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STI: Syphilis

By: Jeovanna Rios, Celyna Lujan, and Marissa

What is Syphilis?
 Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection
caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum
 It has usually been called “the great imitator”
because many of the signs and symptoms are the
same as other diseases.
How do you get syphilis?
 Sores occur mainly on the
external genitals, vagina,
 Syphilis is passed from
anus, or in the rectum.
person to person Sores also can occur on the
through direct contact lips and in the mouth.
with a syphilis sore. Transmission of the
organism occurs during
vaginal, anal, or oral sex
What are the Symptoms?
Hi my
 Three Stages: names

› Primary:
› Marked by the appearance of a single sore called
chancre, but multiple sores can still occur.
› The chancre is round, firm and usually painless, and
appears where syphilis was entered through the body
› Lasts 6-8 weeks if treated; however if no treatment is
given it proceeds to the secondary stage

› Secondary stage:
› Itch-less skin rashes start characterizing during this
› Rash of secondary syphilis may appear as rough, red,
or reddish brown spots both on the palms of the hands
and the bottoms of the feet
› However sometimes symptoms are rarely noticeable

› symptoms of secondary syphilis may include fever,

swollen lymph glands, sore throat, patchy hair loss,
headaches, weight loss, muscle aches, and fatigue
› Possible, but rarely healed without treatment
› If syphilis is still present, the disease worsens and
progresses to the next stage
Syphilis is treatable
 Syphilis is easy to cure in the first stages with an
injection of penicillin

 However if syphilis goes untreated and unhealed,

it could become very damaging to your health
How can Syphilis be prevented?
 The surest way to avoid transmission of sexually
transmitted diseases, including syphilis, is to
abstain from sexual contact
 Avoiding alcohol and drug use may also help
prevent transmission of syphilis because these
activities may lead to risky sexual behavior

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