung,

Gunther (Ed.). : VCH

1826 Organic photochemistry / Kopecky, Jan. : VCH

1827 Organic reactions; vol. 2 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


1828 Organic reactions; vol. 12 / Adams, Roger (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1829 Organic reactions; vol. 13 / Adams, Roger (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1830 Organic reactions; vol. 14 / Adams, Roger (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1831 Organic reactions; vol. 15 / Adams, Roger (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1832 Organic reactions; vol. 16 / Adams, Roger (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1833 Organic reactions; vol. 17 / Adams, Roger (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1834 Organic reactions; vol.18 / Bitman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley
1835 Organic reactions; vol. 22 / Baldwin, John E. (Ed.).
: John Wiley

1836 Organic reactions; vol. 32 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1837 Organic reactions; vol. 33 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1838 Organic reactions; vol. 37 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1839 Molecular mechanism of drug action / Coulson,

Christopher J. : Taylor & Francis

1840 Protiens / Creighton, Thomas E. : W. H. Freeman

1841 NMR in drug design / Craik, David James (Ed.). : CRC

1842 Principles of instrumental analysis / Skoog, Douglas

A. : Harcourt Brace College
1843 Measurement of cardiovascular function / McNeill, John
H. (Ed.). : CRC

1844 Dictionary of pharmacological agents; vol. 1-3

/ Ganellin, C. R. (Ed.). : Chapman & Hall

1845 "

1846 "

1847 Handbook of laboratory animal science; vol. 1- 2 Issued

/ Svendsen, Per (Ed.). : CRC

1848 "

1849 Drugs of abuse, immunity, and infections / Friedman, Issued

Herman (Ed.). : CRC

1850 Lipophilicity in drug action and toxicology / Pliska,

Valdimir (Ed.). : VCH

1851 Germfree and gnotobiotic animal models / Wostmann,

Bernard S. : CRC

1852 Handbook of data recording, maintenance and management

for the biomedical sciences / Gad, Shayne C. : CRC

1853 Fundamentals of psychopharmacology / Leonard, Brian E.

: John Wiley

1854 Toxicology / Niesink, Raymond J. M. : CRC

1855 Methods in inhalation toxicology / Phalen, Robert F.

(Ed.). : CRC

1856 G-Proteins / Manning, David R. (Ed.). : CRC

1857 Encyclopedia of biopharmaceutical statistics / Chow,

Shein-Chung (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1858 Handbook of stereoisomers / Smith, Donald F. (Ed.).


1859 Chirality and the biological activity of durgs

/ Crossley, Roger. : CRC

1860 Bioprobes / Osada, H. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

1861 Handbook of American medicinal plants / Iwu, Maurice

M. : CRC

1862 NMR spectroscopy / Bigler, Peter. : Wiley-VCH

1863 Organic structural spectroscopy / Lambert, Joseph B. Issued

: Prentice Hall
1864 Molecular and supramolecular chemistry of natural
products and their model compounds / Fuhrhop, Jurgen-
Hinrich. : Marcel Dekker

1865 Ion chromatography. / Fritz, James S. : Wiley-VCH

1866 Taxol / Suffness, Matthew (Ed.). : CRC

1867 Organic reactions; vol. 2 / Adams, Roger (Ed.). : John


1868 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products;

vol. 67 / Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

1869 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 35

/ Doherty, Annette M. (Ed.). : Academic

1871 Transition metals in the synthesis of complex organic

molecules / Hegedus, Louis S. : University Science

1872 Biotransformations in preparative organic chemistry

/ Davis, H. G. : Academic

1873 The merck manual of diagnosis and therapy / Beers,

Mark H. (Ed.). : Merck Research Laboratories

1874 Cardiac drug therapy / Khan, M. Gabriel. : Prism

1875 Current medical diagnosis & treatment 2001 / Tierney,

Lawrence M. (Ed.). : McGraw-Hill

1876 Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 6

/ Coulson, J. M. : Butterworth-Heinemann

1877 Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 1

/ Coulson, J. M. : Elsevier

1878 Coulson & Richardson's Chemical engineering; vol. 3

/ Richardson, J. F. (Ed.). : Asian Books

1879 Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 5

/ Coulson, J. M. : Asia

1880 Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 6

/ Coulson, J. M. : Butterworth-Heinemann

1881 Bioassay methods in natural product research and drug Issued

development / Bohlin, Lars (Ed.). : Kluwer Academic

1882 Emerging targets in antibacterial and antifungal

chemotherapy / Sutcliffe, Joyce A. (Ed.). : Chapman &

1883 Synthetic organic photochemistry / Horspool, William

M. (Ed.). : Plenum

1884 Patty's industrial hygiene and toxicology; vol. IIIB

/ Cralley, Lewis J. : John Wiley

1885 Endothelin / Highsmith, Robert F. (Ed.). : Humana

1886 Current protocols in toxicology; vol. 1 / Maines,

Mahin D. (Ed.). : John Wiley

1887 Basic and clinical pharmacology / Katzung, Bertram

(Ed.). : McGraw-Hill

1888 The laboratory hamster and gerbil / Field, Karl J.


1889 The laboratory cat / Martin, Brent J. : CRC Press

1890 The laboratory rat / Sharp, Patrik E. : CRC Press

1891 The laboratory small ruminant / Allen, Matthew J.

: CRC Press
1892 The laboratory swine / Bollen, Peter J. A. : CRC Press

1893 A basis of toxicity testing / Ecobichon, Donald J.


1894 Calcium signaling / Putney, James W. (Ed.). : CRC

1895 Molecular and cellular methods in developmental

toxicology / Daston, George P. (Ed.). : CRC

1896 Novel therapeutics from modern biotechnology

/ Oxender, Dale (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

1897 The laboratory guinea pig / Terril, Lizabeth A. : CRC


1898 Experimental models of diabetes / McNeill, John H.

(Ed.). : CRC

1899 PCR protocols in molecular toxicology / Vanden-Heuvel,

John P. : CRC

1900 CNS neurotransmitters and neuromodulators / Stone,

Trevor W. (Ed.). : CRC

1901 CRC handbook of laboratory safety / Furr, A. Keith.


1902 Neurotransmitter transporters / Reith, Maarten E. A.

(Ed.). : Humana

1903 Cerebral ischemia / Walz, Wolfgang (Ed.). : Humana Issued

1904 Physical characterization of pharmaceutical solids

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1905 Multiparticulate oral drug delivery / Swarbrick, James

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker
1906 Pharmaceutical pelletization technology / Swarbrick,
James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1907 The impact of stereochemistry on drug development and

use / Aboul-Enein, Hassan Y. (Ed.). : John Wiley

1908 Aqueous polymeric coatings for pharmaceutical dosage

forms / Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1909 Transport processes in pharmaceutical systems

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker
1910 Bioadhesive drug delivery systems / Swarbrick, James
(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1911 Amino acid derivatives / Barrett, Graham C. (Ed.).

: Oxford University

1912 Analytical biotechnology / Horvath, Csaba (Ed.).

: American Chemical Society

1913 NMR of macromolecules / Roberts, Gordon C. K. (Ed.).

: Oirl

1914 Oxidations in organic chemistry / Hudlicky, Milos.

: American Chemical Society

1915 C++ Database development / Stevens, Al. : BPB

1916 CISCO CCNA Exam 640-507 Certification Guide / Odom,

Wendell. : Techmedia

1917 Interconnecting Cisco network devices. / Mcquerry,

Steve (Ed). : Techmedia

1918 Internetworking technologies handbook / Cisco Systems.

: Techmedia

1919 Cisco networking essentials; vol. 1 / Cisco Systems.

: Techmedia

1920 Cisco networking essentials-with CD; vol. 2 / Cisco

Systems. : Techmedia

1921 Database developer guide with visual basic 6

/ Jennings, Roger. : Techmedia

1922 Macromedia director workshop / Manuel, Mathew.

: Techmedia

1923 Java 2 developer's handbook / Heller, Philip. : BPB

1924 Mastering database programming with VB-6 / Petroutsos,

Evangelos. : BPB

1925 Mastering Microsoft exchange 2000 server / Gerber,

Barry. : BPB
1926 Mastering SQL server 2000 / Gunderloy, Mike. : BPB Issued

1927 Mastering Visual Basic 6 / Petroutsos, Evangelos. : BPB

1928 Pagemaker 6.5 complete / Mortier, R. Shamms.
: Techmedia

1929 Solaris 7 administration certificate / Calkins, Bill.

: Techmedia

1930 Visual basic developer's guide to E-commerce with ASP

and SQL server. / Jerke, Noel. : BPB

1931 Visual C++ 6 / William, Mickey. : Techmedia Issued

1932 Encyclopedia of molecular biology on CD-ROM: Blackwell


1933 Dictionary of natural products on CD-ROM: Chapman &


1934 Handbook of size exclusion chromatography / Wu, Chi-

San (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1935 Pharmacognosy and pharmacobiotechnology / Robbers,

James E. : Williams & Wilkins

1936 Novel drug delivery system / Chien, Yie W.(Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

1937 Transdermal drug delivery / Hadgraft, Jonathan (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

1938 Pharmacokinetics / Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel


1939 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 29

/ Bristol, James A. (Ed.). : Academic

1940 Bioprocess engineering / Lydersen, Bjorn K. (Ed.).

: John Wiley

1941 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 1

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Dekker

1942 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 2

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1943 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 3

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Dekker

1944 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 6

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Dekker

1945 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 10

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Dekker
1946 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 11
/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Dekker

1947 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 12

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Dekker

1948 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology; vol. 13

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Dekker

1949 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 15

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Dekker

1950 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 16

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1951 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 17

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Dekker

1952 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 18

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1953 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 19

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Dekker

1954 Casarett and Dull's toxicology / Klaassen, Curtis D.

(Ed.). : McGraw-Hill

1955 Industrial application of immobilized biocatalysts

/ Tanaka, Atsuo (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

1956 General microbiology / Stanier, Roger Y. : Macmillan

1957 Properties of organic compounds on CD-ROM / Lide,

David R. (Ed.). : CRC

1958 Properties of organic solvents on CD-ROM / Lide, David

R. (Ed.). : CRC

1959 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol. 1

/ Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1960 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol. 2

/ Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1961 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol. 3

/ Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley
1962 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol. 4
/ Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1963 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol. 5

/ Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1964 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol. 6

/ Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1965 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol. 7

/ Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley
1966 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol. 8
/ Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1967 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol. 9

/ Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1968 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

10 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1969 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

11 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1970 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

12 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1971 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

13 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1972 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

14 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1973 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

15 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1974 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

16 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1975 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

17 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1976 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

18 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1977 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

19 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1978 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

20 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley
1979 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.
21 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1980 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

22 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1981 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

23 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1982 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

24 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1983 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

25 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1984 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.

25 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley
1985 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology; vol.
21-24 / Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1986 Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology

/ Kroschwitz, Jacqueline I. (Ed. : John Wiley

1987 Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English

/ Wehmeier, Sally (Ed.). : Oxford University

1988 Parasitology / Chatterjee, K. D. : Chatterjee Issued

1989 Webster's new world medical dictionary / Waltz, Mitzi

(Ed.). : IDG Books

1990 Cellular and molecular immunology / Abbas, Abul K.

: Harcourt

1991 Advances in parasitology; vol. 45 / Baker, J. R.

(Ed.). : Academic

1992 Advances in parasitology; vol. 46 / Baker, J. R.

(Ed.). : Academic

1993 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 67 / Richardson,

Charles C.(Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1994 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 68 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1995 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 69 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1996 Annual review of neuroscience; vol. 22 / Cowan, W.

Maxwell (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

1997 Methods in enzymology; vol. 290 / Lormer, George H.

(Ed.). : Academic

1998 Methods in enzymology; vol. 292 / Ambudkar, Suresh V.

(Ed.). : Academic

1999 Methods in enzymology; vol. 293, part-B / Conn, P.

Michael (Ed.). : Academic

2000 Methods in enzymology; vol. 294, part-C / Conn,

Michael P. (Ed.). : Academic

2001 Methods in enzymology; vol. 296 / Amara, Susan G.

(Ed.). : Academic

2002 Methods in enzymology; vol. 297-Photosynthesis

/ McIntosh, Lee (Ed.). : Academic

2003 Methods in enzymology; vol. 299, part-A / Packer,

Lester (Ed.). : Academic

2004 Methods in enzymology; vol. 301, part-C-Nitric oxide

/ Packer, Lester (Ed.). : Academic

2005 Annual review of neuroscience; vol. 23 / Cowan, W.

Maxwell (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

2006 Methods in enzymology; vol. 298, part-B / Vallee,

Richard B. (Ed.). : Academic

2007 Methods in enzymology; vol. 302 / Abelson, John N.

(Ed.). : Academic

2008 Methods in enzymology; vol. 315, part-A / Palczewski,

Krzysztof (Ed.). : Academic

2009 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 39

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

2010 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 40

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

2011 Annual review of Immunology; vol. 18 / Paul, William

E. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

2012 Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular

structure; vol. 29 / Stroud, Robert M. (Ed.). : Annual

2013 Annual review of cell and developmental biology; vol.

15 / Schekman, Randy (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

2014 Annual review of cell and developmental biology; vol.

16 / Schekman, Randy (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

2015 The United States pharmacopeia / United States

Pharmacopeial Co. : United States Pharmacopeial

2016 "

2017 "

2018 Principles of genetic toxicology / Brusick, David. Issued

: Plenum

2019 Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products

/ Herz, W. (Ed.). : Springer Wein

2020 Genetic manual / Redei, George P. : World Scientific

2021 Patty's industrial hygiene and toxicology; vol. 3,

part-A / Hariss, Robert L. (Ed.). : John Wiley

2022 Neurochemistry / Turner, A. J. (Ed.). : Oxford


2023 Advances in parasitology; vol. 42 / Baker, J. R.

(Ed.). : Academic
2024 Advances in parasitology; vol. 43 / Baker, J. R.
(Ed.). : Academic

2025 Advances in drug research; vol. 30 / Testa, Bernard

(Ed.). : Academic

2026 Analytical profiles of drug substances and excipients;

vol. 25 / Brittain, Harry G. (Ed.). : Academic

2027 Analytical profiles of drug substances and excipients;

vol. 26 / Brittain, Harry G. (Ed.). : Academic

2028 Casarett and Dull's toxicology / Klaassen, Curtis D.

(Ed.). : McGraw-Hill

2029 IARC monograph on evaluation of carcinogenic risks to

humans; vol. 48 / International Agency for Resea.

2030 IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans; vol. 49 / International Agency for

2031 IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans / International Agency for Resea.

2032 IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans; vol. 52 / International Agency for

2033 IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans; vol. 53 / International Agency for

2034 IARC monogrphs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks

to humans; vol. 54 / International Agency for Resea.

2035 IARC monographs on the evaluation of caricnogenic

risks to humans; vol. 55 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer

2036 The Merck veterinary manual / Aiello, Susan E. (Ed.).

: Merck

2037 Manual of neurologic therapeutics / Samuels, Martin A.

(Ed.). : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

2038 Stedman's medical dictionary / Stedman, Thomas

Lathrop. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

2039 Gray's anatomy / Williams, Peter L. (Ed.). : Churchill


2040 Handbook of separation process technology / Rousseau,

Ronald W. : John Wiley

2041 Molecular spectroscopy workbench / Ciurczak, Emil W.

(Ed.). : John Wiley

2042 Organic reactions; vol. 19 / Bitman, Robert (Ed.).

: Krieger

2043 Organic reactions; vol. 20 / Baldwin, John E. (Ed.).

: Krieger

2044 Organic reactions; vol. 21 / Baldwin, John E. (Ed.).

: John Wiley

2045 Structure and function of the body / Anthony,

Catherine Parker. : C. V. Mosby

2046 Organic reactions; vol. 24 / Baldwin, John E. (Ed.).

: John Wiley
2047 Organic reactions; vol. 25 / Baldwin, John E. (Ed.).
: Krieger

2048 Organic reactions; vol. 26 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

2049 Organic reactions; vol. 27 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

2050 Organic reactions; vol. 28 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

2051 Organic reactions; vol. 29 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

2052 Organic reactions; vol. 30 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

2053 Organic reactions; vol. 31 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

2054 Organic reactions; vol. 34 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

2055 Organic reactions; vol. 35 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

2056 Organic reactions; vol. 36 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).

: John Wiley

2057 IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans; vol. 56 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer

2058 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans; vol. 57 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer

2059 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans; vol. 58 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer
2060 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic
risks to humans; vol. 60 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer

2061 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of caricnogenic

risks to humans; vol. 61 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer
2062 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of caricnogenic
risks to humans; vol. 62 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer

2063 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans; vol. 63 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer

2064 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans; vol. 64 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer

2065 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans; vol. 65 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer

2066 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans; voll 67 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer

2067 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic

risks to humans; vol. 68 / International Agency for
Resea. : International Agency for Research on Cancer

2068 In vitro methods in pharmaceutical research / Castell,

Jose V. (Ed.). : Academic

2069 Brain maps-with CD / Swanson, L. W. : Elsevier Science Issued

2070 Molecular cell biology-with CD / Lodish, Harvey. : W.

H. Freeman

2071 Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients / Kibbe, Arthur

H. (Ed.). : American Pharmaceutical Association

2072 Clinical chemistry / Kaplan, Lawrence A. : Mosby

2073 Progress in drug research; vol. 52 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

2074 Progress in drug research; vol. 53 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

2075 Progress in drug research; vol. 54 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

2076 Progress in drug research; vol. 55 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag
2077 Organic reactions; vol. 54 / Bittman, Robert (Ed.).
: John Wiley

2079 Reagents for organic synthesis; vol. 19 / Ho, Tse-Lok.

: John Wiley

2080 Reagents for organic synthesis; vol. 20 / Ho, Tse-Lok.

: John Wiley

2081 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 1-Additions to C-

X [pi]- bonds, part 1 / Trost, Barry M. (Ed.).
: Pergamon

2082 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 2-Additions to C-

X [pi]- bond / Trost, Barry M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

2083 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 3 / Trost, Barry

M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

2084 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 4-Additions to

and subsitution of C-C [pi]-bonds / Trost, Barry M.
(Ed.). : Pergamon

2085 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 5-Combinning C-C

[pi]- bonds / Trost, Barry M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

2086 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 6-Heteroatom

manipulation / Trost, Barry M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

2087 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 7-Oxidation

/ Trost, Barry M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

2088 Comprehensive organic synthesis; vol. 8-Reduction

/ Trost, Barry M. (Ed.). : Pergamon

2089 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 14

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

2090 Enzymes in food processing / Nagodawithana, Tilak

(Ed.). : Academic

2091 Phosphorus-31 NMR / Gorenstein, David G. (Ed.).

: Academic

2092 Chemical reaction engineering / Levenspiel, Octave.

: John Wiley

2093 Molecular biotechnology / Glick, Bernard R. : American

Society for Microbiology

2094 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 4

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker
2095 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 5
/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

2096 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 7

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker
2097 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 8
/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

2098 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 9

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

2099 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology; vol. 14

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

2100 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology; vol. 20

/ Swarbrick, James (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

2101 Clinical chemistry / Anderson, Shauna C. : W. B.


2102 Organic reactions; vol. 56 / Overman, Larry E. (Ed.).

: John Wiley

2103 Supervision of research in universities / Powar, K. B.

(Ed.). : Association of Indian Universities

2104 Reforms and innovations in higher education / Shafi,

Zeenat S. (Ed.). : Association of Indian Universities

2105 Internationalisation of Indian higher education

/ Powar, K. B. (Ed.). : Association of Indian

2106 Health India 2000-2001 / Ojha, Saroj (Ed.). : Saroj


2107 The ayurvedic formulary of India; part 2 / India,

Dept. of Indian Systems. : Department of Indian
Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy

2108 Indian pharmaceutical guide 2001: Pamposh

2109 "

2110 Molecular biology of the cell / Alberts, Bruce.

: Garland

2111 Neurotransmitter methods / Rayne, Richard C. (Ed.).

: Humana
2112 Pharmacology / Rang, H. P. : Churchill Livingstone

2113 DNA repair and mutagenesis / Friedberg, Errol C.

: American Society for Microbiology

2114 Pharmacognosy / Bruenton, Jean. : Technique &


2115 Paediatric formulary / Guy's, St. Thomas' & Lewisham.

: Guy's, St. Thomas' & Lewisham Hospitals

2116 Guy's St. Thomas and Lewisham hospitals formulary

2117 British national formulary / British Medical
Association &.

2118 75th annual meeting December 7, 2000 / Association of

Indian Universi.

2119 Selected statistical data on Indian higher education-VI

/ Association of Indian Universi.

2120 Selected statistical data on Indian higher education-V

/ Association of Indian Universi.

2121 EU-India joint initiative on enhancing trade and

investment / FICCI. : FICCI

2122 Pharmaceutical engineering / Sambamurthy, K. : New Age


2123 Kerala state drug formulary / Government of Kerala.

2124 Physiochemical principles of pharmacy / Florence, A.

T. : Palgrave

2125 Physiochemical principles of pharmacy / Florence, A. Issued

T. : Palgrave

2126 USP DI; vol. 1-Drug information for the health care
professional / United States Pharmacopieal Co.
: United States Pharmacopieal Convention

2127 USP DI; vol. 2-Drug information in lay language

/ United States Pharmacopieal Co. : United States
Pharmacopeial Convention

2128 USP DI; vol. 3-Approved drug products and legal

requirments / United States Pharmacopieal Co. : United
States Pharmacopeial Convention

2129 Progress in drug research; vol. 57 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag

2130 Impact of displacement on women / National Commission

For Women. : National Commission for Women

2131 Swamy's compilation of contributory provident fund

rules(India)1962 / Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2132 Swamy's compilation of general provident fund rules

/ Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2133 Bioinformatics; vol. 132 / Misener, Stephen (Ed.).

