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Background for workshop and assignments;

2020 Nearly Zero Energy Buildings according to the Swedish Energy Agency

This is what the Swedish Energy Agency states as a "nearly zero" energy building concept. The
energy prestanda regards;

Use of bought energy yearly during a buildings lifetime, embodied energy is not adressed. The use of
energy should be mainly renewable local energy, district heating and electricity will be classified as
local , but they will have diffrent classifications on what is regarded as renewable.

Bought energy; energy for heating, energy for hotwater use, energy for electricity for the building.
Nothing else, the household electricity is not involved.

And the levels could be for a dwelling;

15 kWh/sqm, year Heating demand (= Passive House use maximum 10 W/sqm)

25 kWh/sqm, year Hot water
15 kWh/sqm, year Realestate electricity (for pumps, HVAC, elevators, lighting staircases)
55 kWh
IN SHORT U-value, just to know what it is! During the 1 december, you will have to
find out how thick your wall needs to be, depending on material. You will have help.

U-value describe the overall thermal conductivity of a building element. Its defined in
different ways depending on in different areas of the world. In Europe; W/(m²K) For exampel
a window of 1 W/(m²K) will conduct 40 W when the outside temperature is -20 C and inside
temperature is + 20 C. (W = energy/second).

20 - - 20 = 40 W

Thus the driving force is the temperature difference.

R-value is thermal resistance of the building element. ? is the material property and R =
thickness/ ?.

U is the inverse of R with SI units of W/(m²K) U = 1/R

There are different ways to calculate a U-value of a homogenus wall and a multilayered wall.

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