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Dear Madam/ Sir,

I wish to introduce myself as IV semester student of CMR

Institute of Management studies (Autonomous). As a part of my academic
requirement I am conducting a research study on “Investors perception towards
protection plan with specific reference to HDFC STANDARD LIFE
INSURANCE”. I kindly request you to be a part of my research by filling up
the questionnaire.


1. What Protection plans of HDFC STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE you

are aware of?

Term Assurance Plan Premium Guarantee Plan

Loan Cover Term Assurance Plan Home Loan Protection Plan

2. Why have you preferred the above stated scheme?

Securing Uncertainty Services Tax Benefit

Protection Benefits Others

3. What do you value the most in the company providing Protection plan?

Service Security Value of money Accessibility

4. Which other plans in HDFC LIFE INSURANCE do you like most?

Children’s Plan Health Plan Retirement Plan

Saving & Investment Plans
5. What do you prefer in the Protection plan?

Investment Income Financial Independence

6. Do you feel it is important to invest in a Protection plan?

Yes No can’t say

7. What provision of your income do you invest in Protection plan?

Less than or equal to 5%

Greater than 5% but Less than or equal to10 %
Greater than 10% but Less than or equal to15 %

8. Which mode of payment would you prefer?

Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Annually

9. What influence you to buy the Protection Plan?

Advertising Sales person Family Friends

10.Would you believe your Protection plan give you committed value at the
End of the term?

Yes No

11.Where should your Protection plan be invested?

100%equity 100%in government security

50% in equity & 50% in govt security
12.Your view on performance of Protection plan of HDFC STANDARD

Excellent Good Average Poor

13.How satisfied you are with the return on investment?

Very much satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied

14.Personal Details:




OCCUPATION: Private employee Government employee

Self employed Others

MONTHLY INCOME: Less than or equal to 20000

Greater than 20000 but Less than or equal to 30000

Greater than 30000 but Less than or equal to 40000

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