: Humana

2134 Bioinformatics / Baxevanis, Andrews D. (Ed.). : John

2135 Molecular modeling / Leach, Andrew R. : Prentice Hall

2136 Bioinformatics / Mount, David W. : Cold Spring Harbor

2137 Bioinformatics / Higgins, Des (Ed.). : Oxford


2138 Introduction to bioinformatics / Attwood, Teresa K. Issued

: Pearson Education

2139 Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology / Garrity,

George M. (Ed.). : Springer

2140 Universities handbook / Association of Indian

Universi. : Association of Indian Universities

2141 Networking of universities, research institutions and

industry / Shafi, Zeenat S. (Ed). : Association of
Indian Universities

2142 Environmental education in India / Negi, Usha Rani

(Ed.). : Association of Indian Universities

2143 The hypertrophied heart / Takeda, Nobuakira (Ed.).

: Kluwer

2144 The failing heart / Dhalla, Naranjan S. (Ed.).

: Lippincott Raven

2145 Central public works department; vol. 1-6 / Central Issued

Public Works Departmen. : Akalank's

2146 100 chemistry quiz / Dube, Maya. : Rupa

2147 Navneet's book of world quiz / Tolani, Roshan.

: Navneet

2148 How to run a quiz / Cornish, Dave. : Jaico

2149 Pharmacotoxicology / SMi Group. : SMi Group

2150 Pharmacognosy / Bruneton, Jean. : Lavoisier

2151 Pathology of drug abuse / Karch, Steven B. : CRC

2152 Drug abuse handbook / Karch, Steven B. : CRC

2153 Role of natural products in drug discovery / Muzler,

J. (Ed.). : Springer

2154 Quantitative molecular pharmacology and drug discovery

/ Lutz, Michael. : John Wiley

2155 Medicinal natural products / Dewick, P. M. : John Wiley Issued

2156 High throughput screening for novel anti-inflammatories

/ Kahn, Michael (Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag
2157 Principles of process research and chemical
development in the pharmaceutical industry / Repic,
Oljan. : John Wiley

2158 Textbook of receptor pharmacology / Foreman, John C.

(Ed.). : CRC

2159 Handbook of reagents for organic synthesis / Coates,

Robert M. (Ed.). : John Wiley

2160 Encyclopedia of bioprocess technology; vol.1-5

/ Flickinger, Michael C. (Ed.). : John Wiley

2161 "

2162 "

2163 "

2164 "

2165 Pharmacokinetic optimization in drug research / Testa,

Bernard (Ed.). : John Wiley

2166 Textbook of medical physiology / Guyton, Arthur C.

: Harcourt Asia

2167 High-Throughput synthesis / Sucholeiki, Irving (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

2168 Remington; vol. 1 / Gennaro, Alfonso R. (Ed.).

: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

2169 Remington; vol. 2 / Gennaro, Alfonso R. (Ed.).

: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

2170 Preparative carbohydrate chemistry / Hanessian,

Stephen (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

2171 Medicinal plants of the world; vol. 1-2 / Ross, Evan

A. : Humana

2172 "

2173 Handbook of analytical techniques; vol. 1-2 / Gunzler,

Edly H. (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

2174 "

2175 New methods of polymer synthesis / Ebden, J. R. (Ed.).

: Chapman & Hall

2176 First report of the director general of archives on

the implementation of the public records act, 1993
/ National Archives of India. : National Archives of
2177 Library and information networking / Kaul, H. K.
(Ed.). : DELNET

2178 XXVII All India Sociological conference on 26-28 Dec.

2001 / Sandhu, Jasmeet (Ed.). : Guru Nanak Dev

2179 Proceedings of national seminar on advances industrial

pharmacy practice / J.S.S. College Of Pharmacy.
: J.S.S. College of Pharmacy

2180 Practical aspects of service law / Arora, H. C.

: Baheri

2181 Nabhi's income tax / Jain, Nabhi Kumar. : Nabhi Issued

2182 Nabhi's income tax / Jain, Nabhi Kumar. : Nabhi

2183 New vistas in therapeutics / Skarlatos, Sonia I.

(Ed.). : New York Academy of Sciences

2184 Toxicology for the next millenium / Isfort, Robert J.

(Ed.). : New York Academy of Sciences

2185 Neuroimmunomodulation / Conti, Aria. : New York

Academy of Sciences

2186 VIP, PACAP, glucagon and related peptides

/ Fabrenkrug, Jan (Ed.). : New York Academy of

2187 The molecular basis of dementia / Growdon, John H.

(Ed.). : New York Academy of Sciences

2188 Internationalisation of Indian higher education

/ Powar, K. B. (Ed.). : Association of Indian

2189 The fire and the rose / Desai, Narayan. : Navajivan

2190 Phytochemical investigation of certain medicinal Issued

plants used in Ayurveda / Malhotra, S. C. (Ed.).

2191 Database on medicinal plants used in Ayurveda; vol. 2 Issued

/ Sharma, P. C. : CCRAS

2192 Database on medicinal plants used in Ayurveda; vol. 3 Issued

/ Sharma, P. C. : CCRAS

2193 Pharmacological investigation of certain medicinal Issued

plants and compound formulations used in Ayurveda and
Siddha / Malhotra, S. C. : CCRAS

2194 Minutes of the 267th standing committee meetings

/ Association of Indian Universi. : Association of
Indian Universities

2195 Goodman & Gillman's pharmacological basis of

therapeutics / Goodman, Louis Sanford. : McGraw-Hill

2196 Immunology / Benjamini, Eli. : Wiley-Liss

2197 Microbial enzymes and biotechnology / Fogarty, William

M. : Elsevier Applied Science

2198 Drug-receptor thermodynamics / Raffa, Robert B. (Ed.).

: John Wiley
2199 Essentials of management / Koontz, Harrold. : Tata

2200 "

2201 "

2202 "

2203 "

2204 Principles of operations research / Wagner, Harvey M.

: Prentice Hall

2205 "

2206 Personnel/human resource management / Decenzo, David

S. : Prentice Hall

2207 "

2208 "

2209 "

2210 "

2211 Marketing management / Kotler, Philip. : Prentice Hall

2212 "

2213 "

2214 "

2215 "

2216 Statistical quality control / Grant, Eugene L. : Tata


2217 "

2218 Organisational behaviour / Robbins, Stephen P. In

: Prentice Hall
2219 Organisational behaviour / Luthans, Fred. : Tata

2220 System analysis and design / Awad, Elias M. : Galgotia

2221 System analysis and design / Awad, Elias M. : Galgotia

2222 "

2223 "

2224 "

2225 Operations research / Taha, Hamdey A. : Prentice Hall

2226 "

2227 "

2228 "

2229 "

2230 Analysis and design of information systems / Senn,

James A. : McGraw-Hill

2231 "

2232 Management / Stoner, James A. F. : Prentice Hall

2233 Production and operations management / Adam, Everette

E. : Prentice Hall

2234 "

2235 "

2236 "

2237 "

2238 Management / Stoner, James A. F. : Prentice Hall

2239 Statistical quality control / Grant, Eugene L. : Tata


2240 "

2241 "

2242 Modern production / operations management / Buffa,

Elwood S. : John Wiley

2243 "
2244 Modern production / operations management / Buffa,
Elwood S. : John Wiley
2245 Purchasing and supply management / Dobler, Donald N.
: McGraw-Hill

2246 "

2247 "

2248 "

2249 "

2250 Personnel management / Monappa, Arun. : Tata McGraw-


2251 "

2252 " Issued

2253 Learn DOS 6.2 in a day / Stulz, Rusell A. : BPB

2254 "

2255 The ABC's of the Internet / Crumlish, Christian. : BPB

2256 "

2257 Statistics for management / Levin, Richard I.

: Prentice Hall

2258 "

2259 Organizational behavior / Newstorm, John W. : Tata


2260 "

2261 "

2262 "

2263 "

2264 Fundamentals of statistics / Elhance, D. N. : Kitab


2265 "
2266 Marketing management / Sherlekar, S. A. : Himalaya

2267 "

2268 "

2269 TQM Movement / Drummond, Helga. : UBS

2270 Financial management / Chandra, Prasanna. : Tata

2271 "

2272 Statistical quality control / Grant, Eugene L.

: McGraw-Hill

2273 "

2274 ISO 9000 / Bagchi, Tapan P. : Wheeler

2275 Operations research / Kapoor, V. K. : Sultan Chand

2276 Materials management / Verma, M. M. : Sultan Chand

2277 "

2278 "

2279 "

2280 Financial management / Panday, I. M. : Vikas Publishing

2281 "

2282 "

2283 Computers today / Basandra, Suresh K. : Galgotia

2284 Operations research / Kapoor, V. K. : Sultan Chand

2285 Current topics in ophthalmology - V / Gupta, A. K.

(Ed.). : B. I. Churchill Livingstone

2286 The San Francisco book / SanFrancisco Convention &

Visi. : Weaver North Pacific

2287 The Indian pharmaceutical industry

2288 Taxmann' s income tax rules / Taxmann. : Taxmann

2289 Taxmann' s income tax act / Taxmann. : Taxmann

2290 Taxmann' s direct taxes / Singhania, Vinod K. : Taxmann

2291 Pharmaceutical analysis / Higuchi, Takeru (Ed.). : CBS

2292 Textbook of pharmaceutical analysis / Connors,

Kenneth. : John Wiley

2293 Financial management / Panday, I. M. : Vikas Publishing

2294 "

2295 Computers today / Basandra, Suresh K. : Galgotia

2296 Materials management / Verma, M. M. : Sultan Chand

2297 Materials management / Verma, M. M. : Sultan Chand Issued

2298 "

2299 "

2300 "

2301 "

2302 Marketing management / Sherlekar, S. A. : Himalaya


2303 "

2304 Applied productions & operations management / Evans,

James. : CBS

2305 "

2306 TQM movement / Drummond, Helga. : UBS

2307 In vitro toxicology / Gad, Shayne C. (Ed.). : Taylor &


2308 Principles and practice of pharmaceutical medicine

/ Fletcher, Andrew J. (Ed.). : John Wiley

2309 Regulatory toxicology / Gad, Shayne C. (Ed.). : Taylor Issued

& Francis

2310 Martindale / Sweetman, Sean C. (Ed.). : Pharmaceutical In

2311 Pharmacy practice manual / Boh, Larrey E. (Ed.).
: Lippincott Williams

2312 The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 with Payment of Issued

Gratuity (Central) Rules, 1972 Payment of Gratuity
Table along with GI: Law Publishers

2313 Symptoms in the pharmacy / Blenkinsopp, Alison.

: Blackwell Science

2314 Total quality management / Rampersad, Hubert K.

: Springer-Verlag

2315 British national formulary; no. 43 / British Medical

Association. : Pharmaceutical Press

2316 Drugs in pregnancy and lactation / Briggs, Gerald G.

(Ed.). : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

2317 Chiral drugs / Challener, Cynthia A. (Ed.). : Ashgate

2318 Chiral intermediates / Challener, Cynthia A. (Ed.).

: Ashgate
2319 Bioinformatics / Schomburg, Dietmar (Ed.). : John Wiley

2320 Handbook on engineering education 2002 / Association

of Indian Universi. : Association of Indian

2321 Nabhi's compilation of analysis of rates; vol. 1: Nabhi Issued

2322 Nabhi's compilation of analysis of rates; vol. 2: Nabhi Issued

2323 Nabhi's compilation of CPWD manual: Nabhi Issued

2324 Nabhi's compilation of CPWD code: Nabhi Issued

2325 Nabhi's compilation of book of forms: Nabhi Issued

2326 Fundamentals of statistics / Elhance, D. N. : Kitab


2327 "

2328 "

2329 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of operations

management / Monk, Joseph G. : McGraw-Hill

2330 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of operations

management / Monk, Joseph G. : McGraw-Hill

2331 "

2332 "

2333 Chiral applications handbook: Chromtech

2334 Biosynthesis and the integration of cell metabolism

/ Open Universiteit & Thames Pol. : Butterworth-

2335 Biotechnological innovations in chemical synthesis

/ Open Universiteit & Thames Pol. : Butterworth-

2336 Energy sources for cells / Open Universiteit & Thames

Pol. : Butterworth-Heinemann

2337 In vitro cultivation of plant cells / Open

Universiteit & Thames Pol. : Butterworth-Heinemann

2338 In vitro cultivation of animal cells / Open

Universiteit & Thames Pol. : Butterworth-Heinemann

2339 Principles of cell energetics / Open Universiteit and

Thames P. : Butterworth-Heinemann

2340 Association of Indian Universities / Vashishtha, K. K.

: Association of Indian Universities
2341 Bibliography of higher eduction in India (1991-2000)
/ Konnur, M. B. : Association of Indian Universities

2342 Personnel management and human resources

/ Venkataratnam, C. S. : Tata McGraw-Hill

2343 "

2344 "

2345 "

2346 "

2347 Services marketing / Shankar, Ravi. : Excel Books

2348 "
2349 Services marketing / Shankar, Ravi. : Excel Books

2350 "

2351 Sales management / Still, Richard R. : Prentice Hall

of India

2352 "

2353 "

2354 "

2355 "

2356 Services marketing / Lovelock, Christopher H.

: Pearson Education

2357 "

2358 "

2359 "

2360 World Trade Organisation (WTO) and developing countries

/ Bhandari, Surendra. : Deep and Deep

2361 "

2362 "

2363 "

2364 "

2365 Research in education / Best, John W. : Prentice Hall

of India

2366 "
2367 Biotransformations in organic chemistry / Faber, Kurt.
: Springer-Verlag

2368 Chiral separation techniques / Subramaniam, Ganapathy.

: Wiley-VCH

2369 Practical process research and development / Anderson,

Neal G. : Academic

2370 The Merck Index / O'Neil, Maryadele J. : Merck

2371 Projects / Chandra, Prasanna. : Tata McGraw-Hill

2372 "

2373 "

2374 "

2375 Compendium of chiral auxiliary applications; vol. 1-3

/ Roos, Gregory. : Academic

2376 "

2377 "

2378 Asymmetric catalysis in organic synthesis / Noyori,

Ryoji. : John Wiley

2379 Carbohydrate building blocks / Bols, Mikael. : John


2380 Oxford handbook of clinical medicine / Longmore,

Murray. : Oxford University

2381 Handbook on engineering education 2002 / Association

of Indian Universi. : Association of Indian

2382 Indian pharmaceutical industry / Investment

Information and Cre. : Investment Information and
Credit Rating Agency

2383 OPD chemical buyers directory 2003 / Tilton, Helga

(Ed.). : Schnell

2384 Choice based credit system / Rao, K. Sudha (Ed.).

: National Institute of Education Planning and

2385 Biomedical chemistry / Torrence, Paul F. (Ed.). : John


2386 Progress in drug research; vol. 59 / Jucker, Ernst

(Ed.). : Birkhauser-Verlag
2387 Indian pharma reference guide 2002: Kongposh

2388 Motion and time study / Barnes, Ralph Mosser. : John


2389 Motion and time study / Barnes, Ralph Mosser. : John


2390 "

2391 "

2392 Marketing research / Aaker, David A. : John Wiley

2393 "

2394 "

2395 "

2396 "

2397 Modern accountancy; vol. 1-2. / Mukherjee, Amitabha.

: Tata McGraw-Hill

2398 "

2399 "

2400 "

2401 "

2402 "

2403 "

2404 "

2405 "

2406 "

2407 Handbook on management education 2002 / Association of

Indian Universi. : Association of Indian Universities

2408 54th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress on "Biotechnology-

a challenge to pharmacy profession" / Indian
Pharmaceutical Associat. : Indian Pharmaceutical

2409 CRC handbook of optical resolutions via diastereomeric

salt formation / Kozma, David (Ed.). : CRC
2410 Minutes of the 271st standing committee meeting held
at Nagpur university on October 11, 2002 / Association
of Indian Universi. : Association of Indian

2411 Hindi ke gatimaan kshitij / Singh, Jogendra.

: Takshshila Prakashan

2412 "

2413 "

2414 Teaching of biotechnology in Indian universities

/ Ghosh, Nandini (Ed.). : Association of Indian

2415 ICT enabled education / Powar, K. B. (Ed.).

: Association of Indian Universities

2416 Applied homogeneous catalysis with organometallic

compounds; vol. 1-3 / Cornils, Boy (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

2417 "

2418 "

2419 Design and analysis of experiments / Montgomery,

Douglas C. : John Wiley

2420 Molecular cloning; vol. 1-3 / Sambrook, Joseph. : Cold

Spring Harbor

2421 "

2422 "

2423 Principles of neural science / Kandel, Eric R. (Ed.).

: McGraw-Hill

2424 77th Annual meeting of the Association of Indian

Universities held on November 23, 2002, at SNDT
Women's University, Mum / Association of Indian

2425 77th Annual meeting of the Association of Indian

Universities held on November 24, 2002, at SNDT
Women's University, Mum / Association of Indian
Universi. : Association of Indian Universities
2426 Proceedings-76th Annual meeting of the Association of
Indian Universities held on December 5-7, 2001, at
Panjab Universi / Association of Indian Universi.
: Association of Indian Universities

2427 Introduction to accountancy / Maheshwari, S. N.

: Vikas Publishing

2428 "

2429 "
2430 "

2431 "

2432 Patents act, 1970: Universal Law

2433 "

2434 "

2435 "

2436 "

2437 Law relating to patents, trademarks, copyrights,

designs and geographical indications / Wadehra, B. L.
: Universal Law

2438 "

2439 "

2440 "

2441 "

2442 Review of natural products / DerMarderosian, Ara

(Ed.). : Facts and Comparisons

2443 Therapeutic drugs; vol. 1-2 / Dollery, Colin (Ed.).

: Churchill Livingstone

2444 "

2445 Mass spectrometry in the biological sciences

/ Burlingame, A. L. (Ed.). : Humana

2446 Swamy's compilation of central civil services leave Issued

travel concession rules / Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2447 Swamy's compilation of the medical attendance rules

/ Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2448 Swamy's children's educational assistance

/ Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2449 Swamy's compilation of central civil services conduct

rules / Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2450 Swamy's compilation of central civil services

classification control and appeal rules / Muthuswamy.
: Swamy

2451 Swamy's compilation of fundamental rules and

supplementary rules-Part V House rent allowance and
compensatory (city) all / Muthuswamy. : Swamy
2452 Swamy's compilation of fundamental & supplementary
rules-Part IV Dearness allowance and dearness relief
to pensioners / Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2453 Swamy's compilation of fundamental rules and

supplementary rules-Part III Central civil services
leave rules / Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2454 Swamy's compilation of the fundamental rules and the

supplementry rules-Part II Travelling allowances
/ Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2455 Swami's compilation of fundamental rules and

supplementary rules-Part I General rules / Muthuswamy.
: Swamy

2456 Swamy's handbook 2003 / Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2457 "

2458 "

2459 " Issued

2460 "

2461 " Issued

2462 Proteomics in practice / Westermeier, Reiner. : Wiley- Issued


2463 Biotechnology; vol. 1-2 / Joshi, V. K. (Ed.).

: Educational Publishers
2464 Biotechnology; vol. 1-2 / Joshi, V. K. (Ed.).
: Educational Publishers

2465 Pharmacogenomics / Licinio, Julio (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

2466 Microbial fundamentals of biotechnology / Braun,

Volkmar (Ed.). : John Wiley

2467 From genes to genomes / Dale, Jeremy W. : John Wiley

2468 Environmental biotechnology / Evans, Gareth M. : John


2469 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 70 / Richardson,

Charles, C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

2470 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 71 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

2471 Principles of genetics / Snustad, D. Peter. : John Issued


2472 Novel therapeutic proteins / Dembowsky, Klaus (Ed.). Issued

: Wiley-VCH
2473 Wastewater engineering / Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. : Tata

2474 Molecular biology problem solver / Gerstein, Alan S. Issued

(Ed.). : Wiley-Liss

2475 Essentials of genomics and bioinformatics / Sensen,

Christoph W. (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

2476 Introduction to chemical engineering / Badger, Walter

L. : Tata McGraw-Hill

2477 Handbook of palladium-catalyzed organic reactions

/ Malleron, Jean-Luc. : Academic

2478 Managerial economics / Petersen, H. Craig. : Prentice

Hall of India

2479 "

2480 "

2481 "

2482 Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry.

/ Williams, Dudley H. : Tata McGraw-Hill
2483 Technological transformation in the third world; vol.
1-Asia / Patel, Surendra J. (Ed.). : Gujarat Vidyapith

2484 Technological transformation in the third world; vol.

2-Africa / Patel, Surendra J. (Ed.). : Gujarat

2485 Technological transformation in the third world; vol.

3-Latin America / Patel, Surendra J. (Ed.). : Gujarat

2486 Technological transformation in the third world; vol.

4-developed countries / Patel, Surendra J. (Ed.).
: Gujarat Vidyapith

2487 Technological transformation in the third world; vol.

5-historic process / Patel, Surendra J. (Ed.).
: Gujarat Vidyapith

2488 Bioactive compounds from natural sources / Tringali,

Corrado (Ed.). : Taylor & Francis

2489 Manual of industrial microbiology and biotechnology

/ Demain, Arnold L. (Ed.). : American Society for

2490 British pharmacopoeia 2002 with British pharmacopoeia

(veterinary) 2002; vol. 1-3 / British Pharmacopoeia
Commissi. : Her Majesty's Stationery Office
2491 "

2492 "

2493 Teacher education institutions / National Institute of

Educatio. : National Institute of Educational Planning
& Administration

2494 Modern methods of organic synthesis / Carruthers, W.

: Cambridge University

2495 "

2496 Pharmacogenomics / Rothstein, M. A. (Ed.). : Wiley-Liss

2497 Harvard business review on culture and change

/ Harvard Business School. : Harvard Business School

2498 Strategic brand management / Kapferer, Jean-Noel.

: Kogan Page

2499 Strategic brand management / Kapferer, Jean-Noel. Issued

: Kogan Page

2500 "

2501 "

2502 "

2503 Handbook of drug metabolism / Woolf, Thomas F. (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

2504 Leishmaniases in biology and medicine; vol. 1

/ Peters, W. (Ed.). : Academic

2505 Microarray analysis / Schena, Mark. : Wiley-Liss

2506 Pharmacology of ionic channel functions / Endo, Makato

(Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

2507 Leishmaniases in biology and medicine; vol. 2

/ Peters, W. (Ed.). : Academic

2508 Professional's handbook of complementry and

alternative medicines / Fetrow, C. W. : Spring House

2509 Lippincott's guide to preventing medication errors

/ Karch, Amy Morrison. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

2510 Quality of life and pharmacogenomics / Cramer, Joyce

A. : Lippincott Raven

2511 Applied therapeutics / Koda-Kimble, Marry Anne (Ed.).

: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

2512 Evolution not revolution / Logan, John R. : Tata


2513 Handbook of analytical instruments / Khandpur, R. S.

: Tata McGraw-Hill

2514 Organic chemicals / Neilson, Alasdair H. : CRC

2515 Ion channels and disease / Ashcroft, Frances M.

: Academic

2516 Oxford dictionary & thesaurus / Tulloch, Sara (Ed.).

: Oxford University

2517 Crystallization / Mullin, J. W. : Butterworth-Heinemann

2518 Concise Oxford dictionary / Pearsall, Judy (Ed.).

: Oxford University

2519 Concise Oxford dictionary / Pearsall, Judy (Ed.).

: Oxford University

2520 Handbook of analytical therapeutic drug monitoring and

toxicology / Wong, Steven H. Y. (Ed.). : CRC

2521 Pharmaceutical care / Tindall, William N. (Ed.). : CRC

2522 Report of the people's commission on patent laws for

India / National Working Group on Pate. : Centre for
Study of Global Trade System & Development

2523 CRC handbook of mass spectra of drugs / Sunshine,

Irving (Ed.). : CRC

2524 CRC handbook of stereoisomers / Smith, Donald F.

(Ed.). : CRC

2525 Decision making in health and medicine / Hunink, M. G.

Myriam. : Cambridge University

2526 United States pharmacopeia- 2003 / United States

Pharmacopeial Co. : United States Pharmacopeial

2527 Critical appraisal of epidemiological studies and

clinical trials / Elwood, J. Mark. : Oxford University

2528 Art in organic synthesis / Anand, Nitya. : John Wiley

2529 Swamy's compilation of contributory provident fund

rules (India) 1962 / Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2530 " Issued

2531 Swamy's compilation of general provident fund rules

/ Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2532 " Issued

2533 Swamy's pension compilation incorporating central Issued
civil services pension rules / Muthuswamy. : Swamy

2534 "

2535 Swamy's compilation of central civil services Issued

commutation of pension rules-supplement / Muthuswamy.
: Swamy
2536 Swamy's compilation of central civil services Issued
commutation of pension rules-supplement / Muthuswamy.
: Swamy

2537 Critical appraisal of medical literature / Marchevsky,

David. : Kluwer Academic

2538 Physician's desk reference 2003: Thomson PDR In


2539 Biopharmaceuticals / Walsh, Gary. : John Wiley Issued

2540 DNA chromatography / Gjerde, Douglas T. : Wiley-VCH

2541 Enzymes in lipid modification / Bornschener, Uwe T.

(Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

2542 Hansenula polymorpha / Gellissen, Gerd (Ed.). : Wiley-


2544 Cerebral blood flow / Pinsky, Michael R. (Ed.).

: Springer-Verlag

2545 Leishmania / Farrell, Jay P. : Kluwer

2546 Evidence based medicine workbook / Dixon, Robert A.

: Butterworth-Heinemann

2547 Harrison's principles of internal medicine; vol. 1-2

/ Braunwald, Eugene (Ed.). : McGraw-Hill

2548 "

2549 Ethical codes and declarations relevant to the health

professions / Amnesty International. : Amnesty

2550 Sustainable inovations in science & technology for

regional development / Punjab Academy of Sciences.
: Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology

2551 Name reactions / Li, Jie Jack. : Springer-Verlag

2552 Palladium reagents and catalysts / Tsuji, Jiro. : John


2553 Organic structure analysis / Crews, P. : Oxford Issued

2554 Drug misuse and community pharmacy / Sheridan, Janie
(Ed.). : Taylor & Francis
2555 Pharmacoepidemiology / Strom, Brian L. (Ed.). : John

2556 Bioinformatics-from genomes to drugs; vol. 1-2

/ Lengauer, Thomas (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

2557 "

2558 Organizational behaviour / Aswathappa, K. : Himalaya


2559 "

2560 "

2561 "

2562 "

2563 The chemical synthesis of natural products / Hale,

Karl J. (Ed.). : Sheffield Academic

2564 New concepts in cerebral ischemia / Lin, Rick C. S.

(Ed.). : CRC

2565 Pharmacology of cerebral ischemia 2000 / Krieglstein, Issued

Josef (Ed.). : Medpharm

2566 Organic syntheses based on name reactions / Hassner,

A. : Pergamon

2567 Chambers 21st century dictionary / Robinson, Mairi

(Ed.). : Allied Chambers

2568 United States pharmacopeia 26-National formulary 21

/ United States Pharmacopeial Co.

