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India Localization

with respect to SD

Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | Dec 18th 2004

Modus Operandi
Session - I
Introduction to Indian Taxes
Different Sales processes.
CENVAT Concept
CENVAT Rules and Terminologies
CENVAT and Sales Process.
Base for the CENVAT Credit.
Tax Procedures.
India Localization Configurations in SD.
Master Data.
SAP Easy Access settings Relevant For India Localization.

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Hi… Let us Discuss, What are Indian Taxes and how they are differentiated.

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Indian tax structure
It is of Two Types.
1.Direct Tax.
2.Indirect Tax.
Direct Tax – It consists of the Capital tax and Personnel income tax.
Indirect Tax – Indirect tax constitutes Excise duties, Sales Taxes and Service taxes.
Excise duties :
 It must be a duty on the goods;
The goods must be excisable;
The goods must be manufactured or produced;
The manufacture or production has to be within India.

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Excise Duties is Mainly based on 4 M’s
1.It Must be Mentioned in Excise laws.
2.It Must be Movable.
3.It must be Manufactured.
4.It is valuable to Money.
Excise duty is a duty on production or manufacture of goods. It is a tax
levied on manufacture of goods and the liability to pay excise duty arises
immediately on manufacture or production of goods

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Once manufacture of goods is complete, excise duty is payable, whether the goods are
sold or self-consumed. Excise duty does not depend on the end use of the goods.
Excise Duty is a tax on manufacture of goods but for the sake of administrative
convenience, it is collected only on removable of goods from the factory.
Sales Tax :
Sales Tax is a tax on Sales and can be imposed only when there is a Sale.

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Difference between Excise duty and Sales Tax.
Central Excise Duty has to be distinguished from Sales Tax. Sales Tax is a tax on Sales and
can be imposed only when there is a Sale. On the other hand, Excise Duty is a duty on
the manufacture of the goods. So, duty can be imposed immediately after goods are
manufactured. Whether these goods are sold are not is immaterial.

For example: If a Company manufactures soap within the factory for its own use, there
will be no sales tax on the soap. However, the soap will be liable to pay excise duty as it
has been manufactured.

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Types of excise duties
Under the excise laws, the following are the various types of duties, which are
Basic Excise duty : Excise duty that is levied at the time of the Goods removal,
either it is for sales or for own consumption.
Additional Excise Duty : Excise duty that is Levied to protect the local
industries. This is varies depending on the products.
Special Excise duties :Excise duty that is levied in order control the competition
between the states, for example, one state may give more subsidies in order to
attract the investments or to encourage the industries of that state.

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Additional Duty on specified items under the Act : If the Tariff
Commission set up by law recommends that in order to protect the
interests of industry, the Central Government may levy additional duties at
the rate recommended on specified goods.

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Different Sales Process

1.Sales From Factory.

Stock transfers.
2.Sales From Depot.
Scrap Sales.
Auction Sales especially for Scrap.
Job works.

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Sales From Factories.

In the Process of Manufacturing the Factory uses two kinds of materials.

Input Material:
Is defined as the one which loses its own identity in the finished product.

Capital Goods:
Is defined as the one which does NOT lose its’ own identity in the finished goods.

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Sales from Factory

Capture EI

Excise Invoice
Supplying Plant Dispatch

Add up to Excise Duty Payable A/c

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Stock transfers.

In Stock transfers we will transfer the Materials from Plant to plant and
Plant to Stock yards.
Usually in the stock transfers we create the excise invoice while the goods
is moving from plant to Stock yard.
From stockyard to customer usually we are not going to create the Excise
invoice, because stock which is coming in to the Stock is not an input, it is
just a transfer from one place to other.
There is no price escalations here.

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Depot process

Depot is also almost same as Stock yards, and here also we are transferring
goods from Plant to Depot, but the difference is in Depots, are Price
escalations. In Depots goods is coming as input.
Transactions can happen through two scenarios:
Scenario1: Depot receives goods from the company’s factory through stock
Scenario 2: Depot procures goods directly from external sources.

