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Festivals and Holidays

A festival is an event, usually and ordinarily staged by a local community, which

centres on and celebrates some unique aspect of that community.

A holiday is a day designated as having special significance for which individuals, a

government, or a religious group . It is generally an official or unofficial observance
of religious, national, or cultural significance, often accompanied by celebrations or

Think of a festival or holiday, do not tell your partner. Allow your partner to
ask you some of the questions below. Can they guess which it is?

• When is it celebrated?
• Is it celebrated as a family or a group?
o Does your family celebrate this holiday?
o Has your family always celebrated this holiday? If not, when did you
start celebrating it?
• When does the celebration for this holiday generally start?
• Is it a religious holiday?
o Which religion celebrates it?
o Is attending a temple or a church on that day part of the celebration?
o Are there specific prayers or blessings that go with the holiday?
• Are there special foods connected with the holiday?
o Have you eaten any of these foods?
o Do you or did you like the foods?
o Can you make these foods? Are you good at making them?
• Is gift giving a part of this holiday?
o Are there specific types of gifts to be given?
o Who are they given to?
• What are some of the things that are done to show that this holiday is being
• Is it strictly an Italian holiday?
• What does the holiday stand for? Why is this holiday celebrated?
• Are the banks, post offices or schools closed for this holiday?
• Is there is a person or god connected with the holiday?
• Are there parties?
o Are these for adults, children or both?
• What do you usually do for this holiday?
o What did you do last year?
o What would you like to do next year?

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