2569 Proceedings of national workshop on planning and

management of pharmacy education in India held on 15-
16 September, 1995 / Punjab University. : Punjab

2570 Yeast 2003-An international meeting on yeast biology

February 20-22, 2003 / Institute of Microbial Technol.
: Institute of Microbial Technology

2571 Second report of the director general of archives on

the implementation of the public records act, 1993
/ National Archives of India. : National Archives of
2572 Third report of the director general of archives on
the implementation of the public records act, 1993
/ National Archives of India. : National Archives of
2573 Minutes of the 272nd standing committee meeting, held
at S. N. D. T. Women's University, Mumbai on November
23, 2002 / Association of Indian Universi.
: Association of Indian Universities

2574 Patient assessment handbook / Cherry, Richard A. Issued

: Prentice Hall

2575 Textbook of primary care medicine-with CD / Noble, Issued

John (Ed.). : Mosby

2576 Pediatric dosage handbook / Taketomo, Carol K. : Lexi- Issued


2577 Adverse drug reactions / Lee, Anne (Ed.). Issued

: Pharmaceutical Press

2578 Clinician's guide to laboratory medicine / Desai, Issued

Samir P. : Lexi-Comp

2579 Clinician's guide to laboratory medicine / Desai, Issued

Samir P. : Lexi-Comp

2580 Drug information handbook / Lacy, Charles F. : Lexi- Issued


2581 Geriatric dosage handbook / Semla, Todd P. : Lexi-Comp Issued

2582 Jacobs & DeMott laboratory test handbook / Jacobs, Issued

David S. : Lexi-Comp

2583 Lexi-Comp's pharmacology companion guide / Lexi-Comp. Issued

: Lexi-Comp

2584 Poisoning & Toxicology compendium / Leikin, Jerrold B. Issued

: Lexi-Comp

2585 Handbook of clinical drug data / Anderson, Philip O. Issued

(Ed.). : McGraw-Hill

2586 Communication skills in pharmacy practice / Tindall, Issued

William. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

2587 Clinical skills for pharmacists / Tietze, Karen J. Issued

: Mosby
2588 Pharmacy practice manual / Boh, Larry E. (Ed.). Issued
: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

2589 Drug calculations-with CD / Brown, Meta. : Mosby Issued

2590 Research methods in pharmacy practice / Smith, Issued

Felicity. : Pharmaceutical Press

2591 Martindale / Sweetman, Sean C. (Ed.). : Pharmaceutical Issued


2592 British national formulary; no. 44 / British Medical Issued

Association an. : British Medical Association & Royal
Pharmaceutical Society o

2593 Oxford handbook of clinical medicine / Longmore, Issued

Murray. : Oxford University

2594 Pharmacotherapy / Dipiro, Joseph T. (Ed.). : McGraw- Issued


2595 Pharmacotherapy casebook / Schwinghammer, Terry L. Issued

: McGraw-Hill

2596 Textbook of therapeutics / Herfindal, Eric T. (Ed.). Issued

: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

2597 Applied clinical pharmacokinetics / Bauer, Larry A. Issued

: McGraw-Hill

2598 Basic clinical pharmacokinetics / Winter, Michael E. Issued

: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

2599 The use of antibiotics / Kucers, A. : Butterworth- Issued


2600 Drug interactions in infectious diseases / Piscitelli, Issued

Stephen C. (Ed.). : Humana

2601 Pharmacy practice / Stone, Patricia. : Pharmaceutical Issued


2602 Modern organic synthesis / Boger, Dale L. : The

Scripps Research Institute

2603 Advances in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

/ Mehra, N. K. (Ed.). : Ranbaxy Science Foundation

2604 Prashasnik shabdavali-Glossary of administrative terms

/ Vaigyanik tatha Takniki Shabda.

2605 Brahat prashasan shabdavali-Comprehensive glossary of

administrative terms / India, Vaigyanik tatha Takniki.

2606 " Issued

2607 "

2608 "

2609 "

2610 "

2611 "

2612 "

2613 "
2614 " Issued

2615 "

2616 Prashasnik shabdavali-Glossary of administrative terms

/ Vaigyanik tatha Takniki Shabda.

2617 Swami Vivekanand ki shikshaprad kahaniyan / Aneja,

Harivansh (Ed.). : H. K. Books

2618 Hindi sahitya ka itihaas / Gupta, Ramesh Chand.

: Nirmal Book

2619 Aaj ka Bharat / Palkhivala, Nani. : Rajpal

2620 Lajpat Rai ne kaha tha / Sharan, Giriraj (Ed.).

: Pratibha Pratishthan

2621 Tilak ne kaha tha / Sharan, Giriraj (Ed.). : Pratibha


2622 Subhash ne kaha tha / Sharan, Giriraj. : Pratibha


2623 Satya ke prayog athwa aatm-katha / Gandhi, Mohandas

Karamchand. : Sasta Sahitya

2624 Ashok manak vishal hindi shabdkosh / Shastri,

Shivprasad Bhardwaj. : Ashok Prakashan

2625 Aatm katha / Prasad, Rajendra. : Sasta Sahitya

2626 Ayurveda / Aggarwal, Chaman Lal. : Arun Publishing

2627 Punjab / Aggarwal, Chaman Lal. : Arun Publishing

2628 Sardar / Bhatnagar, Rajendra Mohan. : Rajpal

2629 Malviya ji ke sapnon ka Bharat / Verma, Ishwar Prasad

(Ed.). : Arya Prakashan

2630 Lala Lajpat Rai aur nazdeek se / Sharan, Vishnu.

: Harman Publishing

2631 Kamakaji hindi ka swaroop / Mahale, Shilpa.

: Kadambari Prakashan

2632 Rog nidaan evam chikitsa vayavaharik homeopathy

/ Banerji, Pranab Kumar. : Vani Prakashan

2633 Antariksh ki rochak baaten / Mishra, Shiv Gopal.

: Pratibha Pratishthan

2634 Hamaari Homeopathy / Mishra, Sudha. : Himalayan

2635 Antar-rashtriya vyaktikosh / Sharma, Vishwamitra.
: Rajpal

2636 Shri Ramakrishna Paramahans ki shikshaprad kahaniyan

/ Aneja, Harivansh. : H. K. Books

2637 Suvarnalata / Ashapurna Devi. : Bharatiya Jnanpith

2638 Vigyan shabdkosh / Shukla, Upendra Nandan. : Academic


2639 Rangbhoomi; vol. 1-2 / Prem Chand. : Sadhna Pocket

2640 "

2641 Nirmala / Prem Chand. : Sadhna Pocket

2642 Kaya kalpa / Prem Chand. : Sadhna Pocket

2643 Godaan / Prem Chand. : Rajkamal Prakashan

2644 Dharamputra / Chatursen, Kamal Kishori. : Hind Pocket

2645 Itihaas ke mahapurush / Nehru, Jawahar Lal. : Sasta


2646 Jeevvigyan shabdkosh / Maheshwari, S. C. : Academic


2647 Bhasha-Vigyan / Sharma, D. D. : Ashok Prakashan

2648 Hindi sahitya ka itihaas / Sharma, Shrinivas. : Ashok


2649 Kamayani / Bhardwaj, Shiv Prasad. : Ashok Prakashan

2650 Bhragu sanhita / Shastri, Rakesh. : Sadhna Pocket

2651 Panchtantra / Sharma, Narendra. : Sadhna Pocket

2652 Ayurvigyan shabdkosh / Bhutani, Dhammo K. : Academic


2653 Ayurvedic chikitsa / Jain, Vijay Kumar. : Sadhna Pocket

2655 Prakratik chikitsa / Jain, Vijay Kumar. : Sadhna Pocket

2656 Rani Kamlavati / Chatursen. : Sadhna Pocket

2657 Antariksh ka vardan / Rajan, Mohan Sundar. : National

Book Trust

2658 Premchand ki sugam kahaniyan / Prem Chand. : Diamond


2659 Jagdish Chandra Bose / Vimal Kumari. : Pitambar

2660 Sharirik shasan / Gupta, Jeevan Lal. : Pitambar

2661 Homi Jahangir Bhabha / Kapoor, Shyam Chandra. : Ambar


2662 Dr. Praffulchandra Rai / Verma, Manohar Lal. : Ambar


2663 Chandrashekhar Venkata Raman / Kapoor, Shyam Chandra.

: Ambar Prakashan

2664 Vishwa ki mahan vaigyanik mahilaen / Garg, Chitra.

: Bharat Publishing

2665 Thomas Elva Edison / Kapoor, Shyam Chandra. : Ambar

2666 Pradushan aur swasthya / Garg, C. L. : Pitambar

2667 Dainik jeevan mein vigyan; vol. 1-2 / Hridaya,

Vyathit. : Pitambar Publishing

2668 "

2669 Albert Einstein / Kapoor, Shayam Chandra. : Ambar


2671 Vigyan ki paheliyan / Bhatt, Krishna Rao. : Ambar


2672 Rocket, missile aur upgrah / Garg, Rajeev. : Ambar


2673 Mansarovar; vol. 1-8 / Prem Chand. : Sadhna Pocket

2674 "

2675 "

2676 "

2677 "

2678 "

2679 "

2680 "

2681 Hamaara svasthya / Vatsya, Santram. : Parmeshwari


2682 Hamaara shareer / Vatsya, Santram. : Parmeshwari

2683 Munshi Premchand / Singh, Madhukar. : Kitab Ghar

2684 AIDS / Kapoor, Kanwal Nain. : Jagatram

2685 Vigyan, manav aur brahmanda / Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu.

: Rajpal

2686 Aaj ki rajneeti aur bhrashtachar / Mohan, Narendra.

: Rajpal

2687 Paryavaran aur hum / Garg, Rajeev. : Rajpal

2688 Nachyo bahut gopal / Nagar, Amrit Lal. : Rajpal

2689 Khanjan nayan / Nagar, Amrit Lal. : Rajpal

2690 Bikhare tinke / Nagar, Amrit Lal. : Rajpal

2691 Manas ka hans / Nagar, Amrit Lal. : Rajpal

2692 Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar / Tiwari, Surya Prakash.

: Shiksha Bharati

2693 Prof. Satyen Bose / Sharma, Vishwamitra. : Shiksha


2694 Meghanad Saha / Sharma, Vishwamitra. : Shiksha Bharati

2695 Birbal Sahni / Sharma, Vishwamitra. : Shiksha Bharati

2696 Chandra Shekhar Subramanian / Sharma, Vishwamitra.

: Shiksha Bharati

2697 Jagdish Chandra Basu / Sharma, Vishwamitra. : Shiksha


2698 Hindi nibandh-lekhan / Viraj. : Rajpal

2699 Sugam hindi vyakarana / Vanshi Dhar. : Shiksha Bharati

2700 Madhushala / Bachchan, Harivansh Rai. : Rajpal

2701 Bhartiya svatantrata aur hindi upanyaas / Singhal,

Shashi Bhushan. : Arya Prakashan

2702 Vigyan muktavali / Sharma, Vishnu Dutt. : Shodh


2703 Paryavarneeya pradushan / Sharma, Vishnu Dutt. : Arya


2704 Dr. Atma Ram / Nautiyal, Durga Prasad. : Kitab Ghar

2705 Parmaanu bam / Ranjit Kumar. : Kitab Ghar

2706 Kargil, Kashmir aur Pakistan / Vats, Lalit. : Kitab

2707 Bharat ke sant / Yadav, Chandrapal Singh. : Amar Satya

2708 Bharat ke nirmaata / Yadav, Chandrapal Singh. : Amar

Satya Prakashan

2709 Deshbhakt shaheedon ki gaathayen / Arya, Jagat Ram.

: Kitab Ghar

2710 Dainik jeevan mein ayurveda / Verma, Vinod. : Kitab


2711 Madhumeh evam chikitsa / Sharma, Jagan Nath. : Arya


2712 Hindi Sahitya ka itihaas / Tandon, Puran Chand.

: Jagat Ram

2713 Svasthya-Gyan / Singh, Rakesh. : Parmeshwari Prakashan

2714 Prithvi ki kahani kitni purani / Pandya, Gauri

Shankar. : Kitab Ghar

2715 Jeevanopayogi jari-bootiyan / Sharma, Rajiv. : Arya


2716 Meri romanchak satya-kathayen / Om Prakash. : Amar

Satya Prakshan

2717 Aazaadi mubarak / Kamleshwar. : Kitab Ghar

2718 Vishva-Vijeta Vivekanand / Shanta Kumar. : Bharatiya


2719 Maneeshiyon ke sang / Rangra, Ranvir. : Jagat Ram

2720 Bharatiya bhashayen aur rashtriya asmita / Dwivedi,

Mukund. : Hindi Akademi

2721 Vaigyanikon ki baatein / Prasad, Shuk Deo. : Amar

Satya Prakashan

2722 Computer / Sharma, Varun Kumar. : HImachal Pustak

2723 Nayee chunauti naya avsar / Vajpayee, Atal Bihari.

: KItab Ghar

2724 Bhakti aandolan ke samajik aadhar / Singh, Gopeshwar.

: Bhartiya Prakashan Sansthan

2725 Bharatiya svantantrata sangram mein mahilaon ka yogdaan

/ Sartaj, Bano. : Jagatram

2726 Kshatrapati Shivaji / Rai, Lajpat. : Himachal Pustak

2727 Hamaare svatantrata senaani / Arya, Jagat Ram. : Kirab


2728 Dus pratinidhi kahaniyan / Amar Kant. : Kitab Ghar

2729 Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose / Shrawan Kumar.

: Himachal Pustak

2730 Dr. Ambedkar / Bhatnagar, Rajendra Mohan. : Jagatram

2731 Shiksha / Arya, Jagat Ram. : Jagatram

2732 Civil seva pariksha / Aggarwal, Vijay. : Kitab Ghar

2733 Vish aur upchaar / Sharma, Vishnu Datt. : Kitab Ghar

2734 Bharat mein samvaidhanik samanvay aur vyavaharik

vighatan / Swamy, Meenakshi. : Kitab Ghar

2735 Parasmani / Tagore, Rabindranath. : Naya Sahitya

2736 Bhola raja / Tagore, Ravindranath. : Rajpal

2737 Prafulla Chandra Roy / Sharma, Vishvmitra. : Shiksha


2738 Ganit ki kahani: Vigyan Bharati

2739 Dhvani / Tiwari, Surya Prakash. : Vigyan Bharati

2740 Samay / Liberto, Jane. : Shiksha Bharati

2741 Sansar ke prasiddha vaigyanik / Sharma, Vishwamitra.

: Rajpal

2742 Computer / Garg, Rajeev. : Rajpal

2743 Kabuliwala / Tagore, Ravindranath. : Rajpal

2744 Boodhi kaki / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2745 Pariksha / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2746 Maa ki mamta / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2747 Sujan Bhagat / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2748 Shatranj ke khiladi / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha


2749 Namak ka daroga / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2750 Gulli-Danda / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2751 Do bellon ki katha / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha

2752 Rani Sarandha / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2753 Bade ghar ki beti / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha

2754 Ramleela / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2755 Meri kahani / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2756 Kutte ki kahani / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2757 Ram katha / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2758 Jangal ki kahaniyan / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha


2759 Sabse bada tirth / Prem Chand. : Vision Books

2760 Panch parmeshwar / Prem Chand. : Vision Books

2761 Mandir / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2762 Id ka tyohar / Prem Chand. : Samaj Shiksha Prakashan

2763 Koshika jaeviki shabd-sangrah / Vaigyanik tatha

Takniki Shabda. : Vaigyanik tatha Takniki Shabdavali

2764 Bhasha vigyan shabdavali / Vaigyanik tatha Takniki

Shabda. : Vaigyanik tatha Takniki Shabdavali Aayog

2765 Rasayan paribhasha kosh-3 / Vaigyanik tatha Takniki

Shabda. : Vaigyanik tatha Takniki Shabdavali Aayog

2766 Computer vigyan paribhasha kosh / Vaigyanik tatha

Takniki Shabda. : Vaigyanik tatha Takniki Shabdavali

2767 Brahat paribhashik shabd-sangrah / Vaigyanik tatha

Takniki Shabda. : Vaigyanik tatha Takniki Shabdavali

2768 Brahat paribhashik shabd-sangrah; vol. 1-2 / Vaigyanik

tatha Takniki Shabda. : Vaigyanik tatha Takniki
Shabdavali Aayog

2769 "

2770 Prashasnik shabdavali-Glossary of administrative terms Issued

/ Vaigyanik tatha Takniki Shabda.

2771 "

2772 " Issued

2773 "

2774 "
2775 "

2776 "

2777 "

2778 "

2779 "

2780 Mannu Bhandari-Shreshth kahaniyan / Bhandari, Mannu.

: Akshar Prakashan

2781 Kavya kokila-Meerabai / Leeladhar. : Surya Prakashan

2782 Jalti jhaadi / Verma, Neelam. : Rajkamal Prakashan

2783 Gidhade / Tendulkar, Vijay. : Lokbharati Prakashan

2784 Atherosclerosis, hypertension and diabetes / Pierce,

Grant N. (Ed.). : Kluwer Academic

2785 Hindi patrakarita ki dishayen / Singh, Jogendra.

: Surendra Kumar

2786 "

2787 Rajbhasha hindi / Singh, Joginder. : Vatsal Prakashan

2788 "

2789 Hematopoietic stem cells 2000 / Orlic, Donald, (Ed.).

: New York Academy of Sciences

2790 Neuroprotective agents / Slikker, William (Ed.). : New

York Academy of Sciences

2791 Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)

/ Anthony, Marietta (Ed.). : New York Academy of

2792 Nitric oxide / Chiueh, Chuang C. (Ed.). : New York

Academy of Sciences

2793 The Indian child / India, Ministry of Human Resou.

: Department of Women and Child Development

2794 Bharatiya baalak / India, Ministry of Human Resou.

: Department of Women and Child development

2795 Standard treatment guidelines / Himachal Pradesh

Health & Fami. : Directorate of Health and Family

2796 The medicines scenario in India / Banerji. A (Ed.).

: Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs
2797 Use your medicines correctly-A user's manual / Gupta,
Usha. : Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of

2798 Himachal Pradesh state essential drugs formulary 2000

: Directorate of Health Services

2799 HIV/ AIDS and traditional medicine / Delhi Society for

Promotion of.

2800 Research on rational drug use in India / Delhi Society

for Promotion of.

2801 Rational use of drugs / Delhi Society for Promotion


2802 WHO-India essential drugs programme-Activity report

/ Delhi Society for Promotion of.

2803 Essential dugs list / Municipal Corporation of Great.

: KEM Hospital

2804 Karnataka State essential drugs list / Karnataka State

Pharmacy Counc. : Karnataka State Pharmacy Council

2805 Karnataka state essential drugs list for primary

health care / Karnataka State Pharmacy Counc.
: Karnataka State Pharmacy Council

2806 List of essential drugs 1999 / Himachal Pradesh Health

& Fami.

2807 Drug policy of Himachal Pradesh / Himachal Pradesh

Health & Fami.
2808 Implementation of a programme of rational use of drugs
in Delhi state / Chaudhury, Ranjit Roy.
: Chulalongkorn University

2809 Rajasthan state essential drugs list 1999: Government

of Rajasthan

2810 Essential drugs and lower costs / Chaudhury, Ranjit


2811 Haryana state essential drugs list 1999 / Delhi

Society for Promotion of. : Delhi Society for
Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs

2812 Promotion of rational use of drugs / Delhi Society for

Promotion of.

2813 Essential medicines for the elderly / Delhi Society

for Promotion of.

2814 Drug policy of the national capital territory of Delhi

1994 / Government of NCT of Delhi. : Government of NCT
of Delhi

2815 List of essential drugs for hospitals in the national

capital territory of Delhi 1994 / Government of NCT of
Delhi. : Government of NCT of Delhi

2816 List of essential drugs for dispensaries and sub

centres in the national capital territory of Delhi 1996
/ Government of Delhi. : Government of Delhi

2817 List of essential drugs for hospitals in the national

capital territory of Delhi 1996 / Government of Delhi.
: Government of Delhi

2818 List of essential drugs for hospitals in the national

capital territory of Delhi 1998 / Government of NCT of
Delhi. : Government of NCT of Delhi

2819 List of essential drugs for hospitals in the national

capital territory of Delhi 2002 / Government of NCT of
Delhi. : Government of NCT of Delhi

2820 List of essential drugs for dispensaries and sub

centres in the national capital territory of Delhi 1995
/ Government of NCT of Delhi. : Government of NCT of

2821 List of essential drugs for dispensaries & sub centres

in Delhi 1998 / Government of NCT of Delhi.
: Government of NCT of Delhi

2822 Report on the first workshop on "Training programme of

health professionals on rational use of drugs" / Delhi
Society for Promotion of.

2823 Model protocol for controlled clinical evaluation of

traditional remedies for anti HIV infection/ AIDS
activity / Delhi Society for Promotion of.

2824 Mool sansadhan vyaktiyon ke prashikshan ke liye niyam

pustika / Prodh Shiksha Nideshalaya. : Prodh Shiksha

2825 Rashtriya saksharta mission / Prodh Shiksha

Nideshalaya. : Prodh Shiksha Nideshalaya

2826 British national formulary; no. 45 / British Medical Issued

Association &. : British Medical Association & Royal
Pharmaceutical Society o

2827 " Issued

2828 " Issued

2829 " Issued

2830 " Issued

2831 " Issued

2832 Paediatric formulary / Guy's, St. Thomas' & Lewisham. Issued

: Guy's, St. Thomas' & Lewisham Hospitals

2833 " Issued

2834 The Maudsley prescribing guidelines / Taylor, David Issued

(Ed.). : Martin Dunitz

2835 " Issued

2836 " Issued

2837 Clinical evidence; no. 6 / Barton, Stuart (Ed.). : BMJ Issued


2838 Stockley's drug interactions / Stockley, Ivan H. Issued

(Ed.). : Pharmaceutical Press

2839 UK medicines information training workbook / Emerson, Issued


2840 Indian pharmaceutical industry database 2003: Komal Issued


2841 Dus mahatvapurna aaushdhiya paudhon ki vaigyanik

krishi pradnaliyan / Bhutani, K. K. (Ed.). : National
Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research

2842 "

2843 Agro techniques and cultivation practices of some

important medicinal plants / Bhutani, K. K. (Ed.).
: National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education &

2844 "

2845 Alltech chromatography sourcebook: Alltech Associates

2846 Selection and use of essential medicines / World

Health Organization.

