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Skeleton – gives shape and support to the body

-- protects the underlying organs from injury
. – aids in muscle movement and locomotion
 exoskeleton – formed outside the animals body (insects, lobsters, and
 endoskeleton – formed within the body (man and other vertabrates)

Vertebrate Skeleton
 axial skeleton – includes the skull, backbone(vertebrae), ribs, and
breast bone(sternum)
o skull – made up of fused bones – the cranium or the body case
immediately around the brain and bones of the face.
o backbone – made up of thirty three separate vertebrae.
o ribs – series of flat bones which support the chest wall and keep it
from collapsing as the diaphragm contracts; twelve pairs: first
seven are attached ventrally to the breast bone, the next three are
attached indirectly by cartilages and the last two have no
attachments to the breast bone (floating ribs)
 appendicular skeleton – includes the bones of the paired appendages
and pelvic girdles.



joint – point of junction between two bones.

 immovable – as in skull
 ball and socket – as in femur(thigh bone) to the hip bone
 hinge joints – as in knee
 pivot joints – as in the wrists and ankles
cartilage – reduces friction between two bones
tendons – attach muscles to the bones
ligaments – connect bones

Bone – building material of the skeleton

-- 25% water, 45% mineral deposits(mainly calcium combined with
either phosphate or carbonate)
bone formation is controlled by:
- hormones(parathyroid hormone)
- vitamin A, C, and D
- minerals like calcium

Structure of the long bone(such as the femur):

 periosteum – outer tough covering
 compast bone – under the periosteum; contains deposits of mineral
matter and protein fibers.
 spongy bone – interior to the compact bone; composed of a network
or connective tissues.
 marrow – hollow interiors and contain a soft tissue; richly supplied
with blood vessels and nerves
o red bone marrow – found in spongy bones and the end of long bones,
flat bones such as ribs and sternum, and in vertebrae; manufactures
red blood cells and white blood cells.
o yellow bone marrow – composed mostly of fat cells and nerves as
energy reserve; fills the shaft of long bone.

Bone Defects
 arthritis – inflamed tissues around a joint
 hypertrophied bones – toes that are larger than normal bones
 rickets – lack of vitamin D

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