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Depot Process:
For Doing Goods Receipt:

Scenario 1: Stock Transfer

Step1: Do GR (Transaction code:MB01)
Step 2: Excise Invoice Capture at Depot (Transaction Code: J1IG)

Scenario 2:
Step 1: Do GR (Transaction Code: MIGO)
Step 2: Excise Invoice Capture at Depot (Transaction Code: J1IG)

At the time of Sale:

Sales Order  Delivery  J1IJ (always requires a delivery

number)  PGI  Billing

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Sales From Depot



Excise Invoice
Plant Depot Dispatch

Add up to the Excise Duty Payable A/c

Reduce the Quantity

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Export Process
 In the process of Exports duty under bond is not payable and the
goods move out from the factory against an ARE1.

 However, goods not under bond move out of the factory by paying the
duty and refund is separately claimed on showing proof of export I.e.
shipping bill.

In case of Deemed Exports, the same procedure is followed as in

exports, However, the form used is ARE3.

Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10

What is CENVAT…!?

Commonly used word, when ever discussing on Indian Tax.

CENVAT : Amount that is paid on the value that is added at that time of
sale to the government.
For Ex.

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Rs.100 ED: Rs.10 Rs.500 ED:Rs.50




Rs.50 ED: Rs.5 Input Tax credit availed: Rs.15

Tax liability: OTL – CENVAT credit

Rs.35: Rs.50 – Rs 15
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The Cenvat Credit in respect of inputs may be taken immediately on receipt of the inputs.
The Cenvat credit in respect of Capital Goods received in a factory at any point of time in
a given financial year shall be taken only for an amount not exceeding fifty percent of the
duty paid on such capital goods in the same financial year and the balance of Cenvat
Credit may be taken in any subsequent financial year.
The Cenvat credit shall be allowed even if any inputs or capital goods as such or after
being partially processed are sent to a job worker for further processing, testing, repair
etc. and it is established from the records that the goods are received back in the factory
within180 days of their being sent to a job worker.
Where any inputs are used in the final products which are cleared for export, the Cenvat
Credit in respect of the inputs so used shall be allowed to be utilized towards payment of
duty on any final product cleared for home consumption and where for any reason such
adjustment is not possible, the manufacture shall be allowed refund of such amount.

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Rule 1. Short title, extent and commencement.-
Rule  2. Definitions.-
“Act” “capital goods” “Customs Tariff Act” “exempted goods” “final products” “first stage dealer” an importer
“input” “manufacturer” or “producer”
Rule 3. CENVAT credit.- 
Rule   4. Conditions for allowing CENVAT credit.-
Rule   5. Refund of CENVAT credit.-   
Rule   6. Obligation of manufacturer of dutiable and exempted goods.-
Rule   7. Documents and accounts.-
Rule 8.   Transfer of CENVAT credit.-
Rule 9. Transitional provision
Rule 10. Special dispensation in respect of inputs manufactured in factories located in specified areas of North East
region and Kutch district of Gujarat.-
Rule 11. Power of Central Government to notify goods for deemed CENVAT credit.-
Rule 12. Recovery of CENVAT credit wrongly taken.- 
Rule 13. Confiscation and penalty.-
Rule 14. Supplementary provision

Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10


So far…

Overview of Indian Tax Structure.

What is Excise Duty and Types of Excise duties?
What are CENVAT Rules?
What is CENVAT credit?
How and when CENVAT is availed?

Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10

Tax procedures and Registers.

How we are going for the CENVAT credit in SAP and What is the Base for IT.
Answer is Tax procedures and Excise registers.
What are these.
Now we will going to discuss on Tax Procedures.
SAP provides following std. tax procedure for country India
Formula based tax procedure TAXINJ
Condition based tax procedure TAXINN
Currently From 4.7 we are using TAXINN.

Settings needed in SAP for TAXINN

First we need to Maintain TAXINN procedure as shown in the slide.

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Menu path – SPRO – Logistic General – Tax on goods on movement – India –
Basic Settings – Determination of Excise duty – Maintain Excise defaults.

Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10

Then we need to assign the Tax procedure TAXINN to county India As shown
Menu path – SPRO – Logistic General – Tax on goods on movement – India –
Basic Settings – Determination of Excise duty – Select Tax Calculation

Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10

Sales and Distribution Pricing procedure.