2847 Sources and prices of selected medicines and

diagnostics for people living with HIV/AIDS / World
Health Organization.

2848 United States pharmacopeia 26-National formulary 21

/ United States Pharmacopeial Co.

2849 Applied therapeutics / Young, Llyod Yee (Ed.).

: Applied Therapeutics

2850 " Issued

2851 Industrial marketing / Reeder, Robert R. : Prentice
Hall of India

2852 "

2853 "

2854 "

2855 "

2856 International marketing / Cateora, Philip R. : Tata


2857 "

2858 "

2859 International marketing / Cateora, Philip R. : Tata


2860 "

2861 Principles of pharmaceutical marketing / Smith, Mickey

C. (Ed.). : CBS Publishers

2862 "

2863 "

2864 "

2865 "

2866 Pharma marketing / Dasgupta, Nirmal.

2867 Adherence to long-term therapies / World Health


2868 Applied therapeutics / Young, Llyod Yee (Ed.).

: Applied Therapeutics

2869 "

2870 " Issued

2871 Principles of neurocomputing for science & technology

/ Ham, Fredric M. : Tata McGraw-Hill

2872 Mastering visual basic 6 / Petroutsos, Evangelos. Issued

: BPB Publications

2873 Teach yourself visual c++ 6 in 21 days / Chapman,

Davis. : Techmedia

2874 Perl 5 / Glover, Mike. : Techmedia

2875 Teach yourself java 2 platform in 21 days / Lemay,
Laura. : Techmedia

2876 Computer programming in fortran 90 and 95 / Rajaraman,

V. : Prentice-Hall of India

2877 Effective C++ / Meyers, Scott. : Pearson Education

2878 Programming perl / Wall, Larry. : Shroff Publishers

2879 Oracle PL/ SQL programming / Feuerstein, Steven.

: Shroff Publishers

2880 Chemoinformatics / Gasteiger, Johann (Ed.). : WILEY-VCH

2881 Computational approaches to biochemical reactivity

/ Naray-Szabo, Gabor (Ed.). : Kluwer Academic

2882 Essentials of computational chemistry / Cramer, Issued

Christopher J. : John Wiley

2883 An Introduction to chemoinformatics / Leach, Andrew R.

: Kluwer Academic

2884 Introduction to computational biology / Waterman,

Michael S. : CRC

2885 Introduction to computational molecular biology

/ Setubal, Joao. : Brooks/Cole

2886 Advances in biochemical engineering biotechnology;

vol. 70 / Scheper, T. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

2887 Advances in biochemical engineering biotechnology;

vol. 74 / Scheper, T. : Springer-Verlag

2888 Advances in biochemical engineering biotechnology

/ Scheper, T. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

2889 Advances in biochemical engineering biotechnology;

vol. 73 / Scheper, T. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

2890 Advances in biochemical engineering biotechnology;

vol. 75 / Scheper, T. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

2891 Applied biochemistry and biotechnology; vol. 63-65

/ Walt, David R. (Ed.). : Humana

2892 Basic biotechnology / Ignacimuthu. S. : Tata McGraw-


2893 Biotechnology; vol. 10 / Rehm, Hans-Jurgen (Ed.).


2894 Biotechnology / Crueger, Wulf. : Panima

2895 Biotechnology / Trevan, M. D. : Tata McGraw-Hill

2896 Biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals / Ho, Rodney J.

2897 Biotechnology and its applications in pharmacy

/ Kulkarni, Giriraj. : Jaypee Brothers
2898 Biotechnology-DNA to protein / Thiel, Teresa. : Tata

2899 Biotechnology explorations / Scheppler, Judith A.

: American Society for Microbiology

2900 Biotechnology & genetic engineering reviews; vol. 15

/ Tombs, Michael P. (Ed.). : Intercept

2901 Biotechnology; vol. 11b / Rehm, Hans-J. (Ed.). : WILEY-


2902 Biotechnology; vol. 5b / Rehm, Hans-J. (Ed.). : WILEY-


2903 Biotechnology; vol. 7 / Rehm, Hans-J. (Ed.). : VCH

2904 Agro's dictionary of biotechnology / Krishnan, A.

: Agrobios (India)

2905 Engineering and manufacturing for biotechnology

/ Hofman, Marcel (Ed.). : Kluwer Academic

2906 Environmental biotechnology and cleaner bioprocesses

/ Olguin, Eugenia J. (Ed.). : Taylor & Francis

2907 Fungal biotechnology / Anke, Tim (Ed.). : Chapman &


2908 Fungi in biotechnology / Prakash, Anil (Ed.). : CBS


2909 Membrane separations in biotechnology / Wang, William

K. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

2910 Methods in biotechnology and bioengineering / Vyas, S.

P. : CBS Publishers

2911 Pharmaceutical biotechnology / Crommelin, Daan J. A.

(Ed.). : Taylor & Francis

2912 Protein engineering in industrial biotechnology

/ Alberghina, Lilia (Ed.). : Harwood Academic

2913 Recombinant DNA and biotechnology / Kreuzer, Helen.

: American Society for Microbiology

2914 Accounting principles / Anthony, Robert N. : AITBS


2915 Accounting principles / Anthony, Robert N. : AITBS


2916 "

2917 "

2918 "

2919 Advertising management / Mohan, Manendra. : Tata


2920 "

2921 "

2922 "

2923 "

2924 C++ / Schildt, Herbert. : Tata McGraw-Hill

2925 "

2926 "

2927 "

2928 "

2929 Economic theory and operations analysis / Baumol,

William J. : Prentice-Hall of India

2930 "

2931 "

2932 "

2933 "

2934 Financial management / Chandra, Prasanna. : Tata


2935 "

2936 "

2937 Global marketing management / Keegan, Warren J.

: Prentice-Hall of India

2938 Global marketing management / Keegan, Warren J.

: Prentice-Hall of India

2939 "

2940 "
2941 Human resources management / Saiyadain, Mirza S.
: Tata McGraw-Hill

2942 "

2943 "

2944 "

2945 "

2946 Information system for modern management / Murdick,

Robert G. : Prentice-Hall of India

2947 "

2948 "

2949 "

2950 "

2951 International marketing management / Jain, Subhash C.

: CBS Publishers

2952 "

2953 "

2954 "

2955 "

2956 Lippincott's illustrated reviews / Champe, Pamela C.

: Lippincott Willims & Wilkins

2957 Marketing research / Boyd, Harper W. : AITBS Publishers

2958 "

2959 "

2960 "

2961 Marketing research / Boyd, Harper W. : AITBS Publishers

2962 Oracle 9i PL/SQL programming / Urman, Scott. : Tata


2963 "

2964 "

2965 "

2966 "
2967 Software engineering concepts / Fairely, Richard E.
: Tata McGraw-Hill

2968 "

2969 "

2970 "

2971 "

2972 Unix for you / Koparkar, Pramod. : Tata McGraw-Hill

2973 "

2974 "

2975 "

2976 "

2977 72nd annual session of National Academy of Sciences

/ National Academy of Sciences.

2978 The Indian pharmaceutical association / Indian

Pharmaceutical Associat.

2979 Bioinformatics computing / Bergeron, Bryan. : Pearson


2980 HRD management / Nayak, A. K. (Ed.). : Commonwealth

2981 "

2982 "

2983 "

2984 HRD management / Nayak, A. K. (Ed.). : Commonwealth

2985 Unix / Das, Sumitabha. : Tata McGraw-Hill

2986 "

2987 "

2988 "

2989 "

2990 Aanvik jeev vigyan evam jaev prodhyogiki / Purohit, S.

S. : Agrobios (India)

2991 Manual of clinical laboratory immunology / Rose, Noel

R. (Ed.). : American Society for Microbiology

2992 Biocatalysis & biodegradation / Wackett, Lawrence P.

: American Society for Microbiology

2993 Cell and molecular biology / Sheeler, Phillip. : John


2994 Outlines of biochemistry / Conn, Eric E. : John Wiley

2995 Immunology, immunopathology and immunity / Sell,

Stewart. : American Society for Microbiology

2996 Physical biochemistry / Freifelder, David Michael. Issued

: W. H. Freeman

2997 Molecular biology of the cell / Alberts, Bruce.

: Garland Science

2998 Genes VII / Lewin, Benjamin. : Oxford University

2999 Protein-Protein interactions / Golemis, Erica (Ed.).

: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

3000 Biotechnology-theory & techniques; vol. 1

/ Chirikjian, Jack G. (Ed.). : Jones and Bartlett

3001 Analysis of amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids

/ Open Universiteit and Thames P. : Butterworth-

3002 Biotechnological innovations in animal productivity

/ Open Universiteit and Thames P. : Butterworth-

3003 Crop physiology / Open Universiteit and Universi.

: Butterworth-Heinemann

3004 Defence mechanisms / Open Universiteit and Universi.

: Butterworth-Heinemann

3005 Functional physiology / Open Universiteit and

Universi. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3006 Infrastructure and activities of cells / Open

Universiteit and Thames P. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3007 The molecular fabric of cells / Open Universiteit &

Thames Pol. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3008 Product recovery in bioprocess technology / Open

Universiteit and Thames P. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3009 Techniques for engineering genes / Open Universiteit

and Universi. : Butterorth-Heinemann

3010 Techniques used in bioproduct analysis / Open

Universiteit and Universi. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3011 Biotechnology of ethanol / Roehr, M. (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3012 Ionic liquids in synthesis / Wasserscheid, Peter
(Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3013 Pollution prevention of chemical processes / Allen,

David T. : John Wiley

3014 Indian pharma reference guide 2003: Kongposh

3015 Fortran 90 / Joshi, Yogendra Prasad. : Vaivaswat


3016 Laser aur uske upyog / Tiwari, Shravan Kumar.

: Vaivaswat Prakashan

3017 "

3018 Vigyan katha sagar / Tiwari, Shravan Kumar.

: Vaivaswat Prakashan

3019 "

3020 Modern quantum chemistry / Szabo, Attilo. : Dover

3021 Shaping India of our dreams / Agrawal, K. C.
: Knowledge Books

3022 Statistical mechanics / Widom, Benjamin. : Cambridge

University Press

3023 Algorithms on strings, trees and sequences / Gusfield,

Dan. : Cambridge University Press

3024 Computational molecular biology / Pevzner, Pavel A.

: The MIT Press

3025 Discovering genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics

/ Campbell, A. Malcolm. : Benjamin Cummings

3026 Indian patents law & procedure / Mittal, D. P.

: Taxmann

3027 "

3028 "

3029 "

3030 "

3031 Indian patents law & procedure-Supplement / Mittal, D.

P. : Taxmann

3032 "

3033 "
3034 "

3035 "

3036 Information management / Earl, Michael J. (Ed.).

: Oxford University Press

3037 Privatisation of higher education / Shafi, Zeenat S.

: Association of Indian Universities

3038 Elementary quantum chemistry / Pilar, Frank L. : Dover


3039 Process biotechnology fundamentals / Mukhopadhyay, S.

N. : Viva Books

3040 Double entry book-keeping / Grewal, T. S. : Sultan

3041 Double entry book-keeping / Grewal, T. S. : Sultan

3042 "

3043 "

3044 "

3045 Begining perl for bioinformatics / Tisdall, James D.

: Shroff Publishers

3046 Computational biology and genome informatics / Wang,

Jason T. L. (ed.). : World Scientific

3047 Computational methods in biophysics, biomaterials,

biotechnology and medical systems; vol. 1-4 / Leondes,
Cornelius T. (Ed.). : Kluwer Academic

3048 "

3049 "

3050 "

3051 Mastering perl for bioinformatics / Tisdall, James D.

: Shroff Publishers

3052 Advances in biochemical engineering biotechnology;

vol. 72 / Scheper, T. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

3053 Information management / Earl, Michael J. (Ed.).

: Oxford University Press

3054 "

3055 "

3056 Introducation to Work Study: International Labour


3057 "

3058 "

3059 "

3060 Pharmaceutical and medicine information management

/ Robson, Andrew S. (Ed.). : Churchill Livingstone
3061 Free energy calculations in rational drug design
/ Reddy, M. Rami (Ed.). : Kluwer Academic

3062 Biomaterials / Park, Joon B. (Ed.). : CRC Press

3063 Quantum medicinal chemistry / Carloni, paolo (Ed.).

: Wiley-VCH

3064 Introduction to computational chemistry / Jensen, Issued

Frank. : John Wiley

3065 Polymeric biomaterials / Dumitriu, Severian (Ed.). Issued

: Marcel Dekker

3066 WHO expert committee on specifications for

pharmaceuticals preparations / World Health
Organization. : World Health Organization

3067 Globalization of Indian higher education; vol. 11

/ Association of Indian Universi. : Association of
Indian Universities

3068 Scientific research in Indian universities; vol. 12

/ Association of Indian Universi. : Association of
Indian Universities

3069 Assessment and accreditation in higher education; vol.

13 / Association of Indian Universi. : Association of
Indian Universities

3070 50 years of University Grants Commission / Sharma,

Kavita A. : University Grants Commission

3071 Higher education in India (1781-2003) / Kaur, Kuldip.

: University Grants Commission

3072 Advances in biochemical engineering biotechnology;

vol. 76 / Scheper, E. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

3073 Computational molecular biology / Clote, Peter. : John


3074 Information technology for integrated health systems

/ Kissinger, Kerry (Ed.). : John Wiley

3075 Introduction to clinical informatics / Degoulet,

Patrice. : Springer-Verlag
3076 An Introduction to Toxicogenomics / Burczynski,
Michael E. (Ed.). : CRC Press
3077 Medical data management / Leiner, Florian. : Springer-

3078 The Systems challenge / Kreider, Nancy A. (Ed.).

: American Hospital Publishing

3079 DNA repair protocols / Vaughan, Pat. : Humana

3080 Handbook of statistical genetics / Balding, D. J.

(Ed.). : John Wiley

3081 Proteins and proteomics / Simpson, Richard J. : Cold

Spring Harbor Laboratory

3082 Biotechnology-theory and techniques; vol. 2

/ Chirikjian, Jack G. : Jones and Bartlett

3083 Recombinant DNA & niotechnology / Kreuzer, Helen.

: American Society for Microbiology

3084 The complete IDIOTS guide to the internet / Kent,

Peter. : Prentice Hall of India

3085 "

3086 "

3087 "

3088 Organization behaviour / Banerjee, Mrityunjoy.

: Allied Publishers

3089 "

3090 "

3091 "

3092 "

3093 Environmental biotechnology / Rittmann, Bruce E.

: McGraw-Hill

3094 McGraw-Hill's big red book of resumes: McGraw-Hill

3095 Harvard business review on advances in strategy

: Harvard Business School

3096 Harvard business review on breakthrough leadership

: Harvard Business School
3097 Industrial law; vol. 1-2 / Malik, P. L. : Eastern Book

3098 "
3099 "

3100 "

3101 Creating and dominating new markets / Meyer, Peter.

: American Management Association

3102 The E-commerce question and answer book / Rosen,

Anita. : American Management Association

3103 The essentials of finance and accounting for

nonfinancial managers / Fields, Edward. : American
Management Association

3104 New directions in supply chain management / Boone, Issued

Tonya (Ed.). : American Management Association

3105 AHFS drug information 2002 / McEvoy, Gerald K. (Ed.). Issued

: American Society for Health-System Pharmacists

3106 Standard treatment guidelines / Sharma, Sangeeta Issued

(Ed.). : Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use
of Drugs

3107 " Issued

3108 Himachal Pradesh state essential drugs formulary 2000 Issued

: Directorate of Health Services

3109 WHO model formulary 2002 / Couper, Mary R. (Ed.). Issued

: World Health Organisation

3110 INAE conference on nanotechnology (ICON-2003) / Indian

National Academy of Eng. : Indian National Academy of

3111 Textbook of project management / Gopalakrishnan, P.

: Macmillan

3112 "

3113 "

3114 "

3115 "
3116 Textbook in health informatics / Mantas, J. (Ed.).
: IOS Press

3117 Commonwealth universities yearbook 2003-04; vol. 1-2

/ Association of Commonwealth Un. : Association of
Commonwealth Universities

3118 "

3119 International seminar on advances in polymer technology

: Cochin University of Science and Technology
3120 Mandell, Douglas & Bennett's principles and practice Issued
of infectious diseases / Mandell, Gerald L. (Ed.).
: Churchill Livingstone

3121 " Issued

3122 Applied therapeutics / Koda-Kimble, Mary Anne (Ed.). Issued

: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

3123 Biomaterials science and biocompatibility / Silver,

Frederick H. : Springer-Verlag

3124 TRIM select 2004: Thomas International

3125 Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals; vol. 2 / World

Health Organization. : World Health Organization

3126 Proceedings of the 17th national conference on in-

house R&D in industry / India, Department of
Scientifi. : Department of Scientific & Industrial

3127 Directory of members 2004-2005 / Federation of

Publishers' and. : Federation of Publishers' and Book
sellers' Associations in

3128 Management of university administration / Negi, Usha

Rai. : Association of Indian Universities

3129 Enhancing access to quality medicines for the

underserved / Chaudhury, Ranjit Roy. : Anamaya

3130 Molecular modeling / Holtje, Hans-Dieter. : Wiley-VCH

3131 Status of basic science research in institutions of

higher education / Gupta, Sanjay. : Association of
Indian Universities
3132 Shaping India of our dreams / Agrawal, K. C.
: Knowledge Books

3133 Selected statistical data on Indian higher education-VI

/ Negi, Usha Rai. : Association of Indian Universities

3134 WTO, GATS and higher education / Powar, K. B.

: Association of Indian Universities

3135 Open and flexible learning / Dikshit, H. P.

: Association of Indian Universities

3136 Addressing the issues of access and equity in Indian

higher education through distance education / Powar,
K. B. : Association of Indian Universities

3137 Technology-enabled learning initiatives / Natarajan,

R. : Association of Indian Universities
3138 International linkage programmes / Shafi, Zeenat S.
: Association of indian universities

3139 Intellectual property and competitive strategies in

the 21st century / Alikhan, Shahid. : Kluwer Law

3140 Handbook on library & information science 2004

/ Association of indian Universi. : Association of
indian Universities

3141 National symposium on Advances in industrial

biotechnology: Punjabi University

3142 Commonwealth education partnerships / Commonwealth

Secretariat. : The Stationery Office

3143 WHO model formulary 2004 / Mehta, Dinesh K. (Ed.).

: World Health Organisation

3144 Therapeutic antibodies / Talwar, G. P. (Ed.).

: Ranbaxy Science Foundation

3145 Drug interaction facts 2003 / Tatro, David S. : Facts Issued

& Comparisons

3146 Pharmacotherapy / Dipiro, Joseph T. (Ed.). : McGraw- Issued


3147 Bhaishajik rasayan; bhag ek / Shroff, Mahadeo Lal.

: Kashi Hindu Vishwavidyalaya
3148 Bhaishajik rasayan; bhag ek / Shroff, Mahadeo Lal.
: Kashi Hindu Vishwavidyalaya

3149 Bhaishajik rasayan; bhag do / Shroff, Mahadeo Lal.

: Kashi Hindu Vishwavidyalaya

3150 "

3151 Therapeutic drugs; vol. 1-2 / Dollery, Colin (Ed.). Issued

: Churchill Livingstone

3152 " Issued

3153 Women as researchers in higher education / Sharma,

Rita. : Association of Indian Universities

3154 National seminar on good laboratory practices (GLP)

/ Ramamurthy, V. S. : Department of Science &

3155 Building linux clusters / Spector, David HM. : Shroff


3156 Linux system administration / Carling, M. : Techmedia

3157 Linux database bible / Petrovsky, Michele. : IDG Books

3158 Bioinformatics / Rastogi, S. C. : CBS Publishers

3159 Discrete mathematics and its applications / Rosney,

Kenneth H. : Tata McGraw-Hill

3160 Red hat linux networking & system administration

/ Collings, Terry. : Wiley Dreamtech

3161 A practical guide to linux / Sobell, Mark G. : Pearson


3162 Teach yourself unix system administration / Ray, Joan.

: Techmedia

3163 Teach yourself perl in 21 days / Lemay, Laura.

: Techmedia

3164 Bioinformatics computing / Bergeron, Bryan. : Pearson


3165 Effective perl programming / Hall, Joseph N. : Addison-


3166 Advanced engineering mathematics / Kreyszig, Erwin.

: John Wiley

3167 Database system concepts / Silberschatz, Abraham.

: McGraw-Hill

3168 The extent, pattern and trends of drug abuse in India

/ Ray, Rajat.

3169 Recent developments in the management of cancer of

uterine cervix / Gupta, Sushma (Ed.). : Ranbaxy
Science Foundation

3170 The metabolic syndrome / Sood, O. P. (Ed.). : Ranbaxy

Science Foundation

3171 Dengue outbreak in Delhi / Sharma, P. L. (Ed.).

: Ranbaxy Science Foundation

3172 Leptospirosis / Singhal, Radhey L. (Ed.). : Ranbaxy

Science Foundation

3173 HIV/AIDS in India / Gupta, Sushma (Ed.). : Ranbaxy

Science Foundation

3174 Tuberculosis / Gupta, Sushma (Ed.). : Ranbaxy Science


3175 Teaching learning / Dutt, Sunil. : Samir Publishers

3176 Progress in human genetics / Singh, Jai Rup (Ed.).

: Guru Nanak Dev University
3177 Solid state nuclear track detectors and applications
/ Singh, Surinder (Ed.). : Guru Nanak Dev University

3178 Intracellular bacterial infections / Pechere, Jean

Claude. : Cambridge Medical

3179 Community-acquired pneumonia in children / Pechere,

Jean Claude. : Cambridge Medical

3180 Guru Nanak's Japu Ji / Randhawa, G. S. : Guru Nanak

Dev University

3181 Anthrax / Sood, O. P. (Ed.). : Ranbaxy Science


3182 Who's who in 20th century America / Marquis Who's Who.

: Marquis Who's Who

3183 Structure-function analysis of G protein-coupled

receptors / Wess, Jurgen. : CRC Press

3184 Receptor localization / Ariano, Marjorie A. (Ed.).

: Wiley-Liss

3185 The laboratory cat / Martin, Brent J. : CRC Press

3186 The laboratory rat / Sharp, Patrik E. : CRC Press

3187 The laboratory small ruminant / Allen, Matthew J.

: CRC Press

3188 The laboratory mouse / Suckow, Mark A. : CRC Press

3189 The laboratory hamster and gerbil / Field, Karl J.


3190 The laboratory guinea pig / Terril, Lizabeth A. : CRC


3191 The laboratory rabbit / Suckow, Mark A. : CRC Press

3192 The laboratory swine / Bollen, Peter J. A. : CRC Press

3193 Coffee, tea, mate, methylxanthines and methylglyoxal

/ International agency for Resea. : IARC Press

3194 Hepatitis viruses / International Agency for Resea.

: IARC Press

3195 Polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins and

polychlorinated dibenzofurans / International Agency
for Resea. : IARC Press

3196 Glimpses of contemporary issues / Simhadri, Y. C.

: Andhra University

3197 Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of Issued

therapeutics / Hardman, Joel G. (Ed.). : McGraw-Hill

3198 Pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems Issued

/ Ansel, Howard C. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

3199 The Merck manual / Beers, Mark H. (Ed.). : Merck Issued

Research Laboratories

3200 Merck's 1899 manual / Merck & Co. : Merck

3201 Pharmaceutical practice / Winfield, A. J. (Ed.). Issued

: Churchill Livingstone
3202 Clinical pharmacology / Bennett, P. N. : Churchill Issued

3203 Kumar & Clark clinical medicine / Kumar, Praveen Issued

(Ed.). : W. B. Saunders

3204 Melmon and Morrelli's clinical pharmacology Issued

/ Carruthers, S. George (Ed.). : McGraw-Hill

3205 Comprehensive pharmacy review / Shargel, Leon (Ed.). Issued

: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

3206 Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary; vol. 1-2 Issued

/ Venes, Donald (Ed.). : Jaypee Brothers

3207 " Issued

3208 Selection and use of essential medicines / World

Health Organization. : World Health Organization

3209 53rd Indian pharmaceutical congress 2001 / Indian

Pharmaceutical Congress. : College of Pharmacy

3210 Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary / Dorland, W. Issued

A. : W. B. Saunders

3211 Perspectives in animal ecology and reproduction; vol. 2

/ Gupta, V. K. : Daya Publishing

3212 Supplement to illustrated manual of herbal drugs used

in ayurveda / Srivastava, T. N. : Regional Research

3213 Handbook of biological effects of electromagnetic

fields / Polk, Charles (Ed.). : CRC Press

3214 Biotechnological innovations in animal productivity

/ Open Universiteit and Thames P. : Butterworth-

3215 Biotechnological innovations in crop improvement

/ Open Universiteit and Thames P. : Butterworth-

3216 Biotechnological innovations in health care / Open

Universiteit and Thames P. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3217 Defence mechanisms / Open Universiteit and Universi.

