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Adventure sports

So + adjective, such + nouns

1. Match words in column A to pictures

a d b

c e

f g


Sky climbing
Wind diving
Car diving
Rock racing
Bike jumping
Bungee boarding
Scuba racing
2. Choose the correct word. Such or so?

1. I think rock climbing is so / such an interesting sport.

2. I feel so / such excited by car racing.

3. Scuba diving is so / such an exciting experience.

4. We were so / such shocked by the climbing accident.

5. My friends were so / such disappointed with the results of the sports competition.

6. Flying in the sky is so / such a wonderful feeling.

7. My parents feel so / such worried when I go car racing.

8. Bungee jumping is so / such a scary sport.

3. Circle the correct words.

1. Golf / a golfer is a popular sport in the world among rich people.

2. My brother wanted to become a wrestler / wrestling when he was a child.

3. My friends want basketball player / to play basketball in the evening.

4. Our school athletes / athletics won the competition last year.

5. He made a new world record in swimmer / swimming in 1999.

6. Lhagva is a professional boxing / boxer in Mongolia.

7. Look! It is so dangerous. How can they gymnast / do gymnastics.

8. My uncle really likes football / play football.

4. Complete the sentences with so or such. Add a / an if necessary.

1. My mum thinks skate boarding is …………………dangerous sport.

2. My friend feels………………depressed when he loses a race.

3. Bungee jumping is ………….wonderful experience.

4. We were………………interested to see the football match.

5. I was ……………….scared when I first experienced scuba diving.

6. Sky diving is……………….exciting sport.

7. He was…………shocked by the car accident.

8. We went rock climbing. It was…………….exciting experience.

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