Daisy!: Cast + Crew Pack

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Version: 15 March 2011

Please can all cast and crew print and retain this.
Also keep and eye on updates on the club website.

A more up to date version of this awesome PDF will appear soon with
more awesome goodies.

Props List
Rehearsal Schedule
Props List
* = For attention of costume. If actors can provide, thats great.
Italics = Actors responsibility to get and look after, production team can get if actor cannot
Green = Already owned but more welcome
Red = To be bought by Producers, but will be responsibility during show of cast using it
Bold = Made/for attnt of or operated by Stage team c/o Greg Barton
When more than one is used—mix the two! I-E, Comic will be bought by production team
and then actor is responsible for it.

Act 1
Dressing Gown* Daisy, Sybil + Monica Desks & Seats Classroom
Luggage Daisy Poetry Books Classroom
Package Mother (one side clean, one side with Classroom
writing on)

Luggage Girl/Mistresses Equip for above/Chalk Classroom

Comic Classroom Daisy’s Textbook Daisy/Classroom
Rubber Frog Monica Hairbrush Sybil
Hockey Sticks Clare and Alice Bag of Buns Monica
Black hooded cloaks* Trixie + Daisy Torch Trickie
Essay Books Ms Gibson/Classroom

Act 2

Sock & Darning needle Daisy Notebook/Pencil Mr Scoblowski

Pen & Paper Trixie Hockey Sticks Alice, Claire
Bag of buns (again) Monica Torch Mr Thompson
Treasure Stage Geography Book Monica
(behind secret panel)

Dressing gown (again)* Monica Comic Monica

Dressing Gown (again)* Sybil Astronomy book Sybil
Hot water bottles Girls Pencil + paper Daisy
Pocket dictionary Daisy Papers Ms Gibson
Hockey sticks Daisy Hockey ball Daisy
Crutches Trixie
Diary or Dairy
Every Wednesday at 7pm

9th March
block 1 – 10; learn Jerusalem All

16th March
Run 1 – 10; block 11 – 22; Learn The Ash Grove All

23rd March
Block p.23 – 33 Daisy, Trixie, Alice , Clare, Belinda,
Mr Scoblowski, Monica, Sybil, Mademoiselle, Miss Gibson, 2nd
form girls (i.e. 12 and under)

30th March
Run to p.33 All (Matt or Terry to run?)

6th April
Block p. 33 - 47 All

13th April
Learn song; Run to p.47 – Block 47 - 51 All

20th April
Run play All

27th April
Costume call
Run Act 1 (books down) All

4th May
Run Act 2 (books down) All

11th May
Act 1 All

18th May
Act 2 All

25th May
Run All

1st June
Skills workshop All

8th June
Run All

15th June
Run All

22nd June
Run All

29th June
Dress run All

6th July
Dress rehearsal All

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