: Butterworth-Heinemann
3218 Technological applications of immunochemicals / Open
Universiteit and Universi. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3219 Cellular interactions and immunobiology / Open

Universiteit and Universi. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3220 Biosynthesis and the integration of cell metabolism

/ Open Universiteit & Thames Pol. : Butterworth-

3221 Crop physiology / Open Universiteit and Universi.

: Butterworth-Heinemann

3222 Functional physiology / Open Universiteit and

Universi. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3223 The molecular fabric of cells / Open Universiteit &

Thames Pol. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3224 Infrastructure and activities of cells / Open

Universiteit and Thames P. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3225 Techniques used in bioproduct analysis / Open

Universiteit and Universi. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3226 Energy sources for cells / Open Universiteit & Thames

Pol. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3227 Indian pharma reference guide 2004: Kongposh


3228 Hepatitis B & co-infections / Sarin, S. K. (Ed.).

: Ranbaxy Research Foundation

3229 A decade of NIPER (1994-2004) / National Institute of

Pharmace. : National Institute of Pharmaceutical
Education & Research

3230 "

3231 "

3232 "

3233 "

3234 Science policy and national development / Sarabhai,

Vikram. : Indian Council of Social Science Research

3235 Management for development / Sarabhai, Vikram.

: Indian Council of Social Science Research
3236 Mahadeva Lal Schroff and the making of modern pharmacy
/ Singh, Harkishan. : Vallabh Prakashan
3237 "

3238 Cellular and molecular physiology of sodium-calcium

exchange / Lytton, Jonathan (Ed.). : The New York
Academy of Sciences

3239 Carcinogenesis bioassays and protecting public health

/ Mehlman, Myron A. (Ed.). : The New York Academy of

3240 Cellular and molecular mechanisms of drugs of abuse II

/ Ali, Syed F. : The New York Academy of Sciences

3241 Cell signaling, transcription, and translation as

therapeutic targets / Diederich, Marc (Ed.). : The New
York Academy of Sciences

3242 Techniques in bioinformatics and medical informatics

/ Valafar, Faramarz (Ed.). : The New York Academy of

3243 Bharat's simplified approach to labour laws / Sharma,

J. P. : Bharat Law House

3244 Taxmann's labour laws / Taxmann Allied Services.

: Taxmann

3245 Labour and industrial law / Paul, Meenu. : Allahabad

Law Agency

3246 Labour and industrial law / Mishra, S. K. : Allahabad

Law Agency

3247 Handbook of labour and industrial law / Malik, P. L.

: Eastern Book Company

3248 An introduction to labour and industrial laws / Puri,

S. K. : Allahabad Book Agency

3249 Selling in the new world of business / Kimball, Bob.

: Best Business Books

3250 Research methods for marketing decisions / Green, Paul

A. : Prentice-Hall of India

3251 Total quality management / Suganthi, L. : Prentice-

Hall of India
3252 Quality planning and analysis / Juran, J. M. : Tata

3253 Quality without tears / Crosby, Philip B. : Tata


3254 What's in a brand / Jones, John Philip. : Tata McGraw-

3255 Advertising and public relations / Ahuja, B. N.
: Surjeet Publications

3256 Competitive advantage / Porter, Michael E. : Free Press

3257 Production and operations management / Chary, S. N.

: Tata McGraw-Hill

3258 Advertising / Wells, William. : Pearson Education

3259 Consumer behavior / Bennett, Peter D. : Prentice-Hall

of India

3260 Production and operations management / Manocha, R. C.

: Excel Books

3261 Business environment / Cherunilam, Francis. : Himalaya


3262 Production management / Telsang, Martand T. : S. Chand

3263 Consumer Behavior / Hawkins, Del I. : Tata McGraw-Hill

3264 Introduction to materials management / Arnold, J. R.

Tony. : Pearson Education

3265 Introduction to management accounting / Horngren,

Charles T. : Pearson Education

3266 Business statistics / Levine, David M. : Prentice-Hall

of india

3267 Manufacturing organization and management / Amrine,

Harold T. : Pearson Education

3268 Business psychology and organisational behaviour

/ McKenna, Eugene. : Psychology Press

3269 Quantitative analysis for management / Render, Barry.

: Pearson Education

3270 Production and operations management / Adam, Everette

E. : Prentice Hall

3271 Advertising / Wells, William. : Pearson Education

3272 Production operations management / Morton, Thomas E.

: Thomson Asia

3273 Strategic brand management / Keller, Kevin Lane.

: Pearson Education

3274 "

3275 Personnel management & industrial relations

/ Tripathi, P. C. : Sultan Chand
3276 Materials management / Gopalakrishnan, P. : Prentice-
Hall of India

3277 "

3278 Business statistics and operations research / Gupta,

S. P. : Sultan Chand

3279 International marketing management / Varshney, R. L.

: Sultan Chand

3280 "

3281 Foundations of advertising / Chunawalla, S. A.

: Himalaya Publishing

3282 Total quality management / Arora, K. C. : S. K. Kataria

3283 Production and operations management / Nair, N. G.

: Tata McGraw-Hill

3284 Production management / Ahuja, K. K. : CBS Publishers

3285 Consumer behavior / Schiffman, Leon G. : Pearson


3286 Business policy and strategic management / Kazmi,

Azhar. : Tata McGraw-Hill

3287 "

3288 Advertising and promotion / Belch, George E. : Tata

3289 Industrial relations / Monappa, Arun. : Tata McGraw-

3290 Advertising management / Batra, Rajeev. : Pearson


3291 Total quality management / Charantimath, Poornima M.

: Pearson Education

3292 4-D branding / Gad, Thomas. : Pearson Education

3293 Kaizen strategies for customer care / Wellington,

Patricia. : Addison Wesley Longman

3294 Mastering strategy / Financial Times. : Pearson


3295 Creating breakthrough products / Cagan, Jonathan.

: Pearson Education

3296 Mastering marketing / Financial Times. : Pearson


3297 Basic marketing / Perreault, William D. : Tata McGraw-


3298 Handbook of materials management / Gopalkrishnan, P.

: Prentice-Hall of India

3299 Quantitative techniques / Sharma, J. K. : Macmillan


3300 Statistical methods / Gupta, S. P. : Sultan Chand

3301 "

3302 Materials management / Verma, M. M. : Sultan Chand

3303 Aspects of labour welfare and social security / Sarma,

A. M. : Himalaya Publishing

3304 Dynamics of industrial relations / Mamoria, C. B.

: Himalaya Publishing

3305 Emotional intelligence / Goleman, Daniel. : Bloomsbury


3306 In search of excellence / Peters, Thomas J. : Profile


3307 I'm ok-you're ok / Harris, Thomas A. : Arrow Books

3308 The New realities / Drucker, Peter F. : Elsevier

3309 Managing for the future / Drucker, Peter F.

: Butterworth-Heinemann

3310 Managing in turbulent times / Drucker, Peter F.

: Butterworth-Heinemann

3311 Brands in the balance / Drawbaugh, Kevin. : 2001

3312 Consumer behavior / Hawkins, Del I. : Tata McGraw-Hill

3313 OPPI pharmaceutical compendium / Organisation of Issued

Pharmaceutical. : Organisation of Pharmaceutical
Producers of India

3314 Bibliography of Indian ethnobotany 2002 / Jain, S. K.

: Scientific Publishers

3315 Bioconjugate techniques / Hermanson, Greg T. Issued

: Academic Press

3316 Biodiversity, taxonomy, and ecology / Tondon, R. K.

: Scientific Publishers

3317 Exploration and analysis of DNA microarray and protein

array data / Amaratunga, Dhammika. : John Wiley

3318 Identification of trees and shrubs / Makins, F. K. Issued

: Scientific Publsihers

3319 Laboratory animal medicine / Fox, James G. (Ed.).

: Academic Press

3320 Medicinal and poisonous plants of India / Caius, Jean

Ferdinand. : Scientific Publishers

3321 Methods in proteome and protein analysis / Kamp, Roza

Maria. : Springer-Verlag

3322 Protein protocols handbook / Walker, John M. : Humana


3323 Carbene chemistry / Bertrand, Guy. : Marcel Dekker

3324 Proteomics / Pennington, S. R. : Viva Books Issued

3325 Pharmaceutical process scale-up / Levin, Michael

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

3326 Biodiversity in India / Rao, R. R. : Bishen Singh

Mahendra Pal Singh

3327 Forest flora of Chakrata, Dehradun and Saharanpur Issued

forest divisions / Gupta, Basant Lal. : Bishen Singh
Mahendra Pal Singh

3328 Forest flora of Meghalaya / Haridasan, K. : Bishen

Singh Mahendra Pal Singh

3329 "

3330 Herbal and traditional medicine / Packer, Lester

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

3331 Pharmaceutical regulatory process / Berry, Ira R.

(Ed.). : Marcel dekker

3332 Flora of Mussoorie; vol. 1 / Raizada, M. B. : Bishen

Singh Mahendra Pal Singh

3333 Flora of upper gangetic plain and of the adjacent Issued

Siwalik and sub-himalayan tracts / Duthie, J. F.
: Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh

3334 " Issued

3335 Forest flora for Kumaon / Osmaston, A. E. : Bishen

Singh Mahendra Pal Singh

3336 Phytotherapy / Capasso, Francesco. : Springer

3337 Supplement to Duthie's flora of the upper Gangetic

plain / Raizada, M. B. : Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal
3338 Stability of drugs and dosage forms / Yoshioka, Sumie.
: Kluwer Academic

3339 Colloidal dispersions / Morrison, Ian D. : John Wiley

3340 An introduction to tissue-biomaterial interactions

/ Dee, Kay C. : John Wiley

3341 Microscopic techniques in biotechnology / Hoppert,

Michael. : Wiley-VCH

3342 Handbook of pharmaceutical salts / Stahl, P. Heinrich Issued

(Ed.). : Wiley-VCH
3343 A textbook of modern toxicology / Hodgson, Ernest.
: John Wiley

3344 Biomaterials science / Ratner, Buddy D. (Ed.).

: Academic Press

3345 Neurobiology of diabetic neuropathy / Tomlinson, David

(Ed.). : Academic Press

3346 Drug delivery / Saltzman, W. Mark. : Oxford University Issued

3347 Analytical techniques in combinatorial chemistry

/ Swartz, Michael E. (Ed.). : Marcel dekker

3348 Bioinformatics basics / Rashidi, Hooman H. : CRC Press

3349 Bioinformatics for geneticists / Barnes, Michael R.

(Ed.). : John Wiley

3350 Drug delivery systems / Ranade, Vasant V. : CRC Press Issued

3351 Structural bioinformatics / Bourne, Philip E. (Ed.).

: Wiley-Liss

3352 The merck manual of medical information / Berkow,

Robert (Ed.). : Merck Research Laboratories

3353 Pocket guide to diagnostic tests / Nicoll, Diana.

: McGraw-Hill

3354 Oracle application server 10g web development

/ Ostrowski, Christopher. : Tata McGraw-Hill

3355 Sequence analysis in a nutshell / Markel, Scott. Issued

: Shroff Publishers

3356 Oracle application server 10g administration handbook

/ Garmany, John. : Tata McGraw-Hill

3357 Neural networks / Simon Haykin. : Prentice-Hall of Issued


3358 Security for microsoft visual basic. NET / Robinson,

Ed. : Tata McGraw-Hill
3359 Oracle and visual basic developer's handbook
/ Fedynich, Jim. : BPB Publications

3360 Stability-indicating HPLC methods for drug analysis

/ Xu, Quanyun A. : Pharmaceutical Press
3361 Programming ASP.NET / Liberty, Jesse. : Shroff

3362 Oracle application server 10g essentials / Greenwald,

Rick. : Shroff Publishers

3363 Oracle 10g grid & real application clusters / Ault,

Mike. : Shroff Publishers

3364 Asymmetric catalysis on industrial scale / Blaser,

Hans-Ulrich (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3365 Absorbable and biodegradable polymers / Shalaby,

Shalaby W. (Ed.). : CRC Press

3366 Alternative toxicological methods / Katz, Sidney A.

: CRC Press

3367 Bio-implant interface / Ellingsen, Jan Eirik (Ed.).

: CRC Press

3368 GLP essentials / Anderson, Milton A. : CRC Press

3369 Guide to cytochromes P450 / Lewis, David F. V. : CRC


3370 Handbook of toxicologic pathology; v. 1-2 / Haschek,

Wanda M. (Ed.). : Academic Press

3371 "

3372 Introduction to flavonoids / Bohm, Bruce A. : Harwood


3373 Preventing medication errors and improving drug

therapy outcomes / Hepler, Charles D. : CRC Press

3374 A small dose of toxicology / Gilbert, Steven G. : CRC


3375 Data mining / Mitra, Sushmita. : John Wiley Issued

3376 Biological performance of materials / Black, Jonathan.

: Marcel dekker

3377 Genetic techniques for biological research / Michels,

Corinne A. : John Wiley

3378 Organic conformational analysis and stereochemistry

from circular dichroism spectroscopy / Lightner, David
.A. : John Wiley
3379 Therapeutic drug monitoring and clinical biochemistry
/ Hallworth, Mike. : Association of Clinical

3380 Generic drug product development / Shargel, Leon.

: Marcel Dekker

3381 Diabetic neuropathy / Dyck, Peter James. : W. B.


3382 Guide to symptom relief in advanced disease / Regnard,

Claud F. B. : Hochland and Hochland

3383 Intravenous medications / Gahart, Betty L. : Elsevier


3384 Stroke therapy / Fisher, Marc (Ed.). : Butterworth-


3385 Culture of animal cells / Freshney, R. Ian. : Wiley- Issued


3386 Bioprocess engineering principles / Doran, Pauline M.

: Elsevier Academic Press

3387 Plant tissue culture / Bhojwani, S. S. : Elsevier

3388 Marine microbiology / Ramaiah, Nagappa. : National

Institute of Oceanography

3389 Cell culture models of biological barriers / Lehr,

Claus-Michael (Ed.). : Taylor & Francis

3390 International seminar on pharmacovigilance &

medication safety; 11-13 December, 2003: JSS College
of Pharmacy

3391 Conference on microbiology of the tropical seas; 13-15

December, 2004 / National Institute of Oceanogr.
: National Institute of Oceanography

3392 28th all India cell biology conference & symposium on

genome biology; Dec1-3, 2004 / National Centre for
Human Geno. : Punjab University

3393 Sasia story / Singh, Manjeet. : South Asia Foundation

3394 International symposium on recent advances in

pharmacology / International Academy of Cardi.
: Indian Pharmacological Society
3395 55th Indian pharmaceutical congress 2003 / Indian
Pharmaceutical Congress. : Indian Pharmaceutical

3396 Proceedings-78th annual meeting / Association of

Indian Universi. : Association of Indian Universities
3397 Beyond the last blue mountain / Lala, R. M. : Penguin

3398 Creation of wealth / Lala, R. M. : Penguin Books

3399 Commonwealth universities yearbook 2005; vol. 1-2

/ Association of Commonwealth Un. : Association of
Commonwealth Universities

3400 "

3401 Handbook on distance education 2004 / Association of

Indian Universi. : Association of Indian Universities

3402 India and the global eradication of polio / Sood, O.

P. (Ed.). : Ranbaxy Science Foundation

3403 Ethics in animal experimentation / Sood, O. P. (Ed.).

: Ranbaxy Science Foundation

3404 Arbitration & conciliation in CPWD works contracts Issued

/ Gupta, R. C. : J. M. Jaina

3405 CPWD works manual 2003 / India, Central Public Works Issued
De. : J. M. Jaina

3406 Akalank's construction rates for government contractors Issued

: Akalank Publications

3407 Akalank's construction rates for government contractors Issued

: Akalank Publications

3408 Nabhi's commentary on CPWD specifications; vol. 1-2 Issued

/ Nabhi's Board of Editors. : Nabhi Publications

3409 " Issued

3410 Nabhi's compilation of specifications on pile work, Issued

aluminium work and water / Nabhi's Board of Editors.
: Nabhi Publications

3411 Guide to drug financing mechanisms / Dumoulin, Jerome.

: World Health Organization
3412 Guide to good prescribing / M de Vries, T. P. G.
: World Health Organization

3413 Drug and therapeutics committees / Holloway, Kathleen

(Ed.). : World Health Organization

3414 Guidelines on developing consumer information on

proper use of traditional / World Health Organization.
: World Health Organization

3415 Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals; vol.1 / World

Health Organization. : World Health Organization

3416 Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals; vol. 2 / World

Health Organization. : World Health Organization

3417 Traditional medicine in Asia / Chaudhury, Ranjit Roy

(Ed.). : World Health Organization

3418 Clinically useful herbal drugs / Agrawal, S. S.

: Ahuja Publsihing

3419 HPLC methods for recently approved pharmaceuticals

/ Lunn, George. : John Wiley

3420 Clinical drug trials and tribulations / Cato, Allen

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

3421 Molecular cloning; vol. 1-3 / Sambrook, Joseph. : Cold

Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

3422 " Issued

3423 "

3424 Who's who in diabetes treatment, education & research

/ American Diabetes Association. : American Diabetes

3425 In Mc's cosmetics beauty and herbal products directory

/ Institute of Natural & Modern. : Institute of
Natural & Modern Cosmetech

3426 Textbook of environmental studies for undergraduate

courses / Bharucha, Erach. : Universities Press

3427 Indian pharma search 2005 / Express Pharma Pulse.

: Express Pharma Pulse

3428 Quick reference to cardiovascular pharmacotherapy

/ Cheng, Judy W. M. (Ed.). : CRC Press
3429 Understanding laboratory investigations / Higgins,
Christopher. : Blackwell Science

3432 Pharmacotherapy of common functional syndromes / Manu,

Peter. : Haworth Press

3433 Instant notes in plant biology / Lack, A. J. : Viva


3434 Instant notes in ecology / Mackenzie, Aulay. : Viva


3435 Instant notes in immunology / Lydyard, P. M. : Viva


3436 Instant notes neuroscience / Longstaff, A. : Viva Books

3437 Instant notes in Animal biology / Jurd, Richard D.

: Viva Books
3438 Instant notes in biochemistry / Hames, B. D. : Viva

3439 Instant notes genetics / Winter, P. C. : Viva Books

3440 Instant notes in chemistry for biologists / Fisher, J.

: Viva Books

3441 Organic chemistry / Patrick, G. : Viva Books

3442 Instant notes in Microbiology / Nicklin, J. : Viva


3443 Truth about the drug companies / Angell, Marcia.

: Random House

3444 Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology / Garrity,

George M. (Ed.). : Springer

3445 "

3446 "

3447 Good laboratory practice regulations / Weinberg, Sandy

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

3448 Good pharmaceutical manufacturing practice / Sharp,

John. : CRC Press

3449 Handbook of bioanalysis & drug metabolism / Evans,

Gary (Ed.). : CRC Press
3450 Handbook of pharmaceutical analysis / Ohannesian, Lena
(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

3451 Pharmacology / Rang, H. P. : Elsevier Issued

3452 Handbook of isolation and characterization of

impurities in pharmaceuticals / Ahuja, Satinder (Ed.).
: Elsevier

3453 Handbook of modern pharmaceutical analysis / Ahuja,

Satinder (Ed.). : Elsevier

3454 Biocatalysts and enzyme technology / Buchholz, KKlaus.

: Wiley-VCH

3455 Hydrolases in organic synthesis / Bornscheuer, U. T.

: Wiley-VCH

3456 HIV and tuberculosis / Mehra, N. K. (Ed.). : Ranbaxy

Science Foundation

3457 Sahni advanced dictionary / Mudgal, S. N. (Ed.). Issued

: Sahni Brothers

3458 Handbook of molecular descriptors / Todeschini, Issued

Roberto. : Wiley-VCH
3459 British Pharmacopoeia 2005 with CD-ROM / British
Pharmacopoeia Commissi. : The Stationary Office

3460 "

3461 "

3462 "

3463 "

3464 Analytical profiles of drug substances; vol. 19

/ Florey, Klaus (Ed.). : Elsevier

3465 Analytical profiles of drug substances; vol. 21

/ Brittain, Harry G. (Ed.). : Elsevier

3466 Analytical profiles of drug substances; vol. 22

/ Brittain, Harry G. (Ed.). : Elsevier

3467 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 43

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews
3468 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 72 / Richardson,
Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

3469 Annual review of biochemistry; vol. 73 / Richardson,

Charles C. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

3470 annual review of biochemistry; vol. 74 / Kornberg,

Roger D. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

3471 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 41

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

3472 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 42

/ CHO, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

3473 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 45

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

3474 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; vol. 44

/ Cho, Arthur K. (Ed.). : Annual Reviews

3475 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 40

/ Doherty, Annette M. : Elsevier Academic Press

3476 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 38

/ Doherty, Annette (Ed.). : Elsevier

3477 Annual reports in medicinal chemistry; vol. 36

/ Doherty, Annette (Ed.). : Academic Press

3478 Bioinformatics / Narayanan, P. : New Age International

3479 Genome analysis / Birren, Bruce (Ed.). : Cold Spring

Harbor Laboratory Press
3480 Molecular biology of the gene / Watson, James D.
: Pearson Education

3481 Molecular cell biology / Lodish, Harvey. : W. H.


3482 Handbook of reagents for organic synthesis / Wipf,

Peter (Ed.). : John Wiley

3483 Organic chemistry of drug design and drug action

/ Silverman, Richard B. : Elsevier

3484 Microbial extracellular polymeric substances

/ Wingender, Jost (Ed.). : Springer Verlag
3485 Adsorption and catalysis by solids / Chakrabarty, D.
K. : New Age International

3486 Essentials of microbiology / Rao, P. V. Ramana. : CBS


3487 HPLC high performance liquid chromatography / Sethi, Issued

P. D. : CBS Publishers

3488 Principles of analytical chemistry / Valcarcel,

Miguel. : Springer

3489 QA Manual / Shah, D. H. : Business Horizons

3490 Quantitative analysis of drugs in pharmaceutical

formulations / Sethi, P. D. : CBS Publishers

3491 SOP guide lines / Shah, D. H. : Business Horizons

3492 Art of effective communication / Margerison, Charles

J. : Excel Books

3493 Business economics / Adhikary, Manab. : Excel Books

3494 Corporate governance / Singh, S. : Excel Books

3495 CRM handbook / Dyche, Jill. : Pearson Education

3496 Extremely short cases on strategic management

/ Prasad, Ajit. : Excel Books

3497 Knowledge management / Chaudhary, Harish Chandra.

: Excel Books

3498 Making strategy work / Hrebiniak, Lawrence G.

: Pearson Education

3499 Managing customer relationships in service industries

/ Nargundkar, Rajendra (Ed.). : Excel Books

3500 Mastering enterprise / Birley, Sue. : Pearson Education

3501 Pharmaceutical marketing in india / Chaganti, Subba
Rao. : GIFT-Excel Books

3502 Retail management / Berman, Berry. : Pearson Education

3503 Services marketing / Rao, K. Rama Mohana. : Pearson

3504 Total quality management / Besterfield, Dale H.
: Pearson Education

3505 Cost accounting / Dutta, Manash. : Pearson Education

3506 Creating value from mergers and acquisitions

/ Sudarsanam, Sudi. : Pearson Education

3507 International business / Bennett, Roger. : Delhi

3508 Marketing for hospitality and tourism / Kotler,

Philip. : Pearson Education

3509 Plant cell biotechnology / Endress, Rudolf. : Springer

3510 Biocatalytic membrane reactors / Drioli, Enrico.

: Taylor & Francis

3511 Biotechnology-3 / Mahesh, S. : New Age International

3512 Industrial microbiology / Casida, L. E. : New Age

International Publishers

3513 Prescott & Dunn's industrial microbiology / Reed,

Gerald (Ed.). : CBS Publishers

3514 Instant notes in Microbiology / Nicklin, J. : Viva


3515 Molecular biotechnology / Primrose, S. B. : Panima


3516 New generation vaccines / Levine, Myron M. (Ed.).

: Marcel Dekker

3517 Pharmaceutical gene delivery systems / Rolland, Allain

(Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

3518 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of microbiology

/ Alcamo, I. Edward. : Tata McGraw-Hill

3519 Synthetic biodegradable polymer scaffolds / Atala,

Anthony (Ed.). : Birkhauser

3520 Tissue engineering and biodegradable equivalents

/ Lewandrowski, Kai-Uwe (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

3521 Textbook of drug design and discovery / Krogsgaard-

Larsen, Povl (Ed.). : Taylor & Francis
3522 Chemoinformatics in drug discovery / Oprea, Tudor I.
(Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3523 Chemogenomics in drug discovery / Kubinyi, Hugo (Ed.).

