BEOWULF Assignment-1

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Beowulf assignment—due Friday, February 25

Choose ONE of the following options for an individual project on the
story “Beowulf.”
Choosing the “B” path does not guarantee you a B. Likewise, choosing
the “A” path is not a straight shot to an A. You must complete the
project to the best of your ability, budgeting your time and supplies to
complete the assignment by Friday.

B grade: Choose a specific scene from Beowulf to
illustrate. Include the passage on your picture.
A grade: Make a comic strip of a scene from Beowulf,
including dialogue and pictures. Follow the plot triangle
(your comic strip must have a beginning, middle and end) to
ensure that your scene makes sense.

2. RESUME A resume is a document presented to a

potential employer when looking for work. Typical resumes
include name, what schools attended, experiences, statistics,
personal history, jobs qualified for and jobs applied for, et
B Grade: Create a resume for Beowulf.
A Grade: Create a resume for Beowulf and one or more
other character(s) in the book.

3. NEWSPAPER Create the front page of a newspaper with at

least one story dealing with the events in Beowulf.
B Grade: One or more articles, masthead, picture
A Grade: 2+ articles, masthead, pictures, table of
contents, OEE (price, editorials, comics, etc.)


4. SCRAPBOOK PAGE Compile a scrapbook page that Beowulf,

Hrothgar, Grendel, or Grendel’s mother might have kept.
Suggested items to include might be pictures, snapshots,
newspaper clippings, captions, diagrams, certificates, et
B Grade: One scrapbook page
A Grade: Two or more pages

5. COLLAGE Create a collage of images and quotes from the

story that demonstrates the story’s message. Include an
explanation for each image/quote from the story, and tell why
you included it.
B Grade: An awesome 1-page collage
A Grade: A fantastic collage, with no white space,
edited quotes and explanations, and many

B Grade: 32-34
A Grade: 35-40

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