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The Dew of the Light

9 day workshop with Suprapto Suryadarma


“The dew of the light in environment sound constellation

This 9 day residential workshop with Suprapto Suryadarma takes place in and
around St Davids, in West Wales, from Saturday 11 June til Sunday 19th June.

St Davids, named after the Patron Saint of Wales is one of the smallest cities
in the UK, surrounded by wild hills and rolling coastline. Come and move with
us on the cliff tops in the midsummer twilight as the waves crash below us.
Time to awaken our senses, feel the atmosphere. Moving in sacred and
ancient places, re-membering who we are and were we come from. Reconnect
with our own story and everything that has made us who we are today.

The workshop costs £520, including 8 nights accommodation, mainly in

shared rooms; room hire for indoor working sometimes; meals for 9 days;
Prapto’s fee and some transport costs. It may also be possible to come just
for the first four days. Contact:

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