: Wiley-VCH

3524 Structure-based ligand design / Klaus, Gubernator

(Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3525 Glycochemistry / Wang, Peng George. : New York

3526 Laboratory auditing for quality and regulatory

compliance / Singer, Donald C. : Taylor & Francis

3527 Pharmaceutical stress testing / Baertschi, Steven W.

(Ed.). : Taylor & Francis

3528 Corporate social responsibility / Baxi, C. V. (Ed.).

: Excel Books

3529 Microbial biotechnology / Kun, Lee Yuan. : World

Scientific Publishing

3530 Pharmaceutical process engineering / Hickey, Anthony

J. : Marcel Dekker

3531 Blood-brain barrier and drug delivery to the CNS

/ Begley, David J. : Marcel Dekker

3532 Pharmaceutical statistics / Bolton, Sanford. : Marcel


3533 Enzymes / Copeland, Robert A. : John Wiley Issued

3534 Boronic acids / Hall, Dennis G. (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3535 Microwaves in organic synthesis / Loupy, Andre (Ed.). Issued

: Wiley-VCH

3536 Solvent-free organic synthesis / Tanaka, Koichi. Issued

: Wiley-VCH

3537 Solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and

combinatorial carbohydrate libraries / Seeberger,
Peter H. (Ed.). : John Wiley

3538 Computational chemistry / Young, David. : John Wiley

3539 Evolutionary algorithms in molecular design / Clark,

David E. (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3540 Molecular interaction fields / Cruciani, Gabriele Issued

(Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3541 Molecular modelling for beginners / Hinchliffe, Alan.

: John Wiley

3542 Pharmacokinetics and metabolism in drug design Issued

/ Smith, Dennis A. : Wiley-VCH

3543 Protein-Ligand interactions / Bohm, Hans-Joachim Issued

(Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3544 Radicals in organic synthesis / Renaud, Philippe

(Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3545 "

3546 Selectivity in organic synthesis / Ward, Robert S.

: John Wiley

3547 Principles of corporate finance / Brealey, Richard A.

: Tata McGraw-Hill

3548 Customer relationship management / Sheth, Jagdish N.

(Ed.). : Tata McGraw-Hill

3549 Crafting the strategy / Das, Ranjan. : Tata McGraw-Hill

3550 Marketing research / Tull, Donald S. : Prentice-Hall

of India

3551 Marketing research / Luck, David J. : Prentice-Hall of Issued


3552 Product management in India / Majumdar, Ramanuj.

: Prentice-Hall of India

3553 Drugs & cosmetics act, 1940 / Malik, Vijay. : Eastern Issued
Book Company

3554 India development report 2004-05 / Parikh, Kirit S.

(Ed.). : Oxford University Press

3555 Service marketing / Rampal, M. K. : Galgotia Publishing

3556 Analytical method validation & instrument performance

verification / Chan, Chung Chow (Ed.). : John Wiley

3557 Photostability of drugs and drug formulations

/ Tonnesen,, Hanne Hjorth (Ed.). : CRC Press
3558 Bioprocess & biotechnology for functional foods and
nutraceuticals / Neeser, Jean-Richard (Ed.). : Marcel

3559 Bioinformatics software engineering / Weston, Paul.

: John Wiley

3560 Computational biology / Wunschiers, Robbe. : Springer- Issued


3561 Practical bioinformatics / Bujnicki, Janusz M. (Ed.).

: Springer-Verlag

3562 XML for bioinformatics / Cerami, Ethan. : Springer Issued

3563 Business environment for strategic management
/ Aswathappa, K. : Himalaya Publishing

3564 Communication / Rayudu, C. S. : Himalaya Publishing

3565 Project management / Maylor, Harvey. : Pearson


3567 Nanotechnology / Schulte, Jurgen (Ed.). : John Wiley

3568 PCR protocols / Bartlett, John M. S. (Ed.). : Humana


3569 Halcion / Institute of medicine. : National Academic


3570 Textbook of soil science / Biswas, T. D. : Tata McGraw-


3571 "

3572 "

3573 "

3574 "

3575 Pocket book of hospital care for children / World

Health Organization. : World Health Organization

3576 Pharmaceutical dissolution testing / Dressman,

Jennifer (Ed.). : Taylor & Francis

3577 Cryopreservation / Avis, Kenneth E. (Ed.).

: Interpharm Press

3578 Lipospheres in drug targets and delivery / Nastruzzi,

Claudio (Ed.). : CRC Press

3579 Polymer characterization / Campbell, D. : Stanley


3580 Polymeric drug delivery systems / Kwon, Glen S. (Ed.).

: Taylor & Francis

3581 Surfactants and polymers in drug delivery / Malmsten,

Martin. : Marcel Dekker

3582 Virtual screening in drug discovery / Alvarez, Juan Issued

(Ed.). : Taylor & Francis

3583 Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) Issued

models of mutagens and carcinogens / Benigni, Romualdo
(Ed.). : CRC Press

3584 Foundations of evidence-based medicine / Jenicek,

Milos. : Parthenon Publishing

3585 Advances in clinical trial biostatistics / Geller,

Nancy L. (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

3586 Accounting for management / Bhattacharyya, S. K.

: Vikas Publishing

3587 Economic environment of business / Ghosh, Biswanath.

: Vikas Publishing

3588 Indian economy / Jalan, Bimal (Ed.). : Penguin Books

3589 Industrial marketing / Hill, Richard M. : A.I.T.B.S.


3590 International marketing / Terpstra, Vern. : Thomson


3591 Marketing in India / Neelamegham, S. : Vikas Publishing Issued

3592 Pharmaceutical marketing / Dogramatzis, Dimitris. Issued

: CRC Press

3593 Hugo & Russell's pharmaceutical microbiology / Denyer,

Stephen P. (Ed.). : Blackwell Science

3594 Marketing strategy in the pharmaceutical industry

/ Corstjens, Marcel. : Chapman & Hall

3595 Microwaves in organic and medicinal chemistry / Kappe,

C. Oliver. : Wiley-VCH

3596 Bacteria / Singleton, Paul. : John Wiley

3597 Tropical infectious diseases / Guerrant, Richard L. Issued

(Ed.). : Churchill Livingstone

3598 " Issued

3599 Introduction to biostatistics and research methods

/ Rao, P. S. S. Sundar. : Prentice-Hall of India

3600 Clark's analysis of drugs & poisons / Moffat, Anthony

C. (Ed.). : Pharmaceutical Press

3601 "

3602 Organic chemistry of enzyme-catalyzed reactions

/ Silverman, Richard B. : Academic Press

3603 Computational genome analysis / Deonier, Richard C.

: Springer

3604 Molecular modeling and simulation / Schlick, Tamar.

: Springer-Verlag
3605 Applied statistics in the pharmaceutical industry
/ Millard, Steven P. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

3606 Multiple analyses in clinical trials / Moye, Lemuel A.

: Springer

3607 WTO as an international organization / Krueger, Anne

O. (Ed.). : Oxford University Press

3608 Plant tissue culture / Bhojwani, S. S. : Elsevier

3609 "

3610 "

3611 "

3612 "

3613 Natural products / Zhang, Lixin (Ed.). : Humana Press

3614 Indian pharma reference guide 2005-2006 / Kongposh

Publications. : Kongposh Publications

3615 Microbiology / Cappuccino, James G. : Benjamin Cummings

3616 Pharmaceutical biotechnology / Kayser, O. (Ed.).

: Wiley-VCH

3617 Drug delivery / Wang, Binghe (Ed.). : Wiley-


3618 William's textbook of endocrinology / Larsen, P. Reed.

: Saunders

3619 Chemistry of natural products / Bhatt, S. V. : Narosa


3620 "

3621 "

3622 "

3623 "

3624 Natural products / Zhang, Lixin (Ed.). : Humana Press Issued

3625 Fundamentals of enzymology / Price, Nicholas C.

: Oxford University Press

3626 Elements of business laws / Kapoor, G. K. : Premier


3627 Economic environment of business / Adhikary, M.

: Sultan Chand
3628 Medical biomethods handbook / Walker, John M. (Ed.).
: Humana Press

3629 Electron microscopy methods and protocols

/ Hajibagheri, M. A. Nasser (Ed. : Humana Press

3630 Tissue engineering methods and protocols / Morgan,

Jeffrey R. (Ed.). : Humana Press

3631 Aldrich library of FT-IR spectra / Sigma-Aldrich.

: Sigma Aldrich Chemicals

3632 "

3633 "

3634 Financial management & policy / Van Horne, James C.

: Prentice-Hall of India

3635 Analyzing microarray gene expression data / McLachlan,

Geoffrey J. : John Wiley

3636 Applying genomic and proteomic microarray technology Issued

in drug discovery / Matson, Robert S. : CRC Press

3637 Biochemistry and molecular biology / Elliott, William

H. : Oxford University Press

3638 Bioinformatics and drug discovery / Larson, Richard S.

(Ed.). : Humana Press

3639 Biomaterials, artificial organs and tissue engineering

/ Hench, Larry L. (Ed.). : Woodhead Publishing

3640 Cell biology / Celis, Julio E. (Ed.). : Elsevier

Academic Press

3641 "

3642 "

3643 "

3644 Cell culture technology for pharmaceutical and cell-

based therapies / Ozturk, Sadettin S. (Ed.). : CRC

3645 Cheminformatics developments / Noordik, Jan H. (Ed.). Issued

: ISO Press

3646 Clinical trials of drugs and biopharmaceuticals / Lee, Issued

Chi-Jen. : CRC Press

3647 Computational systems biology / Kriete, Andres. Issued

: Elsevier Academic Press

3648 Coulson & Richardson's chemical engineering; col. 5

/ Backhurst, J. R. : Elsevier

3649 Coulson & Richardson's chemical engineering

/ Richardson, J. F. (Ed.). : Elsevier

3650 Coulson & Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 2

/ Richardson, J. F. : Elsevier

3651 Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 1

/ Coulson, J. M. : Elsevier

3652 Coulson & Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 4

/ Backhurst, J. R. : Elsevier
3653 Coulson & Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 6
/ Sinnott, R. K. : Elsevier

3654 CRC handbook of fundamental spectroscopic correlation

charts / Bruno, Thomas J. : CRC Press

3655 Drug discovery and evaluation-with CD-ROM / Vogel,

Wolfgang H. (Ed.). : Springer-Verlag

3656 Drug discovery strategies and methods / Makriyannis,

Alexandros (Ed.). : Marcel Dekker

3657 Electrochemical aspects of ionic liquids / Ohno,

Hiroyuki (Ed.). : John Wiley

3658 Environmental biotechnology / Scragg, Alan. : Oxford

University Press

3659 Environmental microbiology / Maier, Raina M. : Elsevier

3660 G protein-coupled receptors as drug targets / Seifert,

Roland (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3661 G protein-coupled receptors in drug discovery

/ Lundstrom, Kenneth H. (Ed.). : CRC Press

3662 General parasitology / Cheng, Thomas C. : Elsevier

3663 Handbook of chiral chemicals / Ager, David (Ed.).

: CRC Press

3665 Integrated strategies for drug discovery using mass

spectrometry / Lee, Mike S. (Ed.). : John Wiley

3666 Modern methods of drug discovery / Hillisch, Alexander Issued

(Ed.). : Birkhauser Verlag

3667 Modern raman spectroscopy / Smith, Ewen. : John Wiley

3668 Nanofabrication towards biomedical applications

/ Kumar, Challa S. S. R. (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3669 NMR spectroscopy / Schorn, Christian. : Wiley-VCH

3670 Organic chemistry of sugars / Levy, Daniel E. (Ed.).
: CRC Press

3671 Pharmaceutical biotechnology / Groves, Michael J.

(Ed.). : CRC Press
3672 Pharmaceutical packaging technology / Dean, D. A.
(Ed.). : Taylor & Francis

3673 Pharmacoepidemiology / Strom, Brian L. (ED.). : John


3674 Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling

/ Reddy, Micaela B. : John Wiley

3675 Preclinical drug development / Rogge, Mark C. : Taylor

& Francis

3676 Quaternary stereocenters / Christoffers, Jens (Ed.).

: Wiley-VCH

3677 Separation techniques in clinical chemistry / Aboul-

Enein, Hassan Y. (Ed,). : Marcel Dekker

3678 Stem cell repair and regeneration / Habib, Nagy A.

(Ed.). : Imperial College Press

3679 Structural identification of organic compounds with

spectroscopic techniques / Ning, Yong-Cheng. : Wiley-

3680 Systems biology / Alberghina, Lilia (Ed.). : Springer- Issued


3681 World of the cell / Becker, Wayne M. : Benjamin


3682 Pharmaceutical calculations / Ansel, Howard C.

: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

3683 Marketing management / Saxena, Rajan. : Tata McGraw-


3684 Financial management / Khan, M. Y. : Tata McGraw-Hill

3690 Advanced inorganic chemistry / Cotton, F. Albert. Issued

: John Wiley

3691 Bioactive marine natural products / Bhakuni, D. S.

: Springer

3692 "

3693 "

3694 "
3695 Bioactive marine natural products / Bhakuni, D. S.
: Springer
3696 Modern physical organic chemistry / Anslyn, Eric V.
: University Science Books

3697 Biotechnology-4 / Mahesh, S. : New Age International

3698 Foye's principles of medicinal chemistry / Williams,

David A. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

3699 Vogel's textbook of practical organic chemistry

/ Furniss, Brian S. : Pearson Education

3700 Stereochemistry of organic compounds / Eliel, Ernest Issued

L. : John Wiley

3701 Organic chemistry / Morrison, Robert Thornton.

: Prentice Hall of India

3702 Advanced organic chemistry / March, Jerry. : John Wiley

3703 Organic chemistry / Solomons, T. W. Graham. : John


3704 Advanced organic chemistry; Part A / Carey, Francis A.

: New York

3705 Introduction to spectroscopy / Pavia, Donald L.

: Thomson Asia

3706 Organic chemistry / Carey, Francis A. : Tata McGraw-


3707 Vogel's textbook of practical organic chemistry

/ Furniss, Brian S. : Pearson Education

3708 Advanced organic chemistry / March, Jerry. : John Wiley

3709 Organic chemistry / Solomons, T. W. Graham. : John


3710 British pharmacopeia 2005 / British Pharmacopeia

Commissio. : The Stationary Office

3711 "

3712 "

3713 "
3714 British pharmacopeia 2005 / British Pharmacopeia
Commissio. : The Stationary Office

3715 Pharmaceutical biotechnology / Groves, Michael J.

(Ed.). : CRC Press

3716 Thermodynamics of pharmaceutical systems / Connors,

Kenneth A. : John Wiley
3717 Microbe / Schaechter, Moselio. : ASM Press

3718 Immobilized cells / Wijffels, Rene H. (Ed.). : Springer

3719 Process biotechnology fundamentals / Mukhopadhyay, S.

N. : Viva Books

3720 Handbook of biogeneric therapeutic proteins / Niazi,

Sarfaraz K. : CRC Press

3721 Therapeutic peptides and proteins / Banga, Ajay K.

: CRC Press

3722 Stereochemistry of organic compounds / Eliel, Ernest

L. : John Wiley

3723 Bentley and Driver's textbook of pharmaceutical

chemistry / Atherden, L. M. : Oxford University Press

3724 Heterocyclic chemistry / Joule, J. A. : Blackwell


3725 Foye's principles of medicinal chemistry / Williams, Issued

David A. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

3726 Natural products / Zhang, Lixin (Ed.). : Humana Press

3727 Chemical analysis / Rouessac, Francis. : John Wiley Issued

3728 Mastering communication / Stanton, Nicky. : Palgrave


3729 Ansel's pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery

systems / Allen, Loyd V. : Lippincott Williams &

3730 Design and analysis of bioavailability and

bioequivalence studies / Chow, Shein-Chung. : Marcel

3731 Curran's atlas of histopathology / Curran, R. C. Issued

3732 Essentials of organizational behavior / Robbins,

Stephen P. : Prentice-Hall of India

3733 Principles of gene manipulation and genomics

/ Primrose, S. B. : Blackwell Publishing

3734 Introduction to management accounting / Horngren,

Charles T. : Prentice-Hall of India

3735 From bench to pilot plant / Nafissi, Mehdi (Ed.).

: American Chemical Society

3736 Lippincott manual of nursing practice / Nettina,

Sandra M. : Lippincott William & Wilkins
3737 Medical toxicology / Richard C. Dart (Ed.).
: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

3738 Biotechnology / Smith, John E. : Cambridge University


3739 Biotechnology of biopolymers / Steinbuchel, Alexander

(Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3740 "

3741 Pharmaceutical biotechnology / Vyas, S. P. : CBS


3742 Principles and practice of bioanalysis / Venn, Richard

F. (Ed.). : Taylor & Francis

3743 Biotechnological processing steps for enzyme

manufacturing / Tripathi, R. C. (Ed.). : Gene-Tech

3744 Total synthesis of natural products / Young, Michael

C. : John Wiley

3745 Molecular biology of the mycobacteria / McFadden, J.

(Ed.). : Academic Press

3746 Model organisms in drug discovery / Carroll, Pamela M.

(Ed.). : John Wiley

3747 Chemical genomics / Zanders, Edward D. (Ed.). : Humana


3748 Chinese materia medica / Li, Xu. : Donica Publishing

3749 Biodiversity and natural product diversity / Pietra,
Francesco. : Pergamon

3750 Protein stability and folding / Pfeil, Wolfgang.

: Springer-Verlag

3751 Protein stability and folding / Pfeil, Wolfgang.

: Springer-Verlag

3752 Poisonous plants / Frohne, Dietrich. : Manson Publishin

3753 Biochemistry / Metzler, David E. : Academic Press

3754 "

3755 United States pharmacopeia-national formulary USP 29 - Issued

NF 24 / US Pharmacopeial Convention. : US
Pharmacopeial Convention

3756 European pharmacopeia 5.0 / Council of Europe. Issued

: Council of Europe

3757 " Issued

3758 European pharmacopeia 5.1 / Council of Europe.
: Council of Europe

3759 European pharmacopeia 5.2 / Council of Europe.

: Council of Europe

3760 Application of transition metal catalysts in organic

synthesis / Brandsma, L. : Springer

3761 Bioorganomettalics / Jaouen, Gerard (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH

3762 Handbook of carbohydrate engineering / Yarema, Kevin

J. (Ed.). : CRC Press

3763 Handbook of cell signaling / Bradshaw, Ralph A. (Ed.).

: Academic Press

3764 "

3765 "

3766 Organolithiums / Clayden, Jonathan. : Pergamon

3767 Aziridines and epoxides in organic synthesis / Yudin,

Andrei K. (Ed.). : Wiley-VCH
3768 Concepts of genetics / Klug, William S. : Pearson

3769 Enzyme assays / Reymond, Jean-Louis. : Wiley-VCH

3770 Genes VIII / Lewin, Benjamin. : Pearson Education Issued

3771 Good laboratory practice / Seiler, Jurg P. : Springer- Issued


3772 Inorganic chemistry / Holleman, A. F. : Academic Press

3773 Principles of toxicology / Stine, Karen E. : CRC Press

3774 Protein biochemistry and proteomics / Rehm, Hubert.

: Academic Press

3775 Purifying proteins for proteomics / Simpson, Richard Issued

J. (Ed.). : I. K. International

3776 Textbook of biochemistry / Devlin, Thomas M. (Ed.).

: Wiley-Liss

3777 Varley's practical clinical biochemistry / Gowenlock,

Alan. : CBS Publishers

3778 Advances in large-scale biopharmaceutical

manufacturing and scale-up production / Langer, Eric
S. (Ed.). : ASM Press

3779 "
3780 United States pharmacopeia and national formulary USP
29-NF 24 / United States Pharmacopeial Co. : United
States Pharmacopeial Convention

3781 United States pharmacopeia and national formulary

/ United States Pharmacopeial Co. : United States
Pharmacopeial Convention

3782 Introduction to bioinformatics / Attwood, T. K.

: Dorling Kindersley

3783 Biosynthesis and the integration of cell metabolism

/ Open Universiteit & Thames Pol. : Butterworth-

3784 Infrastructure and activities of cells / Open

Universiteit and Thames P. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3785 Functional physiology / Open Universiteit and

Universi. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3786 Techniques used in bioproduct analysis / Open

Universiteit and Universi. : Butterworth-Heinemann

3787 Biotechnology / Crueger, Wulf. : Panima

3788 Biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals / Ho, Rodney J.


3789 Enzymes / Palmer, Trevor. : Affiliated East-West Press

3790 Bioinformatics / Rastogi, S. C. : CBS Publishers

3791 Principles of fermentation technology / Stanbury, P.

F. : Elsevier

3792 Biocatalysis & biodegradation / Wackett, Lawrence P.

: American Society for Microbiology

3793 Instant notes in Microbiology / Nicklin, J. : Viva


3794 Instant notes in bioinformatics / Westhead, D. R.

: Viva Books

3795 Instant notes in Animal biology / Jurd, Richard D.

: Viva Books

3796 Instant notes in biochemistry / Hames, B. D. : Viva


3797 Instant notes in chemistry for biologists / Fisher, J.

: Viva Books

3798 Instant notes developmental biology / Twyman, R. M.

: Viva Books
3799 Instant notes in ecology / Mackenzie, Aulay. : Viva

3800 Instant notes genetics / Winter, P. C. : Viva Books

3801 Instant notes in immunology / Lydyard, P. M. : Viva


3802 Instant notes in medicinal chemistry / Patrick, G.

: Viva Books

3803 Instant notes molecular biology / Turner, P. C. : Viva


3804 Instant notes neuroscience / Longstaff, A. : Viva Books

3805 Instant notes in plant biology / Lack, A. J. : Viva


3806 Advanced process biotechnology / Mukhopadhyay, S. N.

: Viva Books

3807 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 48 / Laskin,

Allen I. (Ed.). : Academic Press

3808 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 49 / Laskin,

Allen I. (Ed.). : Academic Press

3809 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 50 / Blum, Paul

(Ed.). : Academic Press

3810 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 51 / Laskin,

Allen I. (Ed.). : Academic Press

3811 Advances in applied microbiology; vol. 56 / Laskin,

Allen I. (Ed.). : Academic Press

3812 Applications of cell immobilisation biotechnology

/ Nedovic, Viktor (Ed.). : Springer

3813 Bioprocess engineering principles / Doran, Pauline M.

: Elsevier

3814 Bioprocess engineering / Shuler, Michael L. : Dorling


3815 Comprehensive biotechnology; vol. 1-4 / Moo-Young,

Murray (Ed.). : Elsevier

3816 "

