Camp Agape Logo

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Have you ever wondered about the Camp Agape logo?

It was designed by Andy Jordan

as more than an image. It is a discipleship tool. Let us explain.

The colors used are red, yellow, and blue. These three colors are known as the primary
colors. All colors are created from them. We believe in the one True God known as the
Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is primary to everything we do. He
created all that is from nothing. He is where we start.

Matthew 4:19 records the following account of Jesus, the Son, calling some of His
disciples, “And He said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.’” This verse
serves as a focusing verse for the ministry. We are called by our Savior to not only follow
Him but also allow Him to make us so that we draw others to Him. This is what the fish,
known as an Ichthys, reminds us of.

The cross or hook, depending on how you first look at it, represents how this process
of following and allowing Jesus to make us happens. Notice there is an f at the top. This
indicates that we must come to the cross by faith. Faith in what you may ask. Well the J at
the bottom reminds us that it is faith in Jesus with whom we must be crucified so that He
may live in us. When we have this kind of faith, He will take us outside of the box so that He
might catch others for Himself.

How about you? Are you starting with the one true God? Do you have faith in Jesus?
Have you been crucified with Christ so that it is no longer you but Christ who lives in you?
Have you surrendered your self so that He can take you outside of your comfort box to be a
witness for Him? You were created to be more than just the image of God. You were created
to be His tool to go and make disciples.

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