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It looks like a hat

Look adjective, look like + noun

1. Look at the photos and imagine what each thing is.


c. d.

1.b In pairs, discuss the possibilities. Who was more imaginative, you or your partner?

I think it’s a I agree. I don’t agree. I think

pencil case. it’s a ….....

2. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of look or look like.

1. Anand: Beth, you……great.

Beth: Thanks. You do, too.
2. Josh: Zulaa, what is that?
Zulaa: It…….a school bag.
3. Beth: You…….different in this picture.
Zulaa: I know. I……….a boy.
4. Anand: Wow! Your hair………cool today.
Josh: Do you think so? I don’t like it.
5. Beth: Anand, who is that?
Anand: It……Mr. White, but I’m not sure. He’s too far away.
6. Josh: What do you wear if you want to……trendy?
Beth: Mmm, let me think. I think I wear bright-colored tops.

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