3817 "

3818 "

3819 A to Z drug facts / Tatro, David S. (Ed.). : Facts & Issued

3820 Drug interaction facts 2003 / Tatro, David S. : Facts Issued
& Comparisons

3821 Pharmacy law digest / Fink, Joseph L. : Facts & Issued


3822 Ophthalmic drug facts / Bartlett, Jimmy D. (Ed.). Issued

: Facts & Comparisons

3823 Drug facts and comparisons / Burnham, Teri H. (Ed.). Issued

: Facts & Comparisons

3824 Immunofacts / Grabenstein, John D. : Facts & Issued


3825 Patient drug facts / Covington, Timothy R. (Ed.). Issued

: Facts & Comparisons

3826 Nonprescription drug therapy / Covington, Tim R. Issued

(Ed.). : Facts & Comparisosns

3827 American drug index / Billups, Norman F. : Facts & Issued


3828 Managing clinically important drug interactions Issued

/ Hansten, Philip D. : Facts & Comparisons

3829 Integrative nutritional therapies for cancer / Kumar, Issued

Nagi B. : Facts & Comparisons

3830 Guide to popular natural products / DerMarderosian, Issued

Ara (Ed.). : Facts & Comparisons

3831 Drug facts and comparisons / Wickersham, Renee M. Issued

(Ed.). : Facts & Comparisons

3832 Ask the joint commission / Rich, Darryl S. : Facts & Issued

3833 Guide to patient recruitment and retention / Anderson,

Diana L. : Thomson Centerwatch

3834 Becoming a sucessful clinical research investigator

/ Ginsberg, David. : Thomson Centerwatch

3835 Protecting study volunteers in research / Dunn,

Cynthia McGuire. : Thomson Centerwatch

3836 CRA's guide to monitoring clinical research / Woodin,

Karen E. : Thomson Centerwatch

3837 CRC's guide to coordinating clinical research

/ Woodin, Karen E. : Thomson Centerwatch

3838 Science of senses / Chandra, Gopal. : Gopal Chandra

3839 To strive and to soar / Dutt, Devina (Ed.). : Tata Sons

3840 India pharmaceuticals & healthcare report Q2 2006

/ Business Monitor International. : Business Monitor

3841 Flora of India; vol. 1-3 / Sharma, B. D. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3842 "

3843 "

3844 Flora of India; vol. 4 / Hajra, P. K. (ED.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3845 Flora of India; vol. 5 / Singh, N. P. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3846 Flora of India; vol. 12-13 / Hajra, P. K. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3847 "

3848 Fascicles of flora of India / Nayar, M. P. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3849 Fascicles of flora of India / Nayar, M. P. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3850 Fascicles of flora of India / Hajra, P. K. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3851 Fascicles of flora of India / Hajra, P. K. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3852 Taxonomic revision of Hedyotis L. (Rubiaceae) in

Indian sub-continent / Dutta, Ratna. : Botanical
Survey of India

3853 Fascicles of flora of India / Jagtap, A. P.

: Botanical Suvey of India

3854 Flora of Karnataka / Sharma, B. D. : Botanical Survey

of India

3855 Flora of Rajasthan; vol. 1-3 / Shetty, B. V. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3856 "

3857 Flora of Rajasthan; vol. 1-3 / Shetty, B. V. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3858 Flora of Madhya Pradesh; vol. 1 / Verma, D. M. (Ed.).

: Botenical Survey of India
3859 Flora of Madhya Pradesh; vol. 2 / Mudgal, V. (Ed.).
: Botanical Survey of India

3860 Flora of Madhya Pradesh; vol. 3 / Singh, N. P.. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3861 Flora of Maharashtra state; vol. 2 / Singh, N. P.

(Ed.). : Botanical Survey of India

3862 Flora of Sikkim; vol. 1 / Hajra, P. K. : Botanical

Survey of India

3863 Flora of Manipur; vol. 1 / Singh, N. P. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3864 Flora of Jowai and vicinity Meghalaya; vol. 1-2

/ Balakrishnan, N. P. : Botanical Survey of India

3865 "

3866 Flora of Chamoli; vol. 1-2 / Naithani, B. D.

: Botanical Survey of India

3867 "

3868 Red data book of Indian plants; vol. 1 / Nayar, M. P.

(Ed.). : Botanical Survey of India

3869 Red data book of indian plants; vol. 2 / Nayar, M. P.

(Ed.). : Botanical Survey of India

3870 Red data book of indian plants; vol. 3 / Nayar, M. P.

(Ed.). : Botanical Survey of India

3871 Flora of Jammu & Kashmir, vol. 1 / Singh, N. P. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3872 Flora of Mizoram, vol. 1 / Singh, N. P. (Ed.).

: Botanical Survey of India

3873 Floristic diversity and conservation strategies in

India; vol. 1 / Mudgal, V. (Ed.). : Botanical Survey
of India
3874 Floristic diversity and conservation strategies in
India; vol. 2-3 / Mudgal, V. (Ed.). : Botanical Survey
of India

3875 "

3876 Floristic diversity and conservation strategies in

India; vol. 4 / Singh, N. P. (Ed.). : Botanical Survey
of India

3877 Floristic diversity and conservation strategies in

India; vol. 5 / Singh, N. P. (Ed.). : Botanical Survey
of India
3879 Organic chemistry; vol. 1 / Finar, I. L. In-

3880 " In-


3881 " In-


3882 Organic chemistry, vol. 2 / Finar, I. L. : Dorling


3883 "

3884 Problems and solutions in organic chemistry / Finar, In-

I. L.

3885 " In-


3886 " In-


3887 " In-


3888 Advanced organic chemistry / Miller, Bernard.

: Pearson Education

3889 "

3890 "

3891 "

3892 Advanced inorganic chemistry / Cotton. In-


3893 Pharmacology / Rang, H. P. : Elsevier

3894 "

3895 "
3896 Pharmacology / Howland, Richard D. : Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins

3897 "

3898 "

3899 "

3900 Textbook of pharmacology / Seth, S. D. In-

3901 Guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry / Sykes, In-

3902 " In-


3903 " In-


3904 " In-


3905 Waste water engineering treatment and re-use In-

/ Technobanoglous, George.

3906 " In-


3907 " In-


3908 " In-


3909 Bio-statistical analysis / Zar, J. H. In-


3910 " In-


3911 " In-


3912 " In-


3913 " In-


3914 " In-


3915 Biostatistics / Daniel, Wayne W. : Wiley India

3916 "

3917 "

3918 "

3919 "

3920 Basic methods of medical research / Indrayan. In-

3921 " In-

3922 " In-


3923 " In-


3924 " In-


3925 " In-


3926 Biostatistics-how it works / Selvin, Steve. In-


3927 " In-


3928 " In-


3929 " In-


3930 " In-


3931 " In-


3932 Chemistry of the elements / Greenwood, N. N. : Elsevier

3933 "

3934 "

3935 "

3936 Nomenclature of organic and medicinal compounds In-

/ Gupta.

3937 " In-


3938 " In-


3939 " In-


3940 Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry / Williams, In-

D. H.
3941 " In-

3942 " In-


3943 Molecular biology of the cell / Alberts, Bruce. In-


3944 Molecular biology of the cell / Alberts, Bruce. In-


3945 " In-


3946 Chemoinformatics / Gasteiger, Johann. In-


3947 Bioinformatics / Mount, David W. In-


3948 " In-


3949 " In-


3950 Statistical quality control / Grant, Eugene L. : Tata


3951 "

3952 "

3953 "

3954 Consumer Behavior / Hawkins, Del I. : Tata McGraw-Hill

3955 "

3956 "

3957 "

3958 "

3959 Essentials of management / Koontz, Harrold. : Tata


3960 Advertising management / Mohan, Manendra. : Tata


3961 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of operations

management / Monks, Joseph G. : McGraw Hill Book
3962 "

3963 Modern accountancy; vol. 1-2 / Mukherjee, Amitabha.

: Tata McGraw-Hill

3965 Advertising media planning / Kelley, Larry D.

: Prentice-Hall of India

3966 "

3967 Advertising media planning / Kelley, Larry D.

: Prentice-Hall of India

3968 "

3969 "

3970 "

3971 Advertising management / Batra, Rajeev. : Prentice- Issued

Hall of India

3972 "

3973 "

3974 "

3975 "

3976 Basics of distribution and management / Kapoor, Satish

K. : Prentice-Hall of India

3977 "

3978 "

3979 "

3980 "

3981 "

3982 Beyond loyality / Chenet, Pierre. : Prentice-Hall of


3983 "

3984 "

3985 "

3986 "

3987 "
3988 Cases in production / operations management
/ Krishnaswamy, K. N. : Prentice-Hall of India

3989 "

3990 Cases in production / operations management

/ Krishnaswamy, K. N. : Prentice-Hall of India

3991 "

3992 "

3993 "

3994 Engineering economics / Panneerselvam, R. : Prentice-

Hall of India

3995 "

3996 "

3997 "

3998 "

3999 "

4000 Globalization and business / Daniels, John D.

: Prentice-Hall of India

4001 Globalization and business / Daniels, John D.

4002 "

4003 "

4004 "

4005 "

4006 Integrated advertising, promotion and marketing

communications / Clow, Kenneth E.

4007 "

4008 "

4009 "

4010 "

4011 "

4012 Inventory management / Bose, D. Chandra.

4013 "
4014 "

4015 "

4016 "

4017 "

4018 Logistics / Bloomberg, David J.

4019 "

4020 "

4021 "

4022 "

4023 "

4024 Logistics management / Ailawadi, Satish C.

4025 "

4026 Logistics management / Ailawadi, Satish C.

4027 "

4028 "

4029 "

4030 Market-based management / Best, Roger J.

4031 "

4032 "

4033 "

4034 "

4035 "

4036 Marketing channels / Coughlan, Anne T.

4037 "

4038 "

4039 "

4040 "

4041 "

4042 Marketing management / Kotler, Philip.

4043 "

4044 "

4045 "

4046 "

4047 "

4048 Marketing research / Tull, Donald S.

4049 "

4050 "

4051 Marketing research / Tull, Donald S.

4052 "

4053 Operations management / Russell, Roberta S.

4054 "

4055 "

4056 "

4057 "

4058 "

4059 Six week start up / Abrams, Rhonda.

4060 "

4061 "

4062 "

4063 "

4064 "

4065 Statistics for managers / Levine, David M.

4066 "

4067 "

4068 " Issued

4069 "

4070 "
4071 Strategic management / David, Fred R.

4072 "

4073 "

4074 "

4075 "

4076 Strategic management / David, Fred R.

4077 Strategic marketing for non-profit organizations

/ Andreasen, Alan R.

4078 "

4079 "

4080 "

4081 "

4082 "

4083 Superior customer service / Quinn, Michael.

4084 "

4085 "

4086 "

4087 "

4088 "

4089 Supply chain management / Altekar, Rahul V.

4090 "

4091 "

4092 "

4093 "

4094 "

4095 Supply chain management / Chopra, Sunil.

4096 "

4097 "

4098 "
4099 "

4100 "

4101 Complete idiot's guide to assertiveness / Davidson,


4102 "

4103 "

4104 "

4105 "

4106 "

4107 Complete idiot's guide to breaking bad habits

/ LeVert, Suzanne.

4108 "

4109 "

4110 "

4111 "

4112 "

4113 Complete idiot's guide to dynamic selling / Parinello,


4114 "

4115 "

4116 "

4117 "

4118 "

4119 Complete idiot's guide to getting rich / Waschka,


4120 "

4121 "

4122 "

4123 "

4124 Complete idiot's guide to getting rich / Waschka,

4125 Complete idiot's guide to getting the job u want
/ Dorio, Marc.

4126 "

4127 "

4128 "

4129 "

4130 "

4131 Complete idiot's guide to great customer service

/ Karr, Ron.

4132 "

4133 "

4134 "

4135 "

4136 "

4137 Complete idiot's guide to new product development

/ Bobrow, Edwin E.

4138 "

4139 "

4140 "

4141 "

4142 "

4143 Complete idiot's guide to starting a home-based

business / Weltman, Barbara.

4144 "

4145 "

4146 "

4147 Complete idiot's guide to starting a home-based

business / Weltman, Barbara.

4148 "

4149 Complete idiot's guide to winning through negotiation

/ Ilich, John.

4150 "
4151 "

4152 "

4153 "

4154 "

4155 Negotiation handbook / Cleary, Patrick J.

4156 "

4157 "

4158 "

4159 "

4160 "

4161 Successful business plan / Abrams, Rhonda.

4162 "

4163 "

4164 " Issued

4165 "

4166 "

4167 Whole manager / Bolt, Peter.

4168 "

4169 "

4170 "

4171 Whole manager / Bolt, Peter.

4172 "

4173 Total quality management / Suganthi, L.

4174 "

4175 "

4176 "

4177 "

4179 Trade and industry in Japan / Swamy, S. A.

4180 "

4181 "

4182 "

4183 "

4184 "

4185 Understanding services management / Glynn, William J.

4186 "

4187 "

4188 "

4189 "

4190 "

4191 Value leadership / Harris, Michael C.

4192 "

4193 "

4194 "

4195 "

4196 "

4197 What business should i start / Abrams, Rhonda. Issued

4198 "

4199 "

4200 "

4201 "

4202 "

4203 Services marketing / Lovelock, Christopher.

4204 "

4205 Comprehensive biotechnology-4 / Mahesh, S. In-


4206 " In-

4207 " In-

4208 Biotechnology-5 / Sateesh, M. K. In-


4209 " In-


4210 " In-


4211 " In-


4212 Ethical biotechnology / Keru, Maina.

4213 "

4214 "

4215 "

4216 A to Z of DNA science / Witherly, Jeffre L.

4217 "

4218 "

4219 "

4220 Animal biotechnology / Ranga. In-


4221 " In-


4222 Animal biotechnology / Ranga. In-


4223 " In-


4224 Biochemistry / Bansal, Kamlesh.

4225 "

4226 "

4227 "

4228 Bioinformatics / Rastogi, S. C. In-


4229 Biotechnology / Purohit. In-

4230 " In-

4231 " In-


4232 " In-


4233 Microbiology / Yadav. In-


4234 " In-


4235 " In-


4236 " In-


4237 Microbiology / Purohit. In-


4238 " In-


4239 " In-


4240 " In-


4241 Production technology of recombinant therapeutic

proteins / Chakraborty, Chiranjib.

4242 "

4243 "

4244 "

4245 Textbook of bioinformatics / Subramanian. In-


4246 " In-


4247 Textbook of bioinformatics / Subramanian. In-


4248 " In-


4249 Bioprocess engineering principles / Doran, Pauline M. In-

4250 " In-

4251 " In-


4252 Biotechnology / Crueger, Wulf. In-


4253 " In-


4254 Introduction to plant tissue culture / Razdan. M. K.

4255 "

4256 "

4257 "

4258 Biotechnology / Selvin, Joseph (Ed.). In-


4259 " In-


4260 " In-


4261 " In-


4262 Process biotechnology fundamentals / Mukhopadhyay, S. In-


4263 " In-


4264 " In-


4265 Industrial microbiology / Reed Gerald. In-


4266 " In-


4267 " In-


4268 Handbook of practical immunology; vol. 1-2 / Talwar,

G. P. (Ed.).

4269 "

4270 "
4271 Handbook of practical immunology; vol. 1-2 / Talwar,
G. P. (Ed.).

4272 "

4273 "

4274 Biochemical engineering fundamentals / Bailey, James In-


4275 " In-


4276 " In-


4277 Principles of fermentation technology / Stanbury, P. In-


4278 " In-


4279 " In-


4280 Biochemical calculations / Segel, Irwin H.

4281 "

4282 "

4283 "

4284 Textbook of biotechnology / Das, H. K. (Ed.). In-


4285 " In-


4286 " In-


4287 " In-


4288 Lehninger principles of biochemistry / Nelson, David In-

L. (Ed.).

4289 " In-


4290 " In-

4291 Instant notes genetics / Winter, P. C. In-

4292 " In-


4293 Instant notes neuroscience / Longstaff, A. In-


4294 Instant notes neuroscience / Longstaff, A. In-


4295 Instant notes in Microbiology / Nicklin, J. In-


4296 Instant notes in Animal biology / Jurd, Richard D. In-


4297 " In-


4298 Instant notes in immunology / Lydyard, P. M. In-


4299 " In-


4300 Instant notes in chemistry for biologists / Fisher, J. In-


4301 " In-


4302 Instant notes in plant biology / Lack, A. J. In-


4303 " In-


4304 Industrial microbiology / Casida, L. E. In-


4305 " In-


4306 " In-


4307 Textbook of pharmaceutical analysis / Connors,


4308 "

4309 "
4310 Strategic brand management / Keller, Kevin Lane. In-

4311 " In-


4312 " In-


4313 " In-


4314 Product management in India / Majumdar. In-


4315 " In-


4316 " In-


4317 " In-


4318 " In-


4319 Introduction to computational molecular biology In-

/ Setubal, Joao.

4320 " In-


4321 Cell and molecular biology / Sheeler, Phillip. In-


4322 " In-


4323 " In-


4324 Molecular biology of the gene / Watson, James D. In-


4325 " In-


4326 " In-


4327 Advertising / Wells, William. In-


4328 " In-

4329 " In-

4330 " In-


4331 Physical pharmacy / Martin, Alfred. In-


4332 " In-


4333 " In-


4334 " In-


4335 Marketing research / Aaker, David A. In-


4336 System analysis and design / Awad, Elias M. In-


4337 Motion and time study / Barnes, Ralph Mosser. In-


4338 " In-


4339 Bioinformatics computing / Bergeron, Bryan. Issued

4340 Research in education / Best, John W. In-


4341 " In-


4342 World Trade Organisation (WTO) and developing countries In-

/ Bhandari, Surendra.

4343 Modern production / operations management / Buffa,

Elwood S.

4344 "

4345 "

4346 International marketing / Cateora, Philip R. In-


4347 Financial management / Chandra, Prasanna. In-

4348 Projects / Chandra, Prasanna. In-

4349 " In-


4350 Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 1 In-

/ Coulson, J. M.

4351 " In-


4352 " In-


4353 Coulson & Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 2 In-

/ Richardson, J. F.

4354 " In-


4355 " In-


4356 Coulson & Richardson's chemical engineering; col. 5 In-

/ Backhurst, J. R.

4357 " In-


4358 " In-


4359 Coulson & Richardson's chemical engineering; vol. 6 In-

/ Sinnott, R. K.

4360 " In-


4361 " In-


4362 Organic chemistry / Morrison, Robert Thornton.

4363 "

4364 "

4365 Advanced inorganic chemistry / Cotton. In-


4366 Advanced inorganic chemistry / Cotton. In-

4367 Handbook of experimental pharmacology / Kulkarni, S.

4368 "

4369 "

4370 Comprehensive biotechnology - II / Krishna, V. Sree.

4371 "

4372 "

4373 "

4374 Solved examples in chemical engineering / Roy, G. K. In-


4375 " In-


4376 " In-


4377 " In-


4378 Statistics for experimenters / Box, George E. P.

4379 "

4380 "

4381 Introduction to instrumental analysis / Braun, Robert


4382 "

4383 "

4384 "

4385 Name reactions / Li. In-


4386 " In-


4387 " In-


4388 Organic reaction mechanisms / Gallege. In-


4389 " In-

4390 Portfolio management / Kevin, S.

4391 "

4392 "

4393 "

4394 "

4395 "

4396 Understanding and analyzing balance sheets using excel

worksheet / Bodhanwala, Ruzbeh J.

4397 "

4398 "

4399 "

4400 "

4401 "

4402 Behavior in organizations / Greenberg. In-


4403 " In-


4404 Hospital administration and human resource management

/ Goyal, R. C.

4405 "

4406 "

4407 "

4408 "

4409 "

4410 Human resource management in practice / Kandula,

Srinivas R.

4411 "

4412 "

4413 "

4414 Human resource management in practice / Kandula,

Srinivas R.
4415 "

4416 Human resource management / Dessler, Gary.

4417 "

4418 "

4419 "

4420 "

4421 "

4422 Management of organizational behavior / Hersey, Paul.

4423 "

4424 "

4425 "

4426 "

4427 "

4428 Organizational behavior 1 / Miner, John B.

4429 "

4430 "

4431 "

4432 "

4433 "

4434 Organizational behavior / Robbins, Stephen P.

4435 "

4436 "

4437 "

4438 "

4439 Organizational behavior / Robbins, Stephen P.

4440 Organizational dynamics and intervention / Allcorn,


4441 "

4442 "
4443 "

4444 "

4445 "

4446 Principles and practices of organizational performance

excellence / Cartin, T. J.

4447 "

4448 "

4449 "

4450 "

4451 "

4452 Recruitment and selection / McMohan. In-


4453 " In-


4454 " In-


4455 " In-


4456 " In-


4457 " In-


4458 Training for life and leadership in industry

/ McGrath, E. H.

4459 "

4460 "

4461 "

4462 "

4463 Training for life and leadership in industry

/ McGrath, E. H.

4464 Business and information systems / Nickerson, Robert


4465 "

4466 "
4467 "

4468 "

4469 "

4470 Information technology project management / Kelkar. In-


4471 " In-


4472 " In-


4473 " In-


4474 " In-


4475 " In-


4476 Introduction to supply chain management / Handfield,

Robert B.

4477 "

4478 "

4479 "

4480 "

4481 "

4482 Management information systems / Sadagopan. In-


4483 " In-


4484 " In-


4485 " In-


4486 " In-


4487 Management information systems / Sadagopan. In-


4488 Management information systems / Kelkar, S. A.

4489 "

4490 "

4491 "

4492 "

4493 "

4494 Management information systems / Laudon, Kenneth C.

4495 "

4496 "

4497 "

4498 "

4499 "

4500 Basic managerial skills for all / McGrath. In-


4501 " In-


4502 " In-


4503 " In-


4504 " In-


4505 " In-


4506 Building a portfolio / NIIT.

4507 "

4508 "

4509 "

4510 "

4511 "

4512 Business communication / Kaul, Asha.

4513 "
4514 "

4515 "

4516 "

4517 "

4518 Business ethics / Velasquez. In-


4519 " In-


4520 " In-


4521 " In-


4522 " In-


4523 " In-


4524 Business plan in a day / Abrams, Rhonda.

4525 "

4526 "

4527 "

4528 "

4529 "

4530 Business policy and strategic management / Gupta. In-


4531 " In-


4532 " In-


4533 " In-


4534 " In-


4535 " In-


4536 Competing through innovation / Bellon, Bertrand.

4537 Competing through innovation / Bellon, Bertrand.

4538 "

4539 "

4540 "

4541 "

4542 Customer relationship management essentials / Gosney,

John W.

4543 "

4544 "

4545 "

4546 "

4547 "

4548 Developing decision making skills for business In-

/ Simon.

