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Buy Acai Berry ?

Why you should consider to buy acai berry

Buy Acai Berry

 Fruit grows on
Acai Berry palm trees
 Genus of palm trees
originated in tropical
Central and South
 Primarily found in the
Amazon Rainforest in
Buy Acai Berry
 Small, round drupe
(~1 in in diameter)
 Dark purple color
 Grows on branches in
 2 crops are produced
per year
 Seed makes up about
80% of fruit
Buy Acai Berry

 Traditionally consumed by Amazonian populations as a

major food source
 Juice and pulp of fruit often used in beverages, such as
sodas, smoothies, and wines
 Leaves used to make hats, mats, baskets, and brooms
 Seeds used to make jewelry
Buy Acai Berry

 Pulp also used developed for facial

application as anti-aging treatment
 Fruit and pulp traditionally used to treat
gastrointestinal problems
 Currently being tested as a dyeing or
contrasting agent in preparation of MRI
scans of the gastrointestinal tract
 Anti-inflammatory
Acai Berry Benefits

 Support Immune  Promote healthy skin

System and hair
 Increase energy,  Improves digestive
libido, and stamina function
 Anti-inflammatory  Helps maintain
agent healthy heart function
 Alleviates diabetes  Slows down aging
 Detoxifies body process
 Improves circulation  Fights cancer?
Acai Berry Benefits

 Acting as an
Acai Berry fights off
cellular mutation,
which causes wrinkles
 Anthocyanins prevent
oxidants from causing
connective tissue
Acai Berry Benefits
 Flavanoids combat
inflammation and
also act as astringent
to tone skin
 Omega-6 and
Omega-9 fatty acids
aid in cell contraction
and regeneration
 Phytosterols
preserve collagen
Acai Berry Diet
 Fruit contains one of the
highest levels of
anthocyanins of any
known edible fruit (10x
the amount of grapes)
 These anthocyanins,
which give the fruit its
deep purple color, are
powerful antioxidants
 Antioxidants reduce free
Acai Berry Diet

 Rich in Vitamins…
 Vitamin A
 Vitamin B1
 Vitamin E
 …and Amino acids
 Glutamic Acid
 Aspartic Acid
Buy Acai Berry

 Great source of dietary fiber

 Helps food move through digestive system
 High monounsaturated fat content
 Oleic acid helps Omega 3 fatty acids
penetrate cell membranes
 Acai Berry enables several chemical
reactions in the body to work more efficiently
Acai Berry Diet

 Contains plant sterols (phytosterols) that help

lower cholesterol, maintain heart health, and
maintain digestive function
Buy Acai Berry

 The results of study at the University of

Florida in Gainsville give evidence that A
cai Berry may fight cancerous cells
 The study looked at the effects of the
polyphenolics present in the fruit on HL-
60 human leukemia cells
 Anthocyanins with polyphenolics were
compared to those without polyphenolics.
Buy Acai Berry

 Polyphenolic fractions reduced leukemia

cell proliferation by 56-86%.
 Polyphenolics with Anthocyanin did not
have additional affect.
 This reduction in cell proliferation is most-
likely due to the activation of caspase-3,
which causes apoptosis.
Where to Buy Acai Berry

 If you want to buy Acai…

 It is not usually found in local supermarkets
 However, there are several sources on the
internet for the purchasing this “superfood”
Click the link below to

Buy Acai Berry


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