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land banks, and for other purposes, the Clerk of the House is authorized'
and directed to strike out the word "basic" where it appears in
Ante. P . subsection (3) of section 8.
Passed, May 10, 1933.


[S.Con.Res. No. 2.]
The Constitution
Declaration and
of Inde- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representativesconcurring), That
Printing of, as Senate
pendence. the Constitution of the United States, as amended to April 1, 1933,
document ordered, together with the Declaration of Independence, be printed as a
Senate document, with an index, in such form and style as may be
Distribution. directed by the Joint Committee on Printing, and that three thousand
five hundred additional copies be printed, of which one thousand
copies shall be for the use of the Senate and two thousand five hundred
copies for the use of the House of Representatives.
Passed, June 13, 1933.

June 13, 1933. BANKING ACT OF 1933

I[H.Con.Res. No. 23.]
Ante, Act of 1933.
p. 162. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That
Corrections enroll- the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed,
ment of, directed. in the enrollment of the bill (H.R. 5661) entitled "An Act to provide
for the safer and more effective use of the assets of banks, to regulate
interbank control, to prevent the undue diversion of funds into specu-
lative operations, and for other purposes", to make the following
necessary changes in the language of the bill:
Ante, p. 179. In the first sentence of the second paragraph of subsection (y) of
section 12B (added by the bill to the Federal Reserve Act, as amended),
insert after "State bank" and before the parenthesis the words
", which term shall also include all banking institutions located in
the District of Columbia"; and in the same sentence, strike out
"State authority" and insert "authority".
In the seventh paragraph of subsection (1) of such section 12B,
after "Corporation" insert a comma and "or a member of the Fund
provided for in subsection (y) ".
In the last paragraph of such subsection (y), strike out the word
"title" and insert in lieu thereof the word "section".
Passed, June 13, 1933.

June 16, 1933. ADJOURNMENT

[H.Con.Res. No. 24.]
AdjournmentofCon- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That
gress, June 16,1933. the two Houses of Congress shall adjourn on Friday, the 16th day of
June 1933, and that when they adjourn on said day they stand
adjourned sine die.
Passed, June 16, 1933.

HeinOnline -- 48 Stat. 1322 1928-1934

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