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International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest 2009 Koolier 1 Ecolicr Level: cass (3 & 4) ‘Max Time: 2 Hours 3-Point Problems 1. 200 x 9420049 = (A) L909 (B) 2009 2, Whose is the sssiley? a (A) In the (B) In the circle and in the square, but not in the triangle le and in the triangle, but not in the square 8, Four sticks have 8 ends, How many ends do six and a half sticks have? (Ay tt {B) 13 4. On the display there is a unmber 930 (sew the picture). How snany Tittle square lighls smnst be swibched 01 in order (0 obtain number 806? (ays (B) 6 B. Mow Tis bought, 16 apples, Marian ate Till of Maer, Navish ate two and Salons ate the rest. How many apples did Salus et? (Aya (B)6 6. ins dheew a dice four times sud she abt she get 6 spots? (Ay3 (B)4 al a total af 28 spots. How aesauy Ciewes dic 7. A movie is 90 cuinutes long, Tt stesrted at 17:10. Tu the middle there were two commercial breaks, one lasting eight minutes and one lasting, five minutes. At what tae did the movie finish? (A) At 1817 (B) Ap 18:53 2 International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest 2009 Koolier 8. There are 25 boys and 19 girls in he singing group. Every week 2 more boys and 3 more giels joie the singing geoup. After low any weeks there will be Ue same aumber of boys and girls ia the singing gromp? (Aya (Bs 9. Nanman was dividing a choenlate, He broke one row of 5 pieres for his brother and then one row of 7 pieces for his sister ina way you see on the picture, How many pieces did the whole chocolate consist. of? (A) 40 (B) 35 10. A white and a black goat weigh 320 kilos allogether. The black goat weighs 32 kilos more than the white goat. How much does the while goat weigh? (A) ttt kg (B) 170 kg 11. Pichure X is the partner of picture Y. Which of the following, pichures is the partner of oe x ¥ G (a) (B) 12. One side of the rectangle is 8 em To of a side of a squsare whose perinseter while the other is half ws long. What is the length oe scare as Ve periuneter of ie recanghe? (A) tea (B) Gew 13. Ajaz made a table from small cubes (see the picture). How many cubes did he use? (A) 28 (B) az International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest 2009 Koolier 14, Thre squirrels Auni, Asia and Pinky collected 7 auts. They all collected different ram: ber of nuts, but cach of them found at least one. Anni collected the least, Asia the most of All. How inany nuts did Pinky find? (at (B)2 18. Which figure we can not make will the dosninoss| (A) : (B)I ts 16. A farmer has 30 cows, some chickens but no other animals, ‘Lhe total umber of legs of the chickens is equal to the total number of legs of the cows. How many animals altogether does the farmer have? (A) 60 (B) 90 17. A secret agent wants to break a 6-digit code, He knows that the sum of the digits in the even positions is equal to the sum of the digits in the odd positions. Which of the following numbers could be the code? (A) 12*948 (B) 1s1'2* 18. Alinad collects photos of faunous sportsmen, Fach year the number of his photos equals the sum of the numbers of his photos in the previous (wo years. Tn 2008 he bad 68 photos and this year he hess 96 photos. How many phates did te have ia 20062 (A) 30 (Bu 19. The as Tred, 1 blue, 1 yellow, and 1 while Nower. Maja, the bee, visite every Rower in the buckel only once, She starts with the red flower, and she aloes mot Ay dicectly frows the yellow one to the white one, Tn how sissy ways cass Maja visit all the flowers? (Aya (B) 4 20, In the fand Funuyfect the left foot of cach man is two sizes bigger than his right foot whercas the left foot of each woman is one size bigger. However shoes are always sold in pairs of the same size. ‘fo save moncy, a group of fricuds bought shocs together. After they all put on the shoes that fitted them, there wre exactly two shoes left over, one of the size 36 and another of size 45, What is the smallest possible number of people iu the group? (Aya (B) 6

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