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Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10
Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10
Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10
What is Excise register and how many are they.
How the Excise registers are using at Different Business Scenarios and How hese are
Excise register.
Excise Laws require you to maintain a number of registers in a specified format relating to
excise duty. They have to be printed out monthly and shown to the authorities in the event
of an audit. The SAP captures this requirement.
Type of Registers:

Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10

Excise registers.

RG23A: Raw Material

The entries pertaining to quantity will go into RG 23 Part I and that of duty will go into Part II
in the appropriate duty column. i.e. Basic Excise, SED, Additional duty, etc

RG23C: Capital Goods

RG23CI-Part I entry: Excise stock entry at the time of GR (only quantity)
RG23CII-Part II entry: Credit entry of Capital goods (only value)

RG-I : Finished Goods (only Quantity)

The finished goods (manufactured, sub-contracted or gained) and sales or stock transfer are
entered in the RG I Register
Register RG I is updated after creation of an excise invoice while dispatching the goods from
the factory premises with reference a commercial invoice or a pro-forma invoice

RG23D: Depot (this indicates both the Quantity and the amount)

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Factory Process- Registers
RG23 A – Part I & Part II

Material is received in the factory as “for Quality

inspection” or “for Direct Input”.

Material after “Quality Inspection” or when used as

“Direct Input” will go into the RG 23 A Registers.

The entries pertaining to quantity will go into RG 23

Part I and that of duty will go into Part II in the
appropriate duty column. i.e. Basic Excise, SED,
Additional duty, etc.

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Depot Process:
 The RG 23 D register is used to update the excise entries in case of
Exciseable Depots.

The Excise duty is payable when the goods are sent from the factory.
However, it is not levied again when the goods are sent from the

 However, while taking sale from the DEPOT and if price escalations
happen, then the extra excise is paid using a A certificate. These
details are entered in the RG23 D register and excise recovered from
the customer.

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Depot Process

Transactions can happen through two scenarios:

Scenario1: Depot receives goods from the company’s factory

through stock transfer.
Scenario 2: Depot procures goods directly from external sources.

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Transaction Codes relevant For Registers.

Activity SAP Transactions

Register Updates J1I5

RG23 A (Part I & II and RG I)

Register Extraction J2I5

Register Printing J2I6

Utilization J2IU

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So Far We discussed on

Tax Procedures
Pricing Procedure Relevant to SD.
CENAVT registers
Transaction Codes.

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Tax/Excise Duty set up for MM & SD

Basic Settings
Master Data
Account Determination
Business Transactions

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Basic Settings

Excise Registration ID’s

Company Code Settings
Plant Settings
Excise Groups
Series Groups
Excise Duty Indicators

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Excise Registration ID’s

A number assigned to each premises or

location that has registered as a manufacturer
with the excise authorities.

Mention whether AED, SED, CESS

applicable. If blank will not be available for

Max no. of line

items in outgoing EI
Permits deductible /
non deductible ED
at GR

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Company Code Settings
User can edit
Dr account
during JV
Utilizes from First month for
PLA in JV excise year

Excise invoice

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Plant Settings
Plant defined as Depot
or not

Multiple plants to one

Excise Registration ID

GRs per EI can be set as

Multi GR – Multi Credit
Multi GR – Single credit
Single GR

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Excise Groups

Excise Reg ID linked

to Excise group &

Depot definition at
Excise Grp & Plant

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Series Groups

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Excise Tax Indicators

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Account Determination
Describe which excise accounts (for excise duty and CENVAT) are to be
posted to for the various transaction types including sub transaction type if

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During transactions system determines which G/L accounts to post to by
looking at the:
Excise group, Company code & Chart of accounts

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SD settings Relevant to India Localization.

Assigning Billing types to Delivery Types.

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Maintain Excise Defaults.

Maintain the Excise Defaults in order determine Excise group and Series
Group Automatically at the time of Excise invoice creation.

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Maintain Utilization Determination.

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Maintain Scripts for Registers.

Maintain the Excise registers Form along with company code to get the
Print out put for Excise Registers.

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CIN – Master - J1ID

Maintain Chapter ID’s

Excise Duty Indicators
Determination of Excise Duty
Material and Chapter ID Combination
Customer Excise Details
Excise Indicator for plant.
Excise Indicator for Plant and Customer.

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J1ID Screen.

