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Name: ____________________________ DATE DUE: ________________________

Essay Steps:

1. Plan
Write your plan for your paper.

Your position statement
Your ideas about how you will write your paper
A list of your topic sentences
What strategies you will use to write a well argued paper

2. Research

Based on discussion in class, find at least 6 valid resources that you will consider to support your
Choose the 3 you think best supports your argument

3. Write your draft

You should first write a rough draft of your paper

4. Feedback

Before writing your final paper, it is always important to have someone else read it, and provide
you with some of their thoughts and ideas about your paper

You should try to incorporate some of the feedback from your conference
Have a peer, parent, or outside people read it and tell you what they think

5. Write your final draft

 Name
 Date
 Class
 All of your feedback forms and drafts (even if they have writing on them)
 Bibiliography

6. Reflect

Think about how this paper went for you, and be prepared to discuss these questions in class

How did you get started?

Did you follow your plan?
How did you decide if a resource was reliable?
Did you get help from anyone else?
Does your paper make sense to you?

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