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Today teenagers have more stressful live tan previous generations. Discuss this

view and give your opinion.

To be teen is a difficult time for anyone. Teenagers have to face with a lot of new

experiences of their lives. Teenagers begin to deal with be responsible for their

acts, to be accepted by their peers, to be competitive in school, to be sexual active,

to deal with changes in their bodies. Definitely is time of significant changes in their

mind and body.

Teenagers not only have to deal with a lot changes afore mentioned, but also have

to deal with violence that has not improved lately. For instance, go to a parties

friends have became big problem for them, the violence of teenager groups have

increased tremendously. Now is common see in the news such as, rapes, cars

accidents, fighting among teenagers. Kidnapping is another problem that they have

to face when they want to share time with friends because teenager is becoming

the prefer easy target for kidnappers in nowadays. Three friends of mine sons

have been kidnapped in the last year, there were all teenagers. Violence have not

appears only in the street, it is also in the schools the number of assault with gun

reported in school has increased dramatically in the last 10 years. Some

psychologist has explained this increased of violence school as a consequence of

lacking of good share time with parents during their childhood.

Definitely be teenager today is more stressful than ever. They have the dilemma

between be independent but at the same time still need to be dependable from


parent because of the violence outside of home. That situation create great stress

among them, because meet with friends is a essencial no matter dangerous is

today. So they necessarily work with parents to be more safety their activities but

no necessarily less stressful.

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