4549 " In-


4550 " In-


4551 " In-


4552 " In-


4553 " In-


4554 Effective project planning and management / Randolph,

W. Alan.

4555 "

4556 "

4557 "

4558 "

4559 Effective training systems, strategies and practices In-

/ Blanchard.
4560 Effective training systems, strategies and practices In-
/ Blanchard.

4561 " In-


4562 " In-


4563 " In-


4564 " In-


4565 Embracing uncertainity / Clampitt, Phillip G.

4566 "

4567 "

4568 "

4569 "

4570 "

4571 Enterpreneurship / Holt. In-


4572 " In-


4573 " In-


4574 " In-


4575 " In-


4576 " In-


4577 Enterpreneurship in action / Coulter, Mary.

4578 "

4579 "

4580 "

4581 "

4582 "
4583 Essentials of enterpreneurship and small business
management / Zimmerer, Thomas W.

4584 Essentials of enterpreneurship and small business

management / Zimmerer, Thomas W.

4585 "

4586 "

4587 "

4588 "

4589 Essentials of strategic management / Hunger, J. David.

4590 "

4591 "

4592 "

4593 "

4594 "

4595 Freedom & order / Kenny, Ivor.

4596 "

4597 "

4598 "

4599 "

4600 "

4601 Fundamentals of enterpreneurship / Mohanty, Sangram


4602 "

4603 "

4604 "

4605 "

4606 "

4607 High quality leadership / Rausch, Erwin.

4608 High quality leadership / Rausch, Erwin.

4609 "
4610 "

4611 "

4612 "

4613 Managerial economics / Maheshwari, Yogesh.

4614 "

4615 "

4616 "

4617 "

4618 "

4619 Managing smart / Milgram. In-


4620 Outsourcing and insourcing in an international context

/ Schniederjans, Marc J.

4621 "

4622 "

4623 "

4624 "

4625 "

4626 Project management for business and technology In-

/ Nicholas.

4627 " In-


4628 " In-


4629 " In-


4630 " In-


4631 " In-


4632 Organizational behavior / Newstrom, John W.

4633 Financial management / Panday, I. M.

4634 Managerial economics / Petersen, H. Craig.

4635 "

4636 Industrial marketing / Reeder, Robert R. In-


4637 Coulson & Richardson's Chemical engineering; vol. 3 In-

/ Richardson, J. F. (Ed.).

4638 " In-


4639 " In-


4640 Human resources management / Saiyadain, Mirza S. In-


4641 Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics; vol. 1-2 In-

/ Satoskar, R. S.

4642 " In-


4643 Operations research / Taha, Hamdey A. In-


4644 " In-


4645 Personnel management and human resources In-

/ Venkataratnam, C. S.

4646 Principles of operations research / Wagner, Harvey M. In-


4647 " In-


4648 " In-


4649 " In-


4650 Alcohol based chemical industry in India / Das, A. K. In-


4651 Stereochemistry / Nassipuri. In-

4652 " In-

4653 " In-


4654 " In-


4655 Modern elementary statistics / Freund, John E.

4656 Modern elementary statistics / Freund, John E.

4657 "

4658 Primer of biostatistics / Glantz, Stanton A.

4659 "

4660 "

4661 Chemoinformatics / Gasteiger, Johann. In-


4662 Molecular modeling / Leach, Andrew R. In-


4663 " In-


4664 " In-


4665 Materials management / Datta, A. K.

4666 "

4667 "

4668 "

4669 "

4670 "

4671 Total quality management / Besterfield, Dale H. In-


4672 " In-


4673 " In-


4674 " In-

4675 Organic spectroscopy / Kemp, William.

4676 "

4677 "

4678 Global marketing management / Keegan, Warren J. In-


4679 " In-


4680 Business policy and strategic management / Kazmi, In-


4681 Business policy and strategic management / Kazmi, In-


4682 Statistics for management / Levin, Richard I. In-


4683 " In-


4684 " In-


4685 " In-


4686 Advanced organic chemistry / March, Jerry. In-


4687 Introduction to spectroscopy / Pavia, Donald L. In-


4688 " In-


4689 " In-


4690 Textbook of medical physiology / Guyton. In-


4691 Textbook of pharmacology / Seth, S. D. In-


4692 Bioinformatics and functional genomics / Pevsner, In-


4693 " In-

4694 Options, futures, and other derivatives / Hull, John

4695 "

4696 "

4697 "

4698 "

4699 Organization development / French, Wendell L.

4700 "

4701 "

4702 "

4703 "

4704 "

4705 Business forecasting / Hanke. In-


4706 " In-


4707 " In-


4708 " In-


4709 " In-


4710 " In-


4711 Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage / Barney,

Jay B.

4712 "

4713 "

4714 "

4715 "

4716 "

4717 International management / Deresky, Helen.

4718 "
4719 "

4720 "

4721 "

4722 "

4723 Introduction to counseling and guidance / Gibson,

Robert L.

4724 "

4725 "

4726 "

4727 "

4728 "

4729 Managing for value / Hamilton. In-


4730 " In-


4731 " In-


4732 " In-


4733 Services marketing / Shankar, Ravi. In-


4734 " In-


4735 Sales management / Still, Richard R. In-


4736 Bioorganic chemistry / Dugas, Hermann.

4737 "

4738 "

4739 "

4740 Intuitive biostatistics / Motulsky, Harvey. In-


4741 " In-

4742 " In-

4743 Consumer behavior / Solomon. In-


4744 " In-


4745 " In-


4746 " In-


4747 " In-


4748 " In-


4749 E-marketing / Strauss, Judy.

4750 "

4751 "

4752 "

4753 "

4754 E-marketing / Strauss, Judy.

4755 Marketing engineering / Lilien, Gary L.

4756 "

4757 "

4758 "

4759 "

4760 "

4761 Retail management / Berman, Barry.

4762 "

4763 "

4764 "

4765 "

4766 Review of medical physiology / Ganong, William F. Issued

4767 "

4768 Information system for modern management / Murdick,

Robert G.

4769 Marketing management / Kotler, Philip. In-


4770 Personnel/human resource management / Decenzo, David In-


4771 Chemical reaction engineering / Levenspiel, Octave.

4772 "

4773 "

4774 Handbook of drug store and business management

/ Gupta, Ashok K.

4775 "

4776 "

4777 "

4778 Handbook of drug store and business management

/ Gupta, Ashok K.

4779 "

4780 Cardiology / Rutherford, John D. (Ed.).

4781 "

4782 "

4783 "

4784 Enhancing access to quality medicines for the In-

underserved / Chaudhury, Ranjit Roy.

4785 " In-


4786 Evidence-based pharmacy / Bond C. In-


4787 Glossary of medicinal plants in ayurveda / Saroya, A. In-


4788 Mcqs in pharmacy practice-Indian / Azzopardi, L. M. In-

4789 " In-

4790 " In-


4791 " In-


4792 Pharmacology for technicians / Ballington, D. A. In-


4793 " In-


4794 Pharmacy practice / Stone, Patricia. In-


4795 " In-


4796 Pharmacy practice for technicians / Ballington, D. A. In-


4797 " In-


4798 " In-


4799 " In-


4800 Swamy's compilation of the medical attendance rules

/ Muthuswamy.
4802 Swamy's list of medicines (admissible and inadmissible)
/ Muthuswamy.

4803 Textbook of pharmaceutical medicine / Griffin, John P.

4804 "

4805 "

4806 "

4807 Validation instruments for community pharmacy

/ Azzopardi, Lilian M.

4808 "

4809 Textbook of pharmacology and toxicology / Kale, S. R. In-


4810 " In-

4811 " In-

4812 " In-


4813 textbook of forensic pharmacy / Jain, N. K. In-


4814 " In-


4815 " In-


4816 " In-


4817 Textbook of inorganic medicinal chemistry / Pandeya,

Surendra Nath.

4818 "

4819 "

4820 "

4821 Textbook of medicinal chemistry; vol. 1 / Pandeya,

Surendra Nath.

4822 "

4823 "

4824 "

4825 Textbook of medicinal chemistry; vol. 2 / Pandeya,

Surendra Nath.

4826 "

4827 "

4828 "

4829 Advanced practical medicinal chemistry / Kar, A. In-


4830 " In-


4831 " In-


4832 " In-

4833 Textbook of pharmaceutical organic chemistry, vol. 1
/ Pandeya, Surendra Nath.

4834 "

4835 "

4836 "

4841 Applied biocatalysis in pharmaceuticals / Kothari,

Vivek (Ed.).

4842 "

4843 "

4844 "

4845 Chemical reaction engineering I / Gavhane, K. A.

4846 "

4847 "

4848 "

4849 handbook of pharmaceutical technology / Ghosh, L. K. In-


4850 " In-


4851 " In-


4852 " In-


4853 Health Education and community pharmacy / Bhise, S. B.

4854 "

4855 "

4856 "

4857 Health Education and community pharmacy / Jain, N. K. In-


4858 " In-


4859 " In-


4860 " In-

4861 Hospital and clinical pharmacy / Paradkar, A. R. In-

4862 " In-


4863 " In-


4864 "

4865 Intermediates for organic synthesis / Ahluwalia, V. K.

4866 "

4867 "

4868 "

4869 Introduction to pharmaceutical engineering / Paradkar, In-

A. R.

4870 " In-


4871 " In-


4872 " In-


4873 Osteoporosis in focus / Ferguson, Niall.

4874 "

4875 "

4876 "

4877 Pharmaceutical analysis, vol. 1 / Kamboj, P. C.

4878 Pharmaceutical analysis, vol. 1 / Kamboj, P. C.

4879 "

4880 "

4881 Pharmaceutical analysis; vol. 1 / Kasture, A. V.

4882 "

4883 "

4884 Pharmaceutical analysis; vol. 2 / Kasture, A. V.

4885 "

4886 "

4887 Pharmaceutical biotechnology / Kori, S. S.

4888 "

4889 "

4890 Pharmaceutical chemistry vol.1 / Chaudhry, N. C. In-


4891 " In-


4892 " In-


4893 Pharmaceutical chemistry, vol. 1 / Kasture, A. V. In-


4894 Pharmaceutical chemistry-II / Kasture, A. V.

4895 "

4896 "

4897 "

4898 Pharmaceutical dispensing / Nand, Pratibha.

4899 "

4900 "

4901 Pharmaceuticals and drugs technology with fomulations

/ EIRI Board of Consultants & En.

4902 "

4903 Pharmaceuticals and drugs technology with fomulations

/ EIRI Board of Consultants & En.

4904 "

4905 Pharmacognosy / Kokate, C. K. In-


4906 " In-


4907 " In-


4908 " In-

4909 Pharmacology for undergraduates / Agarwal, S. L. In-

4910 " In-


4911 " In-


4912 " In-


4913 Pharmacology laboratory manual, vol. 1 / Singhal, K.


4914 "

4915 "

4916 "

4917 Pharmacology laboratory manual, vol. 2 / Singhal, K.


4918 "

4919 "

4920 "

4921 Pharmacotherapy of heart failure / Gupta, S. K. (Ed.).

4922 "

4923 "

4924 "

4925 Practical pharmaceutical chemistry / Singh, Harkishan.

4926 "

4927 Practical pharmaceutical chemistry / Singh, Harkishan.

4928 "

4929 Role of biotechnology in medicinal and aromatic plants

- 11 / Khan, Irfan Ali (Ed.).

4930 "

4931 "

4932 Textbook of industrial pharmacognosy / Kalia, A. N.

4933 "
4934 "

4935 "

4936 Textbook of medical biochemistry / Chatterjea, M. N.

4937 "

4938 "

4939 "

4940 Textbook of pharmacognosy / Handa, S. S. In-


4941 " In-


4942 " In-


4943 " In-


4944 Textbook of pharmaceutical chemistry; vol. 1 / Ali, M. In-


4945 " In-


4946 " In-


4947 " In-


4948 Tribal health and medicines / Kalla, A. K. (Ed.).

4949 "

4950 "

4951 "

4952 What everyone should know about patents / Subbaram, N.


4953 "

4954 "

4955 "

4956 Pharmaceutical biotechnology / Sambamurthy, K.

4957 "
4958 "

4959 "

4960 Pharmaceutical engineering / Sambamurthy, K.

4961 "

4962 "

4993 Practical organic chemistry / Mann, F. G.

4994 "

4995 "

4996 "

5007 Concise inorganic chemistry / Lee, J. D.

5008 "

5009 "

5010 "

5011 Fundamentals of analytical chemistry / Skoog, Douglas


5012 "

5013 "

5014 "

5026 Encyclopaedia of Indian medicine; vol. 1 / Rao, S. K.


5027 Encyclopaedia of Indian medicine; vol. 2 / Rao, S. K.


5028 Encyclopaedia of Indian medicine; vol. 3 / Rao, S. K.


5029 Encyclopaedia of Indian medicine; vol. 4 / Sudarshan,

S. R.

5030 Encyclopaedia of Indian medicine; vol. 5 / Sudarshan,

S. R.

5031 Encyclopaedia of Indian medicine; vol. 6 / Sudarshan,

S. R.

5032 Ayurvedic drugs and their plant sources / Sivarajan,

V. V.
5033 Introduction to the principles of plant taxonomy
/ Sivarajan, V. V.

5034 The Legacy of caraka / Valiathan, M. S.

5035 Ancient Indian medicine / Kutumbiah, P.

5036 Inorganic chemistry / Huheey, James E.

5037 "

5038 "

5039 "

5040 Molecular cell biology / Lodish, Harvey.

5041 "

5042 "

NIPER Library, SAS Nagar: Books added during 2007-08

S. No. Title Author

1. 200 and more NMR experiments Stefan Berger
2. 360 Degree Feedback And Performance T V Rao
Management System: Volume One
3. 360 Degree Feedback And Performance T V Rao
Management System: Volume Two
4. Active pharmaceutical ingredients Stanley H. Nusim
5. Analysis of drug impurities Richard J. Smith
6. Anti Aids Drugs of Ayurveda
7. Anti Leucorrhoeal drugs of Ayurveda
8. Anticancer Herbal Drugs
9. Asian digital libraries Springer
10. Astanga Sangraha 3 Vols

11. Ayurveda & Diabetic Disorders

12. Ayurveda for Child Care

13. Ayurveda Herbs

14. Ayurveda Minerals

15. Ayurvedic Chiktsa

16. Ayurvedic treatment of Diseases- Kayachiktsa

17. Biocatalysis: from discovery to application W. D. Fessner




21. Blink Gladwell , Malcolm

22. Bone tissue engineering J. O. Hollinger

23. British Pharmacopoeia 2008

24. Business Communication Today, 7/e Bovee

25. Business Communication: Concepts, Cases and Chaturvedi

26. Business Environment Raj Agarwal

27. Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective P.S. Bajaj

28. Business Law S S Gulshan

29. Business Process Reengineering & Change B.R. dey

30. Capitalism at the Crossroads: The Unlimited Hart
Business Opportunities in Solving the
World’s Most Difficult Problems

31. Caraka Samhita 5 vols.

32. Cardiac drug development guide

33. Case Method in Management Education Upinder Dhar

34. Cases In Marketing Management: Content K.A. Saaeed

Development Group
35. Chemical calculations Paul Yates

36. Chemical process research Abdel-Magid

37. Colloquies on the Simple Drugs of India

38. Competitive Strategy Techniques For Porter Michael E

Analyzing Industries & Competitors

39. Comprehensive Glycoscience; vol. 1-4 J. P. Kamerling

40. Comprehensive intellectual capital Nermien Al-Ali

41. Computational genetics and genomics Gary Peltz
42. Computational toxicology Sean Ekins

43. Concepts in Strategic Management and Wheelen

Business Policy, 9/e
44. Creating Customer-Driven Quality Akhilesh N Singh

45. Creating Regional Wealth in the Innovation Saperstein

Economy: Models, Perspectives, and Best

46. Crystallography made crystal clear Gale Rhodes

47. Data analysis for chemists David Livingstone

48. Design of analysis of cross-over trials, 2nd B. Jones

49. Diagnosis & treatment of Svasa

50. Diagnostic and therapeutic antibodies Andrew J. T. George

51. Digital libraries in knowledge processing M. G. Shreekumar

52. Drug bioavailability Han Van de Waterbeemd

53. Drug discovery & development Rang

54. Drug discovery & development, vol. 2 Chorghade

55. Drug discovery and development Mukund S. Chorghade



57. Drug discovery handbook Gad

58. Economic Environment of India Raj Agarwal

59. Encyclopedia of Intellectual Property Anil K. Jamwal

Rights, vol. 1-10

60. Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology, James Swarbrick

vol. 1-6, 3rd ed.

61. Enzymes and their inhibition H. John Smith

62. Enzymes in industry Wolfgang Aehle

63. Epidemiology: study design and data M. Woodward

analysis, 2nd ed.

64. Essential Bioinformatics Jin Xiong

65. Ethics and the Conduct of Business, 4/e Boatright

66. Experience India Times Group


68. Failsafe Strategies: Profit and Grow from Chatterjee
Risks that Others Avoid
69. Financial Statement Analysis, 2/e Foster

70. Foundations of Ethics in Management Bani P. Banerjee

71. Fragment based approaches in drug discovery W. Jahnke

72. Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Kalakota

73. Functional informatics in drug discovery Ilyin

74. Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, Hull

75. Future directions in biocatalysis Tomoko Matsuda

76. Game Theory with Economic Application, 2/e Bierman

77. Games Indians Play: Why We Are the Way We V. Raghunathan


78. Greene's protective groups in organic Theodora W. Greene

synthesis; 4th ed.

79. Guide to yeast genetics & Molecular & Cell Guthrie

biology; Part A

80. Guide to yeast genetics & Molecular & Cell Guthrie

biology; Part B

81. Hamdard Phamacopia of Eastern Medicine

82. Handbook of bioequivalence testing Sarfaraz K. Niazi

83. Handbook of industrial biocatalysis Ching T. Hou

84. Handbook of pharmaceutical excepients, 5th Rowe

85. Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing Sarfaraz K. Niazi
formulations, vol. 1-6


87. High-resolution NMR techniques in organic T.D.W. Claridge

88. HPLC: a practical user's guide, 2nd ed. MCMASTER

89. Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power Within A P J Abdul Kalam

90. Immunoinformatics Darren Flower

91. Immunology handbook Cruse

92. India: From Midnight to the Millennium and Shashi Tharoor



94. Indian Pharmacopia 2007 Indian Pharmacopeia

95. Industrial enzymes Julio Polaina

96. Innovative India: Insights for the Thinking Radhika Chadha


97. Interleukin Protocols Andrew Bowie

98. International Business, 3/e Rugman

99. Introduction to Financial Accounting, 8/e Horngren

100. Introduction to randomized controlled John N. S. Mathews

clinical trials, 2nd ed.

101. Knowledge discovery in bioinformatics Yi Pan

102. Kuby's immunology, 6th ed. Jenis Kuby


104. Let’s kill Gandhi Tushar Gandhi

105. Library Management in Electronic Environment Krishan Kumar

106. Madhav Nidana

107. Making sense of data Glenn J. Myatt

108. Malaria methods and protocols Denise L. Doolan

109. Management Accounting, 4/e:Atkinson Atkinson

110. Management Communication: A Case Analysis O' Rourke

Approach, 2/e
111. Managing Project Risk Chong

112. Marketing as Strategy: Understanding the Nirmalya Kumar

CEO's Agenda for Driving Growth and
113. Mass spectrometry in medicinal chemistry Mannhold
114. Measuring quality: performance measurement Roswitha Poll
in libraries


116. Medicinal chemistry of bioactive natural Xiao-Tian Liang

117. Medicinal plants in tropical countries Mueller

118. Medicinal plants of Asia and the Pacific Wiart

119. Modeling and simulation Ullmann's

120. Mycobacterium tuberculosis protocols Neil G.

121. Nan: A Six Sigma Mystery Barry

122. Nan’s Arsonist: A Six Sigma Mystery Barry

123. Nanotechnologies for life sciences, vol. 1- Kumar

124. Nanotechnology in catalysis Zhou

125. Nitric oxide Bruno Tota

126. One Night @ the Call Center Chetan Bhagat

127. Oral lipid-based formulations David J. Hauss

128. Organic reactions in water U Marcus Lindstrom

129. Organic synthesis, strategy & control Wyatt

130. Organizational Change And Development Kavita Singh

131. Panchkarma Treatment of Ayurveda

132. Performance Measurement And Management G K Suri

133. Pharmaceutical applications of biocatalysis R. C. Tripathi

134. Pharmaceutical isothermal calorimetry Simon Gaisford

135. Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling and Peter L. Bonate


136. Pharmacology primer, 2nd ed. Kenakin

137. Pharmacometrics Ette

138. Pharmacopeal Stan. Of Herbal Plants 2 vols

139. Pharmacovigilance Mann

140. Piles Care & Treatment in Ayurveda

141. Planning, Performing, and Controlling Angus

Projects, 3/e
142. Polymer synthesis & characterization Stanley Sandler

143. Polysaccharides in medicinal applications Dumitriu

144. Practical Project Management Ghattas

145. Principles of Managerial Finance, 10/e Gitman

146. Principles of organic synthesis, 3rd ed. Thornes

147. Principles of pharmacology Golan

148. Principles of tissue engineering, 3rd ed. Robert Lanza

149. Procedures and techniques in intensive care Irwin, S. R.

medicine, 4th ed.

150. Protein misfolding and disease Peter Bross

151. Protein NMR spectroscopy, 2nd ed. John Cavanagh

152. Public Finance and the Price System, 4/E Browning

153. QSAR and molecular modeling studies in R.R. Gupta

heterocyclic drugs II


155. Research and development in the chemical and Bamfield

pharmaceutical industry

156. Research Methodology D. K. Bhattacharya

157. Research Methods for Business Students, 3/e Saunders

158. Ruthless Execution: What Business Leaders Do Hartman

When Their Companies Hit the Wall
159. Shantaram Gregory David Roberts

160. Short protocols in pharmacology & drug Erma


161. Skin Care & Cure in Ayurveda

162. Smart Luck: And the Seven Other Qualities of Davidson

Successful Entrepreneurs, 2/e: Davidson
163. Smart polymers, 2nd ed. Igor Galav

164. Special Libraries in the Electronic S.P. Singh

165. Starting Something: An Entrepreneurs Tale of McVicker
Control, Confrontation Corporate Culture
166. Takeovers, Restructuring, and Corporate Weston
Governance, 4/e
167. Taylor's 10-minute diagnosis manual, 2nd ed. Paulman, M.

168. Technology transfer Neil F. Sullivan

169. The 22 Immutable Laws Of Branding Al Ries

170. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Prahalad

Eradicating :Poverty through Profits

172. The High Performance Entrepreneur: Golden Subroto Bagchi

Rules for Success in Today's World

173. The Kite Runner Khalid Hosseini

174. The Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri

175. The Penguin book of modern Indian speeches Batabyal Rakesh

176. The Penguin Yearbook 2008 Derek O`Brien

177. The Ranbaxy Story: The Rise of an Indian Bhupesh Bhandari


178. The Secrets of Economic Indicators: Hidden Baumohl

Clues to Future Economic Trends and
Investment Opportunities

179. Toxicokinetics and risk assessment John C. Lipscomb


181. Train to Pakistan Khushwant Singh


183. Tribal wisdom on Medicinal Plants

184. Turnaround Exellence: Six Studies of Sunil Maheshwari

Corporate Renewal

185. Uncommon Plant Drugs of Ayurveda

186. Unit operations and unit processes, vol. 1-2 Narayanan

187. United States Pharmacopoeia 2008

188. Vaccine adjuvants Derel T. O' Hogan

189. Washington manual of medical therapeutics, Cooper, D. H.

190. Wealth of Indian Alchemy 2 vols.

191. World Class in India: A Casebook of Sudeep Budhiraja

Companies in Transformation


193. World Trade and Payments: An Introduction, Caves

194. World trade organization P. K. Vasudeva

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