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Excise rate Determination
Get SSI Yes Is the
duty Customer
Rates. SSI?

No Get Ch ID Get Customer

Of the Excise
Get material indicator
Excep Yes Excp rates
duty Maintained? Get plant
rates Excise

No Get final
Get rate
Based on
Ex Ind & CH ID

Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10

Let us Discuss on Sap Easy Access relevant to India Localization.
1.Creation Excise Invoice.
Updating the Registers.
Extracting Registers.
Print registers.
Utilization determination.
Pass JV by using J1IH.

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Creation Of Excise invoice

We will create the Excise invoice with reference to Commercial invoice it

may be Proforma or Normal invoice.

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Register Updation By using J1I5.

First We need to update the RG1 register by selecting the class RMA and

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Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10
Once u complete the RG1 updation with RMA and
ROP we need to do for IDH for ISSUES

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Then continue the next step as shown in Slide 55.
it gives the following result.

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Extract the Excise registers.
We need select the RG1 in the initial screen and execute.

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System give the following screen.Click on

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Print the Excise register.

To do this First we need to maintain the Values in table J_2IRG1BAL as


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Too print Excise registers use T.C. J2I6, System
gives the all details of RG1 Register.

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CENVAT Utilization

Payment to be made to Excise Department for the Self –Removals for

the last month.

Utilization to be done against the last month’s incoming excise duties

and CVD.

CENVAT utilization to be done before the 5th of next month.

Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10

CENVAT Availment and Utilization
On-Line Transactions
Credit CENVAT Sales Excise
on-hold A/c CENVAT on hold Despatch
Invoice Process
for Capital goods
Debit ED Payable A/C

Vendor Excise
Invoice Process
Debit CENVAT A/c Excise Duty
CENVAT Account
Credit CENVAT A/c Payable Account

Credit ED Payable A/C

Fortnightly Transactions

Deposit funds in PLA

Select Excise Duty Utilization
Register Transaction

Credit PLA A/c

PLA Account
Debit PLA A/c

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Do Fortnight Utilization of cenvat.

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Pass JV by using J1iH,
Use of JV is to adjust amount in RG23A and RG23C

In JV we use other adjustments to Debit the amount from the Registers.

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Additional excise is used to Credit the Registers
through J1IH.

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Important Things to Know

Determination of Excise Rate in Sales and Distribution

Information on Tax Procedure and Conditions

FI Entries related to Excise taking place in SD

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Determination of ED Rate in Sales and Distribution
Settings for the same done through Transaction Code J1ID

Material: Material Chapter ID

Customer Excise Details: Excise Indicator for Customer
Plant Excise Details: Excise Indicator for Plant
Excise Indicator Customer + Excise Indicator Plant = Excise Indicator Final
Material Chapter ID + Excise Indicator Final = Excise Tax Rate

Refer Slide No.27

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FI Entries related to Excise in SD
During the passing of Billing document to Accounting: (VF02, Release to
Dr Customer Rs. 125/-
Cr Sale Rs. 100/-
Cr Excise Duty Recoverable Rs. 16/-
Cr Taxes Rs.9/-
During creation of Excise Invoice: (J1IIN)
Dr Excise Duty Recoverable Rs.16/-
Cr Excise Duty Payable Rs.16/-
During Monthly Utilization: (J2IU)
Dr Excise Duty Payable Rs. 16/-
Cr CENVAT Clearing Rs.16/-

Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10

Information on Tax Procedure and Conditions
Menu Path:
SPRO  Financial Accounting  Financial Accounting Global Settings  Tax on
Sale and Purchase  Define Procedure
Procedure: TAXINJ
The various Condition types applicable in SD are:
•Excise Conditions: JMOD, JSED, JAED , JCES, etc.
•Tax Conditions:JIN1, JIN2,etc.
•Excise Conditions are statistical. Since, these are determined from SD pricing
•Tax conditions are non-statistical. Since, these are determined from TAXINJ
•While defining tax codes (using Transaction Code: FTXP), to maintain Excise
Duty (JMOD) as a changeable field, remove statistical check and maintain 100%
for JMOD. After the changes are made, one has to again put the statistical checks
in procedure TAXINJ
Copyright © 2003 Bristlecone, Inc. | April 14 2004 10
Lets Clarify our Doubts…

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