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Thinks are changing

(Present continuous tense)

1. Make sentences using the correct form of the verb

Example: She’s sitting near the window.

1. I’m…… egg for breakfast. (eat)

2. She’s……. (work)

3. He’s…..about museum (explain)

4. Charlie’s…….German. (study)

5. He’s…… an antiques. (buy)

6. They’re…..French. (learn)

2. Put the correct order

Example: Bat TV is watching. -Bat is watching TV.

1. I my helping am mother -

2. We orange are juice drinking -

3. he information giving is -

4. Secretary with him speaking is -

5. Cindy cooking is -

6. The visiting our is country president in -

3. Listening and fill the correct words

A..……….is this tennis racket?

B. It’s………. .

A. What’s it doing here?

B. I’m …… this afternoon.

4. Translate this dialogue into Mongolian.

Mr Long: Hello, Could I speak to Mr Erdenebat’s secretary, please?

Secretary: This is Mr.Erdenebat’s secretary speaking.
Mr Long: Oh, hello. This is Phil Long from the USAID.
Secretary: What can I do for you?
Mr Long: I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr. Erdenebat.
I want to discuss our conference with him.
Secretary: Monday or Friday is OK. Which would be convenient for you?
Mr Long: Monday will be fine. Is 10 a.m. possible?
Secretary: Monday? OK. I’ll tell Mr. Erdenebat.
Mr Long: Thank you very much for your help. Bye.
Secretary: You’re welcome. Goodbye.

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